Blake Brothers

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Blake Brothers Page 7

by Ford, Hope

  She pulls back from me. “I love you, Jack Blake.”

  Our daughter runs over to us, wanting in on some of the kisses. I pick her up and kiss her cheek before turning back to my wife. “I love you too, Mrs. Emily Blake. Forever.”

  Never Been Kissed


  I don’t second guess myself, I hit send.

  I’m sure that Krissy is wondering “What the hell, why is the nerd from high school contacting me?” But I figure after all this time, and so many missed opportunities, it is now or never.

  My brother Jason is getting married in two days. The photographer cancelled and Jason and his bride-to-be are both freaking out. Without even thinking about it, I told them I knew someone perfect and would take care of it for them. As soon as they said “photographer,” Krissy, the woman I’ve loved since high school, popped into my head. Not that she’s ever far from my thoughts, though.

  Even back then I knew I was in love with her. And I’m not talking about a small crush that you have and then wake up one day realizing it wasn’t for real. No. I’m talking about bona fide, heart-racing love that about takes your breath away.

  In high school, she was smart, popular, the homecoming queen and head cheerleader. All of those things are great, but the real her, well, she’s amazing. She never had an unkind word for anyone, she didn’t care if you were popular or not, she was willing to be your friend. She almost always rooted for the underdog. And when she talked to you, you felt like you were the only person that mattered.

  And four years ago, I finally worked up enough nerve to ask her out. I stare at my computer screen, lost in thought about my senior year of high school.

  It was one of those rare times that she wasn’t surrounded by people. She was walking down the hallway and for the first time her head was hung down low. She was usually smiling at everyone and everything. I stood up straighter, shoved my books into my locker and then shut it easy before striding to the middle of the hallway so I could talk to her.

  She kept walking and instead of moving out of the way, I gripped her shoulders. A sob left her lips and I didn’t know what to say to her. Talking to people is not really my thing. I went through four years of this school and probably only talked to ten people. I was the class nerd. I wore glasses and I was the smartest person in the school. When she still didn’t look up at me, I asked her quietly, “Krissy, are you okay?”

  She shrugged her shoulders and because I didn’t know what to do, I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly. It was the closest I had ever been to a girl and I could feel my body reacting in unusual ways. I counted to ten in my head, trying to calm myself, but having her in my arms was everything.

  She was rigid at first, but then she softened and her arms went around my waist.

  I leaned back so I was looking into her face. I brushed the hair away and asked, “What happened? What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” She cleared her throat and pulled out of my arms. I wanted to stop her and hold her to me, but I didn’t. Her voice was soft and I had to lean in just to hear her. “I’m fine. Sorry for running into you.” The corner of her lips lifted into a small smile and then she walked away, with her perfume still lingering around me.

  I watched her go. That was the last time that we ever talked. I saw her plenty of times after that, and she would give me a small smile, but she always walked away.

  We graduated. She moved away and went to work at a photography studio. I never went to college, it wasn’t my thing. I have always been really good with computers and have made money doing online security for major companies. More than enough money to live off of until I’m old and gray.

  A ping comes out of the speakers of my laptop. She’s replied.

  Jared? My goodness, I can’t believe it’s you.

  I don’t wait. I don’t want to lose my nerve. The photographer for my brother’s wedding cancelled. Are you available to shoot it this weekend?

  As in two days from now?

  Yes, I message her back.

  Where’s the wedding?


  I’m in Nashville. I would love to, but I’m trying to open my new studio and funds are tight right now. I’m sorry. I would have loved to have seen you.

  I start to type ‘I know’ but quickly delete it. Her profile doesn’t have her location on it and I’m sure if I tell her I know she’s in Nashville then she’s going to know something’s up. The truth is, I’ve kept tabs on her the last four years. Well, electronic tabs. I know everything she posts, the storefront she’s looking at, hell, I follow her Pinterest board and know exactly what she wants her studio to look like, her future house to look like. I know way more than I probably should. But I can’t apologize for it.

  I’m trying not to sound desperate, but I have to get her here. I need to come up with something and quick. I’m going to pay her and I about type $50k but I figure that would probably scare her off. That’s a little crazy even for me. Even though I’ve seen her work and she is one of the best.

  I would pay you. I figure if you travel here for the rehearsal dinner, the wedding and if you could stay a few days afterwards I would love to have you take some pictures of property I’m trying to sell. $25,000? And of course I’ll pay for travel, food and lodging.

  Her profile moves down the message so I know she has seen it. But after a few seconds, she doesn’t reply.

  $30,000? I type and hit send. I don’t even think about it, I’ll pay whatever I have to to get her here.

  The little bubble pops up to let me know she’s typing. No! That’s crazy. If you pay for lodging, food and travel I will do it for free. I don’t feel right charging you.

  * * *


  You want to talk about a surprise. I can’t believe it’s been four years since I’ve seen or heard from Jared and when I do he’s offering to pay me $30,000 to come and take pictures. How does he even know I’m a photographer now?

  Jared was always quiet in school. He usually had his nose in a book or a computer. He was nice to me though. I think back to my senior year. I had just found out my parents were getting a divorce and fell apart in the hallway. He held me, and I swear I can still remember how it felt to be in his arms. After that, I was embarrassed. I had always liked him, but I knew he didn’t think of me like that so I avoided him.

  $30K Krissy. That’s the deal. Can you fly out Friday morning?

  I should probably tell him yes to the money. I could definitely use it. It would be a big help, but I was honest when I told him that I didn’t feel right letting him pay me. I know we weren’t close in high school. But to this day, I’ve always thought of him as a friend.

  Yes. We’ll talk about payment when I get there.

  I’ll send you the travel itinerary, tickets and traveling money in the morning.

  I stare at my computer and the bubbles pop up letting me know he’s typing something. I can’t wait to see you again, Krissy.

  I sit back in my chair and insecurity comes over me. I shouldn’t let it and normally I wouldn’t but I want him to like me. I look down at the extra padding on my stomach and thighs. He’s probably expecting the cheerleader from high school and that’s not who I am. Not anymore.

  I close my laptop and lie down, dreaming of him.


  I arrived at the airport an hour early. I wanted to make sure I had time to park and wait for her. I’m standing next to the security line, watching passengers arrive. Her plane just landed and she should be walking by any time now. I scan the crowd looking for her. There are people squealing, hugging each other and excited around me, but I don’t take my eyes off the revolving door.

  When I see someone with long blond hair behind a taller man, my body instantly tightens. I know it’s her. I don’t take my eyes off her. The man walking beside her is talking to her and she laughs. My fists clench at my sides, but it doesn’t sway me.

  She looks up when she gets twenty feet away and even from he
re I can see the surprise on her face. She stumbles and the man next to her holds her up. I barely contain my growl before I stride over to them.

  I stand before her awkwardly. We just stand here, people walking all around us. The man that was next to her walks on after telling her bye. She doesn’t even notice.

  “Jared?” Shock fills her voice. “Is that you? I mean of course it’s you, but you look so different. My God.” She says those words and then looks down my body. When her eyes climb back up me and land on mine again, she smacks her hands across her mouth.

  I smile at her and take my turn to look down her body. She too is different from high school. But I already know that since I follow her on all her social media. She has on tennis shoes, leggings and a wide neck red shirt. I try not to stare at her breasts before moving back up to her eyes. “Krissy, you’re even more beautiful.”

  I open my arms to hug her and she hesitates briefly before entering my embrace. I hold on to her then. The feel of her sweet curves against me has my cock hardening in my pants.

  I pull back from her, not wanting to embarrass her.

  Her face is flushed and she tugs at the bottom of her shirt. “Yeah, I’m a little different from high school, too. Not the cheerleader anymore.”

  I turn my head sideways, trying to understand what she’s saying. I may look the jock part now, but I’m still not completely sure about all the social niceties. When she won’t look into my eyes, I guess that she’s embarrassed… maybe because she’s gained some weight since high school.

  But do you tell a woman you like her curves? The longer I stand here not saying anything, the more her face turns a darker shade of red.

  Finally, I ball up and just say what I’m thinking. “You were beautiful in high school, Krissy, but nothing could have prepared me to see you now. You’re breathtakingly beautiful… plus, I love curves… especially yours.”

  Her eyes flick to mine and I see how much she appreciates what I said. I finally take a breath, one I didn’t know I was holding.

  “Should we go get your luggage?” I ask her and place my hand at the small of her back to lead her to the baggage claim.

  “So what do you do, Jared?” she asks me.

  “I do online security,” I tell her.

  “Online, huh? I guess that explains how I had two thousand dollars in my account this morning. Do you always hack into people’s bank accounts?”

  Laughing at her question, I try not to tense up. If only she knew what all I’ve hacked into. “I needed to get you the travel money. I figured that was the easiest way.”

  “Yeah, I’m not even going to ask how you got my account number. I should be freaked out,” she admits, smiling up at me. I didn’t realize how short she was. Looking down at her small stature, I can’t stop the feelings of protectiveness coming through me.

  We stop walking when we get to the luggage conveyor belt. “I would never do anything to hurt you, Krissy.”

  She grabs on to my arm. “Oh, I know. I was just joking with you.”

  * * *


  I take my hand off his arm and start watching for the luggage. It gives me a small reprieve from looking at him. Which I need. The man is hot. In high school, there was something about him, even with his nerdy ways and his glasses, which I thought were adorable.

  But now, there’s nothing adorable about him. Just looking at him raises my body heat. He’s tall, at least six inches taller than my five foot five. He’s built. Standing next to him almost makes me feel small. And long gone are his glasses. His strong jawline, dark brown hair and big brown eyes would have any woman’s panties melting.

  I stop my hand when I realize I’m fanning myself.

  “Are you hot?” he asks me.

  “Uh, yeah, a little bit. I’m fine though,” I stutter, embarrassed.

  I point to my luggage and he refuses to let me help him. He grabs the two suitcases, one for my clothes and one for all my equipment, and leads me outside to his truck. He puts it all into the back and then opens the door for me.

  I climb into the cab and put my seatbelt on, watching him walk around to the driver’s side. I use that time to take a few deep breaths to try and contain my rapidly beating heart.

  Once he’s inside, he turns to me before starting the engine. “So, uh…”

  When he hesitates, I ask him, “What is it?”

  He strokes his hand across his chin. “Uh, so, I can get you a hotel if you want. But I thought you may want to stay with me.”

  My eyes widen and my eyebrows lift in surprise.

  He immediately turns in his seat and starts the truck up. “Forget it, bad idea. I’ll get you a room at the hotel.”

  I put my hand on his arm. “No, wait. I was just surprised that’s all. Why do you want me to stay with you?”

  He shrugs. “I would worry about you being at a hotel by yourself. At least at my house you would be close by and I could make sure you’re okay.”

  I laugh. “I’m a big girl.”

  He nods his head. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make it awkward.”

  I think about it for a minute, and decide why not? “Okay… I’d like to stay with you.”

  He turns to me with the biggest grin on his face. “Really?”

  “Yeah, sure, it will give us more time to catch up. Plus, it’s not like I just met you or anything. I trust you.”

  He smiles all the way to his house. Every time I look at him, his grin widens.

  We talk small talk, and I ask him about the bride. I remember his older brothers, but I didn’t know them well.

  “Well, Jason is a baseball player now. He met his fiancée, Chelsey, at one of the ballgames and they fell in love. It’s been quick, but she’s going to fit into the family just fine. ”

  “Were they okay with you asking me to take the pictures?” I’ve thought about this a lot. I don’t know any bride that would just turn the task of finding a photographer over to their soon-to-be brother in law.

  “Sure, she actually begged me once I showed her your portfolio.”

  “My portfolio? You been stalking me, Mr. Blake?”

  He winces, but then covers it up with a smile. “Maybe.”


  Once we arrive at my house, I take her on a tour. I explain to her this is one of the properties that I’ll be selling and I’ll want her to take pictures while she’s here.

  I show her the inground pool, the guest house, and when we get back inside she’s twirling around looking at everything. “Jared, this house is stunning. Why are you selling it?”

  “If everything goes as planned, I will be moving soon, so I need to go ahead and get the house on the market.”

  I can see the question in her eyes, but she doesn’t ask it. Which is probably good. How do I explain to her that I’m planning on moving to Nashville to be closer to her? She’d probably run screaming from the house.

  I show her to her room. I could have given her a room on the opposite side of the house but instead I give her the one across from mine. The temptation will kill me, I’m sure, but I want her close.

  I leave her to freshen up for the rehearsal dinner and I go to take a cold shower. The first of many, I’m sure.

  An hour later, I’m standing at the front door, trying to tie my tie.

  “I wasn’t sure. Do I look okay?” she asks from the top of the stairs. I drop my hands to my sides and turn to face her. She’s walking down the stairs in black dress pants, black heels, and a royal blue sparkly blouse. Her hair is in long curly waves down her back. I wish I could say screw it and keep her here to myself.

  “You’re beautiful,” I tell her honestly. Her blue eyes sparkle back at me.

  “I normally would wear a skirt, but if I’m taking pictures, I didn’t want to be showing the world my undies while doing so.”

  I suck in a breath at the mere mention of her panties. Yeah, fuck that, no one needs to be seeing that—no one but me.

I mutter, “Yeah, I’d hate to have to gouge some man’s eyes out.”

  “What was that?”

  I turn back to the mirror. “Oh nothing, I’m having trouble with my tie.”

  She’s standing at my shoulder, looking at me in the mirror. “Let me help you.”

  I turn to face her, and she lifts the tie and ties it perfectly. When she’s done, she smooths it down my flat stomach, and I barely hold my groan in. With her hands on me, standing this close to me, I have no control over myself..

  She steps backward, putting some distance between us, and I release the breath I didn’t know I was holding.

  “Thank you.” I hold my arm out to her. “Ready?”

  She picks up her bags of photo equipment and nods her head. I grab the bags from her and she loops her arm through mine.

  The drive to the church for the rehearsal practice only takes a few minutes. I can tell she’s nervous, so I try to get her talking about the studio she wants to open. She opens up then and I can hear the excitement in her voice. “I’ve wanted this for so long. I may have to put it off for a while, but it’s a dream I plan on making happen. I even have the perfect spot picked out in downtown Nashville. It is right off the main street, so it’s close but not too close. I’m hoping that it stays empty for a little longer. I think I just need a few more weeks before I would be ready… fingers crossed.”

  “I’m sure you’ll be a success, Krissy,” I tell her honestly. I want to tell her not to worry about the building, but I can’t. Not without giving my secret away. And I’m not ready to do that yet.

  The church is full of family when we get there and immediately the wedding planner starts telling everyone what to do and where they need to be. I leave Krissy at a seat to take my position up at the altar next to my brother. I wanted to introduce her to everyone, but they are already in the thick of things. Besides a quick head nod and slap on the back with my brother, we are down to business.


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