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His Twisted Heart : Sons of Lost Souls MC Series Book Nine

Page 17

by Ellie R. Hunter

  He’s right, I don’t want to hear it.

  Victoria knew where I stood from the start. It’s not on me that she caught feelings. Sara came back, wanting closure, yet I got none of it. I need so much more.

  “Tor and me are done. Not that there was much to end.”

  I’m getting real sick of everyone thinking they know shit they don’t. I’ve not breathed a word of what went on between us, and neither has Tor, as far as I know.

  Standing, I go to leave when he asks, “Why did you kill two brothers in Mercy, then? Men who kill for a woman comes from a place of love. You can deny it all you want, but you’re only fooling yourself.”

  Just because he killed to get to India, doesn’t mean he knows shit about what I feel.

  * * *

  She can’t hear a thing. I hate this fucking town and our northern chapter on the fucking mountain. It’s chaos up here, and every so-called brother in this chapter is an embarrassment to the patch.

  Swinging the van in front of the clubhouse, I skid to a stop and jump out. Dad’s the first one of ours I see, and I head straight for him on the porch. My body’s on fire, and I only have one thing on my mind—revenge. These assholes are going to pay for what they’ve done to Victoria, and if my dad wants to see what I’m made of wearing this fucking prospect patch, he’s soon going to find out.

  “I take it you’ve been at the hospital?” he asks, getting up from the porch chair.

  “Where are they?”

  I didn’t take the time to find out their names, but he knows who I’m talking about.

  “They’re out back in a shed. They’re not going anywhere until we decide how to handle them.”

  “This doesn’t need a vote, Dad. They cost her her fucking hearing!”

  “Hey, I know what it’s cost her, and they’ll pay. There’re procedures we follow, and this will be no different.”

  I fist my hands, needing the feel of my nails biting into my palms.

  “In one hour, I’m going back to the hospital, and when I get there, I want to be able to tell her that they’ve paid the ultimate price.”

  He steps closer and narrows his eyes. “And what is the ultimate price to you?”

  “They have to die.”

  It’s pissing me off that he’s making me spell it out for him.

  “They’re patched in brothers, They have the right to defend themselves in front of us all before we decide their fate.”

  “Fuck that. You think Pope’s going to let them live? You think one of ours is going to vote and let them get away with it?”

  “No, I don’t, but we have laws we follow for a reason. Tell me, son, what is it exactly you want to do?”

  “I want to kill them myself.”

  “Why? I get that you’ve grown up with Victoria, but there are four brothers in this club who will want their blood on their hands in payment on her behalf. So explain yourself, and make me understand what she is to you?”

  I bite down on my tongue, tasting blood. I can’t explain what she is to me because I’ve spent the last few weeks pushing her away, telling her I feel nothing for her. And last night, when she wouldn’t accept the truth, I made sure she caught me with Gabe’s daughter in my room.

  It was an asshole move, but I’m an asshole, and it should’ve worked. I should’ve known it would backfire on me.

  “She’s one of us.”

  “That goes without saying, but I want to know who she is to you, for you to want to take this on yourself.”

  “I don’t ask you for anything…”

  “That’s because you get everything without having to ask.”

  The last strands of my patience finally snap.

  “It’s my fault she’s in this position.”

  “What did you do?”

  I can’t tell him the specifics, so I say, “She ran outside into the line of fire because of me. I care about her.”

  “You love her?”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “Didn’t have to.” Squaring his shoulders, he nods. “Okay, I’ll sort this for you, but understand me when I say this will stay with you for the rest of your life.”

  If he thinks this will affect me, he’s sorely mistaken. “I understand,” I say to appease him.

  I know who my father is and what he’s about. He would do the same for my mom, and he wouldn’t wait for procedures.

  “Give me five minutes.”

  He walks inside, and I lean against the porch railing. Trying to hurt Victoria was the only thing I could think to do, and what I’m about to do will never make up for my actions. But at least it’s the first step toward making it up to her.

  “Hey, I heard what happened to your friend. Is she okay?”

  I turn to see Rosie hovering by the door, wrapping her arms around herself to keep warm.

  “She’s fine.”

  It’s a lie, but I’m not going to stand here and talk Tor’s business with the girl I used to hurt her.

  “Listen, about last night, I’m—”

  “I used you, and if you hadn’t just come to speak to me, I wouldn’t have even remembered your face. I certainly won’t remember last night.”

  Not for the reasons she might. All last night will remind me of will be Victoria, hearing her screams drown out the music and laughter.

  “There’s no need to be an asshole. It’s not like I expected anything from you.”

  “No? Then why are you out here trying to talk to me?”

  The door opens, and she has to move aside to allow my dad and Gabe to walk out. Turning my back to her, she gets the message and slams the door behind her as she slips into the cabin.

  “Do we have a problem with my daughter, Little Jackson?” Gabe sneers, and I scowl at him in reply.

  I’m not interested in holding down a conversation with him when he can’t even hold down his chapter.

  “Let’s go. This has to be done before Pope, Ricky, and the twins get back from the hospital,” my dad says, jogging down the porch steps with me hot on his tail.

  “What has to be done?” Gabe asks when he catches up to us.

  We stop in front of an old shed, where inside are the two pricks who thought it would be fun to shoot off in the middle of a crowded area are tied to chairs. They’re both bleeding from the beating the twins handed them, but the sight of their pain isn’t enough for me.

  “Cas, why are we out here? I thought we were waiting till everyone arrived.”

  Sweat pebbles across Gabe’s forehead, and he glances warily between his brothers and us.

  “Do you deny these two are responsible for the suffering Victoria is now enduring?”


  “Then before our brothers return from the hospital, we’ll take care of business. These two will die, and you, with my son, will take their bodies and bury them where they’ll never be found.”

  “Now wait a minute, they don’t deserve to die!”

  I follow Dad’s lead and let him handle Gabe. I’m only interested in ending the reason Victoria can no longer hear.

  “This chapter is already on thin ice. My son here is going to put a bullet in their heads. It’s much swifter than what Pope or the twins will do if they get their hands on them.”

  “Come on, Cas, surely there’s a way to deal with this where no one has to die. I feel for the girl, but these are patch wearing brothers.”

  “Exactly. They should know what happens when they ruin someone’s life,” I growl, stepping forward. Pulling out the gun my dad gave me for my birthday, I release the safety.


  Ignoring the old fucker, I move in front of the two pricks and stare into their eyes. Their fear satisfies me to a certain degree, but still, it’s not enough.

  Squeezing the trigger, the first prick I shoot, his head snaps back and then forward.

  Stepping closer, I use the gun to tip his head up to see the bullet hole in the middle of his forehead.

  My satisfaction
grows, somewhat.

  I step in front of the second prick squirming in his restraints. Again, my satisfaction spikes.

  Aiming for his forehead, I squeeze the trigger a second time, reuniting him with his friend on the other side.

  “This isn’t right, Cas, and you know it.”

  I look back at my dad, who’s ignoring Gabe and watching me.

  “Did you get what you needed?” he asks.

  The guilt weighing me down over Tor is still there, but at least they’re gone. She’s the most laid back, chilled out, and free-spirited girl I’ve ever known, but there’s a side to her that expects retribution if she’s crossed. I remember the twins making Kirsty Callahan’s life miserable because she pulled Victoria’s hair one time at school with a smirk on her face. Her brothers tortured her every day until they left for high school.

  “For now.”

  He holds out his hand, nodding for me to pass him my gun, and reluctantly, I hand it over. Shoving it into the back of his jeans, he looks to Gabe.

  “You’re going to tell everyone they took a beating and you got them out of town. You’re going to keep your mouth shut, or face dire consequences if you don’t. Go find a ride to get rid of the dead.”

  Gabe wants to argue, but he wisely keeps his mouth shut and leaves, slamming the shed door shut as he goes.

  “I remember the first life I took, and by the way you’re acting so calmly, you should know you’re no different than me. No one will know what you’ve done today, especially your mom, you hear me?”

  “I hear you. Do you think Gabe will do as you say?”

  “He has little choice, son. He’ll be lucky to still be breathing by the time we leave here, anyway. There’s no one better than the dead to keep your secrets.”

  Moving closer to me, he digs out the pack of smokes from my top pocket, helps himself to one, and flicks it around his fingers.

  “Do you realise what I gave you today? What I took away from Pope and his family?”

  “I do, but I’m your son. I wouldn’t expect any less.”

  “You cocky bastard.”

  * * *

  Shaking away the memories, I keep my back to Leo. “It’s not love. I killed Sara’s dad, and made it look like he killed himself.”

  “I know, Dad told me, which makes you fucked. Loving two women never ends well for anyone.”

  Moving forward, I make it to the front door when he calls out, “Don’t confuse the feelings you had at sixteen for the shit you’re feeling now.”

  He’s pissing me off.

  Storming back into the kitchen, I slap my palms down on the table and glare at him.

  “She got rid of my kid, Leo. I told her I’d make her mine, that I’d do the right thing by her, and the day after Ellis spooked the shit out of her, she killed my kid.”

  The high and mighty expression on his face drops like a rock.


  “In Mercy, I set it up for her to catch me fucking Gabe’s daughter, and when she did, she ran out and into the middle of a gun fight. The rest you know.”

  Falling back onto the chair, I take a deep breath and run my fingers through my hair.

  “You’re a fucking idiot.”

  I jerk back at his insult, and remind him,

  “She got rid of my kid.”

  “You said she did it the day after Ellis hurt her. Did you ever stop to think she made a rash decision after thinking she was going to be burnt alive? Fuck, Luca, I was there that night. She saw two people get killed, and numerous brothers beaten. Hell, he made her believe he was going to set her on fire. Who the hell would want to bring a child into that?”

  “I saw her the next day before Kyla took her into town. She was thinking straight.”

  Leo raises his brow. She was upset, but she was holding down a conversation with me. She was just sad.

  “Was she? Or was she acting like someone is supposed to act? She comes from a strong family. She dotes on Pope, and she wouldn’t want to appear weak in front of him. Why would she want that in front of you? Think shit through from her perspective.”

  “She banged on for months that she wanted me, and when she had me, she went cold and shut me out, made decisions on her own when I should’ve been included.”

  “I wish you had come to me sooner. I could’ve stopped you from being an ass.”

  “You had your own shit going on.”

  “You’re still my brother.”

  We share a look, one that says no matter what, we have each other’s backs. Our relationship changed after India was killed. We no longer snipe at one another, but it doesn’t mean we don’t say it how it is. Case in point, he goes on to say, “All it should boil down to is who’s been there and who hasn’t, ’cause it’s sure as shit clear to me, little brother.”

  I ride back to the club, searching for a car that could belong to Sara. If she showed up earlier, she might’ve come back.

  Walking into the bar, it’s clear she hasn’t returned. My head is all twisted and fucked up.

  Helping myself to a beer instead of waiting for a prospect, I slap the bills down by the cash pot and head up to my room.

  Fuck Leo and his opinion. Only Tor and I know about our fucked-up history, and only I know about my history with Sara. They’re two completely different women, yet they both have me tied up in knots.

  Whoever’s banging down my door is going to get their nose broken if they don’t stop. I slept like shit last night and dragging my ass out of bed is too much like hard work. Swinging my door open, the other prospect is on the other side.

  “What?” I snap.

  “The woman who showed up here for you yesterday is down in the bar wanting to see you.”

  A mixture of relief and dread fills me, but relief wins.

  Shutting the door in his face, I pull on my jeans and slip into my boots. I don’t waste a second getting down to the bar, and once I hit the bottom step, I see her waiting for me.

  She came back.

  I take great satisfaction when she looks me up and down, settling on my chest and inked arms.

  “Thought you were leaving?”

  “Turns out, I have a reason to stay this time.”

  “You’re going to have to spell it out for me.”

  I want it crystal fucking clear from her.

  “I can’t leave you like I did before. I tried, but I couldn’t drive out of town.”

  Moving closer to her, I don’t stop until I’m cupping her cheeks. “I’m not the same guy you knew.”

  Above everything, she needs to know that up front.

  “I’m not the same, either. I’m hoping we can get to know each other again. This time, on our terms.”

  Standing before her, I’m sucked right back in, seeing the girl I once knew and couldn’t leave alone. She’s still in there.

  The twins walk in and catch my eye over her head. They’re laughing about something, and normally when they’re this happy, they’re plotting. I drop my hands from Sara’s face, but Mason catches it. Nudging Myles, he jerks his chin in my direction.

  I haven’t got the energy for these two today. I bite my bottom lip as they head toward us.

  “Who’s your friend?” Myles asks, like he thinks I’ll answer him.

  It’s Sara who speaks up. “I’m Sara, an old friend of Luca’s.” Their smiles vanish, and Mason crosses his arms over his chest.

  They know exactly who she is, and their disapproval is clear for her to see. She moves closer to me, and I angle my body so she’s half-hidden.

  “Is there something you wanted?” I ask them, blocking their view of her.

  “Nah, it can wait. We’ll definitely be catching up to you later, Jackson,” Myles remarks flippantly, but I hear the warning underneath.

  When will they learn they don’t intimidate me? With their backs to me, I turn to Sara, having no fucking idea how this is going to go.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  I suck in a
sharp breath and put my finger to my mouth, sucking on the blood as I curse the thorn that pricked me. You’d think I’d be better at steering clear of them by now, but they get me every time. My phone buzzes against my thigh. Pulling it out of the pocket of my skirt, I open the text from Alannah.

  I tried getting away with not answering people’s texts by saying I couldn’t hear the phone, but it was quickly pointed out they have a vibrate setting, and received numerous lectures about keeping it on me at all times.

  I’ve been invited to the Jackson place for a cookout this afternoon, and apparently, she won’t take no for an answer.

  The Jackson house is the last place I want to be.

  Powering down my phone, I toss it on the potting table. There’s no chance I’m setting foot anywhere Luca will be. It’s not like my grandfather will be there for me to sit with and keep Luca away. He can’t leave the clubhouse, as he’s supposedly dead.

  Spraying my roses, I head back to the house. The usual peace that washes over me while in my greenhouse slips the farther away I get from it. Rubbing my growling stomach, I sigh happily, knowing there’s leftover lasagne for a late lunch.

  It’s not like I’ll be going to the Jacksons, which used to be a place I loved going to. Everyone would be happy, and you’d spend most of the time laughing at someone or other, especially when they’d been drinking for hours, as they tend to make fools of themselves.

  Opening the back door, I inhale the smell of mint growing on the window ledge, and smile when I see my dad sitting at the table. It disappears just as quickly when I see the pain written all over his face.

  Waving, I cross the kitchen to sit next to him. My father is one of the best men I know. My mom says I take after him the most. The twins are all Grandpa. I agree, I’m most like my father. We like to take it easy and enjoy life, only turning if we’re crossed. A few people over the years have mistaken my lighthearted nature for weakness, and they’ve all been schooled on how not judge people incorrectly.


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