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His Twisted Heart : Sons of Lost Souls MC Series Book Nine

Page 27

by Ellie R. Hunter

  Leaving enough room for him to sign, he tells me, “They were tied to chairs in an old rotting shed, and I shot them both in the head. One was sweating like a pig, and the other tried getting out of his restraints because he knew I wasn’t going to back down.”

  I picture what he’s saying, and a shudder runs down my spine.

  “I buried them far up the mountain in deep graves.”


  “After you kicked me out of the hospital.”

  “But they were club members,” I point out needlessly.

  “Only my dad and Gabe knew about it. It was Gabe who helped me bury them.”

  “Your dad gave you permission to kill two patched in members for me?”

  “I didn’t give him much choice, but yes. I wouldn’t have been able to put them in the ground if he said no.”

  As I begin shifting through what he’s told me, he adds, “I also told Pope to prove how serious I am about you, who in turn will tell your dad and brothers. Apart from them, no one else knows. Does that change anything?”

  “It changes everything.”

  His face falls, misunderstanding what I said. Straddling him, I plant my lips on his. I’ve seen his darkness, hidden in the shadows within him, and it turns me the fuck on.

  Breaking the kiss, I say, “I just remembered. You threatened to kill my brothers.”

  Shuffling backward, he signs, “Only because I knew you’d never hurt yourself if you thought it’d put your family in harm’s way. It was the only threat I could think of to keep you alive.”

  Now that he says it, it makes sense. Still, I whack him on the arm.

  “Hey,” he mouths.

  “That was sneaky.”

  “It worked.”

  Chapter Forty-Four


  A week ago, I had the girl I thought I wanted sleeping beside me. This morning, I have the girl I need sleeping soundly beside me, safe from Effie Rathbone. I’ve come too close to losing her too many time.

  Rolling onto my side, I rest my head on my hand and lean over to kiss her bare shoulder, her arm, her back, everywhere I can reach until she stirs awake. Her smile when she focuses on me blows me away, and I smile in return, realising I get to wake up to this every morning for the rest of my life.

  Her hand creeps up to my face, and her thumb softly brushes over my cheek, stirring my dick from a semi to a full-blown hard-on.

  Rolling on top of her, she spreads her legs to make room for me, and I’m just about to kiss her when someone knocks at the door.

  “Don’t move,” I mouth.

  Heaving myself off of her, I slip into my sweats, tucking my dick between me and the waistband.

  Throwing open the door, I find Leo on the other side.

  “Dad wants everyone in the back room in ten. Time for your first meet, little brother.”

  Over my shoulder, Tor isn’t staying put. She’s getting up and reaching for the shirt I gave her last night.

  Stepping out of the room, I close the door behind me and say, “You were right,” I begin, continuing when he cocks his brow, waiting for more explanation. “You warned me not to confuse what I felt at sixteen for what I feel now. It was Tor, and it has been for a long time.”

  Leo smiles. “You’ve sorted your shit out, then? You definitely got people talking after kissing her in front of everyone.”

  “Well, we’re going to give them something more to talk about soon enough.”

  His smile turns into a smirk.

  “I want you to be the first to hear that Tor and I are getting married.”

  His smirk vanishes. His mouth falls open, and when my words have sunk in, a genuine grin spreads across his face as he pulls me in for a hug. Slapping my back, he steps away, the action only lasting a few seconds.

  “Congrats, brother. But you’re sure, yeah? Getting hitched is serious.”

  “I am—we are.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll have your back when it comes to Ricky and the twins.”

  Laughing, I ask, “Not with Pope?”

  I have Pope’s blessing to date Victoria, but marriage is whole new level of blessing I’m going to have to acquire.

  “Of course I have your back against any fucker, even Pope.”

  He hugs me again, and then I’m watching him head up the hall, banging on each door he passes.

  Tor’s dealing with her hair, piling it all on top of her head when I step back into the room.

  “I told Leo we’re getting married,” I sign, watching her beautiful smile spread. “My dad’s called a meeting. I have ten minutes.”

  I dress while she sits on the bed and listen to every word she speaks. Hearing her voice last night was like drinking water while on the verge of dehydration. I couldn’t believe it at first, but it’ll live with me forever that her first words after not talking for so long were that she loves me.

  “If you tell our fathers and my grandpa, I’ll go and tell our moms.”

  Shrugging into my cut, I join her on the bed and take hold of her hand.

  “When I’m done, I’ll come find you at the house,” I tell her, making sure I speak clearly enough for her to read.

  Her nod clarifies she understood.

  I rub my thumb along her fourth finger. I plan on buying her the prettiest ring she’ll ever own.

  “What if our parents don’t approve?” she asks, her voice so low, I barely hear her.

  Letting go of her hand, I tip her chin up. “If they don’t approve, they don’t approve.” I shrug. “I love you, and I’m marrying you whether they’re there or not. No matter what anyone says, we’re in this together.”

  Every set of eyes focus on us when we descend the stairs hand-in-hand. The twins block our way when we get to the bottom, and I square my shoulders, readying myself for anything.

  “We want to talk to you after Cas is done.”

  I tip my chin, not bothering with a verbal response. Their eyes go to Tor and I’s entwined hands, and their eyes go wide.

  Looking up at his sister, Mason arches his brow in what I’m guessing is him asking if she’s good, and she smiles back at him.

  They walk off, and I pull her against me. “I’d wish us luck, but we don’t need it. We can do anything.”

  Leaning up on her tiptoes, she presses her lips to mine. And though it’s brief, the kiss is enough to get my dick twitching.

  I watch her walk out and disappear over to the house before making my way into the back room. Most of the brothers are already seated in their places at the table, and an eruption of cheers fills the room as I take my seat next Leo.

  I’d be lying if I said I’d always wondered what went on in here once the doors were closed, because I haven’t. I’m not my brother in that way. And to be honest, I’ve always kind of guessed they discussed whatever shit was going on at the time. Today, my guess is we’ll be discussing Effie, and how to deal with her.

  Personally, I think we should’ve finished her off last night while she stood in front of us.

  Dad walks in with Sparky and Slade, offering me a grin as he takes his seat.

  Once the doors are closed, he slams the gavel down and leans back in his chair.

  “I look around this table, and all I see is the future. There’ve been brothers who have sat here and been taken from us too soon. Some of us have been in these seats longer than we thought we would be, and now our sons sit with us.” He looks at me out of the corner of his eye and smiles. “What happened to Simmons should never have happened, but as we all know, because we’ve lived through so much, we can’t see everything coming for us, and sometimes we’re more vulnerable than we’d like to admit. We’re free men. We live by the code set by men before us who were the same as us. But occasionally, the freedom we crave comes at a price. Thankfully, we don’t have to bury anyone this time.”

  Brothers pound their hands on the table, and quickly settle when Dad continues. “Times are changing. We know this, we’ve accepted it, but we need to
do more. We stand shoulder to shoulder against everyone, yet we have to be tighter. Our eyes have to be wider, our ears hearing more. The deal with the Haywards is bringing trouble to our door, no doubt about that, but it also brings a cash injection like the club has never seen before. It lines our pockets, and it keeps this club going with cash left over to modernise and protect us better.” Taking a deep breath, he looks at every brother. “So, if anyone of you think moving forward with the Haywards isn’t a path the club should be taking, speak now, and I’ll call for another vote.”

  Not one brothers to speak up.

  “So we don’t need a vote? You’re all content to keep our deal with the Haywards?”

  “Like you said, Cas, times are changing. There’ve been times we’ve needed to fight to keep our living, and there’s no difference now,” Sparky points out.

  There’s been something bothering me since last night. Sitting forward, I ask, “The Haywards told Effie they were coming for all her territory. What does that mean for us?”

  “What do you mean, what does it mean for us?”

  “I’m asking, what do we get out of it, because from what I can see, we’re going to be their army in a fight for their gain. If they manage to take her out, take over her patch, do you know where it leaves us?”

  “I haven’t asked, and I haven’t given it much thought.”

  “Question is, how much do you trust the deal we have with the Brits?”

  Pope leans forward, resting his arms on the table. “Do you think your father should trust them?”

  Every brother is looking my way, and I start to regret speaking up. “He’d be a fool to fully trust them.

  But I didn’t ask if he trusted them or not. I asked how much he trusted them.”

  Pope smirks and leans back in his chair. “What would you do, Luca?”

  For fuck’s sake. Inhaling, I look to Dad and say, “I’d make my own plans, so when the Haywards take her down, because I believe they will, albeit with the club’s help, they’ll see we’re not just going to be their puppets. They talk about us being valuable to them, but shit changes like the wind.”

  “So tell us, what plans would you make?”

  It’s so simple to me. “We set up a chapter in her territory. Not only would we have a foothold for when the Haywards take over, we’ll have brothers on the streets who’ll hear the whispers and be in the know.”

  No one utters a word. The minutes stretch on, and I start to feel uneasy. Maybe I’ve overstepped, not that I give a fuck. They asked, and I answered.

  It’s Pope who slams his hand on the table and laughs. He fucking laughs. In all my life, I’ve never heard the man laugh. And from the looks of the brothers around the table, nor have they.

  “This boy’s special, and I’m calling it now. He’s gonna take this club far. Mark my words, this one is one to watch.”

  Personally, I wouldn’t go that far.

  When I look to Dad, he’s smiling, but it’s still a little guarded. “And here I thought you haven’t been interested in the club all these years and haven’t take much notice.”

  I shrug.

  “It’s like you said, times are changing. The club needs to branch out and solidify its reputation. We need to grow.”

  “Tell me, how should I go about it?”

  This is quickly turning into a fucking interrogation, but I roll with it.

  “I would select brothers known particularly for their strength and move them into a new territory. They’re going to run into trouble, and they’ll need to be able to handle themselves. And like with what happened here, in time, more people will join and the chapter will grow. By the time the Haywards move in, we’d have a deep foothold.”

  Slade adds, “We’d have to work out a budget to buy property, search areas that would be a good place to set up.”

  Dad drums his fingers on the table, mulling it over. I look over at Leo, who’s watching dad. In fact, everyone’s watching him.

  “Okay, this is what we’re going to do. Sparks, Slade, and Ricky will take a trip out there, get a feel for the place. Let’s see what they find, and then we’ll go from there.”

  Huh. My first meet with the brothers and my input’s been valuable.

  “When I hear from the Haywards, we’ll reconvene and take whatever steps we have to.”

  He slams the gavel down and I take a deep breath, knowing this is where I break the news.

  As brothers begin to rise from their seats, I clear my throat. “Dad, I need to speak to you,” then to Pope and the Simmons family, “You all too. It’s about Victoria.”

  Mason, Myles, and Ricky sit back down. Pope has yet to move, and Leo stays behind because he has my back.

  “You’re all aware that Victoria and I have been…” I stumble to think of the right words to describe what we were without offending her family. “Well, last night, we sorted our shit out, and I asked her to marry me.” I let it sink in, but not for long. “She said yes.”

  The twins continue to glare at me. Ricky just stares, his mouth opening and closing like a fish, and Pope, the only one I actually give a shit what he thinks, is staring across the room at the wall.

  It’s Ricky, though, who finds his voice. “Are you asking for our blessing, or are you telling us you’re marrying her?”

  I have to pick my words carefully, but it essentially comes down to I’m marrying her, with or without their blessing.

  “We would like your blessing, but we’ll get married without it. I love your daughter, and I’ll do right by her for as long as I live.”

  “Love isn’t what puts food on the table or pays the bills, though. Love isn’t the only ingredient in a marriage. Will you provide for her to the best of your ability? Put her first in everything always?”

  “She comes first to me in every aspect.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. You’re patched in now, and the club comes first.”

  I roll my eyes. I’m not having him use that against me.

  “I’m well aware of what I am now, but she’s a part of this club as much as any of us, bar the patch. She lives and breathes for this club; they’re one and the same. She knows how to handle trouble when it comes, and what’s expected of her. She’s no different to any of your old ladies.”

  That shuts him up.

  “You’re both young. Is this really want you both want?” Dad asks.


  And I’m not going to keep repeating it.

  Pope clears his throat. “I remember the day Oak dragged your old man in here. Not only did he see something special in him, but I did too. You can tell a lot by a man’s eyes, and you can tell even more by his actions when he thinks no one’s watching. You proved you can spill blood for our Victoria, and I believe you’ll look after her and do right by her in all the ways she’ll need. I see something special in you too, and I hope I live long enough to see what you do. You have my blessing.”

  One down. I look to Ricky and wait for him to decide.

  “If my daughter said yes, then I won’t stand in her way. You have my blessing, but my old lady is the one you’ll have to fight on this.”

  Kyla doesn’t worry me.

  The twins sit back in their seats and both say, “You have our blessing.” Then they both sit forward and smirk. “But we need something in return.”

  Their blessing coming with a condition isn’t surprising, but I’m ready for it.

  “Name it.”

  Mason takes the lead. “Words and promises mean shit to us. You may have shot the brothers in Mercy because of Victoria, but don’t insult us by making us believe it wasn’t for yourself too.” Biting down on my tongue, Myles speaks next. “Even before Mercy, you hurt her time and time again. You’re an arrogant son of a bitch, and while we believe you’ll keep our sister safe, you can’t get away with past crimes.”

  “What is it you want?” Dad asks.

  “We want three rounds, three minutes a piece, us against you. You love our s
ister, prove it.”

  “No—” Dad starts to say when I cut him off.


  Pope slams his hand on the table. “After today, there’ll be no animosity. You’ll soon be family, and anyone who throws a punch will be shot in the dick.”

  “I agree,” Dad says, his eyes pinched with irritation.

  “Seems like we have cause for celebration… that is, if you all survive,” Leo cackles.

  Pope rises from his chair and heads for the door, with Ricky and the twins following. I go to stand when Dad says, “Luca, I want a word. Leo, you stay too.”

  When the three of us are alone, Dad pulls one of the cigarettes from Leo’s pack and puts it to his lips, but he doesn’t light it.

  “You had me worried for a while, but you’ve been listening and watching more than I took notice of. You made me proud today, son.”

  His pride means a lot to me, and I tip my chin in gratitude.

  “If we do set up a new chapter, I want you two involved. I want you working together and showing every fucker who the Jackson brothers are and what they’re made of, you hear me?”

  We both nod.

  “You, Leo, have Rayna to consider, and you, Luca, now have Victoria to think of. I don’t want you making the mistakes I have. You need to be better, stronger, faster. You have to be the brothers word travels about. Reputation is everything in our world, and I want yours locked, loaded, and shooting everywhere.”

  “With Luca patched in now, that won’t take long to achieve, Dad,” Leo promises, and I agree.

  Leaning back in his chair, he weaves the cigarette through his fingers. “I’m with Pope. I can’t wait to see what you both achieve.”

  “The old man was talking about Luca,” Leo grunts.

  “Nah, he sees it in you too, son. No doubt about it.”

  Rising from his chair, Dad lets us know we’re done, and I follow his lead. As soon as I step out of the back room, the twins are waiting for me. The tables and chairs have been moved to the sides, and the bar is crammed with brothers all ordering drinks.

  “We doing this now?”


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