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His Twisted Heart : Sons of Lost Souls MC Series Book Nine

Page 31

by Ellie R. Hunter

  “Go on, say it…” their VP says, “This town isn’t big enough for the both of us.”

  “Oh, the town is big enough for us both, we just don’t want you here.”

  “Then I guess we’ll be seeing each other around.”

  Their president gives the nod to his men and they mount their rides, and we’re left watching them ride off.

  The faint sound of police sirens come from the east. Hopping our bikes, we head toward the club before they show up.

  “Everyone in the back room at eight tonight,” Dad shouts before walking into the bar. I look around for Victoria, but I don’t see her anywhere. I head for my old room. We’ve been riding since sunrise, and I could do with a few hours’ sleep myself. The fight woke me up a little, but now that I’m here, fatigue is creeping up on me.

  Tucked under the sheets, I close the door quietly and lock it behind me, as not to wake her, and then remember she wouldn’t hear it, anyway. I don’t need to creep around, but I still don’t want to wake her and give her a fright.

  Undressing, I climb into bed with her and pull her against me. Of course she wakes, but once she sees it’s me, she relaxes and snuggles into me.

  “I’m so glad you’re back,” she murmurs sleepily, and in response, I kiss into her neck.

  Grinding my hard-on against her ass, her hand finds its way to my dick without her rolling around. Her grip is like a magical fucking handshake. It’s addictive, and a pleasure I get to keep for the rest of my life.

  Stroking me harder, she lifts her leg onto mine and slides the tip up and down her sweet pussy. It doesn’t take long for her wetness to coat my dick, and I take over, needing to be inside of her. From behind, I push into her and bite down on her shoulder simultaneously.

  Cupping her breast as I keep a slow pace, I pinch her nipple. Her sharp intake of breath ignites me into fucking her deeper. There isn’t a level I’ll not go with her, and I’ve struck out when it comes to luck, because she’s the same as me. It’s like I can never get enough of her, but I never stop trying. The need to have her all and completely is a hunger that never dulls, only intensifies.

  Victoria showers first, and while she dries off and gets dressed for the day, I jump in the shower and wash off this morning and the two-day ride.

  Victoria’s on my phone when I get out, and I pop my head over her shoulder to see what she’s doing. She’s looking up sprinkler systems.

  “You need to get a new phone,” I sign once she looks up.

  “I don’t need one. I can just use yours.”

  “It’ll make my life a lot easier if you have one.”

  “We’ll manage,” she mutters.

  Grabbing the phone from her, I tuck it in my back pocket and take her hand. We need food, and in the kitchen, JJ, Leo, and Mason are already eating. The fuckers better have left enough food for us.

  Sitting Tor at the table, I get busy frying up some bacon and filling the coffee pot with more beans.

  “Look at my little brother, quite the domestic goddess,” Leo teases, and everyone laughs.

  Over my shoulder, I see Tor smirking too.

  “It’s a few rashers of bacon. It’s hardly a gourmet meal,” I snort.

  “It starts with coffee and bacon, then ends with gourmet shit,” JJ mocks.

  “Yeah, you find out that for yourself with my sister, who told me she was going to make an effort with me, and is yet to return a single fucking text?”

  “Yeah, what’s going on with her?” Leo asks.

  Before JJ can either tell him or lie, I butt in. “She doesn’t want to get attached to us in case we die.”

  That’s what it boiled down to. “I thought I got through to her, but obviously, I was wrong.”

  “That girl changes her mind like the wind,” Leo mumbles.

  “She’s keeping away so if one of you die, it won’t hurt her as much. Plus, she’s been on new meds the last couple of months and it’s messing with her.”

  Everyone looks to Mason, JJ’s jaw hanging. “How the fuck do you know that about my old lady?”

  Shrugging, Mason shovels in a mouthful of eggs. Speaking around his food, he tells him, “We’re friends. She talks to me.”

  I have to ask, “You have friends?”

  Leo laughs, but JJ’s still glaring at Mason.

  “Fuck off,” he snipes at me, and then to JJ, he says, “It’s not anything you don’t already know. She’s more sensitive than you lot know, but you already know she suffers with paranoid thoughts. It shouldn’t be a surprise that she’s worried her new family might die.”

  Silence fills the kitchen until Leo offers, “Luc and I will go see her later and sort this shit out.”

  Glad that’s sorted out on my behalf.

  I finish breakfast and take a seat next to Tor. Her hand slides down my thigh and I inhale, happy to fucking hell I’m home.

  Victoria’s arms wrap around my legs as I sit behind her on the bench top, her head resting against my knee. The sun is beginning to set, and Leo wants to leave soon to go and see Harper. First, we have a meet in the back room, and it’s not like we can bail on it.

  Stroking Tor’s hair, I burn to fist it and pull her lips up to mine, but I’m interrupted by the sheriff driving in. Mason and Myles stop their fight. Zach scoops up little Sebastian from Nina, and Leo sends Holly into the main house with Rayna. I slide my hand down from her hair to the back of her neck and keep her between my legs.

  Ricky disappears into the bar, no doubt to warn Pope to stay out of sight, while Dad, Sparky, and Slade head toward the sheriff.

  “Out here again? What do we owe the pleasure?”

  “There was a fight in town this morning. Complaints made said there were a bunch of bikers fighting out front of Hank’s.”

  “Sounds like you’re visiting the wrong club,” Sparky surmises.

  “Oh, right. You’re not the only biker trash in town anymore.” The sheriff sighs. “However, the other club hasn’t pissed me off yet, so I’m only looking at you. Now, if you’re not going to tell me who was involved, I’ll just have to collect the CCTV from the stores and Hank’s and find out for myself. And if those tapes should magically disappear, I’ll have to magic up myself some evidence on a bunch of you and put you away.”

  Without another word said, he climbs back into his cruiser and drives off.

  “He’s really beginning to piss me off,” Dad growls. “Everyone, in the back room, now.”

  Kissing the top of Tor’s head, I slide off the bench and around her, pulling her up to her feet as I go.

  “I won’t be long.” With a quick kiss, she heads over to the main house.

  Being the last one in the back room, I close the door behind me. Dad’s pacing the room as I take my seat.

  “This sheriff isn’t like Jake. If he’s planning on fitting us up, we have to expect anything, and I’m not prepared to put the club through hell for shit we haven’t even done.”

  “Not much we can do,” Sparky observes.

  “Yeah. Besides, it was just a scuffle where everyone walked away. No harm, no foul,” Slade assures.

  “And if he magics up evidence from somewhere like he promised?”

  Pope leans forward. “You’ve already thought of something. What is it, Cas?”

  “One way or another, the sheriff has to go.”

  Chapter Fifty-One


  Though I can’t hear the music, or the old ladies’ laughter, I can feel the excitement and happiness. My bachelorette party is at the main house, and Luca’s bachelor party is over in the bar. Since I want the whole traditional thing, we’re going to be spending the night apart.

  My mom and Alannah have gone all out, and the decorations look great. Vases of flowers are on every available surface. Flower garlands are hung around the downstairs. They really took my personality and rolled with it. Mom hit the wine a few hours ago, and is dancing in the middle of the living room. Alannah hit the tequila at the same time and is tryi
ng to keep her eyes open. Aspen passed out an hour ago after too much Vodka. Nina left to relieve the babysitter, and Kristen popped in to wish me luck and left shortly after.

  Emma went to check on Penelope upstairs, and now she’s plonking herself down next to me.

  Angling herself so she’s facing me, she signs, “Alcohol really is a killer, isn’t it?” We both look around and laugh.

  “A bunch of lightweights,” I agree.

  “How are you feeling about tomorrow?”

  “I can’t wait.”

  She chews on her lip. There’s something she wants to get off her chest, and I urge her along before she actually bites her frigging lip off.

  “What is it?”

  “This isn’t me, but Myles wants me to ask you if this is really what you want? Because if it isn’t, he said he can have you out of town where Luca will never find you. Or he can take Luca out and you can stick around.”

  I burst out laughing. I appreciate my brother’s sentiment, but it’s not needed.

  “Tell my brother thank you, but no thanks. I’m marrying Luca tomorrow, and there isn’t anything that’ll stop it.”

  If I had my hearing, the door opening might’ve woken me. If I could hear, I would’ve heard him stumbling around the room in the dark, drunk, and failing to slip under the sheets to surprise me, but I don’t. I don’t know he’s in the room until he’s rearranging me to lie against him. I can smell the beer and tequila on his breath, and before I can turn the lamp on and talk with him, I can see in the moonlit darkness that he’s already asleep.

  We’re meant to be staying apart tonight, and not seeing each other until the ceremony tomorrow. Or—looking at the clock on the nightstand—later today.

  I should’ve known he’d sneak in at some point. I’m more than happy to snuggle against him and fall back to sleep in his arms.

  I dream of broken visions, of Luca and I’s life together. And while some are of happy times, the dream morphs into a nightmare. Tears and blood, bullets and death hover on the edges of the visions, and I can’t find Luca anywhere.

  I begin to shake, and then the nightmare has ended, and Luca is hovering over me, nudging my arm.

  The sun is pouring through the window, but it still feels early.

  “We’re getting married today,” Luca mouths with a beautiful smile on his face.

  “You feeling up to it? You were pretty drunk when you stumbled in here a few hours ago,” I say after clearing my throat.

  “Nothing will stop me from standing at the alter today—nothing,” he vows.

  “You better brush your teeth. You smell like the bar after a party.”

  Rolling his eyes, he settles on top of me, nudging my legs open to make room for himself.

  “I’ve gotta go, but I wanna say I love you, and I can’t wait to marry you.”

  “I love you too.”

  He kisses me and rolls off, swaying on his feet when he’s standing. I giggle. I think he’s a little more hungover than he thought he was.

  When he gets to the door, he stops and turns back to me, signing, “Don’t keep me waiting long.”

  “I won’t.”

  I fall back on the bed, smiling, wanting to burst out in giddy laughter. Today is my wedding day to Luca Jackson. I can’t believe this is happening. After all we’ve been through, I won’t be the one to keep him waiting. I’m as eager to get to the alter as he is to have me there.

  Mom brings me breakfast in bed, and she hands me a soft velvet pouch. Ignoring the eggs and toast, I open the pouch and tip the contents onto my palm.

  A sapphire set pendent.

  “Your grandma left this to me before she died with instruction to pass it down to you when you got married. She wanted to be a part of the day, and she wanted you to know that she’s with you.”

  I watch her hands, and a tear rolls down my cheek. She’s crazy. My grandma is always with me, no matter the day or occasion.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  Taking it from me, she hangs it on the mirror of the dresser and points to my breakfast.

  “You’ll need your strength today. Eat, then shower, then it’s time to get you ready for your wedding.”

  I’m so glad my mom is on board with this. I couldn’t imagine her not being a part of my day.

  The morning becomes a blur of old ladies helping me with my make-up and helping to curl my hair and pinning it up with a few tendrils hanging free, framing my face. Mom clasps the pendent around my neck, and the old ladies make a fuss about how beautiful I look. I haven’t even gotten my dress on yet.

  Glasses of champagne are passed around, but I turn mine down. I want to remember this clearly, and I’m buzzing enough already with excitement. Photos are taken, and it’s not a chore to smile for them. I want as many memories that are being made, and will be made today, documented as possible.

  Alannah has her camera, and she isn’t afraid to click away. I’ve come to terms with the loss of my hearing, but at times like these, I wish so bad I could hear everyone.

  Glancing at the clock hanging above the back door, I see it’s half past one already. The morning has flown by, and it’s time to put on my dress.

  Only my mom and Alannah have seen my dress, and excitement courses through me for everyone else to see it.

  Alannah ushers everyone out, and she and mom follow me up the stairs. Alannah’s kept the dress zipped up in the bag in her room to keep it hidden from any prying eyes, and she carries it through to the room I stayed in last night.

  Luca and I aren’t ones for following tradition. We’ve adopted our fathers’ way of life, and it works for us. We wouldn’t have it any other way. But today, I want the wedding many women have. My wedding night underwear are lace to match half my dress. And while I’m not a virgin, it’s still white. Mom and Alannah hold the dress so I can step into it. I go from feeling sexy in the lingerie to a princess in the dress. I’ll most likely never wear such a dress again, and I’m going to enjoy it today.

  They take an arm each, and I slip my arms through the lace sleeves as Mom moves around me to make sure the back is in place. With a few adjustments, I spin to face the mirror, and it’s my smile I can’t look away from.

  I look so different, in a good way, and it’s not until Alannah steps beside me and clips the veil into my hair I look away. Three small white roses are laid on the dresser, and when she’s done, I pin them into my hair and step back in front of the mirror.

  In the reflection, I see the door open, and my dad steps into the room.

  He’s always been proud of me. He’s worried over me, been scared for me, and has always supported me in everything I’ve done, but right now, he’s on the verge of tears. I’ve never seen my dad cry.


  Chuckling, I feel the blush creeping over me, and I twirl to show him the full effect.

  “You’re too beautiful for this world, baby girl,” he signs, and Mom and Alannah both nod in agreement.

  “You’re perfect,” Mom coos.

  Chapter Fifty-Two


  “Go through it one more time with me,” I snap, and then cringe. “Sorry. I don’t mean to be a prick.”

  “Are the nerves kicking in?” Emma asks with a knowing smile, and I nod.

  I’m not nervous to marry Tor, but the seriousness of the day is setting in, and I don’t want to let her down by messing up.

  She reads from the piece of paper with the vows we’re about to make written down on it, and I practice my signing under her watchful eye until she places her hands on mine and says, “You’ve got this, Luca. Stop sweating it.”

  It’s easy for her to say. There’re over 120 Lost Souls here today, and half of them arrived with their old ladies and some with their kids.

  I’ve never seen so many show up like this. Even at a Lost Soul funeral, it’s mostly just the brothers who ride into town.

  Mom sure has made it a day everyone will talk about.

  Leo walks over and
I smirk, knowing he’s hating wearing a tie. Not that he’s wearing it properly.

  “Just got word Ricky’s getting ready to walk her over. We should take our places.”

  Emma springs a kiss on my cheek before telling me, “Stop worrying,” and then goes and takes her seat with Myles and Penelope.

  Mom walks up the red carpet, looking beautiful in her dress, and heads straight toward me.

  “Look at you. I knew I had good-looking sons, but you’re too good-looking.”

  “Shut up.”

  “She’s on her way. I have to warn you, you’ve got to keep your feet on the ground because she’s going to blow you away.”

  I have no doubt about that.

  Kyla takes her seat in the front row, leaving a chair free for Ricky. A hush falls over the crowd, and I step up beside Leo at the altar.

  The thing is covered in white roses, and I inhale deeply.

  “Where’s the music?” I ask, panic setting in.

  She can’t hear it today, but if the surgery she has yet to know about works, she’ll be able to watch the video recording back and hear it. I chose it without her knowing.

  Everyone stands, and all I hear is the shuffling of them turning to see her walk up the aisle. Janis Joplin’s “Trust Me” begins playing after Leo barks at someone to sort their shit out, and then he nudges my arm and I look up.

  I thought I was ready. I thought I had few more seconds to gather myself and prepare. The air in my lungs becomes trapped. I have no idea what to do with my hands. I’m barely aware that there are oohs and aahs floating around.

  Victoria, her arm looped through Ricky’s, walks toward me, looking a goddamn beautiful sight. A vision I will never, ever forget. She’s a dream I get to turn into reality and keep forever. My mom’s warning was not enough. I’m not just blown away, I’m done for. There’s no coming back from this moment.

  “Breathe, brother,” Leo murmurs under his breath. When I continue to stand unmoving, he slaps my back hard enough to jolt a breath from me.


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