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The Bear's Forever Mate (Borealis Bears Book 3)

Page 5

by Vivian Arend

  She didn’t need protecting. She needed him.

  Amber took a deep breath. Also, he needed her.

  She checked the reservation again, but it was for one person. He wasn’t taking off to some love nest without anyone being the wiser, but the week away clearly indicated a major event.

  Something big, like the arrival of mating fever.

  It made sense. Right now, with the holidays approaching and more than a few to-do items still on his list? Cooper wasn’t the type to up and leave his responsibilities without planning ahead.

  She thought she’d been brave to ask him over, but it seemed that was only the tip of the iceberg of exactly how daring she needed to be. Amber headed into her apartment and pulled out a suitcase even as she made plans of her own.

  Out of consideration for her friends, she waited until the following morning to start a text conversation.

  Amber: Question for one or both of you

  Lara: I’m up. What’s happening?

  Amber paused in the middle of typing her question because …what do you suggest as the best way to seduce Cooper… came off as far creepier than intended.

  She must have paused for too long because she got back an exasperated comment.

  Lara: I will kick your behind into tomorrow if you woke me up early to rewrite messages at me

  Amber: Fine. Bluntly speaking, Cooper is going into the mating fever, and I intend to join him. Do you have any suggestions since I’m human and not sure what to expect?

  Lara: …

  Lara: …

  Lara: …

  Amber rolled her eyes. Okay, now she understood how totally annoying it was to have someone write and erase messages. She wanted information, stat. She had places to drive to and a bear to get naked with.

  Oh dear, she was going after a polar bear headed into mating fever, and they would end up having sex, and she was a human, and what was she thinking, but this was exactly what she wanted.

  Amber: Say something before I freak out. Do you think this is a terrible idea?

  Lara: Sorry about that. I screamed when I read your message, and then I had to wrestle Alex to get my phone back before he could see what you wrote.

  Amber rested her forehead on the table in front of her. Great. She hadn’t even made it to Cooper’s hideout, hadn’t even had a chance to be rejected, and his brothers were going to know what she was up to.

  It was one thing to have her friends know. It was another entirely for the whole family to be aware.

  Kaylee joined the conversation then, her online button turning green a second before she dropped into the conversation.

  Kaylee: OH. EM. GEE. Are you serious, Amber?

  Lara: Of course she’s serious. They’ve had the hots for each other for ages. It’s been very…ahem…aromatically apparent.

  Amber: I hate your wolf nose. Just saying.

  Lara: I’ve been polite and never mentioned it! Very polite, even though sometimes I’d swear…never mind. Suffice to say, I’ve noticed.

  Amber: Can we get back to the question at hand? If you don’t think me going to Cooper is a terrible idea, am I still stepping over a line? I need you guys to help me here, because if you tell me I should stay away, I will.

  Kaylee: Bluntly speaking: you know this could end up with you two the equivalent of married? It could be a lot more than simply a week-long fling.

  Amber: Understood. I’m truly okay with that.

  Lara: There’s a brave human.

  Amber: Brave or reckless. You tell me.

  Kaylee and Lara both started messages at the same time. They both posted at the same instant, and a second later, Amber’s eyes filled with moisture. Her girlfriends were the best.

  Kaylee: Recklessly brave, because you know taking a chance is worth it. I’m so glad James took a chance on me because he really is my everything.

  Lara: Brave enough to be willing to be reckless because it’s what you want and what you think is right. Like Alex with me—we truly belonged together, but he took the chance and made it happen.

  This was why they were her best friends, and she was so thankful to have them in her world.

  Amber: I love you guys.

  Kaylee: Love you too. So, the mating fever thing? If he’s in it, be ready to get very, very sexed.

  Lara: Bluntly speaking. Don’t mention other men, don’t mention leaving him, not even to get some privacy.

  Kaylee: The leaving thing—yeah, he’s going to be stuck like glue within touching range all week. Don’t waste room in your suitcase for clothes. Pack energy bars.

  Lara: Good point. And chafing power. And KY jelly. And drink lots so you can pee after every bout of sex to avoid getting a UTI.

  Kaylee and Lara alternated with sexual suggestions for another five minutes. Amber’s face was burning hot, but she took mental notes the entire time before finally posting again.

  Amber: Now I will pretend this conversation never happened, and I expect you two to do the same. Cone of silence, especially with your guys, at least for the week, okay? And Kaylee, can you cover for me at work? I went in and did everything time-sensitive last night and made a schedule for you to follow.

  Kaylee: No problem!

  Lara: I won’t say a word. I might have to duct tape Alex to something to stop him from hacking into my phone to read these messages, though. But you know, that could be fun…

  Amber:I’ll be in touch. Thanks for everything.

  It was a short enough drive to the cabin that second-guessing didn’t have a chance to set in. Amber stopped at the main office before inching her way down a long bumpy road to where the teeny cabin sat on its own at the edge of a wide, north-facing clearing.

  It was a pristine location, where the clean white snow spread out like a wedding dress. She parked beside Cooper’s truck, took a deep breath and headed to the porch.

  The key she’d gotten from the host turned smoothly in the lock, and a moment later she’d slipped inside the woodsmoke-scented space. The curtains were pulled back, and sunshine fell across the wooden floor in wide bands. Oddly, a shiny silver chain looped like a snake back and forth across the floor’s surface, but the bed was where her attention settled.

  Cooper was stretched out on the home-style quilt, breathing heavily. His chest heaved as if he’d just finished a race. His face was folded in a grimace, pain drifting over his features.

  Something inside Amber broke. If nothing else came of this week other than her easing that pain, it would be worth it.

  She slipped off her shoes and removed her coat. She wasn’t particularly quiet, although she didn’t speak. Still, Cooper lay oblivious to her presence.

  Alrighty then. Time to go big since she wasn’t going home.

  Amber laid a hand on the mattress and stared down at him. “Cooper?”

  No answer. Just a low moan of pain.

  The sound wrenched her heart tighter, and she couldn’t bear it. “Cooper. I’m here. It’s going to be okay.”

  Another moan, and Amber broke. She crawled on the edge of the bed so she could lean over him. She stroked his face, then knelt beside him to balance better. “Cooper. Open your eyes. It’s me, Amber.”

  His hands rose to her hips. Big strong hands that grabbed her tight before one eased up her back, applying pressure until she leaned over him. Closer. Closer.

  Amber pressed her hands to his chest. She whispered softly, hoping to break though whatever cage he’d built around himself. “It’s okay, Cooper. I’m here for you. Whatever you need, I promise I’m ready for it.”

  His eyes opened, and it was the bear staring at her.


  It couldn’t be real. Cooper swallowed hard and decided the fact he was currently daydreaming about the woman he wanted with a deep obsession had to be some weird trick of the mating fever that kicked in once a man passed thirty-five.

  “No.” The word escaped in a rush. “You’re not really here. You can’t be here. Imaginary-you needs to leave, right now.”<
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  Amber tilted her head to one side. Considered. Shook it in denial. “Can’t.”

  Cooper curled himself upright, cursing inwardly as that brought him right against her soft curves. His hands shook as he lifted them, planning to physically grab her and lift her away. Time was ticking.


  Yeah. The arrival of his bear was part of what he was worried about.

  Don’t do anything. Don’t think anything, Cooper warned.

  It was too late. A flood of desire raced through him, initiated by his bear half. Dirty images of what should happen next arrived in high-speed, high definition—and the thought of rolling Amber under him, stripping her naked, and licking her was the tamest of them.

  The chain attached to his wrist clicked, and her brows rose higher. “Cooper. What have you done?”

  “Was taking care of business.” Speaking was tough and getting tougher because all the blood in his body had pooled in the section of his anatomy centered under her hips.

  Amber caught his wrist in her hand and lifted, examining the heavy cuff. “Isn’t this a little over-the-top and, at the same time, useless? If the idea was to lock yourself away for a week, great. Only your bear could break this in an instant.”

  What a brilliant idea. One that in his current state of Racing Toward The Edge Of Desperation, he’d never have come up with on his own.

  He’d deliberately come to this place to avoid seeking Amber out before it was appropriate. At the same time, he’d promised to honour the pledge he’d made with his brothers. That meant no shifting to escape this mating fever.

  But if it came to a choice between them and Amber, she won every time. Alex and James would more than understand, considering the situation.

  Only, when Cooper tried to change into his bear form, nothing happened. He still felt Amber’s weight resting on his very human anatomy, and dear Lord, in a minute he was going to do something they’d both regret.

  We need to shift, he told his bear.

  A leisurely sort of shrug was followed instantly by another round of dirty images, this time accompanied by an internal evil laugh.

  What is wrong with you? Cooper demanded. Help me. We need to shift. Now.

  Oh, we definitely don’t. You see, you made me promise. “No shifting and breaking out of this room. I need to stay human, and so no matter how much I beg, promise we’ll stay human for the duration of this fever.” Sound familiar? You said it ad nauseam, so I can repeat it if necessary.

  Cooper’s heart sank. Oh. Right. That.

  Yeah. That. His bear did the equivalent of a cocky “I told you so” shrug before going more serious. Almost sad, in some strange way. I need to go dark. Have fun, and I’ll see you in a week.

  Before he could protest, his other half was gone. Vanished to wherever the beast went when Cooper was in charge.

  As awareness returned, he refocused his gaze to discover Amber held him, her palms pressed to his face. “Cooper? Are you talking to yourself?”

  “Yeah,” he admitted. “Oh, Amber. What have you done?”

  She looked thoughtful. “I came because you needed me.”

  Hopefulness skyrocketed, but he held on to his control. “I’ve got the mating fever. You know what will happen if you stay?”

  She nodded, but her eyes were wide. The pulse at the base of her throat throbbed, and a shiver rolled over her.

  Dammit. She was scared. He was scaring her, and that wasn’t acceptable.

  Before he could find the strength to comfort her and tell her everything would be okay—a.k.a., lie his ass off—Amber brushed her knuckles over his cheek and simultaneously knocked him senseless.

  “If you don’t want me, just say that and I’ll leave right now. I don’t want to make you do anything you don’t want, Cooper.”

  He gaped at her. “I don’t want…?”

  She stilled.

  Shit. Oh, hell no. Bad timing for him to be stuttering out half phrases.

  Cooper rolled. Levitated, possibly. Because when they landed on the mattress again, she was under him, trapped in place by his vastly bigger torso. “Let me say that properly. I want you. I have for a long time.”

  “Me too. Want you,” Amber confessed before continuing in a firm clear voice. “I want this. I want you, Cooper. Whatever we need to figure out, we’ll deal with at a better time.”

  Then she tangled her hands behind his neck and tugged.

  Screw the lists and charts and all the long-term plans in the world. Mating fever was on him, he had a willing partner, and for the first time in his life, he was going to enjoy the hell out of this week.

  A fan-fucking-tastic place to begin was by kissing the woman he planned to enjoy from now to eternity.

  Cooper leaned closer and let nature take control. In this case, that meant lips connecting as a searing heat flashed through his entire body. As if her mouth meeting his was the final circuit that allowed the full charge of desire to let loose and race at high speed through his system.

  He all but inhaled her. Soft lips, tongues touching, a sigh of pleasure. Taste and sound blended together. They were only beginning, and it was already the best sexual experience of his life.

  Amber pushed at his shirt, and he shrugged when prompted to ease the fabric off his shoulders. The entire time he kept kissing her because her mouth was temptation and ambrosia and seriously addictive.

  When her hands hit his bare skin, another electric rush struck. Desire was a heavy weight in his gut, but her soft sound of approval as she scraped her nails over his skin was a heavenly chorus.

  Cooper left her mouth for a moment, nibbling and sucking his way along her jaw to under her ear. “You taste like sunshine. Sunshine and hot, sweaty sex.”

  A soft laugh escaped her. “Thank you? I think?”

  “Oh, it’s a good thing. Trust me.” Cooper leaned on an elbow and went for her buttons, wrenching to a stop when the chain around his wrist clanked against the handcuff. “Dammit.”

  Amber giggled this time, squirming upright. “Where’s the key?”

  “I don’t know.”

  She paused. “Really?”

  Seriously bad planning on his part, that was for sure. “I stole them from Alex. I was going to message him to come set me free when the fever was done.”

  Her eyes lit up. “Very well thought out plan. Now, hold still.” A few seconds later she’d popped the cuff free from his wrist and was undoing her buttons. “You can thank Lara later for telling me the secret to opening these without a key.”

  Cooper would worry about his brothers, their mates, and what the hell was going on with their sex lives at some other time. His hunger was growing by the second. As an older bear, his control was good, but even he had a breaking point.

  The final straw was seeing Amber slip out of her blouse and stand before him, her beautiful brown skin highlighted by a pale pink bra. He picked her up, kicked the chain away without a thought, and carried her back to bed.

  Warm skin brushed his cheek a second before Cooper gave in to all his fantasies and began.

  Sucking. Biting. Kissing.

  He worked his way along the edge of her bra then tipped back the cup and took a long, leisurely lick over the top of her breast.


  He tugged back the fabric a little more, his finger caught the top of the cup so he could slowly reveal her delicious reddish-brown nipple.

  Amber arched under him, lifting up toward his mouth as he pulled the taut peak between his lips and sucked. Softly, then harder. Nibbling now, the bra completely pushed aside so he could access the entire mound.

  She moaned and tangled her fingers in his hair. Holding him close as he played and teased. It was the start to fulfilling every fantasy he’d had. A gasp escaped her as he rolled his thumbs and forefingers together over both nipples at the same time.

  “God, you’re beautiful.”

  Amber glanced at him from under hooded lashes, but he was already moving to lick and suck the
hard tips again. And again. And again, just because he could.

  Cooper slid a hand under her torso and lifted her toward him, speeding up his teasing. One breast got a nip and a suck, then the other. His free hand cupped her firmly, the heated sweep of her filling his hand. She was delicious…with more to enjoy.

  Oh, yes. There were other delicious places to go, the scent in the air reminded him.

  He dropped her to the mattress and grabbed hold of her pants. A moment later he had her naked from the waist down.

  “Cooper.” His name was a sharp cry on her lips. He wanted to hear it as a plea. As a call of praise. As a benediction.

  But first, he reluctantly left the sweetness of her nipples for a slow exploration down her body. Kisses to the underside of her breasts. A nip at her waist. A stop to stab his tongue into her bellybutton, which drew a burst of laughter from her.

  But the entire time he kept licking. Tasting. Teasing.

  Cooper pushed her legs apart and settled between them, preparing to stay a while.

  Amber lifted up on her elbows. Her bra was tangled around her rib cage, and her body was flushed with heat. Her eyes glittered with passion.

  He nipped her inner thigh, and she gasped.

  Oh, yeah. He’d get more of those noises from her. He needed to hear them. Needed her.

  Cooper lowered his head and buried his mouth against her sex.


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