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ONE NATION: A Post Apocalyptic, Dystopian Saga

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by Michael W. Huard



  Books 1 – 6

  Michael W. Huard

  © Michael W. Huard 2020

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters, and incidents, are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales, or any other entity, is entirely coincidental.

  Cover and internal images by Vanessa Garkov

  Formatted by Redwing Productions


  Book 1: Battle Angels

  Book 2: The Perilous Fight

  Book 3: Justice


  Book 4: Rocket’s Red Glare


  Book 5: Liberty

  Book 6: One Nation


  We must pass through the darkness to reach the light.

  ~ A Mystical Slayers Proverb ~


  The Mystical Slayers, known as Q-Jin in robot language, are a sisterhood of freedom-fighting, patriotic women. As of recent times they’ve come out and fought bravely against the Y-Wood Corporation. Y-Wood is the supreme leader in world technology and robotics, and a self-proclaimed government fraction.

  The year is 3022. The changing wars have altered everything the earth once was. The United States of America is a mere shadow of its former glory.

  The sisterhood has recently mounted a huge attack in Massachusetts, one that set the Corporation back, destroying their precious home base. Yet it was not enough. The then President Arn Marcou is gone now, but his general, a stern, strong-spirited man known as Berlin Purcell, has taken the mantle. Purcell has his own agenda!

  The defiant women seeking to bring the country back to a democracy relocated in fear of retribution, but it did not take long for the new president and his elite super robots to track them down.

  In the end, the sisters suffered many losses, but even so, they did not give up.

  The women joined with other rebels to form a great alliance, and soon were right back to fighting the Corporation, smack in the middle of the nation’s one-time Capitol, Washington, D.C.

  The battle was fierce but, in the end, a new Governor, Jerry Bends, a long-time opponent of Y-Wood and their boys’ club mentality, rose in popularity. She, an ally of the sisterhood, claimed victory and the country soon took notice.

  For some reason President Purcell and his elite robot soldiers have since been very quiet. All the while, the Mystical Slayers have taken up secret residence all around the new governor, in old diplomatic homes throughout the region.

  Little do the women know, Y-Wood has their eyes all about and area, lurking and waiting for their chance to pounce. The president is now taking advice from a newly-recovered super robot made of a unique black crystal substance. The former military leader, with this deadly new acquisition, has a new plan. The plan is as follows: DESTROY EACH AND EVERY MYSTICAL SLAYER!

  The Corporation has also created a new cyborg warrior named Aliah. She is a force to be reckoned with, another powerful tool for this new age of dictatorship-led government. The new world leaders will not rest until they’re the one true super power in all the world.

  How can a simple sisterhood of martial arts masters, old school, spiritual, God-believing women, stop them? It’s going to take everything they got, and then some.

  Our story continues now in Washington, D.C.


  “They don’t have to know it’s us,” Jansa explained to Raegan. “We’ll just go out there and make sure the area is okay. We can clear it with Governor Bends, or just do it. Come on, it’s been too long. I think a little clean-up is in order.”

  Raegan seemed a bit perplexed at Jansa’s thoughts, stopping the sparring the two were working on. Their private dojo, or training hall, was in the cellar of a former visiting emissary not too far from Washington’s main district. Jansa was usually the calm one, so to speak. The new age doctor was just a bit antsy today. She was sick of staying in one place, and could not hide that fact.

  The two sisters found themselves downstairs quite a lot as of late. The place was set up with hanging bags to punch and kick and weapons racks with swords, knives, guns, and more. Mats were all about the floor too, and on the wall hung a photo of the sisterhoods’ long-ago founder, Metaya Valteese. She was the inspiration for all the sisterhood stood for.

  “The whole idea has been to lay low once more, keep hidden,” Raegan said, continuing now to come at Jansa as they practiced some kickboxing and grappling together. Jansa was fine starting back at it again. She threw a jab, then a cross, stepped at an angle and added a hook punch. It was then she kicked Reagan in the ribs.

  The sisterhood’s stalwart, God-inspired leader took it well.

  Each of them then threw some more punches and kicks at one another. After more exchanges, Raegan caught a kick of Jansa’s finally and swept her other foot out from under her.

  Jansa landed on the mats and just sat there, still wanting to discuss her sneak-out idea, stopping the training again. But Raegan came at her, jumping on her, trapping Jansa’s arms to the mat and sitting on top of her.

  Jansa knew the escape. She called it “snow angel.” She extended both her arms straight back behind her. This made Reagan lose her balance and drop forward and down. Jansa wrapped her arms now around her sister’s back and exploded up and over in a bridge and roll motion. She just rolled off Raegan before sitting up again. She wanted to talk more about the two of them getting out for a trip still.

  “I just feel it’s something you and I can do together. We can go see how Jerry is at the State Capitol building, or just check out how the other monuments are holding up: Lincoln, Jefferson, and the others. Just us two; no one will even know we were gone.”

  Raegan helped her good friend up. “I’ll think about it,” she replied, putting her hands up and urging her sister to fight more.

  They started up again. This time Jansa closed the distance and grabbed her sister around the back of the neck, throwing some knee strikes into Raegan’s midsection. Raegan pushed her away and followed with a jab, cross, and another jab combo and then spun about, landing a decent spinning backfist into Jansa’s ear.

  The doctor took the hit well, spinning herself backwards and hitting Reagan in the stomach with a solid side kick. Both women, sweating heavily and breathing decently, then separated. Each circled about one another and then Raegan shot low and scooped up her sister in a body hug, tossing her to the mat.

  It was there that Jansa kept venting. “I am getting a little sick of B-Purcell news running against Jerry’s broadcasts. Talk about exact opposites. You know as well as I do that Y-Wood has drones all about, watching everything out there, even now. Who knows what really is happening? That area was supposed to be safe, ya know.”

  Raegan nodded. “What they’re doing is letting the dust settle and hoping things return back to normal. They have conceded the region for now. But this will last only so long.”

  Again, the women were up sparring once more on their feet.

  Raegan acted is she was going to shoot in on Jansa, or tackle her again. It was only a fake.

  “You know the others are all dying to get out and wo
rk too,” she insisted. “If they were to hear we’re out, there would be some hard feelings. Think about it. Mahira is begging to enter the combative death match games daily. Paka is no better; she’s ready to rip someone’s head off. Chaya, in fact, is working secretly in California as we stand here. Then there’s all the teenagers, each cooped up for so long. I mean, they’d do anything to get out of hiding and do something. You know what I mean?” Raegan explained, taking off her sparring gear now.

  Jansa now followed suit while still giving her opinion. “So, it’s too dangerous still? Chaya got out, why not us?”

  Raegan scratched her head and pushed her dirty blonde hair aside, reaching for a towel and wiping the sweat off her brow. “Inside intel from Tyne and Staycee told us Y-Wood is seeking us out even more. We have to be careful.”

  Jansa grabbed a bottle of water and took a long drink before still pushing the mini-vacation idea even more.

  “I realize that we’d need to be very careful. That’s why it should just be the two of us, incognito. We can do it. Come on!”

  She waited for Reagan to answer. However, Reagan suddenly looked lost in thought. Jansa saw her staring off into space.

  “Hey, earth to you! What’s on your mind, girl?”

  Raegan just shook her head like she was snapping out of a very serious thought.

  “Is it him?” Jansa asked. “Did he return to see you?”

  Raegan nodded yes. She then added, “But it’s not what you think. He’s gone now, gone forever.”

  Jansa raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

  “Yeah, Pure is gone now.” Raegan frowned. “But I am more than ever convinced we’re doing the right thing. The world needs us, Jansa. It needs us pretty badly.”

  “I agree,” Jansa replied, putting her hand now on her sister’s shoulder. “I’m sorry that he is gone. But it sounds like he gave you some great resolve, and I’m happy to hear it.”

  Raegan smiled. “God is watching over us, he really is!”

  The two of them then discussed a plan to head to the Capitol region. Jansa would not give up. It would be a simple gathering of on-sight information, and perhaps a surprise visit to their ally, Jerry Bends. It really had been too long.

  In the end, Reagan agreed. “Okay, you convinced me. But let’s just keep this to ourselves and make a single day of it. I’m not ready for the others to go out and about and put our locale in jeopardy.”

  Jansa was giddy and gave her sister a big thumbs up.

  Meanwhile, Mahira was not taking no for an answer herself. The Corporation had opened up fighting in various parts of fallen America and she wanted in. They needed funding; the sisterhood was lacking money more than ever as of late. She could help in this way. Fighting was in her blood. She had the fire in her belly!

  Yet, Y-Wood was watching, and if she was out there showing off her amazing, butt-kicking self, she would be a target for the Corporation.

  She just so happened to run into both Raegan and Jansa after their training session. The three women were all in Raegan’s dining area grabbing a late lunch.

  “Hear me out,” she said, raising her hands as if to tell them that this time her plan was different.

  Neither of the two before her were too keen on having their fiery gladiator sister out in the open yet. Her reputation was well known. It was very dangerous to fight in public, especially at any big, Corporation-funded death matches.

  Y-Wood loved to entertain the people. Blood fighting was their favorite sport. It was great for diplomatic get-togethers with local and foreign world leaders.

  Mahira, running around in just her underwear and an oversized shirt, leaped up on the counter, grinning ear-to-ear now.

  “You guys know they have a new borg. She’s like mega special, and you can bet your asses where she goes the Corporation people will follow. It’s simple: I will fight where she does not compete at. We can avoid Y-Wood easy enough.”

  Jansa and Raegan both thought she had a small point.

  “What of the intel we’ve been getting lately though?” Raegan questioned as she prepared sandwiches for all of them. “Purcell and his bots are actively seeking Mystical Slayers out. We move ahead and put you out there all alone and who knows what could happen? It’s still too dangerous. We can earn funds in other ways. Governor Bends is helping with this, as you know. We’re surviving. We just need to give it more time.”

  Jansa looked at a very determined Mahira, who was still not wanting to take no for an answer. She then nodded towards Raegan. “Like she said,” she added her response with a teasing grin.

  Mahira shrugged her shoulders. “Real funny, Jan. At least give your opinion here. I will not be alone. Free is always by my side and if you want, I can grab another sister to accompany me. Tyne Gem can scope out the venue ahead of time, Staycee as well. Come on, you guys. I am going stir crazy. How many times can I teach Naiera, Sun, or Brin how to do an armbar or elbow strike? It’s a wee bit boring day after day. Work with me!”

  Raegan scratched her nose, placing dishes before her sisters. Jansa raised her hands up, offering an expression that indicated that she herself knew how Mahira was feeling here.

  She then asked, “How is your axe these days? Is Free a little bloodthirsty?”

  Mahira scrunched her nose some at such a question. “Don’t change the subject. He is fine. He’s put away safely. If not, he’d drive me silly too.”

  “Paka will kill us if you go and she stays. You know, that right?” Raegan said, digging into the bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich before her.

  Mahira ate now as well, somewhat pouting.

  They talked more as they ate, listening to each of their opinions on the matter.

  Mahira, out of the blue, nodded. “That settles it then. Paka comes with me!”

  Reagan came to the conclusion that in a few months it could work. Mahira would need to appear not as she had in the past. If she were to be herself, word would soon get out, and she would be located, if not hunted down. Either way the decision was not an easy one.

  After more discussion, Raegan shared her plan. “You and Paka, one month from now. You hit fights away from the Corporation. You dye your hair, and use less of your skill to win. You and Paka work it out. We’ll rehash this conversation in a month and we’ll finalize.”

  Mahira liked what she heard, looking over for Jansa’s approval as well now.

  The curly-haired doctor smiled. “Nope, out of the question.” She then giggled. “No, I’m kidding. It sounds good to me. I feel your boredom. I really do. Each of us should get a little time away from here once in a while.” She winked over at Raegan after such words.


  There was no doubt that the new governor was already starting to show signs of her illness. The sisterhood was laying low and was safe, but for her it was only a matter of time. Her age was of a great concern with such sickness. Yet, she told no one.

  Her latest broadcast now playing over the airways spoke of no such thing.

  Welcome to the Bending of a New Nation.

  My name is Jerry Bends. As Governor of the greater Washington, D.C. area, I see great change for the good in our future. Come and visit the sacred relics of freedom here and see for yourself where things are heading. This is the future, fellow Americans. A future filled with hope.

  Reagan and Jansa listened some but soon turned if off. They needed to take a closer look at the inner city and to see how things were faring. Hopefully the Governor was stating the truth and over the last few years things were still on the up-and-up. They had their own suspicions as of late. Jerry was doing broadcasts like radio talks, but more and more they got shorter and relayed the same message over and over.

  It was time for the spiritual doctor to take the coveted motorcycle out. It had been a very special gift to her years ago. That bike was their means of transportation as they now road forward towards the main monument sections of D.C. And the thing was fast!

  The region was by no means set
up to be like it once was a millennium ago. For one, no one could now trust anyone there, even though it appeared some sort of essential order in this area was intact. Both knew better. They just hoped it was a work in progress still, and heading in the proper direction.

  It didn't take long for the women to come to a roadblock less than a half hour into their ride. These unauthorized stopping points were not that rare, and each were often led by scavengers known as hordes. The members set up makeshift blockades to take items and often recruit new members, or even grab some slaves into their motley groups.

  The women could not fly over these, because it would be too obvious that they were of a higher means and the drones that were still about in the area representing Y-Wood…well, they would be all over them immediately.

  They had no desire to have such a thing happen. The rugged motorcycle Darrin had given Jansa would suffice.

  For some odd reason President Purcell had not pursued Washington since the war here a few years back.

  Jansa slowed the motorcycle down as the blockage came better into view. It was the very bike that was once owned by her lover, a man who died saving her and had left the motorcycle behind.

  “Here we go,” Raegan said to her sister as the grumbling of the bike’s engine eased off and they stopped. “Let them do their check, and we'll be on our way. Keep calm. This could get nasty.”

  Jansa nodded back to her sister. “Yeah right. Never expecting anything easy these days. This whole set up just looks ugly,” she added with a grunt.

  Raegan scanned ahead. “I know, but let’s just try and talk our way through this. Can you at least do that?”


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