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ONE NATION: A Post Apocalyptic, Dystopian Saga

Page 11

by Michael W. Huard

The black robot nodded to the president and Purcell nodded back. He then leaned in to Raegan, right before her face.

  “If you will not speak, so be it!”

  The bots then went to work. They went about shaving her long and beautiful dirty blonde hair first. She struggled but could not stop them. The device on her neck had some sort of paralyzing effect on her.

  Purcell went back to sitting again. She just looked him in the eyes as her head was soon nearly bald.

  It was then BSR1 opened a small box and let several fly-like creatures come out. They made their way to Raegan and all landed upon her now shaven head.

  “What are they?” she cried out. “What are you doing to me?”

  The president explained, “I'm doing nothing, if you tell me where the rest of your sisters are hiding. We know very well there are several of them gathered together and others here in New York already. Tell me simply where they all are, and we will gather them up and give them a chance to live a good life still. You would do well not to let those bot flies enter your brain, dear.”

  Raegan could not see the fly-like creatures upon her, but they had soon made their way to her, slightly sticking into her head. Still she would not give in.

  BSR1 then explained, “These are our personal dragonflies, little robotic searchers and intel finders. They will soon embed deeper in your skull and give us the answers we seek. You will suffer immensely and may have permanent damage. Also, wherever you go, we will know where you are. Speak now and avoid them delving into your brain.”

  Raegan sat there still, as strong as she possibly could be.

  It was then she said something to the president of the Y-Wood Robotics Corporation.

  “There is one thing that you do not know.”

  The president and BSR1 both waited for her to continue.

  “Faith tells me that no matter what lies ahead of me, God will already be there.”

  Purcell shook his head.

  “Here we go again this with this aspect of God. This has really messed with your mind. Let's put this world in perspective regarding the changing wars, plagues, floods, diseases, nuclear warfare, droughts, chemical warfare, religious wars, and everything in between. Where the fuck was your God for all those?”

  Raegan took a long breath. She tried to focus down by her navel, her one spot. She was barely hanging on now.

  It was then that the president of the Y-Wood Corporation looked her deep in the eyes. “You’re one stubborn woman. I'm going to let those things dive into your brain cells. Oh, and one more thing.” He waved the mechanical rolling bots over to them. “We’re going to give you what you should have had long ago.”

  The bots then took her chair and grabbed it, flipping her over to the floor.

  Now facing face down, the bots lifted her dress up, revealing her buttocks before all in the room.

  It was then one stamped a black barcode directly on her cheek.

  The president seemed satisfied now.

  “There!” he announced. “It's now official. You’re branded as the outlaw that you truly are. Pull her dress down, you morons,” he then told the worker bots with disgust.

  “Get her back up, will ya? I have a final offer for her.”

  Raegan, back in her chair, looked across the table once more as the president went and sat on the table edge.

  She could not help herself and had to speak out. “You’re a vile man,” she said, spitting at the floor. “You can do whatever you want to me. Strip me naked, brand me, cut me, hit me, go about slamming me in the wall, and punch me in the face, but I'll never tell you where my friends are. Never!”

  “Well there you go,” President Purcell blurted out. “I guess the time for making a deal is over. But I'll tell you this much: I'm not going to let you go. I'm going to let the little robots on top of your head dig a little deeper each hour, and perhaps maybe you'll change your mind.”

  He stood, ready to be done with a dinner they’d never even gotten to. He went to leave but paused, turning back to face the beaten woman.

  “And oh, by the way, make sure to say goodbye to your doctor friend down below. She’ll be dead soon enough.”

  He then left, letting the others bring Reagan back to her cell.


  The president was satisfied with the slow torturing of the leader of the rebel sisterhood. With BSR1 here, he would be able to take the trip to Washington D. C. without a doubt. Galax would be his choice to join him.

  So yes indeed, it was time for him to pay Jerry Bends a visit. He actually hoped that she was willing to talk to him and surrender Washington D.C. back to Y-Wood. It was about time. He had been ever so patient with her.

  He did, however, have to give certain members here other duties with himself now about to leave. Things were falling into place quite nicely, he now told himself.

  The women in New York that had arrived, the members of the Q-Jin Sisterhood, had to be dealt with. He had been told by Tessa where they were before she had left.

  Of course, he still had the lead cyborg, Aliah, at his disposal. It was soon that he told her to gather a force of robotic soldiers and get out and hunt down the women out there on the streets.

  He himself, in a matter of an hour, was on a flight to Washington with a full squadron of assassinating Ruthies with him and Galax.

  This now left BSR1 in charge.

  Purcell, on the flight started thinking about the situation. What’s the worst that could happen? he thought to himself. Perhaps when he returned, both Jansa and Reagan would be dead.

  Karma insisted she would be okay again and again, trying to get the others to just get moving without her.

  “Listen, I ran away not realizing how important what we were doing really is. If I can do this here with Torres right now, I'll still be helping out, making the sacrifice you guys need. It has to be.”

  “It's not worth the trade-off. We need you out here,” Chaya insisted.

  It was then that the intimidating black woman, Paka, walked over and up to Torres.

  “Give us another option. We need our sister with us.”

  “There is no other option,” Torres said. “I am helping you, which could expose myself and my resources. I will set you in place to storm the Empire State Building. You can rescue your friends. Everything in life is a trade-off.”

  “What exactly are you going to do to get us in?” Chaya asked Torres

  He was quick to answer.

  “Like any big business, there is a line of command, a chain of production. I know theirs in great depth. After all, I work for them. They get deliveries at a certain time. I will make sure that half of you get inside on such a delivery. It’s going to take a whole lot of work on my end, badges, eye scan lenses, and fingerprint adjustments, among many other things. This is not easy.”

  The women figured it would be difficult. Y-Wood was loaded with guards, traps, cameras, and everything under the sun.

  Torres went on with the plan. “The two others here, well, you will be used for your seductive charm.”

  All the women crunched their faces and squinted their eyes at such a thought.

  Torres chuckled some at their expressions.

  “Yeah. I’ll pay off some of the guards for contraband and other things involved. Sometimes it’s flesh that I barter with them. Some of you are going to have to use your bodies, so to speak. What you do to those guys after, well, that is not my problem. But they won't let you in unless you offer services.”

  The tall man and his well-armed guards waited for the ladies to answer.

  “Yes or no?” Torres said. “There's no time to waste. You've already been reported to be in this area. I can tell you that forces will be about looking for you.”

  Chaya wiped the sweat from her brow. She looked to Paka, who was uneasy as well.

  “We'll have to split up,” Chaya then announced. “I'll take Sun and do the call girl thing while you, Paka, grab Naiera and make the delivery entry.”

bsp; She then looked at the tall man. “I am guessing you have clothing for us to all wear?”

  He lifted his bionic arm and punched a few codes into his forearm. “It will be an hour or so, but everything you need will be delivered here, and you'll be set to go.”

  An hour soon passed. None spoke much while waiting.

  The items needed for the delivery arrived first as both Paka and Naiera put on navy-blue jumpsuits with the appropriate patches, lanyards, badges, and corrective lenses needed to move forward.

  Before they left, they all gathered with Karma to say their goodbyes. Each felt it would not be the last they saw of her. Not by a longshot.

  The first pair, ready now, were led to a white van outside.

  Paka had one question though. “Can I at least know what we are going to be delivering in order to get inside?”

  Torres lifted his bone mask up, showing of some pretty sharpened teeth. He was fully silver. “Does this explain it to you? It’s silver you will be delivering.”

  The Native American girl seemed perplexed, asking what they needed so much silver for. Teeth were one thing but why so much that they needed the large crates in the van she now spotted?

  One of the guards explained, “Today silver is invaluable to solder and brazing alloys, batteries, dentistry, glass coatings, LED chips, medicine, nuclear reactors, photography, photovoltaic (or solar) energy, RFID chips (for tracking parcels or shipments worldwide), semiconductors, touch screens, water purification, wood preservatives, and many other things. It’s a commodity well sought out. You will be waiting for the right moment and time to actually drive up to the gateway there. We are now in connection with the rest of your people, including Resin Cador, an old friend of mine. He is timing everything on your end, working with us here.”

  “And what about us?” Sun soon asked. The redhead could only imagine what was in store for herself and Chaya.

  Torre grinned. “Some of the guards there, well, they just cannot say no to a beautiful woman. You two need to get sexy.”

  Sun scrunched her lips together. This was all new to her. It wasn't long thereafter that their clothing arrived. Each got boots with high heels, tight dresses, and lipstick.

  It was all the two of them really needed. They were quite lovely to begin with, very fit and athletic.

  Sun was first to ask, “Where are we supposed to hide any weapons in these tiny outfits?”

  Torres and the rest of his staff somewhat chuckled at her thought.

  “You won't be entering with any weapons. You must get them as you go inside.”

  As the women began getting dressed, Chaya looked at Sun and said, “You don't have to do this.”

  Sun brushed off the thought. “All I can say is, the first guy who asks for a kiss is getting a fist in his face.”

  Sinaye and Resin were running things at the emissary housing region. Their collective brainpower was at work nonstop.

  “The timing is crucial here,” Resin explained to his companion. “Della is going to wait for the optimum moment when most people are gone and unlock the sisters’ cells. The point of delivery will be made, and then they can get Raegan and Jansa into the van.”

  He sighed some, and then blew out steam from his mouth. Sin knew he was working his ass of trying to make it all work out.

  Resin was an expert in Y-Wood Corporation-related things. He had a few friends on the inside still and the intel knowledge to manipulate, via online means, some of the locks and traps that were set up in the Empire State Building. Anything he could do would help immensely.

  Sin was very appreciative of his efforts.

  The long dark-haired robotics expert of the sisterhood looked into her husband's eyes. “I guess all we now can do now is wait. We pretty much put all our cards on the table, drawing the corporation in many different directions. You have been amazing in your help. I am so thankful.”

  Resin smiled.

  The two kissed and were broken apart when the cyborg Tyne Gem came in.

  “None of that now, you two lovebirds. There’s work to be done.”

  Sin smirked then asked, “How are things on your end, Tyne?”

  “We’re in contact with Chaya and Della, and Johan is watching and listening to every move all over the country. Hopefully all our connections and allies come through.”


  The president wore a dark blue suit today. He loved a good suit. The opportunity to meet with the rebel Governor was one he could not pass up. She was brave, if not a bit nuts, to allow him to come to her.

  There were no stipulations on the meeting, so he jumped at the opportunity and traveled to Washington with his trusty super robot Galax. They brought with them just a small squadron of company soldiers.

  Jerry Bends had made sure to let him know that it was just about the two of them, and no one else knew yet that their discussion about the alliance’s surrender was forthcoming. President Purcell hoped she had finally come to her senses.

  It has been a long time since Jerry saw Berlin. Their relationship was well into the past now, but she did her best to do her long gray hair up and dress nicely for their meeting. They had been in love many years ago.

  Upon the Y-Wood Corporation President's arrival, he right away was escorted by Captain Hulley to meet with Jerry in her private quarters. The air space defenses were down and his ship had sailed to a smooth landing. Of course, his super robot was asked to stay out in the hallway with Purcell’s clone soldiers. Also in the hall were Alliance troops. This meeting, as agreed on, for the most part, was all about a one-on-one encounter.

  As the president walked in, seeing the woman in her wheelchair brought back a flush of old memories. He nodded and immediately said, “I think it's about time that you've come to your senses.” He also saw that his old flame was looking worse for the wear even though she appeared to be trying to look healthy.

  “Is that so,” Jerry answered. “Well, go ahead and sit down, tell me how bad I look, and then we'll discuss everything.”

  Purcell drily laughed. “I think you look just fine. You do realize,” he continued, “I was thrown into this position and at no time was I expecting for you to be the opposition.”

  “Yeah,” Jerry answered. “You're not a bad man, but I think it's you who have to come to your senses now.”

  Berlin smiled.

  “You're the one who has made the call to surrender. You’ve drawn me away from important matters in New York, so by all means, say your piece, woman, now that you have my attention.”

  “Do you mind if we go live on the air?” Jerry asked with a smirk on her face. She pushed back her long gray hair further away from her eyes, just staring into the eyes of the man she once loved. “You okay with that, Mr. President?”

  “You're too funny,” Berlin answered.

  The people-elected Governor then gave Berlin a good talking to. “Whether you like it or not, the world has changed and is changing rapidly in the wrong direction. If you're going to be someone who is the leader of this country for years to come, you’ve got to begin thinking long-term. War is not the answer.”

  Berlin nodded. “I'd love to think in terms of what you believe is important, Jerry, but we’re constantly on the brink of annihilation from other countries. The aspect of military emergence and continued growth is the most important thing on my mind, but do go on.”

  She certainly did just that, wiping her hand on her forehead then squeezing her temples as she answered. “Where do I begin?” she asked, taking a deep breath. “Have you not witnessed the continuing number of storms we are having, the air pollution, the high temperature, the flooding, the sicknesses from mosquitoes that causes the birth defects, fever, the ever-growing population of ticks, the lightning? I mean, Berlin, do you not see the crazy amount of lightning in these storms?” She raised her hands in seriousness. “This is all man-made, Berlin. What are you going to do about these things?”

  Berlin seemed a bit taken aback by all her mumbo jum

  “You have always been a tree-hugger since the day I met you,” he stated, shrugging his shoulders. “I’m not too worried about emissions in the air, or coal plants these days. My concern is more about the rival militias coming from China, Korea, or Russia. They want to destroy us, in case you haven't noticed. We have our war-ravaged country poised now to be decimated. And it's not getting any better.”

  Jerry shook her head. “You were always a war monger!”

  She began coughing some and seemed a bit dazed all of a sudden.

  Berlin narrowed in on her, wondering just what was really wrong.

  But she snapped out of it and went on. “Those things are important. Other countries will always be an issue, but change comes from within. The disease-causing pathogens once only alive in tropical areas have come here to America thanks to the temperature continuing to rise. Our crops and livestock have suffered from these pathogens for centuries. There’s not enough here for us to live with, unless change comes about.”

  Berlin nodded. “We are only going to live so long, Jerry. These are things many care about but will not live long enough to even be concerned about in the future.”

  Jerry wanted him to hear her plea still. “There has been so much civil unrest, riots, and political instability here; the only way that can all change is if a president works from within. You have this opportunity to make a huge difference, Berlin. Y-Wood has the means to alter life and the planet before all is lost.”

  Berlin raised his hands in the air as if he did not really have such means. “That's not really my forte. Is it, Jerry? I'm a military commander, one put in the position of president.”

  “I know that, Berlin,” Jerry replied. “That's why I wanted to talk with you face-to-face. So we could speak to each other without the corruption or anyone else intervening in this conversation. If you can give me my peace of mind, your word at least that you’ll try to change these things, well…than the alliance will step down.”

  “Oh really?” Berlin replied. “And those pesky sisters as well?”


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