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ONE NATION: A Post Apocalyptic, Dystopian Saga

Page 14

by Michael W. Huard

  Aliah was not amused at such words.

  It was then that the black robot slowed down, turned, and flicked his wrist. Two long black shards came forth from it as he aimed below the ship, right into the back of Naiera.

  The native American girl stumbled forward, continuing to try and pull Raegan with the help of Sun to the bottom of the ladder under the sisterhood’s ship.

  But other robots on the roof now shot at her as well. She tumbled face first down to the roof’s hard flooring.

  The black bot laughed. He couldn’t care less about her. He turned about, seeing Jansa before him next.

  He raised both his fists up to her. “You were supposed to die today. I guess now is a good time to make that happen,” he yelled through the rain, steadying his red laser beam eyes on the sisterhood’s doctor.

  Chaya had a small laser rifle that she had picked up and it didn't take long for her to figure out how to shoot it. She fired multiple shots into the black robot and then turned and fired more shots directly at the cyborg as well as she and Paka grappled about.

  The laser beams did little to hurt the black robot, though they did damage the fleshy parts of Aliah’s body some.

  Sun slowed down to help Raegan start to climb upward.

  Raegan hesitated, making her way over to Naiera. She saw that the teen was still alive but barely holding on.

  Sun went to her as well. Naiera tried to smile at her two sisters.

  “You don't have to say anything,” Reagan then told her. “We love you. You are so brave.”

  Sun was crying her eyes out. How could this be?

  It was then that Naiera whispered to both of them. Each had to get low to the ground to hear her.

  “Listen to the wind; it talks. Listen to the silence; it speaks. And listen to your heart, because it knows you are all on the right path. I love you!”

  It was then that her eyes closed. Sun screamed out, “Noooooooooooooo!”

  Choked up and extremely upset, Sun, instead of helping Raegan up the ladder, ran back, shooting laser beams at the black robot.

  She ran closer and closer to him, and as he continued being shot, he turned around and looked her in the face. “You can't hurt me, kid. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?”

  Sometimes Sun wondered the same thing. She believed that she had heard the voice of God. She believed that he was watching over her, and she was not afraid. But just as she considered shooting more at the BSR1, Chaya tackled the black robot at the legs and Jansa grabbed him around his head. Both at the same time pulled him to the hard tower floor.

  Paka was a tough as they came. But she was hardly a match for the cyborg super girl Aliah. Her robots were trying to get in position to shoot Paka as well now.

  Paka was an expert at jiu-jitsu, so she kept Aliah at bay, using a defensive guard position. She placed both her feet in the way to keep Aliah from getting close enough to continually strike down on her. Aliah had already gained the upper edge, now on top of the scuffle.

  Meanwhile, BSRI twisted about with Chaya and Jansa. He was just too strong for them to hold down. He shoved the both of them away, getting back up to his feet. Even though each of them simultaneously struck out in at him with various Muay Thai kicks, punches, elbows, and knees, he could read their moves ahead of time and deflected many of their attempted hits.

  He then struck Chaya in the head with the sole of his foot, stomping it into her face and sending her backwards to the ground. He turned about and in one motion backhanded Jansa in the temple, sending her as well to the ground.

  “You’re all too easy,” he spewed out in the wild wind and pouring rain. “Maybe the lightning will save you,” he now yelled to the sky. And it was then he got his wish. A massive streak of lighting came right down on him and exploded on his crystal shelling.

  A moment later, he stood there unharmed.

  Sun was lost about what to do next. Miraculously, she went back to following directions and ran over, helping Raegan climb up the rope ladder. The sisterhood’s leader now had Naiera in her arms. “She lives.” She then said to Sun, “Help her. I can make it up on my own.”

  The three of them went up and into the wavering, soaked ship.

  “We just can't leave them down here. They won't survive,” Sun said to Raegan, Sinaye, and Resin on board the ship.

  Resin tried next to turn the ship more in the gushing winds, thunder, and lighting. Sin knew he was treading on dangerous grounds up here in such a nasty storm.

  He, however, did well and pinpointed the robot soldiers below quite well. He then unleased a massive volley of laser strikes at them.

  “CAREFUL!” Sin yelled at him, removing her now worn quite often breathing mask. “You will take down the whole tower and everyone with it. We have to go.”

  “You just can't leave them there!” Sun screamed.

  It was then the mad storm made the sisterhood ship spin about in a 360-degree turn. All of them were tossed to the floor except Resin, who was seat-belted in the driver’s seat.

  Lighting then ripped a hole in the side of their vessel.

  The fighting raged on between the three sisters, the corporation cyborg, and the black crystal super robot on the rooftop.

  It was then that everything just sort of slowed down. A massive shadow came out of the sky. All of them thought perhaps the earth was falling down upon them, but in truth it was a giant red-and-black ship that had appeared and was now crashing down right on the roof with no regard for anything or anyone up there.

  It tried to steady itself and land, but upon arrival it was caught in the winds of the hurricane and it spun about on the rooftop, smashing walls and everything else up in its way.

  Everyone had to take some sort of cover and dive flat to their stomach, so they wouldn’t get torn up and thrown off the roof.

  Chaya, Paka, and Jansa remarkably were able to make their way to the sisterhood’s ship once the new ship came to a stop on the roof. Each of them began climbing the ladder. Sin and Resin had held their ground and had not left just yet.

  In the pouring rain, those inside the ship could see the black robot now walking steadfast towards the fallen ladder and those climbing up. They all screamed on board but their cries were lost in the hurricane winds and craziness all about.

  On the ship, Sinaye now used IHF on Naiera while the others watched as Paka, last on the rope, was ripped off.

  The black robot then called out, “Is this how it shall be? Then so be it.” It was then in one horrendous action, a single great heave, that he lifted up and tossed Paka off the roof.

  There was a collective sigh from those in the ship, watching as more lightning struck down at their vessel again, sending it spiraling in the air.

  Resin did all he could to get the ship under control, while the others helped Jansa and Chaya on board. Screams of pain and heartache filled the cockpit. It was then that Resin flew the battered, soon-to-be-grounded ship away from New York.

  Aliah came upon BSR1. Her outer shell was wrecked badly, but she could still stand. The rest of the robots were all downed.

  The two of them watched as the big red-and-black ship on the roof finally settled and came to a full stop. A door opened and a ramp extended out, lowering to the tower’s floor.

  It was then a hologram-like super robot came out.

  He was like the others, around 7 feet tall, but had a presence about him. As he stood in the rain, he looked down to see the black crystal robot and the cyborg woman looking up at him. His body was a dark green metal, his eyes light green and slightly glowing. Around his body, he wore a long black cloak, which rose at the top to place a cowl over his head. The cape-like clothing flapped like mad in the heavy winds. No longer was this super robot just a hologram.

  “Greetings,” he called down to them.

  BSR1 knew who he was, while the robot’s sidekick, Aliah, had to scan her database to realize, that, yes, it truly was the return of a Y-Wood icon: Omagus.

  The information she brought up
in her highly intelligent mind was that he was one of the top super robots in the Corporation, created at the same time as Galax and BSR1. However, his name was flashing, listing his crimes against Y-Wood.

  “Why have you returned?” the black bot called up to him. “Your services are no longer required.”

  Omagus then let his eyes light up brightly.

  “I have not come for your Corporation. As you say, I no longer work for them. I am my own entity. I am the GODBOT.”



  ~ Bonus Short Story ~


  On the very dangerous roads of fallen America, Karma made her way to the border outside Washington, D.C. The Asian-American teenager with long black hair decided to take to the road on her own.

  She had packed as much gear as her small frame could carry. In particular, Karma had heisted some of the sisterhood's powerful Starigen 6280 formula in order to keep it running through her veins. This miracle drug kept her at the top of her game, even as a young teen.

  She had cared deeply for the entire sisterhood and their allies, yet she was still perturbed by the fact that none made too much fuss regarding the death of her close friend, Gavin, someone who meant the world to her.

  She was frustrated, which kept her moving away from those she thought of as family. Heading out by herself was the right choice. Perhaps she’d find purpose, locate meaning to her existence besides being just one of the sisters out to change the country. A fallen America.

  Her world was smaller than the vast ideals of the Mystical Slayers.

  I’m not the only one with issues, she thought as she got closer to her destination. She knew Victory was struggling as well, but she had Jackson J. now, and the two of them had chosen to reside away from the main sisterhood and live separately. If only Gavin were alive, Karma could have had happiness, too.

  Being out here made her feel like a sojourn could help her come to some conclusion about where her life was heading.

  She was definitely scared. She was just a young girl who, miraculously, had aged faster than anyone thought possible. She hadn’t realized what the consequences of meddling with the formula would be.

  Today, the streets she walked were ruled by those who were strongest. The states were governed by the Y-Wood Corporation, a robotics company the so-called President Berlin Purcell reigned over with an iron fist. The changing wars had thrown the former United States of America into a tailspin, and thirty-first century USA was a mess.

  Her sisterhood had made great advances against this Corporation, but it was not nearly enough.

  The goal was to gather more and more people to create an uprising, then overthrow these self-proclaimed leaders. It was all overwhelming now to Karma.

  While out on her own, perhaps she would see where people stood regarding this once great country. There had to be places one could just live in, places that were more at peace.

  However, as a pretty girl, it was never a good idea to set out all alone these days.

  The farther away from Washington she got, the more dangerous the roads were becoming. She hadn't planned on going too far, yet she kept on walking towards a shipyard in order to find a boat to board and cross the river.

  The early night settled in, and darkness was creeping up. Karma knew better than to stay out after dark, so she found what looked to be an abandoned building and pried open a window, climbing in.

  There was very little in the building itself; it looked like it had been picked over, but it was enough to shelter her and keep her off the dark street. Little did she know someone else was in there as well.

  A man peered over a rusty industry machine, liking what he saw. A pretty, fresh female. He let her settle in a little bit. He wanted her food, but knew it would be better not to rush as he watched her chew on some sort of bar. If it were one of those Bloom nutritional ones, he hoped she had more in the bag near her side. She was so cute, he thought

  However, Karma knew soon enough, he was there. She had picked up on his stink earlier. Knowing how to play the game, she acted like she had no idea he was watching. She eventually curled up and laid her head on her knapsack. All the while, she kept her katana concealed at her side.


  The grungy and smelly man waited until she was fast asleep before he crept out of his hiding spot. He would take her food, then have her as his own. Afterward, he’d decide if he would have her again in the morning or kill her on the spot. He pushed aside his filthy brown hair covering his left eye to look her over better.

  He slowly knelt behind her now. She was such a fragile baby, he told himself. When she did not move, he smiled, revealing what few teeth he had left. He licked his lips, knowing he had come across a nice little treasure. His anticipation rose as he reached out to cover her mouth.

  He then felt a sudden stab of pain in the area of his liver. He looked down, seeing some sort of blade sticking out of his side. This teenager had driven her sword deep into his flesh; blood was already beginning to run from his mouth. He grimaced as he slouched forward, seeing the black-haired girl looking at him.

  “Did you think it would be that easy?” she asked him with a scowl.

  He tried to speak, but the agony was overwhelming. He fell back, gurgling, trying to catch his breath.

  Karma sat up and sighed. Of all the luck, now I have a dead person next to me.

  She moved farther away and tried to get a little bit of rest.

  And so, it begins, she then kept thinking.

  She didn't sleep all that well and found herself wondering why she had ventured out on her own. Should she have left the sisterhood and her friends? It was a restless night of second guessing.

  Why did they not care about Gavin more? It was like because he wasn't one of the girls, one of the leaders, people kind of just brushed him off. She would not go back. She had to keep going, get away from it all. She had made the right choice.

  Eventually, in the morning, the young girl walked on. She saw the river marked on her little map and made her way down to the dock. As she rounded a bend in the road, she noticed three men, maybe in their twenties, hanging out on a porch. Judging by their clothing, they appeared to be men who liked to fish. Some of their fishing poles and tackle boxes were strewn around near them, too.

  She started to walk past.

  Excitedly, all three men ran out into the road and stood in front of her.

  The shorter of the three, who wore a white cap and had a baby-like face, squinted. “Where you going, missy?”

  Karma just shook her head and tried to skirt around them, but the young men stepped in front of her again, getting even closer now.

  Then one guy with a big scar on his cheek and a red baseball hat placed backwards on his head spat out at her. “Slow down, girl. We’re talking to you!”

  The tallest among them added, “Yeah. Listen to old Fishhook and be nice.”

  Karma now saw that the scar on his face was indeed probably made by a good-sized fishhook. She put her hands up in a pacifying gesture. “I'm just walking by, guys. Just let me be on my way to the docks, please.”

  Baby Face frowned. “I don't think we can do that. Why don’t you come inside with us?” He then reached out and grasped her shoulder.

  Karma spun and grabbed his hand, rotating her own arm around the guy’s elbow. Keeping him in a shoulder lock, she then walked him out of her way some.

  When he resisted, she rotated his arm the other way, locking it forward, then drove him to the ground, face first.

  He yelped out in pain, calling out, “Easy now.”

  His buddies were all astounded that he was taken down by this small girl so easily.

  Fishhook threw his red hat to the ground and ran at Karma, immediately grabbing her around the throat. She had to let go of the guy on the ground in order to grab her new attacker’s arms, and as she pushed him sideways, she went the other way and swept his foot out from under him. Fishhook went
flying, landing hard on the roadway. Baby Face, still kneeling, looked over to his taller buddy, who was the only punk still on his feet now.

  “Grab that little honey, will ya, Eli? She's going to pay for what she just did. Get her and pull her ass inside so we can teach her a lesson.”

  Karma drew her sword at his words. This was escalating into a serious threat. She pointed it at all of them. “I told you, I just want to pass by. Leave me alone.”

  Eli scratched his head and announced, “Whoa, this girl is a serious.”

  Fishhook and Baby Face were both back on their feet, each circling around Karma, ready for more. Eli parted his greasy, black hair, and moved in front of her so she could not get by without a serious fight.

  Baby Face drew a long, curved falchion blade from his side. He spat out at Karma, “You draw that sword on us, you’d better know how to use it.”

  Fishhook suddenly pulled out a pistol. “You’re going to get shot if you don't put that away, you little bitch.”

  Eli shouted at her next. “What you got in the bag? Give us everything in there, then we will let you go.”

  Baby Face, with a frown on his mug, looked at Eli, shaking his head. “No, dink, I want her inside so we can all play together, you moron.”

  Karma tried to breathe as she had been taught by the sisterhood. She needed to talk her way out of this, to remain in control of her emotions. She focused on her one-spot as taught to her by Mahira.

  “Listen, other than a couple food bars, some beef jerky, and a little bread, I don’t have anything of value in this sack. If you guys are hungry, you can have it. Just let me by. Please.”

  Baby Face growled, slapping his sword on his palm. “That isn’t enough. Put the bag down and get into the house. We’re going to have some fun with you . . . then maybe we’ll let you leave.”

  Karma was now even more anxious. She had been taught to talk her way out of situations, being sweet, even sometimes acting like she was surrendering. It was part of her defense training and Raegan made sure she knew how to play such a role very well.


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