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ONE NATION: A Post Apocalyptic, Dystopian Saga

Page 39

by Michael W. Huard

  Raegan looked to Sun and then then to Mahira, who was up again, kneeling and trying to stop all the blood still spilling out of her.

  “Yeah, it worked,” Raegan said. “It worked perfectly!”

  There was no doubt now in any of the other sisters that Raegan truly was blessed by an angel. They had now witnessed it themselves.


  With great effort and lots of work, more and more people in the area came out, carrying pieces of the Statue of Liberty that had been rebuilt via notices through the Postal Service. Even members of the American Resistance lent a hand in making her come to life.

  The citizens worked diligently to place the pieces together, and with great enthusiasm, she became taller and taller until the great metal statue stood once again in New York, upon the harbor. People everywhere cheered with great jubilation at the victory before them. It truly was a sight to behold.

  The American Resistance met with the sisterhood thereafter, once the last robot had fallen. The two formed a friendship that all hoped would grow in the days to come.

  In the future, more work would be needed to handle the deals Omagus had made with the foreign occupation known as RNKC, who had already set up in Alaska. The states close by such as Washington, Oregon, and Idaho were part of this now. But since they had taken back most of America from the Y-Wood Corporation, it surely was a time of celebration.

  Together with the Resistance, the sisterhood participated in a parade in the days that followed, going down 6th Avenue in Manhattan, New York.

  Plans were already being discussed about the making of a new government, one formed by a democracy and with a new president; a leader who would be elected fairly.

  It was out there now; the United States of America was to officially reform. So, it was on this day, the parade featuring the sisterhood amongst many of the most important people that had fought so hard for freedom traveled down the road celebrating victory.

  One image stood out amongst the rest. It was on the float of the sisterhood that a young girl named Celestial, the daughter of Resin and Sinaye, stood before all at the top of a stairway platform waving the USA Stars and Stripes: the red, white, and blue flag.

  It was a fitting image that kind of represented what the parade really meant, and to those that saw it, well, they held more hope than ever upon this wonderful day.

  The final float in the parade held a great message written in huge letters. It read: Always remember that patriotism is rooted in humility. It is what you love about your country, but also about what you can make better for your fellow Americans.

  Back at Chimney Pond, the women had earned a good vacation.

  The order of the week was lots of coffee and tea. The foliage was still remarkable here, and everyone took it in, to say the least. Maine was a beautiful state, especially in this mountain region.

  “So, what's next for us?” Mahira asked Raegan as the two of them took in the view of such a special location at this very moment.

  Reagan sipped a warm cup of tea and then answered. “Now that the country has been cleansed somewhat, and we have fulfilled the wishes of our founder, we will carry on the battle when needed. The nation is battered down and weak. It has to rebuild and regrow. But you know what? I feel great. What about you?”

  Mahira, who had used more than one bottle of IHF to heal her wounds, rolled her neck some before replying. “I’m ready to go when you need me!”

  Raegan, like always, had great respect for the gladiator. She was unlike any other she’d ever known.

  “Why does that not surprise me?” she then said to her friend. “You’re quite a sensation, you know that?”

  Mahira smiled.

  Raegan went on, “We will remain always waiting in the shadows, acting as hope bringers to those in need, seeking freedom for those that live in the soon reformed United States of America.”

  Mahira liked what she heard.

  “I want you to know something too, Raegan,” she then went about telling her sister. “You should be damn proud of yourself and all that you have led us to accomplish. This shit isn’t easy. It takes great perseverance, and one hell of a lot of willpower to not give up. You’re one special, ass-kicking lady.”

  Raegan was the one smiling now.

  Time passed; already almost another year now as Raegan sat outside on her porch looking out into Chimney Pond. The area was her favorite, and the more time she spent here, the more she loved it. The colors of the leaves were amazing this fresh fall day.

  Mother Earth had a way of always healing itself, and there was always change at this time of year followed by great rebirth in the spring. One thing she was grateful of was that they had already started the rebuild of Tyne Gem. She too would be reborn at least in some shape. It made Raegan’s spirit calmer.

  The aspect of seeing Pure again had fluttered her heart in another way. No, her life's mission was not his, she knew that now. But just to see him one last time was awesome. Her daydreams seemed to go his way these days even still.

  It was one of those afternoons when her eyes were closing, during what she was getting accustomed to as her nap time, when a commotion along the trail leading to the large entryway caught her attention.

  It was then that a single rider on horseback had made his way into their campsite area. He was right now trying to scurry around the big fence when guards began shouting warnings at him.

  Evidently, he was not going to stop. As more and more people came out watching what was happening now, he found a way in.

  He continued to gallop slowly now towards Raegan’s bungalow. She had motioned to let him through, thought the guards should be ready to take him down if need be.

  However, that’s when Mahira stepped out from an adjacent building, running down in front of the horse and rider. She held her hands up, stopping him. “Who are you, and why are you here? You have been asked to stop. This is your last chance or you will be brought down.”

  She could now see that the rider was actually just a young man, a boy in fact, maybe 13 or 14 years old. He was dressed in brown riding leathers and wore a navy-blue baseball hat on backwards. She lowered her hands, more relaxed now. The kid was of little threat.

  He then announced, “My name is Dakota Irvington. I've been riding for a very, very long time. You all won't believe how happy I am to finally reach this place. I have to say Millinocket, Maine is out in the boondocks. Let's just say I have a good guess as to where I had to come to.”

  “What does that mean?” Mahira asked Dakota.

  “I have a letter here.” He then held up the sealed parchment. “It’s for one Raegan James. May I ask where I can find this woman?”

  Mahira was quick to ask him her own question. “Oh really? Well, who is this letter from, young man?”

  He looked to the top corner on the left of the letter and then announced, “It reads right here maim. Wisdom Marie Cruise, San Diego, California. If I do say so myself.”

  Mahira looked over to Raegan on her porch, who was now standing, curious herself. She called out to the young man, “You came all the way from California to deliver this?”

  Dakota looked her way.

  “Not quite,” he answered. “I wish I could say that. I actually picked up the letter from a drop-off in Ohio. That's where I have come from. I am postal carrier 888 for the United States Postal Service.”

  Raegan got a big smile on her face, and Mahira as well.

  Dakota then asked, “Do either of you know where I could find this Raegan James? I'd be much obliged to pass this letter to her myself.”

  Mahira pointed to the porch, stepping aside now for him to continue.

  “You're looking at her right there. That’s the legend in the flesh!”

  Dakota’s eyes lit up as he trotted over to Raegan now. He reached out, giving her the letter.

  He then turned about as if ready to go. Raegan yelled back to him before he rode off, “Leaving so soon? It’s mighty beautiful around here i
n the fall. Are you sure you wouldn't like to have something to eat and maybe let your horse relax a little bit? I could also have somebody send you off with some good rations for your journey home.”

  The boy turned his horse about, looking at the woman talking to him. “That would be really fantastic, maim,” he said with a smile.

  Reagan waved over some sisters to help the young fellow and soon he was well taken care of.

  She soon tore the letter open and began to read it.

  Dear Miss Raegan,

  My name is Wisdom Marie Cruz, and I want you to know that you are an inspiration.

  As a young girl, I'm only 9 years old, the stories I have been told about you and your sisters have inspired me to dream.

  I used to go to bed at night crying my eyes out in fear. America was not a place that I wanted to be. I even thought about taking my own life.

  But the tales of you and your friends offered hope, not just words, but through your real-life actions of doing what you all do. I soon began to believe that America would one day rise again and be a place that all could be proud of. This is what has kept me going.

  So, I just wanted to write this letter and thank you.

  Every night now when I go to bed, I think of ways to make the world better, just like you.

  Thanks, Raegan James.

  Wisdom Marie Cruz, San Diego, California.

  Every end is a new beginning. Thank you for reading the Mystical Slayers book series. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I had fun writing it.

  Michael W. Huard

  The Mystical Slayers Bravery Series







  OTHER BOOKS in the Mystical Slayers series include:

  The Mystical Slayers Trilogy (All full novels)




  The Mystical Slayers Heritage Series




  Personal Note from the Author:

  Well, you made it to the end of my dystopian, sci-fi, & fantasy series. I hope you enjoyed it. I would just like to thank you for giving me your valuable time to try and entertain you. I am blessed to have this amazing job, but I only have such because of people like you, people kind enough to give my books a chance. I am very grateful for that. I love writing and telling stories. If you enjoyed this tale and would like to help out, please consider leaving a review on the various sites you as a reader visit.

  – Thanks again, Michael W. Huard

  About the Author

  Michael W. Huard is a dreamer, a lover of words, and someone with an endless imagination. He's a long-time martial artist, a Dungeons & Dragons game master, and simply a human being on a voyage in time. He lives in the heart of rural Maine.

  Please join his mailing list for all the latest updates in his Mystical Slayers book series as well as his Gothic fantasy stories. Mike is always busy writing many more tales. The best is yet to come!

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  I am also on Goodreads where the same reviews can be left for all my books.




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