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The Wolves of Freydis

Page 42

by J C Ryan

“Jay, Echo two, loud and clear. Over.”

  “Echo two, Jay, many unfriendlies, keep low when you come in. I repeat many unfriendlies keep it low. Over.”

  “Jay, Echo two, roger. Coming in low. Out”

  Liu appeared in the opening of the door on the roof, stepped out, moved to the left, and sat down with her back against the wall as she was instructed.

  Dylan, John, Kevin, and Andre appeared ten seconds later. They spread out and squatted behind parapets. The chopper was about 200 yards away to the west, approaching from the back of the ISRD building.

  Sean and his group were all on the roof of the parking garage. Echo one, their chopper, was close. He spoke to the pilot telling them they were ready. There was no helipad, but the deserted parking area was ideal for the chopper.

  No police vehicles were approaching their area, all the noise, and flashing lights were happening 300 yards away at the ISRD building. From his position, Sean had a clear view across to the front of the ISRD.

  “Keeva, Loki, do you read? Over.”

  “Loki, Keeva, loud and clear. Over.”

  “Keeva, Loki, everyone there and ready to go? My group is ready. Over.”

  “Loki, Keeva, same here. Over.”

  In the White House, the President looked around at the faces of his three companions; they were all smiling. When he opened his mouth to ask the question, they all held their thumbs up; The President closed his mouth. It meant everyone was alive; Mackenzie and Liam were with them.

  “Keeva, Loki, I just hope your visitors out front don’t get it in their heads to attack the building. Over.”

  “Loki, Keeva, I am monitoring them. If they move, I’ll launch a few flashbangs at them. Over.”

  “Keeva, Loki, roger. Out.”

  The chopper touched down on the roof of the garage; Carter, Mackenzie, Liam carried by Roy, and Beth, who was wailing loudly in her father’s arms, were the first in. Then Sean started signaling the rest of the men, one by one in rapid succession, to go. He would be the last one into the chopper.

  Over at the ISRD, the police commander shouted orders over the megaphone. Dylan and Jay would be the last men into their chopper. Dylan checked to make sure everyone was inside.

  Andre touched his arm and shouted, “They’re getting ready to shoot at us.”

  “Okay. Let’s see if we can cure their itchy trigger fingers.”

  Dylan and Jay grabbed the loaded flashbang launchers next to them and fired the first grenades down on the police. They reloaded and fired again; each of them fired a total of three grenades in quick succession.

  After the first two grenades had exploded, the police task force was in shambles. When the next four explosions came soon after, some of the least stunned officers started running – away. Others, too disoriented to run, crawled under their vehicles; those closest to explosions were rendered deaf and blind and were screaming.

  Dylan and Jay grabbed their equipment and sprinted to the chopper, keeping their heads low as they approached under the rotors.

  As Dylan entered, he quickly scanned his team making sure everyone was there. He saw Liu; she was shaking and staring out in front of her in a daze. He took the open seat next to her, put his arm around her shoulder and said, “Hi, my name’s Dylan. Are you okay doctor?”

  She slowly turned her head to look at him, obviously in shock. “It’s Liu; my name is Liu, not doctor.” Her eyes began to focus again, and she smiled, “and yes I’m okay; no wait, I’m so much more than okay.” She smiled at him, and tears began streaming down her cheeks. “Thank you. How can I -?”

  “Shhh, just sit back and relax for now,” Dylan smiled, “we have a long trip home, and a lot of time to talk.”

  Liu leaned her head against Dylan’s shoulder and closed her eyes as the chopper lifted off the roof. It was the first time in many months she felt safe. There was a little smile playing on her tear-washed face.

  Sean pushed the button on his throat mic, “Quebec, Hotel, Loki, do you read? Over?”

  “Loki, Quebec, loud and clear. Over.”

  “Quebec, Hotel, Loki, thanks, guys. Great job. We’ll talk soon. Over.”

  “Loki, Quebec, our pleasure, talk soon. Out.”

  The Echo one chopper banked to the right and headed west.

  Sean spoke into the throat mic again.

  “Keeva, Loki do you read?” Over.”

  “Loki, Keeva, loud and clear. Freydis! I repeat Freydis! Over.”

  “Keeva, Loki, Freydis! I repeat Freydis! Out.”

  Freydis was the code word that meant the hostages were evacuated, everyone was safe, and they were on their way to the warship in the Red Sea 70 miles away.

  In the White House the President was on his feet and so were Irene, Bill and General Crawford. They were hugging each other. “Thank God,” The President whispered with deep emotion choking his voice.

  On the ship, Samantha grabbed Rick by the back of his head, pulled him to her and laid a long, lingering kiss on him that made his toes curl and left him breathless.

  Liam’s mouth was agape as he looked at his dad’s blackened camouflaged face, black uniform and weapons and the men in the helicopter dressed the same as his dad.

  Beth’s eyes were open; she had stopped crying and now was staring up at Carter. It was almost as if she was studying her father’s face, he stared back down at her in amazement, “Mackie this is incredible, she’s utterly beautiful, I just can’t believe it.”

  Mackenzie, had her arm hooked through Carter’s, and she smiled at him, “Probably no more than I can believe you’re here, and we are going home.”

  Chapter 61 -

  On the phones

  Epic scenes of elation erupted on the deck of the warship after Echo one and two landed and the four hostages and their rescuers set foot on the ship at 1:45 am. Carter, Mackenzie, Liam, Beth, Liu, and James were quickly surrounded by the rescue team, which included Rick and Samantha, the commander of the ship and the intelligence officer.

  Carter held his daughter in his arms; despite all the noise, she was calm. Liam was the proudest boy on the planet as he stood between his mom and dad. When Mackenzie saw Liu, she ran to her, and the two women embraced each other, laughing and crying.

  James saw the bundle in Carter’s arms and approached. “Carter, what’s that? It looks like you’re holding a baby.”

  “That’s exactly what I’m holding, Jim! This is my daughter; Beth! Can you believe it?”

  “Oh my God! Carter, Mackenzie! You - you - have a daughter?” James stuttered. “Mackenzie!” He stepped forward and hugged her and then leaned over to Carter to get a glimpse of the little one’s face. “Carolyn and I volunteer to be the godparents!” He chuckled.

  Carter just nodded; tears were streaming down his face. Mackenzie smiled as she watched him, not yet believing he was here holding Beth in his arms.

  The rest of the people on the deck had formed a semi-circle around the group and started cheering loudly.

  A few minutes later the commander of the ship managed to herd them all into the mess hall where hot food and drinks were awaiting them.

  Two physicians and other medical staff who were on standby, escorted Mackenzie, Liam, Beth, Liu, and Carter down to ship’s hospital for a checkup and treatment if necessary, before they would be transferred to their next destination, Tel Aviv.

  They still had a lot of traveling to do before they would set their feet back on American soil. The President and General Crawford wanted the group to be out of the area and safe as quickly as possible before they contacted the Saudi officials.

  The entire group of 18 people was scheduled to be airlifted by an MV-22 Osprey at 3:00 am to Tel Aviv first. From the ship’s position to Tel Aviv was 646 nautical miles, less than three hours for the Osprey, which had a cruising speed of 241 knots. They would land in Tel Aviv at a secured military airbase known as the Lod Airbase, the military part of Ben Gurion International Airport.

  From the Lod Airbase, they would
be transferred to a private jet, in which they would make the 12-hour flight directly to DC.


  It was 7:00 am in Riyadh; the private jet had just reached cruising altitude and had set course for Washington DC when the President of the United States greeted King Al Saud.

  The King was immediately on alert when he was told who was on the phone. A few minutes into the conversation the King was fuming with rage, not against The President or America; in fact, at the end of the conversation, he thanked the President for bringing the matter to his personal attention. The King was infuriated by the discovery of the treachery in his midst. When he heard the names Xavier Algosaibi and Ibrahimi El Fadl he felt the dagger of betrayal in his back and went quiet, as he comprehended that what he felt was in reality, only the tip of the dagger.

  When the President suggested the King have an audience with the US Secretary of State, Joshua Bartlet, he accepted. Bartlet, The President explained, would fill the King in on all the details. Al Saud knew he was running out of time and had to act swiftly.


  When Bly answered the phone and heard Carter’s voice, she shouted, “Ahote, come quickly; it’s Carter!” Ahote must have broken a speed record to get to the phone. Bly put the phone on speaker and said, “We are all ears, Carter!”

  “Bly, Ahote, it’s good news we’ve got them! They’re alive; they’re here with me. I - I -” Carter’s voice faltered as he started crying. “We - we are - coming - home.”

  Bly and Ahote grabbed each other and started dancing and shouting. Carter could hear Bly calling out “I knew it! I knew it! The wolves told us; they told us!”

  Ahote was the first one to get a grip and said, “Carter can we talk to Mackenzie?”

  “Yes, of course, she is right here. But before I -”

  Carter didn’t get to finish his sentence; Mackenzie had grabbed the phone and shouted, “Bly! Ahote!”

  Carter started laughing when he heard Bly and Ahote’s shouts of joy when Mackenzie told them about Beth.

  Carter smiled and sat back, looking at Liam, who was fast asleep. He looked at Mackenzie’s beaming face as she was talking on the phone; Beth slept peacefully in his arms. He carefully moved the soft baby blanket away from her face and drank in the infant’s face; he just couldn’t get enough of his red-haired sleeping beauty.


  It was 4:30 pm in Boston when the bell on the front door of the Andersons house chimed. Steven, and Ray their son who was home on leave, were engrossed in a program on the National Geographic channel; it was Mary who opened the door.

  “Good afternoon Mrs. Anderson, I don’t know if you will remember me? I’m Irene O’Connell.”

  “Yes, I remember you, Irene,” Mary was instantly on alert. The one and only time she met Irene was when Irene met her, Steven and Ray at the airport in DC and accompanied them to a private jet, which flew them to Israel. It was not a good memory.

  Irene immediately detected the fear on Mary’s face. “Mrs. Anderson, please don’t worry; this time, I’m the bearer of very good news,” Irene said with a smile. “May I come in?”

  “Yes, please; come in,” Mary invited, leading the way to the living room where Steven and Ray were. Their reactions were no different to Mary’s when they recognized Irene and remembered the heartbreaking circumstances when they last saw her.

  Irene knew she had to get the news out quickly. She didn’t take a seat. “I have the most wonderful news ever," she drew a short breath, "Mackenzie and Liam are alive and on their way home.”

  Steven sat forward, “Say that again, Irene.”

  “Mackenzie and Liam are alive, Steven, and they’re on their way home.”

  Mary’s voice quivered, “Alive? Mackenzie’s alive; and Liam too?”

  Irene nodded. “It’s a very long story, and The President himself wants to see you and tell you all about it, but he insisted I come and tell you first. He knew it would be impossible over the phone.”

  Mary’s voice was hesitant, “Are they alright?”

  “Yes, Mary, they’re both just fine,” Irene was nodding firmly.

  “What about Carter? Is he alright? Does he know?”

  “He’s absolutely fine too, and he knows, he’s with them right now.”

  Mary turned to Steven and Ray. Like her, tears were rolling down their cheeks. The three Andersons reached out and held each other.

  “I can’t believe this,” Steven whispered. “How is it possible? Is it really true?”

  “They’re really alive, Irene?” Ray asked in a wavering voice. “You’re sure?”

  “Yes, they are alive,” Irene said as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

  It had been decided not to tell them about their granddaughter; that honor and privilege belonged to Beth’s parents, and her proud brother, Liam.

  “How can you be so sure, Irene?” Steven asked.

  Irene smiled and said, “I’m going to phone her right now, and you can talk to her, and Liam, and Carter.” She took her satellite phone out and pushed the buttons.


  It was 11:00 pm, two hours before the private jet from Tel Aviv was scheduled to land in the high-security area of the Joint Base Andrews. The still shell-shocked but ecstatic Andersons were led into the Oval Office by Irene to meet with President Grant.

  The President welcomed them and asked them to take a seat then sat down with them. He already knew they had spoken to Mackenzie and Liam, and that she had told them about Beth, the latest addition to the family. He tried to imagine the conversation, Yes Mom, we are alive and well, it’s real, and you can believe it. You won’t know Liam; he’s grown so tall, and guess what? You have a granddaughter! Her name is Beth! The President could only imagine the joy.

  He cleared his throat; “I’ve asked to meet you to share some information with you, share in your joy, and to explain a few things,” He continued and gave them a brief summary of the operation and how it was executed.

  "Mr. President, can you tell us more about where they were and what happened to them?" Steven asked.

  The President went into more detail and answered as many of their questions as was possible without breaking security protocols.

  “Mr. President, why were we not told sooner?” Mary asked.

  “Yes. With all due respect Mr. President, why was it necessary to withhold this information from us?” Steven added.

  The President nodded. “Unfortunately, painful as it must be for you to know you were kept in the dark, it was absolutely necessary for their safety. I want to apologize for that, however, for what it’s worth, we only discovered about nine days ago that they were alive and where they were being held.”

  Steven leaned back, visibly relaxing.

  “The main reason we couldn’t tell you earlier was because it would have placed them in too much danger. Only the rescue team was allowed to know. If that information had leaked out before they were rescued, their captors would have killed them,” The President paused for a moment and continued. “I apologize again; I can only imagine the hell you must have been going through the last ten months. All I can say is - it’s over. They are alive and well.”

  Steven smiled, looked at Mary and Ray, saw their smiles and nodded. “Mr. President you have our eternal gratitude for bringing our children back to us. We’ll never forget it as long as we live. There could never be a more perfect day in our lives.”

  “Thank you, I appreciate that, but I only gave the orders to rescue them, the recognitions should go to your son-in-law, Irene here and the others who never stopped believing and never gave up,” The President replied.

  The Andersons and Irene were invited to travel on Marine One, The President’s helicopter, with him to Joint Base Andrews. Fifteen minutes after their arrival, the private jet landed and taxied into the hangar.

  The President and Irene stood to the side and watched as the Andersons engulfed Mackenzie, Carter, Liam, Beth, and Liu in their arms.

  A few minutes la
ter, Liu took a few steps out of the family circle and walked over to Dylan. He smiled happily as he put his arm around her and looked down into her shining face.

  Chapter 62 -

  In the news

  Despite the lateness of the hour, Steven and Mary had insisted that Carter, Mackenzie, Liam, Beth and Lui all stay at their house, at least for the night, and they had all been glad to accept. Everyone was exhausted from being up most of the previous night and had slept most of the day.

  The next evening Carter, Steven, and Ray sat quietly enjoying a glass of whiskey in the den at the Anderson’s house. The women were in the kitchen preparing a light dinner, and the men had gathered in the den to watch the news. Liam was enjoying the privilege of sitting on his father’s lap after missing him for so many months, and Carter had reluctantly surrendered Beth to the arms of her Grandfather.

  “… and in world news tonight, some major, and surprising, events in Saudi Arabia. For the report, we go now to our correspondent on special assignment, Robert Evans. Bob, we understand there are some remarkable events taking place over there.”

  “That’s right, Cindy. From what we have been told, there was a raid on the Institute of Scientific Research and Development yesterday that lead to the discovery of a plot to bring down the House of Saud and resulted in the release of hostages that were, until now, being held without anyone knowing about it.

  “Upon receiving the information about the treachery against the House of Saud, King Al Saud gave orders for the arrest of local businessman and former General Intelligence Presidency employee, Xavier Algosaibi, and had Ibrahimi El Fadl – current deputy director of the General Intelligence Presidency detained as well. If what we have been told is true, this is a conspiracy at the highest government level. At the moment, interviews with the two men are being conducted, and officers continue to investigate the information that led to the discovery of the plot. We’ll have more for you on these as further developments arise. Back to you, Cindy.”

  “Thank you, Bob. We look forward to those updates!” The TV news reporter refocused on the camera to address viewers. “And in news back on American soil, earlier today Dwayne Miller, CEO of the American company Competitive Response Solutions, and one of his board members, Nate Gordon, were arrested on charges of treason and espionage, and we are told there could be further charges filed. The homes of Miller and Gordon, as well as the offices of Competitive Response Solutions were raided and searched, under warrant, by the FBI after they received information about treasonous actions by the two men and the company. Many staff members were detained as well, but we are told most of them are being interviewed and released.”


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