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The Pioneers; Or, The Sources of the Susquehanna

Page 34

by James Fenimore Cooper


  "Fetch here the stocks, ho! You stubborn ancient knave, you reverend bragget, We'll teach you." --Lear.

  The long days and early sun of July allowed time for a gathering of theinterested, before the little bell of the academy announced that theappointed hour had arrived for administering right to the wronged, andpunishment to the guilty. Ever since the dawn of day, the highways andwoodpaths that, issuing from the forests, and winding among the sides ofthe mountains, centred in Templeton, had been thronged with equestriansand footmen, bound to the haven of justice. There was to be seen awell-clad yeoman, mounted on a sleek, switch-tailed steed, ramblingalong the highway, with his red face elevated in a manner that said, "Ihave paid for my land, and fear no man;" while his bosom was swellingwith the pride of being one of the grand inquest for the county. At hisside rode a companion, his equal in independence of feeling, perhaps,but his inferior in thrift, as in property and consideration. This wasa professed dealer in lawsuits--a man whose name appeared in everycalendar--whose substance, gained in the multifarious expedients of asettler's change able habits, was wasted in feeding the harpies of thecourts. He was endeavoring to impress the mind of the grand juror withthe merits of a cause now at issue, Along with these was a pedestrian,who, having thrown a rifle frock over his shirt, and placed his bestwool hat above his sunburnt visage, had issued from his retreat in thewoods by a footpath, and was striving to keep company with the others,on his way to hear and to decide the disputes of his neighbors, as apetit juror. Fifty similar little knots of countrymen might have beenseen, on that morning, journeying toward the shire-town on the sameerrand.

  By ten o'clock the streets of the village were filled with busy faces;some talking of their private concerns, some listening to a popularexpounder of political creeds; and others gaping in at the openstores, admiring the finery, or examining scythes, axes, and such othermanufactures as attracted their curiosity or excited their admiration.A few women were in the crowd, most carrying infants, and followed, ata lounging, listless gait, by their rustic lords and masters. There wasone young couple, in whom connubial love was yet fresh, walking at arespectful distance from each other; while the swain directed the timidsteps of his bride, by a gallant offering of a thumb.

  At the first stroke of the bell, Richard issued from the door of the"Bold Dragoon," flourishing a sheathed sword, that he was fond of sayinghis ancestors had carried in one of Cromwell's victories, and crying, inan authoritative tone, to "clear the way for the court." The order wasobeyed promptly, though not servilely, the members of the crowd noddingfamiliarly to the members of the procession as it passed. A party ofconstables with their staves followed the sheriff, preceding Marmadukeand four plain, grave-looking yeomen, who were his associates on thebench. There was nothing to distinguish these Subordinate judges fromthe better part of the spectators, except gravity, which they affected alittle more than common, and that one of their number was attired in anold-fashioned military coat, with skirts that reached no lower than themiddle of his thighs, and bearing two little silver epaulets, not halfso big as a modern pair of shoulder-knots. This gentleman was a colonelof the militia, in attendance on a court-martial, who found leisure tosteal a moment from his military to attend to his civil jurisdiction;but this incongruity excited neither notice nor comment. Three or fourclean-shaved lawyers followed, as meek as if they were lambs going tothe slaughter. One or two of their number had contrived to obtain an airof scholastic gravity by wearing spectacles. The rear was brought upby another posse of constables, and the mob followed the whole into theroom where the court held its sitting.

  The edifice was composed of a basement of squared logs, perforated hereand there with small grated windows, through which a few wistful faceswere gazing at the crowd without. Among the captives were the guilty,downcast countenances of the counterfeiters, and the simple but honestfeatures of the Leather-Stocking. The dungeons were to be distinguished,externally, from the debtors' apartments only by the size of theapertures, the thickness of the grates, and by the heads of the spikesthat were driven into the logs as a protection against the illegal useof edge-tools. The upper story was of frame work, regularly covered withboards, and contained one room decently fitted up for the purpose ofjustice. A bench, raised on a narrow platform to the height of a manabove the floor, and protected in front by a light railing, ran alongone of its sides. In the centre was a seat, furnished with rude arms,that was always filled by the presiding judge. In front, on a level withthe floor of the room, was a large table covered with green baize, andsurrounded by benches; and at either of its ends were rows of seats,rising one over the other, for jury-boxes. Each of these divisions wassurrounded by a railing. The remainder of the room was an open square,appropriated to the spectators.

  When the judges were seated, the lawyers had taken possession ofthe table, and the noise of moving feet had ceased in the area, theproclamations were made in the usual form, the jurors were sworn, thecharge was given, and the court proceeded to hear the business beforethem.

  We shall not detain the reader with a description of the captiousdiscussions that occupied the court for the first two hours, JudgeTemple had impressed on the jury, in his charge, the necessity fordispatch on their part, recommending to their notice, from motivesof humanity, the prisoners in the jail as the first objects of theirattention. Accordingly, after the period we have mentioned had elapsed,the cry of the officer to "clear the way for the grand jury," announcedthe entrance of that body. The usual forms were observed, when theforeman handed up to the bench two bills, on both of which the Judgeobserved, at the first glance of his eye, the name of Nathaniel Bumppo.It was a leisure moment with the court; some low whispering passedbetween the bench and the sheriff, who gave a signal to his officers,and in a very few minutes the silence that prevailed was interruptedby a general movement in the outer crowd, when presently theLeather-Stocking made his appearance, ushered into the criminal's barunder the custody of two constables, The hum ceased, the people closedinto the open space again, and the silence soon became so deep that thehard breathing of the prisoner was audible.

  Natty was dressed in his buckskin garments, without his coat, in placeof which he wore only a shirt of coarse linen-cheek, fastened at histhroat by the sinew of a deer, leaving his red neck and weather-beatenface exposed and bare. It was the first time that he had ever crossedthe threshold of a court of justice, and curiosity seemed to be stronglyblended with his personal feelings. He raised his eyes to the bench,thence to the jury-boxes, the bar, and the crowd without, meetingeverywhere looks fastened on himself. After surveying his own person, assearching the cause of this unusual attraction, he once more turned hisface around the assemblage, and opened his mouth in one of his silentand remarkable laughs.

  "Prisoner, remove your cap," said Judge Temple.

  The order was either unheard or unheeded.

  "Nathaniel Bumppo, be uncovered," repeated the Judge.

  Natty started at the sound of his name, and, raising his face earnestlytoward the bench, he said:


  Mr. Lippet arose from his seat at the table, and whispered in the earof the prisoner; when Natty gave him a nod of assent, and took thedeer-skin covering from his head.

  "Mr. District Attorney," said the Judge, "the prisoner is ready; we waitfor the indictment."

  The duties of public prosecutor were discharged by Dirck Van der School,who adjusted his spectacles, cast a cautious look around him at hisbrethren of the bar, which he ended by throwing his head aside so as tocatch one glance over the glasses, when he proceeded to read the billaloud. It was the usual charge for an assault and battery on the personof Hiram Doolittle, and was couched in the ancient language of suchinstruments, especial care having been taken by the scribe not to omitthe name of a single offensive weapon known to the law. When he haddone, Mr. Van der School removed his spectacles, which he closed andplaced in his pocket, seemingly for the pleasure of again opening andreplacing
them on his nose, After this evolution was repeated once ortwice, he handed the bill over to Mr. Lippet, with a cavalier air, thatsaid as much as "Pick a hole in that if you can."

  Natty listened to the charge with great attention, leaning forwardtoward the reader with an earnestness that denoted his interest; and,when it was ended, he raised his tall body to the utmost, and drew along sigh. All eyes were turned to the prisoner, whose voice was vainlyexpected to break the stillness of the room.

  "You have heard the presentment that the grand jury have made, NathanielBumppo," said the Judge; "what do you plead to the charge?"

  The old man drooped his head for a moment in a reflecting attitude, andthen, raising it, he laughed before he answered:

  "That I handled the man a little rough or so, is not to be denied; butthat there was occasion to make use of all the things that the gentlemanhas spoken of is downright untrue. I am not much of a wrestler, seeingthat I'm getting old; but I was out among the Scotch-Irishers--let mesee--it must have been as long ago as the first year of the old war--"

  "Mr. Lippet, if you are retained for the prisoner," interrupted JudgeTemple, "instruct your client how to plead; if not, the court willassign him counsel."

  Aroused from studying the indictment by this appeal, the attorneygot up, and after a short dialogue with the hunter in a low voice, heinformed the court that they were ready to proceed.

  "Do you plead guilty or not guilty?" said the Judge.

  "I may say not guilty, with a clean conscience," returned Natty; "forthere's no guilt in doing what's right; and I'd rather died on the spot,than had him put foot in the hut at that moment."

  Richard started at this declaration and bent his eyes significantly onHiram, who returned the look with a slight movement of his eyebrows.

  "Proceed to open the cause, Mr. District Attorney," continued the Judge."Mr. Clerk, enter the plea of not guilty."

  After a short opening address from Mr. Van der School, Hiram wassummoned to the bar to give his testimony. It was delivered to theletter, perhaps, but with all that moral coloring which can be conveyedunder such expressions as, "thinking no harm," "feeling it my boundenduty as a magistrate," and "seeing that the constable was back'ard inthe business." When he had done, and the district attorney declinedputting any further interrogatories, Mr. Lippet arose, with an air ofkeen investigation, and asked the following questions:

  "Are you a constable of this county, sir?"

  "No, sir," said Hiram, "I'm only a justice-peace."

  "I ask you, Mr. Doolittle, in the face of this court, put ting it toyour conscience and your knowledge of the law, whether you had any rightto enter that man's dwelling?"

  "Hem!" said Hiram, undergoing a violent struggle between his desirefor vengeance, and his love of legal fame: "I do suppose--that in--thatis--strict law--that supposing--maybe I hadn't a real--lawful right;but as the case was--and Billy was so back'ard--I thought I might comefor'ard in the business."

  "I ask you again, sir," continued the lawyer, following up his success,"whether this old, this friendless old man, did or did not repeatedlyforbid your entrance?"

  "Why, I must say," said Hiram, "that he was considerable cross-grained;not what I call clever, seeing that it was only one neighbor wanting togo into the house of another."

  "Oh! then you own it was only meant for a neighborly visit on your part,and without the sanction of law. Remember, gentlemen, the words of thewitness, 'one neighbor wanting to enter the house of another.' Now, sir,I ask you if Nathaniel Bumppo did not again and again order you not toenter?"

  "There was some words passed between us," said Hiram, "but I read thewarrant to him aloud."

  "I repeat my question; did he tell you not to enter his habitation?"

  "There was a good deal passed betwixt us--but I've the warrant in mypocket; maybe the court would wish to see it?"

  "Witness," said Judge Temple, "answer the question directly; did or didnot the prisoner forbid your entering his hut?"

  "Why, I some think--"

  "Answer without equivocation," continued the Judge sternly.

  "He did."

  "And did you attempt to enter after his order?"

  "I did; but the warrant was in my hand."

  "Proceed, Mr. Lippet, with your examination."

  But the attorney saw that the impression was in favor of his client, andwaving his hand with a supercilious manner, as if unwilling to insultthe understanding of the jury with any further defence, he replied:

  "No, sir; I leave it for your honor to charge; I rest my case here."

  "Mr. District Attorney," said the Judge, "have you anything to say?"

  Mr. Van der School removed his spectacles, folded them and, replacingthem once more on his nose, eyed the other bill which he held in hishand, and then said, looking at the bar over the top of his glasses;"I shall rest the prosecution here, if the court please."

  Judge Temple arose and began the charge.

  "Gentlemen of the jury," he said, "you have heard the testimony, and Ishall detain you but a moment. If an officer meet with resistance in theexecution of a process, he has an undoubted right to call any citizento his assistance; and the acts of such assistant come within theprotection of the law. I shall leave you to judge, gentlemen, from thetestimony, how far the witness in this prosecution can be so considered,feeling less reluctance to submit the case thus informally to yourdecision, because there is yet another indictment to be tried, whichinvolves heavier charges against the unfortunate prisoner."

  The tone of Marmaduke was mild and insinuating, and, as his sentimentswere given with such apparent impartiality, they did not fail ofcarrying due weight with the jury. The grave-looking yeomen who composedthis tribunal laid their heads together for a few minutes, withoutleaving the box, when the foreman arose, and, after the forms of thecourt were duly observed, he pronounced the prisoner to be "Not guilty."

  "You are acquitted of this charge, Nathaniel Bumppo," said the Judge.

  "Anan!" said Natty.

  "You are found not guilty of striking and assaulting Mr. Doolittle."

  "No, no, I'll not deny but that I took him a little roughly by theshoulders," said Natty, looking about him with great simplicity, "andthat I--"

  "You are acquitted," interrupted the Judge, "and there is nothingfurther to be said or done in the matter."

  A look of joy lighted up the features of the old man, who nowcomprehended the case, and, placing his cap eagerly on his head again,he threw up the bar of his little prison, and said, feelingly:

  "I must say this for you, Judge Temple, that the law has not been sohard on me as I dreaded. I hope God will bless you for the kind thingsyou've done to me this day."

  But the staff of the constable was opposed to his egress, and Mr. Lippetwhispered a few words in his ear, when the aged hunter sank back intohis place, and, removing his cap, stroked down the remnants of his grayand sandy locks, with an air of mortification mingled with submission.

  "Mr. District Attorney," said Judge Temple, affecting to busy himselfwith his minutes, "proceed with the second indictment."

  Mr. Van der School took great care that no part of the presentment,which he now read, should be lost on his auditors. It accused theprisoner of resisting the execution of a search-warrant, by force ofarms, and particularized in the vague language of the law, among avariety of other weapons, the use of the rifle. This was indeed a moreserious charge than an ordinary assault and battery, and a correspondingdegree of interest was manifested by the spectators in its result. Theprisoner was duly arraigned, and his plea again demanded. Mr. Lippet hadanticipated the answers of Natty, and in a whisper advised him how toplead. But the feelings of the old hunter were awakened by some ofthe expressions in the indictment, and, forgetful of his caution, heexclaimed:

  "'Tis a wicked untruth; I crave no man's blood. Them thieves, theIroquois, won't say it to any face that I ever thirsted after man'sblood, I have fou't as soldier that feared his Maker and his officer,but I never p
ulled trigger on any but a warrior that was up and awake.No man can say that I ever struck even a Mingo in his blanket. I believethere's some who thinks there's no God in a wilder ness!"

  "Attend to your plea, Bumppo," said the Judge; "you hear that you areaccused of using your rifle against an officer of justice? Are youguilty or not guilty?"

  By this time the irritated feelings of Natty had found vent: and herested on the bar for a moment, in a musing posture, when he lifted hisface, with his silent laugh, and, pointing to where the wood-chopperstood, he said:

  "Would Billy Kirby be standing there, d'ye think, if I had used therifle?"

  "Then you deny it," said Mr. Lippet; "you plead not guilty?"

  "Sartain," said Natty; "Billy knows that I never fired at all. Billy, doyou remember the turkey last winter? Ah me! that was better than commonfiring; but I can't shoot as I used to could."

  "Enter the plea of not guilty," said Judge Temple, strongly affected bythe simplicity of the prisoner.

  Hiram was again sworn, and his testimony given on the second charge.He had discovered his former error, and proceeded more cautiouslythan before. He related very distinctly and, for the man, with amazingterseness, the suspicion against the hunter, the complaint, the issuingof the warrant, and the swearing in of Kirby; all of which, he affirmed,were done in due form of law. He then added the manner in which theconstable had been received; and stated, distinctly, that Natty hadpointed the rifle at Kirby, and threatened his life if he attempted toexecute his duty. All this was confirmed by Jotham, who was observed toadhere closely to the story of the magistrate. Mr. Lippet conducted anartful cross-examination of these two witnesses, but, after consumingmuch time, was compelled to relinquish the attempt to obtain anyadvantage, in despair.

  At length the District Attorney called the wood-chopper to the bar,Billy gave an extremely confused account of the whole affair, althoughhe evidently aimed at the truth, until Mr. Van der School aided him, byasking some direct questions:

  "It appears from examining the papers, that you demanded admissioninto the hut legally; so you were put in bodily fear by his rifle andthreats?"

  "I didn't mind them that, man," said Billy, snapping his fingers; "Ishould be a poor stick to mind old Leather-Stocking."

  "But I understood you to say (referring to your previous words [asdelivered here in court] in the commencement of your testimony) that youthought he meant to shoot you?"

  "To be sure I did; and so would you, too, squire, if you had seen achap dropping a muzzle that never misses, and cocking an eye that hasa natural squint by long practice I thought there would be a dust on't,and my back was up at once; but Leather-Stocking gi'n up the skin, andso the matter ended."

  "Ah! Billy," said Natty, shaking his head, "'twas a lucky thought inme to throw out the hide, or there might have been blood spilt; and I'msure, if it had been your'n, I should have mourned it sorely the littlewhile I have to stay."

  "Well, Leather-Stocking," returned Billy, facing the prisoner with afreedom and familiarity that utterly disregarded the presence of thecourt, "as you are on the subject it may be that you've no--"

  "Go on with your examination, Mr. District Attorney."

  That gentleman eyed the familiarity between his witness and the prisonerwith manifest disgust, and indicated to the court that he was done.

  "Then you didn't feel frightened, Mr. Kirby?" said the counsel for theprisoner.

  "Me! no," said Billy, casting his eyes oven his own huge frame withevident self-satisfaction; "I'm not to be skeared so easy."

  "You look like a hardy man; where were you born, sir?"

  "Varmount State; 'tis a mountaynious place, but there's a stiff soil,and it's pretty much wooded with beech and maple."

  "I have always heard so," said Mr. Lippet soothingly. "You have beenused to the rifle yourself in that country."

  "I pull the second best trigger in this county. I knock under to NattyBumppo, there, sin' he shot the pigeon."

  Leather-Stocking raised his head, and laughed again, when he abruptlythrust out a wrinkled hand, and said:

  "You're young yet, Billy, and haven't seen the matches that I have; buthere's my hand; I bear no malice to you, I don't."

  Mr. Lippet allowed this conciliatory offering to be accepted, andjudiciously paused, while the spirit of peace was exercising itsinfluence over the two; but the Judge interposed his authority.

  "This is an improper place for such dialogues," he said; "proceed withyour examination of this witness, Mr. Lippet, or I shall order thenext."

  The attorney started, as if unconscious of any impropriety, andcontinued:

  "So you settled the matter with Natty amicably on the spot, did you?"

  "He gi'n me the skin, and I didn't want to quarrel with an old man; formy part, I see no such mighty matter in shooting a buck!"

  "And you parted friends? and you would never have thought of bringingthe business up before a court, hadn't you been subpoenaed?"

  "I don't think I should; he gi'n the skin, and I didn't feel a hardthought, though Squire Doolittle got some affronted."

  "I have done, sir," said Mr. Lippet, probably relying on the charge ofthe Judge, as he again seated himself, with the air of a main who feltthat his success was certain.

  When Mr. Van der School arose to address the jury, he commenced bysaying:

  "Gentlemen of the jury, I should have interrupted the leading questionsput by the prisoner's counsel (by leading questions I mean telling himwhat to say), did I not feel confident that the law of the land wassuperior to any ad vantages (I mean legal advantages) which he mightobtain by his art. The counsel for the prisoner, gentlemen, hasendeavored to persuade you, in opposition to your own good sense, tobelieve that pointing a rifle at a constable (elected or deputed) isa very innocent affair; and that society (I mean the commonwealth,gentlemen) shall not be endangered thereby. But let me claim yourattention, while we look over the particulars of this heinous offence."Here Mr. Vain der School favored the jury with an abridgment ofthe testimony, recounted in such a manner as utterly to confuse thefaculties of his worthy listeners. After this exhibition he closed asfollows: "And now, gentlemen, having thus made plain to your senses thecrime of which this unfortunate man has been guilty (unfortunate both onaccount of his ignorance and his guilt), I shall leave you to your ownconsciences; not in the least doubting that you will see the importance(notwithstanding the prisoner's counsel [doubtless relying on yourformer verdict] wishes to appear so confident of success) of punishingthe offender, and asserting the dignity of the laws."

  It was now the duty of the Judge to deliver his charge. It consistedof a short, comprehensive summary of the testimony, laying bare theartifice of the prisoner's counsel, and placing the facts in so obviousa light that they could not well be misunderstood. "Living as we do,gentlemen," he concluded, "on the skirts of society, it becomes doublynecessary to protect the ministers of the law. If you believe thewitnesses, in their construction of the acts of the prisoner, it is yourduty to convict him; but if you believe that the old man, who this dayappears before you, meant not to harm the constable, but was acting moreunder the influence of habit than by the instigations of malice, it willbe your duty to judge him, but to do it with lenity."

  As before, the jury did not leave their box; but, after a consultationof some little time, their foreman arose, and pronounced the prisonerGuilty.

  There was but little surprise manifested in the courtroom at thisverdict, as the testimony, the greater part of which we have omitted,was too clear and direct to be passed over. The judges seemed to haveanticipated this sentiment, for a consultation was passing among themalso, during the deliberation of the jury, and the preparatory movementsof the "bench" announced the coming sentence.

  "Nathaniel Bumppo," commenced the Judge, making the customary pause.

  The old hunter, who had been musing again, with his head on the bar,raised himself, and cried, with a prompt, military tone:


e Judge waved his hand for silence, and proceeded:

  "In forming their sentence, the court have been governed as much by theconsideration of your ignorance of the laws as by a strict sense of theimportance of punishing such outrages as this of which you have beenfound guilty. They have therefore passed over the obvious punishment ofwhipping on the bare back, in mercy to your years; but, as the dignityof the law requires an open exhibition of the consequences of yourcrime, it is ordered that you be conveyed from this room to the publicstocks, where you are to be confined for one hour; that you pay a fineto the State of one hundred dollars; and that you be imprisoned in thejail of this county for one calendar month, and, furthermore, that yourimprisonment do not cease until the said fine shall be paid. I feel itmy duty, Nathaniel Bumppo--"

  "And where should I get the money?" interrupted the Leather-Stockingeagerly; "where should I get the money? you'll take away the bounty onthe painters, because I cut the throat of a deer; and how is an old manto find so much gold or silver in the woods? No, no, Judge; think betterof it, and don't talk of shutting me up in a jail for the little time Ihave to stay."

  "If you have anything to urge against the passing of the sentence, thecourt will yet hear you," said the Judge, mildly.

  "I have enough to say agin' it," cried Natty, grasping the bar on whichhis fingers were working with a convulsed motion. "Where am I to getthe money? Let me out into the woods and hills, where I've been used tobreathe the clear air, and though I'm threescore and ten, if you've leftgame enough in the country, I'll travel night and day but I'll make youup the sum afore the season is over. Yes, yes--you see the reason of thething, and the wicked ness of shutting up an old man that has spent hisdays, as one may say, where he could always look into the windows ofheaven."

  "I must be governed by the law--"

  "Talk not to me of law, Marmaduke Temple," interrupted the hunter."Did the beast of the forest mind your laws, when it was thirsty andhungering for the blood of your own child? She was kneeling to her Godfor a greater favor than I ask, and he heard her; and if you now say noto my prayers, do you think he will be deaf?"

  "My private feelings must not enter into--"

  "Hear me, Marmaduke Temple," interrupted the old man, with melancholyearnestness, "and hear reason. I've travelled these mountains when youwas no judge, but an infant in your mother's arms; and I feel as if Ihad a right and a privilege to travel them agin afore I die. Have youforgot the time that you come on to the lake shore, when there wasn'teven a jail to lodge in: and didn't I give you my own bear-skin to sleepon, and the fat of a noble buck to satisfy the cravings of your hunger?Yes, yes--you thought it no sin then to kill a deer! And this I did,though I had no reason to love you, for you had never done anything butharm to them that loved and sheltered me. And now, will you shut me upin your dungeons to pay me for my kindness? A hundred dollars! Whereshould I get the money? No, no--there's them that says hard things ofyou, Marmaduke Temple, but you ain't so bad as to wish to see an old mandie in a prison, because he stood up for the right. Come, friend, let mepass; it's long sin' I've been used to such crowds, and I crave to be inthe woods agin. Don't fear me, Judge--I bid you not to fear me; for ifthere's beaver enough left on the streams, or the buckskins will sellfor a shilling apiece, you shall have the last penny of the fine. Whereare ye, pups? come away, dogs, come away! we have a grievous toil to dofor our years, but it shall be done--yes, yes, I've promised it, and itshall be done!"

  It is unnecessary to say that the movement of the Leather-Stocking wasagain intercepted by the constable; but, before he had time to speak, abustling in the crowd, and a loud hem, drew all eyes to another part ofthe room.

  Benjamin had succeeded in edging his way through the people, and was nowseen balancing his short body, with one foot in a window and the otheron a railing of the jury-box. To the amazement of the whole court,the steward was evidently preparing to speak. After a good deal ofdifficulty, he succeeded in drawing from his pocket a small bag, andthen found utterance.

  "If-so-be," he said, "that your honor is agreeable to trust the poorfellow out on another cruise among the beasts, here's a small matterthat will help to bring down the risk, seeing that there's justthirty-five of your Spaniards in it; and I wish, from the bottom of myheart, that they was raal British guineas, for the sake of the old boy.But 'tis as it is; and if Squire Dickens will just be so good as tooverhaul this small bit of an account, and take enough from the bag tosettle the same, he's welcome to hold on upon the rest, till such timeas the Leather-Stocking can grapple with them said beaver, or, for thatmatter, forever, and no thanks asked."

  As Benjamin concluded, he thrust out the wooden register of his arrearsto the "Bold Dragoon" with one hand, while he offered his bag of dollarswith the other. Astonishment at this singular interruption produceda profound stillness in the room, which was only interrupted by thesheriff, who struck his sword on the table, and cried: "Silence!"

  "There must be an end to this," said the Judge, struggling to overcomehis feelings. "Constable, lead the prisoner to the stocks. Mr. Clerk,what stands next on the calendar?"

  Natty seemed to yield to his destiny, for he sank his head on his chest,and followed the officer from the court room in silence. The crowd movedback for the passage of the prisoner, and when his tall form was seendescending from the outer door, a rush of the people to the scene of hisdisgrace followed.


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