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The Pioneers; Or, The Sources of the Susquehanna

Page 36

by James Fenimore Cooper


  "And to avoid the foe's pursuit, With spurring put their cattle to't; And till all four were out of wind, And danger too, neer looked behind." --Hudibras.

  As the shades of evening approached, the jurors, wit nesses, and otherattendants on the court began to disperse, and before nine o'clock thevillage was quiet, and its streets nearly deserted. At that hour JudgeTemple and his daughter, followed at a short distance by Louisa Grant,walked slowly down the avenue, under the slight shadows of the youngpoplars, holding the following discourse:

  "You can best soothe his wounded spirit, my child," said Marmaduke; "butit will be dangerous to touch on the nature of his offence; the sanctityof the laws must be respected."

  "Surely, sir," cried the impatient Elizabeth, "those laws that condemn aman like the Leather-Stocking to so severe a punishment, for an offencethat even I must think very venial, cannot be perfect in themselves."

  "Thou talkest of what thou dost not understand, Elizabeth," returnedher father. "Society cannot exist without wholesome restraints. Thoserestraints cannot be inflicted without security and respect to thepersons of those who administer them; and it would sound ill indeed toreport that a judge had extended favor to a convicted criminal, becausehe had saved the life of his child."

  "I see--I see the difficulty of your situation, dear sir," cried thedaughter; "but, in appreciating the offence of poor Natty, I cannotseparate the minister of the law from the man."

  "There thou talkest as a woman, child; it is not for an assault on HiramDoolittle, but for threatening the life of a constable, who was in theperformance of--"

  "It is immaterial whether it be one or the other," interrupted MissTemple, with a logic that contained more feeling than reason; "I knowNatty to be innocent, and thinking so I must think all wrong who oppresshim."

  "His judge among the number! thy father, Elizabeth?"

  "Nay, nay, nay; do not put such questions to me; give me my commission,father, and let me proceed to execute it."

  The Judge paused a moment, smiling fondly on his child, and then droppedhis hand affectionately on her shoulder, as he answered:

  "Thou hast reason, Bess, and much of it, too, but thy heart lies toonear thy head, But listen; in this pocketbook are two hundred dollars.Go to the prison--there are none in this pace to harm thee--give thisnote to the jailer, and, when thou seest Bumppo, say what thou wilt tothe poor old man; give scope to the feeling of thy warm heart; but tryto remember, Elizabeth, that the laws alone remove us from the conditionof the savages; that he has been criminal, and that his judge was thyfather."

  Miss Temple made no reply, but she pressed the hand that held thepocket-book to her bosom, and, taking her friend by the arm, they issuedtogether from the inclosure into the principal street of the village.

  As they pursued their walk in silence, under the row of houses, wherethe deeper gloom of the evening effectually concealed their persons, nosound reached them, excepting the slow tread of a yoke of oxen, withthe rattling of a cart, that were moving along the street in thesame direction with themselves. The figure of the teamster was justdiscernible by the dim light, lounging by the side of his cattle witha listless air, as if fatigued by the toil of the day. At the corner,where the jail stood, the progress of the ladies was impeded, for amoment, by the oxen, who were turned up to the side of the building, andgiven a lock of hay, which they had carried on their necks, as a rewardfor their patient labor, The whole of this was so natural, and socommon, that Elizabeth saw nothing to induce a second glance at theteam, until she heard the teamster speaking to his cattle in a lowvoice:

  "Mind yourself, Brindle; will you, sir! will you!" The language itselfwas so unusual to oxen, with which all who dwell in a new country arefamiliar; but there was something in the voice, also, that startled MissTemple On turning the corner, she necessarily approached the man, andher look was enabled to detect the person of Oliver Edwards, concealedunder the coarse garb of a teamster. Their eyes met at the same instant,and, not withstanding the gloom, and the enveloping cloak of Elizabeth,the recognition was mutual.

  "Miss Temple!" "Mr. Edwards!" were exclaimed simultaneously, though afeeling that seemed common to both rendered the words nearly inaudible.

  "Is it possible!" exclaimed Edwards, after the moment of doubt hadpassed; "do I see you so nigh the jail! but you are going to therectory: I beg pardon, Miss Grant, I believe; I did not recognize you atfirst."

  The sigh which Louisa tittered was so faint, that it was only heard byElizabeth, who replied quickly, "We are going not only to the jail, Mr.Edwards' but into it. We wish to show the Leather-Stocking that we donot forget his services, and that at the same time we must be just, weare also grateful. I suppose you are on a similar errand; but let me begthat you will give us leave to precede you ten minutes. Good-night, sir;I--I--am quite sorry, Mr. Edwards, to see you reduced to such labor; Iam sure my father would--"

  "I shall wait your pleasure, madam," interrupted the youth coldly. "MayI beg that you will not mention my being here?"

  "Certainly," said Elizabeth, returning his bow by a slight inclinationof her head, and urging the tardy Louisa forward. As they entered thejailer's house, however, Miss Grant found leisure to whisper:

  "Would it not be well to offer part of your money to Oliver? half of itwill pay the fine of Bumppo; and he is so unused to hardships! I am suremy father will subscribe much of his little pittance, to place him in astation that is more worthy of him."

  The involuntary smile that passed over the features of Elizabeth wasblended with an expression of deep and heartfelt pity. She did notreply, however, and the appearance of the jailer soon recalled thethoughts of both to the object of their visit.

  The rescue of the ladies, and their consequent interest in his prisoner,together with the informal manners that prevailed in the country, allunited to prevent any surprise on the part of the jailer, at theirrequest for admission to Bumppo. The note of Judge Temple, however,would have silenced all objections, if he had felt them and he led theway without hesitation to the apartment that held the prisoners. Theinstant the key was put into the lock, the hoarse voice of Benjamin washeard, demanding:

  "Yo hoy! who comes there?"

  "Some visitors that you'll be glad to see," returned the jailer. "Whathave you done to the lock, that it won't turn."

  "Handsomely, handsomely, master," cried the steward: "I have just drovea nail into a berth alongside of this here bolt, as a stopper, d'yesee, so that Master Doo-but-little can't be running in and breezing upanother fight atwixt us: for, to my account, there'll be but a han-yanwith me soon, seeing that they'll mulct me of my Spaniards, all the sameas if I'd over-flogged the lubber. Throw your ship into the wind, andlay by for a small matter, will ye? and I'll soon clear a passage."

  The sounds of hammering gave an assurance that the steward was inearnest, and in a short time the lock yielded, when the door was opened.

  Benjamin had evidently been anticipating the seizure of his money, forhe had made frequent demands on the favorite cask at the "Bold Dragoon,"during the afternoon and evening, and was now in that state which bymarine imagery is called "half-seas-over." It was no easy thing todestroy the balance of the old tar by the effects of liquor, for, as heexpressed it himself, "he was too low-rigged not to carry sail inall weathers;" but he was precisely in that condition which is soexpressively termed "muddy." When he perceived who the visitors were, heretreated to the side of the room where his pallet lay, and, regardlessof the presence of his young mistress, seated himself on it with an airof great sobriety, placing his back firmly against the wall.

  "If you undertake to spoil my locks in this manner, Mr. Pump," said thejailer, "I shall put a stopper, as you call it, on your legs, and tieyou down to your bed."

  "What for should ye, master?" grumbled Benjamin; "I've rode out onesquall to-day anchored by the heels, and I wants no more of them.Where's the harm o' doing all the same as yourself? Leave that theredoor free out
board, and you'll find no locking inboard, I'll promiseye."

  "I must shut up for the night at nine," said the jailer, "and it's nowforty-two minutes past eight." He placed the little candle on a roughpine table, and withdrew.

  "Leather-Stocking!" said Elizabeth, when the key of the door was turnedon them again, "my good friend, Leather-Stocking! I have come on amessage of gratitude. Had you submitted to the search, worthy old man,the death of the deer would have been a trifle, and all would have beenwell------"

  "Submit to the sarch!" interrupted Natty, raising his face from restingon his knees, without rising from the corner where he had seatedhimself; "d'ye think gal, I would let such a varmint into my hut? No,no--I wouldn't have opened the door to your own sweet countenance then.But they are welcome to search among the coals and ashes now; they'llfind only some such heap as is to be seen at every pot-ashery in themountains."

  The old man dropped his face again on one hand, and seemed to be lost inmelancholy.

  "The hut can be rebuilt, and made better than before," returnedMiss Temple; "and it shall be my office to see it done, when yourimprisonment is ended."

  "Can ye raise the dead, child?" said Natty, in a sorrowful voice: "canye go into the place where you've laid your fathers, and mothers, andchildren, and gather together their ashes, and make the same men andwomen of them as afore? You do not know what 'tis to lay your head formore than forty years under the cover of the same logs, and to look atthe same things for the better part of I a man's life. You are youngyet, child, but you are one of the most precious of God's creatures.I had hoped for ye that it might come to pass, but it's all over now;this, put to that, will drive the thing quite out of his mind for ever."

  Miss Temple must have understood the meaning of the old man better thanthe other listeners; for while Louisa stood innocently by her side,commiserating the griefs of the hunter, she bent her head aside, soas to conceal her features. The action and the feeling that caused itlasted but a moment.

  "Other logs, and better, though, can be had, and shall be found for you,my old defender," she continued. "Your confinement will soon be over,and, before that time arrives, I shall have a house prepared for you,where I you may spend the close of your long and harmless life in easeand plenty."

  "Ease and plenty! house!" repeated Natty, slowly. "You mean well, youmean well, and I quite mourn that it cannot be; but he has seen me asight and a laughing-stock for--"

  "Damn your stocks," said Benjamin, flourishing his bottle with one hand,from which he had been taking hasty and repeated draughts, while he madegestures of disdain with the other: "who cares for his bilboes? There'sa leg that been stuck up on end like a jibboom for an hour, d'ye see,and what's it the worse for't, ha? canst tell me, what's it the worser,ha?"

  "I believe you forget, Mr. Pump, in whose presence you are," saidElizabeth.

  "Forget you, Miss Lizzy?" returned the steward; "if I do, dam'me; youare not to be forgot, like Goody Pretty-bones, up at the big housethere. I say, old sharpshooter, she may have pretty bones, but I can'tsay so much for her flesh, d'ye see, for she looks somewhat like anatomywith another man's jacket on. Now for the skin of her face, it's all thesame as a new topsail with a taut bolt-rope, being snug at the leeches,but all in a bight about the inner cloths."

  "Peace--I command you to be silent, sir!" said Elizabeth.

  "Ay, ay, ma'am," returned the steward. "You didn't say I shouldn'tdrink, though."

  "We will not speak of what is to become of others," said Miss Temple,turning again to the hunter--"but of your own fortunes, Natty. Itshall be my care to see that you pass the rest of your days in ease andplenty."

  "Ease and plenty!" again repeated the Leather-Stocking; "what ease canthere be to an old man, who must walk a mile across the open fields,before he can find a shade to hide him from a scorching sun! or whatplenty is there where you hunt a day, and not start a buck, or seeanything bigger than a mink, or maybe a stray fox! Ah! I shall have ahard time after them very beavers, for this fine. I must go low towardthe Pennsylvania line in search of the creatures, maybe a hundred mile;for they are not to be got here-away. No, no--your betterments andclearings have druv the knowing things out of the country, and insteadof beaver-dams, which is the nater of the animal, and according toProvidence, you turn back the waters over the low grounds with yourmill-dams, as if 'twas in man to stay the drops from going where Hewills them to go--Benny, unless you stop your hand from going so oftento your mouth, you won't be ready to start when the time comes.

  "Hark'ee, Master Bump-ho," said the steward; "don't you fear for Ben,When the watch is called, set me of my legs and give me the bearings andthe distance of where you want me to steer, and I'll carry sail with thebest of you, I will."

  "The time has come now," said the hunter, listening; "I hear the hornsof the oxen rubbing agin' the side of the jail."

  "Well, say the word, and then heave ahead, shipmate," said Benjamin.

  "You won't betray us, gal?" said Natty, looking simply into the faceof Elizabeth--"you won't betray an old man, who craves to breathe theclear air of heaven? I mean no harm; and if the law says that I mustpay the hundred dollars, I'll take the season through, but it shall beforthcoming; and this good man will help me."

  "You catch them," said Benjamin, with a sweeping gesture of his arm,"and if they get away again, call me a slink, that's all."

  "But what mean you?" cried the wondering Elizabeth. "Here you must stayfor thirty days; but I have the money for your fine in this purse. Takeit; pay it in the morning, and summon patience for your mouth. I willcome often to see you, with my friend; we will make up your clothes withour own hands; indeed, indeed, you shall be comfortable."

  "Would ye, children?" said Natty, advancing across the floor with an airof kindness, and taking the hand of Elizabeth, "would ye be so kearfulof an old man, and just for shooting a beast which cost him nothing?Such things doesn't run in the blood, I believe, for you seem not toforget a favor. Your little fingers couldn't do much on a buckskin, norbe you used to push such a thread as sinews. But if he hasn't got pasthearing, he shalt hear it and know it, that he may see, like me, thereis some who know how to remember a kindness."

  "Tell him nothing," cried Elizabeth, earnestly; "if you love me, if youregard my feelings, tell him nothing. It is of yourself only I wouldtalk, and for yourself only I act. I grieve, Leather-Stocking, that thelaw requires that you should be detained here so long; but, after all,it will be only a short month, and----"

  "A month?" exclaimed Natty, opening his mouth with his usual laugh, "nota day, nor a night, nor an hour, gal. Judge Temple may sintence, but hecan't keep without a better dungeon than this. I was taken once by theFrench, and they put sixty-two of us in a block-house, nigh hand to oldFrontinac; but 'twas easy to cut through a pine log to them that wasused to timber." The hunter paused, and looked cautiously around theroom, when, laughing again, he shoved the steward gently from his post,and removing the bedclothes, discovered a hole recently cut in the logswith a mallet and chisel. "It's only a kick, and the outside piece isoff, and then--"

  "Off! ay, off!" cried Benjamin, rising from his stupor; "well, here'soff. Ay! ay! you catch 'em, and I'll hold on to them said beaver-hats."

  "I fear this lad will trouble me much," said Natty; "'twill be a hardpull for the mountain, should they take the scent soon, and he is not ina state of mind to run."

  "Run!" echoed the steward; "no, sheer alongside, and let's have a fightof it."

  "Peace!" ordered Elizabeth.

  "Ay, ay, ma'am."

  "You will not leave us, surely, Leather-Stocking," continued MissTemple; "I beseech you, reflect that you will be driven to the woodsentirely, and that you are fast getting old. Be patient for a littletime, when you can go abroad openly, and with honor."

  "Is there beaver to be catched here, gal?"

  "If not, here is money to discharge the fine, and in a month you arefree. See, here it is in gold."

  "Gold!" said Natty, with a kind of childish c
uriosity; "it's long sin'I've seen a gold-piece. We used to get the broad joes, in the old war,as plenty as the bears be now. I remember there was a man in Dieskau'sarmy, that was killed, who had a dozen of the shining things sewed up inhis shirt. I didn't handle them myself, but I seen them cut out with myown eyes; they was bigger and brighter than them be."

  "These are English guineas, and are yours," said Elizabeth; "an earnestof what shall be done for you."

  "Me! why should you give me this treasure!" said Natty, lookingearnestly at the maiden.

  "Why! have you not saved my life? Did you not rescue me from the jawsof the beast?" exclaimed Elizabeth, veiling her eyes, as if to hide somehideous object from her view.

  The hunter took the money, and continued turning it in his hand for sometime, piece by piece, talking aloud during the operation.

  "There's a rifle, they say, out on the Cherry Valley, that will carrya hundred rods and kill. I've seen good guns in my day, but none quiteequal to that. A hundred rods with any sartainty is great shooting!Well, well--I'm old, and the gun I have will answer my time. Here,child, take back your gold. But the hour has come; I hear him talkingto the cattle, and I must be going. You won't tell of us, gal--you won'ttell of us, will ye?"

  "Tell of you!" echoed Elizabeth. "But take the money, old man; take themoney, even if you go into the mountains."

  "No, no," said Natty, shaking his head kindly; "I would not rob you sofor twenty rifles. But there's one thing you can do for me, if ye will,that no other is at hand to do.

  "Name it--name it."

  "Why, it's only to buy a canister of powder--'twill cost two silverdollars. Benny Pump has the money ready, but we daren't come into thetown to get it. Nobody has it but the Frenchman. 'Tis of the best, andjust suits a rifle. Will you get it for me, gal?--say, will you get itfor me?"

  "Will I? I will bring it to you, Leather-Stocking, though I toil a dayin quest of you through the woods. But where shall I find you, and how?"

  "Where?" said Natty, musing a moment--"to-morrow on the Vision; on thevery top of the Vision, I'll meet you, child, just as the sun gets overour heads. See that it's the fine grain; you'll know it by the gloss andthe price."

  "I will do it," said Elizabeth, firmly.

  Natty now seated himself, and placing his feet in the hole, with aslight effort he opened a passage through into the street. The ladiesheard the rustling of hay, and well understood the reason why Edwardswas in the capacity of a teamster.

  "Come, Benny," said the hunter: "'twill be no darker to-night, for themoon will rise in an hour."

  "Stay!" exclaimed Elizabeth; "it should not be said that you escaped inthe presence of the daughter of Judge Temple. Return, Leather-Stocking,and let us retire be fore you execute your plan."

  Natty was about to reply, when the approaching footsteps of the jailerannounced the necessity of his immediate return. He had barely time toregain his feet, and to conceal the hole with the bedclothes, acrosswhich Benjamin very opportunely fell, before the key was turned, and thedoor of the apartment opened.

  "Isn't Miss Temple ready to go?" said the civil jailer; "it's the usualhour for locking up."

  "I follow you, sir," returned Elizabeth "good-night, Leather-Stocking."

  "It's a fine grain, gal, and I think twill carry lead further thancommon. I am getting old, and can't follow up the game with the step Iused to could."

  Miss Temple waved her hand for silence, and preceded Louisa and thekeeper from the apartment. The man turned the key once, and observedthat he would return and secure his prisoners, when he had lightedthe ladies to the street. Accordingly they parted at the door of thebuilding, when the jailer retired to his dungeons, and the ladieswalked, with throbbing hearts, toward the corner.

  "Now the Leather-Stocking refuses the money," whispered Louisa, "it canall be given to Mr. Edwards, and that added to--"

  "Listen!" said Elizabeth; "I hear the rustling of the hay; they areescaping at this moment. Oh! they will be detected instantly!"

  By this time they were at the corner, where Edwards and Natty were inthe act of drawing the almost helpless body of Benjamin through theaperture. The oxen had started back from their hay, and were standingwith their heads down the street, leaving room for the party to act in.

  "Throw the hay into the cart," said Edwards, "or they will suspect howit has been done. Quick, that they may not see it."

  Natty had just returned from executing this order, when the light ofthe keeper's candle shone through the hole, and instantly his voice washeard in the jail exclaiming for his prisoners.

  "What is to be done now?" said Edwards; "this drunken fellow will causeour detection, and we have not a moment to spare."

  "Who's drunk, ye lubber?" muttered the steward.

  "A break-jail! a break-jail!" shouted five or six voices from within.

  "We must leave him," said Edwards.

  "'Twouldn't be kind, lad," returned Natty; "he took half the disgrace ofthe stocks on himself to-day, and the creatur' has feeling."

  At this moment two or three men were heard issuing from the door of the"Bold Dragoon," and among them the voice of Billy Kirby.

  "There's no moon yet," cried the wood-chopper; "but it's a clear night.Come, who's for home? Hark! what a rumpus they're kicking up in thejail--here's go and see what it's about."

  "We shall be lost," said Edwards, "if we don't drop this man."

  At that instant Elizabeth moved close to him, and said rapidly, in a lowvoice:

  "Lay him in the cart, and start the oxen; no one will look there."

  "There's a woman's quickness in the thought," said the youth.

  The proposition was no sooner made than executed. The steward was seatedon the hay, and enjoined to hold his peace and apply the goad thatwas placed in his hand, while the oxen were urged on. So soon as thisarrangement was completed, Edwards and the hunter stole along the housesfor a short distance, when they disappeared through an opening that ledinto the rear of the buildings.

  The oxen were in brisk motion, and presently the cries of pursuit wereheard in the street. The ladies quickened their pace, with a wish toescape the crowd of constables and idlers that were approaching, someexecrating, and some laughing at the exploit of the prisoners. In theconfusion, the voice of Kirby was plainly distinguishable above allthe others, shouting and swearing that he would have the fugitives,threatening to bring back Natty in one pocket, and Benjamin in theother.

  "Spread yourselves, men," he cried, as he passed the ladies, his heavyfeet sounding along the street like the tread of a dozen; "spreadyourselves; to the mountains; they'll be in the mountains in a quarterof an hour, and then look out for a long rifle."

  His cries were echoed from twenty mouths, for not only the jail but thetaverns had sent forth their numbers, some earnest in the pursuit, andothers joining it as in sport.

  As Elizabeth turned in at her father's gate she saw the wood-chopperstop at the cart, when she gave Benjamin up for lost. While they werehurrying up the walk, two figures, stealing cautiously but quickly underthe shades of the trees, met the eyes of the ladies, and in a momentEdwards and the hunter crossed their path.

  "Miss Temple, I may never see you again," exclaimed the youth; "let methank you for all your kindness; you do not, cannot know my motives."

  "Fly! fly!" cried Elizabeth; "the village is alarmed. Do not be foundconversing with me at such a moment, and in these grounds."

  "Nay, I must speak, though detection were certain."

  "Your retreat to the bridge is already cut off; before you can gain thewood your pursuers will be there. If--"

  "If what?" cried the youth. "Your advice has saved me once already; Iwill follow it to death."

  "The street is now silent and vacant," said Elizabeth, after a pause;"cross it, and you will find my father's boat in the lake. It would beeasy to land from it where you please in the hills."

  "But Judge Temple might complain of the trespass."

  "His daughter shall be accountable,

  The youth uttered something in a low voice, that was heard only byElizabeth, and turned to execute what she had suggested. As they wereseparating, Natty approached the females, and said:

  "You'll remember the canister of powder, children. Them beavers must behad, and I and the pups be getting old; we want the best of ammunition."

  "Come, Natty," said Edwards, impatiently.

  "Coming, lad, coming. God bless you, young ones, both of ye, for ye meanwell and kindly to the old man."

  The ladies paused until they had lost sight of the retreating figures,when they immediately entered the mansion-house.

  While this scene was passing in the walk, Kirby had overtaken the cart,which was his own, and had been driven by Edwards, without asking theowner, from the place where the patient oxen usually stood at evening,waiting the pleasure of their master.

  "Woa--come hither, Golden," he cried; "why, how come you off the end ofthe bridge, where I left you, dummies?"

  "Heave ahead," muttered Benjamin, giving a random blow with his lash,that alighted on the shoulder of the other.

  "Who the devil be you?" cried Billy, turning round in surprise, butunable to distinguish, in the dark, the hard visage that was justpeering over the cart-rails.

  "Who be I? why, I'm helmsman aboard of this here craft d'ye see, and astraight wake I'm making of it. Ay, ay! I've got the bridge right ahead,and the bilboes dead aft: I calls that good steerage, boy. Heave ahead."

  "Lay your lash in the right spot, Mr. Benny Pump," said thewood-chopper, "or I'll put you in the palm of my hand and box your ears.Where be you going with my team?"


  "Ay, my cart and oxen."

  "Why, you must know, Master Kirby, that the Leather-Stocking andI--that's Benny Pump--you knows Ben?--well, Benny and I--no, me andBenny; dam'me if I know how 'tis; but some of us are bound after a cargoof beaver-skins, d'ye see, so we've pressed the cart to ship them 'omein. I say, Master Kirby, what a lubberly oar you pull--you handlean oar, boy, pretty much as a cow would a musket, or a lady would amarling-spike."

  Billy had discovered the state of the steward's mind, and he walked forsome time alongside of the cart, musing with himself, when he took thegoad from Benjamin (who fell back on the hay and was soon asleep) anddrove his cattle down the street, over the bridge, and up the mountain,toward a clearing in which he was to work the next day, without anyother interruption than a few hasty questions from parties of theconstables.

  Elizabeth stood for an hour at the window of her room, and saw thetorches of the pursuers gliding along the side of the mountain, andheard their shouts and alarms; but, at the end of that time, the lastparty returned, wearied and disappointed, and the village became asstill as when she issued from the gate on her mission to the jail.


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