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Sanctuary: Seeking Asylum Book 1

Page 30

by SM Olivier

  “And if something were to happen to Corbin and Avery while they’re out?” BJ frowned. “Is it even wise that they go on runs at all?”

  Uncle Mitch smiled. “Then the next in line will be Trevor and you, BJ, but let’s not worry about that now. Let’s talk about this supply run so we can get back to dinner.”

  “Dad,” Wyatt fumed. “If Avery is that important, she should stay behind.”

  “About supply… I think I have a solution that may work for everyone,” Kingston spoke up. “We all know sustainability is important for us. We seem to have a lot in storage right now, but we can’t grow flour from flour or plant beef and expect it to grow more beef. I saw the heritage seeds while we were reorganizing the storage buildings, but it’s May, and no seeds have been planted except for the seeds in the greenhouses. If Josh is game, I think he could tell you where fields should be tilled, and things like where the wheat should be grown. His Grandpa did agriculture farming.

  “I also notice that, except for the fish and wildlife, we don’t have any other domesticated animals. People died—people who had farms. Chad’s adoptive family had a livestock farm. They raised cattle, sheep, pigs, and chickens. If he’s willing to switch teams, I think Chad, Avery, and I can drive around the local area and start collecting these animals. We don’t know if the infected would show interest in them, and we don’t know if their owners have fed or watered them in the last few days, so I think it’s better if we go sooner rather than later.”

  I nearly smiled at my theory being proven correct; Kingston did hold his own kind of intelligence. An intelligence that he hid with big smiles, jokes, and a fake attitude of not caring about much.

  “I can definitely share my knowledge,” Chad said. “You have the land and most of the stuff you need in place. The horses don’t need the west pasture, right?”

  Uncle Mitch smiled. “We thought we could live off the land, but I do see the benefits of getting domesticated animals to raise and eat. Donny and his son Samuel can go with you. They know the area well and should be able to locate the farms rather easily. I’ll have Eddie work on moving the horses out of the west pasture and move them to the east one.”

  He paused and looked around the room. I was sure he hadn’t had time to meet everyone yet. “Josh?” he called. Josh raised his hand, already nodding before Uncle Mitch could say anything.

  “I’m sure I can come up with a solid game plan,” Josh said. “If someone can accompany me after dinner and show me what seeds are available, where you have fields, and what equipment you have on hand. I’d also like to look at your greenhouses. It’s not too late to start our planting, but we should get on it really soon.”

  Uncle Mitch smiled again and clapped his hands. “Excellent! Axel, can you come up with a new schedule and rearrange the teams to reflect the changes tonight? If anyone else has any other helpful suggestions, please bring them to me. Oh, and also, if anyone else has any hidden talents or knowledge, it would be good to know. Now, let’s go eat!”

  I smiled at Kingston as Corbin squeezed my hand. I didn’t need to look over at Wyatt, Axel, and Easton to know that they were still upset at me.

  Sorry, not sorry, boys!


  Hours later, my victory felt hollow. Axel, Wyatt, and Easton weren’t talking to me. Kingston and Corbin jumped into their own plans to improve our community.

  Usually when I was this upset, I would run and hit the heavy bag, but that hadn’t helped, so now I was in the kitchens. Mom had always found solace in the there. She rarely ate what she made—being a model and all—but we always knew when she was upset or stressed, because we’d have treats galore for days on end.

  Tonight at dinner, Aunt Carol had said something about having no bread and said she wanted to make some for lunches tomorrow. After a quick inventory of the pantry and fridges, I determined I could make some biscuits to freeze until we needed them tomorrow and make a few loaves of bread. I didn’t think my aunts would mind. I even pulled out the ingredients for some double chocolate chip cookies.

  The kitchens in the wedding lodge were beyond a dream. My mom would have been in…well, she would have been ecstatic. The number of appliances they had here was such a luxury to have on hand. They had four large industrial mixers, and in no time, I had them all going.

  The mixtures would yield at least sixteen loaves of bread. Once they were done kneading, I’d divide them and let them rise individually.

  I had my phone plugged in and charging. I might not be able to make calls on it or scroll through my social media, but at least it still had all my music. I had it connected to a bluetooth, and my 80s music poured from the speakers.

  When I was around ten or so, Mom finally allowed me in the kitchen with her. She had a thing for 80s music. I could remember plenty a night that she would blast some Bryan Adams, The Police, Eurythmics, and several other hit groups. She didn’t like to talk, just sing. Loudly and off-key. It was in these moments I felt closest to her.

  “There you are,” Kingston’s voice startled me from behind.

  I yelped, and Bane barely moved. I looked at my dog. “What kind of guard dog are you?” I asked him. He lifted his head and sighed at me before laying back down next to Isa in her portable swing.

  Unbeknownst to me, Easton had gone crazy in the baby department at the mall. He had picked up things like a crib, bassinet, playpen, swing, portable swing, high chair, booster seat, car seat, toys, books, playmats, baby bathtub, bouncer, activities saucer, and things called a jumperoo and mamaroo. Why a baby that small needed so many things was beyond me, but I was more than thankful for his efforts, because I’d only thought about diapers and clothing.

  Kingston chuckled. “What’cha doing?” he asked as he jumped up on one of the prep tables.

  I thought about glossing it over, but then I decided to tell him the truth. I wanted to get to know Easton, Kingston, and Axel more. Maybe if I opened up the lines of communication, they would too.

  “My mom used to love to bake when she was stressed or wanted to contemplate on life. When she was in that mood, we knew not to disturb her. When I was about ten, she allowed me to come to help her,” I explained. “She’d listen to 80s music and just bake and bake until whatever she was trying to work out…just did. I think that’s why I’ve never been one to vocalize much when I’m stressed. I like peace and quiet. Sometimes, when I want to feel like I’m close to my mom again, I bake.

  “I know the guys are upset with me. I understand why, but I can’t change who I am. I tried for a little while before, and I was miserable. Trevor had always wanted me but in Emery’s packaging. Emery loved her designer clothes. She cared about fashion, was a girly girl. I was a tomboy, still am, actually. For him, I changed for a little while. I made an effort to buy clothes he’d like to see on me. I bought the shoes with five-inch heels. I wore a ton of makeup and tried to portray the image he wanted me to have.”

  I shrugged. “It got old after a while,” I continued. “I like dressing up from time to time, wearing heels and makeup on occasion, but it wasn’t practical. I’m an athlete.” I looked at him and smiled gently. “I never understood how calm my mom and Aunt Pam were every time they kissed their husbands' goodbye. I learned to cope with Dad gone so often, sure. But I can’t just send you guys off with a kiss tomorrow, knowing I could be out there with you all, too.”

  Kingston looked at me in contemplation for a little while before cocking his head to the side. “So, this kiss you planned tomorrow, was it going to be like a kiss you give to your brother, or a quick peck on the lips? Or are we talking a duel of tongues?” he asked with a mischievous glint.

  I laughed and pushed at his chest. He dramatically fell back and groaned.

  “Since I’m going with you tomorrow, I guess you’ll never know,” I said smugly as I stopped the mixers.

  I pulled the dough out and put it on my floured surface. I used a dough scraper to divide the mixture into four equal parts. Once that was done, I place
d them in the large prepared bread pans and covered them with wet cloths to rise.

  “What a tease.” He sighed theatrically. “What’s the chocolate chips for?” He eyed the ten-pound bag of chocolate chips.

  “Cookies!” I smiled, rolling my eyes.

  “Really?” he asked excitedly.

  “Really. Soon as I get done with the loaves of bread and biscuits, I plan to bake some cookies.”

  “What do we have to do to make this happen sooner than later?” he asked excitedly.

  I handed him the empty mixing bowls. “Can you handwash these?” I asked. “I’ll need them for the cookies.” Even though we had a restaurant-style dishwasher, I hadn’t had a chance to figure out how it worked yet. The deep, large sinks worked just as well.

  “Okay,” he said with a shrug as he walked over to the wash rack. “Although, if you can make me some of your chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting, that would be even better.”

  I laughed once more. I never thought when I sent those cakes-in-a-jars for Wyatt and Corbin's team that I would actually meet them all one day.

  “That was one of my mom’s recipes. Maybe one day, I can find some mini Reeses Peanut Butter cups and make her cupcakes. It’s one of Dad’s favorites,” I said, yearning to talk to him. How was he?

  Kingston moaned. “I’m going to make it my mission to find them now!”

  I contemplated his words for a moment. “It’s crazy to think that we can’t just go to the store anymore and get them just like that,” I snapped my fingers. “A lot of the things we took for granted aren’t going to be there anymore.”

  “Some of the FOBs, or locations, we went to made me get accustomed to making do with what we can get,” he said with a lift of his shoulder. “There were some locations that we went completely dark, but I still kept checking my phone for messages or Facebook or Instagram and then would realize, oh yeah.”

  “I just got back on Facebook and Instagram a few months ago,” I said as I carried all the loaves of bread to a tall, rolling bakers rack with sheet pans. “I kind of got used to not having them.”

  “Wyatt and Corbin were pretty upset that you unfriended them,” Kingston said with a serious expression. “Now I know why they were. You really are one of a kind, Avery. Don’t let people like Emery, Natalie, and Jade tear you down, okay? Don’t feed into their insecurities and lies. We may have had a relationship with one or two females in the past, but none of them hold a candle to you. With you, it’s different, even if Easton or I haven’t kissed you yet.” Then he frowned. “Wait, did you kiss my brother yet?”

  And just like that, his mask was back on. I savored the words of his confession, but I knew he was done revealing himself for now.

  “Well,” I teased with a severe tone. “He did get to see my breasts.”

  Kingston watched me with narrowed eyes. “Girl, don’t make me spank you for lying.”

  An impish feeling took hold of me. “I have three nipples. I dyed my landing strip purple. I have my hood pierced. And I lick all the frosting off of cupcakes before I throw away the cake.”

  The mixing bowl clamored in the sink, and he started running towards me. I squealed.

  “Sometimes, I read the last chapter of a book to see if I’ll like the book!” I said as I ran from him. I tried to keep the table between us, and I was a fast runner, but his legs seemed to be eating up the distance between us. “I drink straight from the milk carton. I−” my next words were cut off as he wrapped his arms around my waist, and in one swift movement, he had both of my hands trapped in one of his.

  He pushed his hips against my rear and tugged my hands up so that I was forced to bend over one of the prep tables. I barely had time to comprehend his intention when his palm was coming down on my bottom.

  “My brother did not see your breasts.” Whack. “I’m sure you have two rather normal nipples.” Whack. “Your landing strip’s jet black, like the drapes.” Whack. “You would never get your hood pierced, your nipples maybe, but not your hood.” Whack. “No one just eats the frosting off a cupcake after the age of two.” Whack. “You like surprises. Reading the last chapter would ruin the whole story.” Whack. “You are too considerate of others to drink straight from the carton.”

  His spankings hurt at first. I had yelped and tried to fight him with every motion. I stopped when I realized how excited he was when he spanked me. And quickly, the pain was replaced with pleasure. I found myself moaning and thrusting my hips towards him by the end.

  He seemed to notice it and stilled. He cursed softly. “You liked that, didn’t you?”

  “No,” I breathed out my denial.


  “You liked that, didn’t you?” He ground his hips against me, his cock hard as steel.

  “Yes,” I admitted, biting my bottom lip.

  He growled out and reached around my waist. “If I dip my fingers inside you, will you be wet?” he asked as he cupped my core.

  I was so confused by my reaction. I never thought I would like spankings. From time to time, Trevor would lightly tap me when he was taking me from behind, but it was never hard enough to sting, let alone cause pleasure.

  “No,” I moaned out.


  “Should I check?” he asked, sliding his hands up the wide leg of my shorts. I found myself eagerly nodding as the words escaped me. His fingers hooked onto the edge of my panties, and before I could even think, his fingers were rubbing my slit.

  He silently cursed, and he rubbed himself against me. He leaned his forehead against my neck. “So wet,” he muttered, stroking me. “I want to pull your shorts and panties down and fuck you right now. Would you like that?”

  I had just been with Corbin and Wyatt that afternoon! I had been more than satisfied, but I would be lying to myself, and him, if I didn’t admit that I wanted him, too. I still wanted to know him, Easton, and Axel on a more personal level, but I couldn’t deny that, for once, my body wasn’t being ruled by my thoughts.

  “Yes,” I gasped as his two fingers slipped inside me. I felt my inner walls stretch around him.

  He groaned out once more. “So ready… for me.”

  I heard the slamming of the back screen door and tried to scramble away from him quickly. He jumped back and moved over to the other side of the prep table. My heart sped up. I couldn’t believe I had nearly allowed him to take me in the kitchen, where anyone could have walked in!

  “I thought I saw the lights on in here,” Aunt Carol said with a smile. “What are you two getting into?”

  “Bread!” I blurted out. “Biscuits. And cookies!”

  She raised a brow at me. “Okay.”

  I silently cursed at myself. Way to be obvious! Because you definitely don’t sound like you have something to hide!

  Kingston chuckled. I looked over at him, and he was casually leaning over the prep table with his chin resting on one of his hands. “Avery was just telling me that her mother had an amazing recipe for a chocolate cupcakes stuffed with mini Reeses Peanut Buttercups and a peanut butter frosting. Avery used to send us these cakes-in-a-jar things, and I always looked forward to the chocolate with the peanut butter frosting, as did Axel. Easton liked the red velvet cakes with the cream cheese frosting. Corbin was boring and liked the white cake with this chocolate frosting. And Wyatt−”

  “Wyatt would have liked a lemon cake with lemon cream cheese frosting,” my aunt finished with a smile. “It surprises me you remembered all that, Kingston. I’d be lucky if Mitch even remembered my favorite flower, and we’ve been married for over thirty years!”

  Kingston looked around dramatically before he held a finger up to his mouth. “Don’t let the guys know that. I have a reputation to maintain,” he said with a smile, but I had a feeling he was serious. He really liked playing the role he created. “Those men are more than the guys I work with. As much as we’re together, they’re my best friends and brothers. I’d die for them, why shouldn’t I know what makes them tick?”
  “Aww,” Aunt Carol cooed. “You are the sweetest. Every time you guys Facetimed or called, I got the impression that you were the one always trying to get them in trouble. Now I know you’re like a two-sided coin.”

  Kingston seemed genuinely uncomfortable for a moment before he laughed. He ran a hand through the riot of his blond curls. “As I said, it has to remain our secret.”

  “Oh, it will be!” Aunt Carol giggled like a schoolgirl. “Now, how can I help?” she wandered over to the baker's rack.

  When her back was turned, the Kingston I knew lifted his fingers and slowly sucked them in his mouth before he winked at me. I felt heat infuse my cheeks.

  I turned around quickly and moved back to my bread, fully expecting to be mortified by almost getting caught. However, underneath the chagrin was an underlying feeling of thrill. The possibility of getting caught sent a weird sense of excitement in me. I groaned. No wonder Kingston was an exhibitionist; the feeling almost gave you a high.

  “Have you ever made biscuits from scratch, Aunt Carol?” I asked, turning to see Kingston still watching me from the wash rack as he started washing the bowls. I gave him a slow smile and determined he was getting too much joy out of my discomfort. Maybe I should raise the bar a little, I thought.

  Chapter 19

  “Mom,” I called out. “We’re home!”

  “Holy crap, can you be any louder?” Emery snapped. “Seriously, you’re not on the basketball court.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I wasn’t that loud.”

  “Mom!” Emery screamed directly next to my ear. “We’re home!”

  I winced and covered my ears. “I wasn’t that loud, Em!” I seethed.

  Seriously, she’d been so hateful since I’d decided I was never returning to modeling. I even confronted her about seeing Marlon and me together. I asked her why she thought I had been crying. It had been nearly three weeks, and she still denied she was even there. She claimed that she didn’t walk in on my photoshoot, saying I made it all up to ruin her career.


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