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Netherfield Prep (Austen Reimagined: P&P #1)

Page 14

by Elizabeth Stevens

  “Jesus, stop!” I said, unable to take any more talk of ‘partnership’ or ‘violent affections’. “Well, you really know how to flatter a girl, don’t you?” He grinned, and I felt the sarcasm was lost on him. “But, you can’t go around making all these plans when I haven’t answered. Look, Seb… Thank you for thinking of me, and for the compliment, but I can’t say yes to any of that.”

  I expected his face to fall, not for his grin to widen. “It is not news to me that strong, independent girls like you are wont to refuse a man they intend to accept in the end. You may have no fear that I will give up easily.”

  Great, things just get better and better!

  “No, Seb, I can assure you, I will never accept either. Violent affections and a life-long secretarial role are not what I had in mind. You couldn’t make me happy, and I haven’t the skills nor inclination to make you happy, professionally or personally.”

  “Nonsense, Lily! I will take your outcry as modesty and am not put off from my admiration of you.”

  “I urge you try it, Seb. Seriously, I’m not the sort of girl who torments a respectable man into fighting for her attentions. I cannot and will not accept either offer.”

  Seb still grinned. “You are charming! I’m sure, when I inform your parents of my intentions, there will be no need to discuss it further.”

  I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, finally giving up. “You do what you like, Seb. I can see nothing I say will make a difference.”

  He bowed again and left.

  While I was getting dressed, I received a text from Dad.

  Dad: You and your sisters will meet us for dinner at 7pm.

  I sighed again and plonked onto the bed. I twirled the daisy around in my fingers, so not looking forward to whatever it was Dad had to say.


  “He proposed to you?” Kate laughed.

  “Shut up, Katherine,” I mumbled.

  “No, but, seriously? He proposed?”

  “He may as well have, prattling on about how I’d get a share in Claire’s company when she died through him, and how he’d be a ‘firm and fair boss and romantic partner’.” Kate, Gemma and Anne laughed. I glared at Anne. “You see what I saved you from?”

  “I do, and I thank you.” She smiled, taking my arm.

  We sat in the Longbourn common room, which was surprisingly empty.

  “I can’t believe he proposed!” Kate squealed.

  “Who proposed to who?” Jax asked, looking worried, as he and Austin came into the room.

  Kate and Gemma doubled over in laughter.

  “God, just leave it be. It’s not important, Jax,” I huffed, sliding down on the couch.

  “Seb proposed to Lily!” Kate burst out through her laughter.

  “What?” both Jax and Austin asked. I was surprised by Austin’s interest.

  “It wasn’t really a proposal. He offered me a job and…proclaimed the violent nature of his affections…” Even I couldn’t help a smile escaping as I thought of that ridiculous line.

  “So, he really likes you?” Jax asked.

  “Oh, no. Those were literally his words. ‘You must let me proclaim the violent nature of my affections’. I’ve never heard ‘romantic partnership’ sound so utterly unenticing.” I grimaced.

  “So, he didn’t actually propose?”

  Kate barked a laugh. “Not today, but he went on and on about how, when they married, Lily would get some of Mum’s company.”

  I winced and gave Jax a look. From the corner of my eye, I saw Austin’s face was an implacable mask. I wondered what he was thinking, especially after the disastrous kiss from the night before.

  Don’t get me wrong, this kiss itself was amazing! Better than amazing. It was like fireworks and all things right with the world. If you told me, I’d almost believe that Austin’s kiss could end world hunger and war.

  It was just the remembering who I was kissing and then being promptly reminded of his future wife that had soured me a little. I couldn’t believe I’d kissed Austin… Well, it did seem like he’d had a part to play in that, but I certainly hadn’t been saying no. Cass had, thankfully, stopped me becoming yet another in his long line of meaningless trysts.

  Though, her face when she’d pulled Austin off me still surprised me; so much disgust and anger. It had then surprised me when she’d come up to me later to tell me Liam was a no-good arsehat. I couldn’t trust her, of course; she was best friends with Austin. I also hadn’t been able to tell if she’d come over to me at his behest or her own volition.

  “Lil?” Anne nudged me.

  “Sorry, what?”

  Anne exchanged a glance with Jax.

  “She’s probably thinking of her future husband,” Gemma laughed.

  “You said yes?” Austin looked at me, shock written very plainly across his face.

  I actually laughed at the idea. “God, no. I told him in no uncertain terms that I wouldn’t have him in any capacity.”

  “Not that he listened!” Kate said.

  “No, he went and told Mum and Dad of his great idea,” Gemma added.

  “And, now we have to meet them for dinner,” Kate sighed.

  “It’ll have the added bonus of watching Lily get yelled at,” Gemma finished.

  I scowled. “Geez, I love you guys, too.”

  “Surely, they won’t make you accept his offer…s?” Jax asked.

  “On the contrary!” Gemma said. “It will be Dad’s every intention to make her.”

  “It’s not the most promising future for her, but Seb will make enough money to keep her comfortable in the manner to which Daddy thinks we should be accustomed,” Kate giggled.

  “He’ll be gossiping about it with Linda by now.”

  Anne paled. “I’m sure Mum doesn’t care in the slightest.”

  “Nonsense, Annie!” Kate waved a hand. “She and Dad are like two peas in a pod, planning and scheming for their children. Trust me, they’ll have had lunch and been tittering about how well Lily’s done for herself. It’ll be your turn next, Anne!”

  I looked at them both in horror. It wasn’t just that they both seemed perfectly happy to sell me out so I could ‘live comfortably’ or that they seemed fine with Linda’s and Dad’s ridiculous plans for us… But, that they had the audacity to say so blatantly in front of Jax and Austin.

  My eyes slid to the twins.

  Jax only had eyes for Anne, and I didn’t think he’d really been paying attention to anything Kate had said. Austin, on the other hand, wore a mask of barely contained disgust and anger. Not that I could blame him. I suspect I’d be pretty livid having to listen to Kate and Gemma’s drivel… Well, actually, I usually was. I just had an unfathomable amount of love for my sisters that seemed to make me more weary and embarrassed than angry at them.

  “It doesn’t matter. I’m not agreeing. Dad can say what he likes. He can scream down the bloody restaurant for all I care,” I grumbled, but thankfully no one seemed to hear me and talk soon shifted to Jax and Austin’s next game.

  Chapter Twenty: Austin

  I dragged Jax away as soon as I was able.

  “Dude, what is it? Slow down.”

  “Just, hurry the hell up,” I snapped.

  “Brother, I get you’ve got this weird crush on Lil and hands down refuse to show it, but seriously, man. She turned the guy down once, and she’ll do it again if she has to. You know her. And, if you’re so worried about her running off with Anders, just bloody talk to her already. I really don’t want to have to be the one who has to pick up the pieces of your heart when she’s broken it and it’s all your own stupid fault for not telling her how you feel!”

  I rounded on him. “Will you shut the hell up? This is not about me, but rather about you. I had thought it more prudent to wait until we got back to our room to speak to you, but since you are insistent on being such a twat, I’ll tell you now. Anne is just like the rest of them, only she
’s not actually interested in you at all.”

  Jax’s horrified expression would have been humorous did I not know I was being forced to be responsible for the breaking of his heart…once again.

  “You can’t know that,” he whispered.

  “I do know that. I’ve watched her with you and, I’m sorry man, I’m just not convinced she likes you the way you like her, or that she’s ever going to. It’s better you break off whatever this is and give yourself time to get over her.”

  Jax stared at me in shock, his mouth opening and closing. “You’re sure? You’re sure she doesn’t like me? You’re not just pissed about her mum’s whole deal about the money?”

  I threw my arms in the air. “Of course I am! But, to Anne’s credit, she doesn’t seem like that at all. My main concern is you’ll turn around and decide you’re in love with her and won’t realise in time that she doesn’t feel the same.”

  “Decide…?” Jax’s eyes narrowed. “Wait, has this got anything to do with Lily not returning your feelings?”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “You don’t have to beg to have it, brother.” He folded his arms, looking for all the world like my reflection with his scowl. “Has this conveniently timed warning about Anne got anything to do with your unrequited crush on Lily? And, you watch your answer, Oz; my belief in you hinges on it being a good answer.”

  I sighed, running my hand through my hair and yet again wishing I’d never cut it. “Fine, I’ll admit I feel a…a pull to Lily and I’m well aware she doesn’t feel the same about me.”

  “Through no fault of your own, of course.” Jax’s voice dripped sarcasm.

  “I am well aware it is all my fault that she’s about to run off with Anders, thank you very much. But, that doesn’t change the fact that I honestly believe Anne’s not into you the way you want her to be. And, my unrequited crush as you call it has nothing to do with that belief. I only have your happiness in mind, Jax, honestly. I live to ensure you are happy.”

  He stared at me for a long time, his face eventually softening. “Don’t I know it,” he finally grumbled, looking somewhat defeated. “You really think I should give up on Anne?”

  I put my arm around him. “I do, brother. I’m sorry, but I really do.”

  And, truth be told, I did. I was certainly disgusted at Kate and Gemma’s behaviour and their description of Daniel Brewer and Linda Macklin. And, maybe if they hadn’t been so obvious about Anne’s Mum’s ideas, then I wouldn’t have looked so hard at Anne’s behaviour when she was with Jax. Maybe if Kate or Gemma had had any ounce of self-respect, I wouldn’t have just had to break my brother’s heart. But, there it was, and there was nothing that could be done about it now.

  As we walked back to our room, my phone buzzed. I pulled it out and wished to God I’d just ignored it.

  “Shit,” I muttered.

  “What?” Jax asked.

  I read the message again.

  Fleur: Hi Sweetie! How are things? Sorry I missed you in the holidays, everything’s been madness! Am thinking of making it up to you ;) Thought Claude and I should visit. We’ll be there tomorrow! Love love, kisses!

  I shuddered and passed the phone to Jax, who also shuddered.

  “Oh, good. Not only do we have the pleasure of seeing Petal, but Claw as well.” He grimaced.

  Claudine was Fleur’s younger sister and about as rambunctious and airheaded as you could get – which was saying something when you knew Gemma and Kate. It was also no secret that she had a thing for Jax – on the rare occasion she could tell us apart. I was pretty sure she only liked Jax because Fleur was expecting to marry me, but it didn’t negate the fact we’d be spending God-knew how long trying to fend off unwanted advances.

  “What are you going to say to her?”

  “I suppose ‘sod off, we don’t want to see either of you’ is out of the question?” I asked, hopefully.

  Jax laughed. “Yes, I think Aunt Celia would make me her heir on the spot.”

  I inwardly groaned, knowing I couldn’t do that to Jax. Though, the idea was fleetingly tempting.

  Me: See you tomorrow.

  “That’s all you’re going to say?” Jax asked, reading over my shoulder.

  Me: Looking forward to seeing you.

  Jax shook his head. “Sounds a bit keen.”

  I sighed.

  Me: No worries about the holidays, we were busy, too. Things are fine. In the middle of the Clash, so far so good. See you and Claude tomorrow, then.

  I raised an eyebrow at him and, after his nod of approval, hit send.

  “Well, that will be something to keep your mind off Anne,” I said.

  “Gee, thanks man. Break my heart then throw me to the lions,” Jax replied, but laughed good-naturedly.

  “Well, I’m not facing the lions on my own.”

  “And, I’d never ask you to, brother,” Jax said seriously.

  We continued back to our room and I seriously did not want tomorrow to dawn. Anders and Fleur? What the hell had I done to deserve such punishment?

  Chapter Twenty-One: Lily

  Gem, Katie and I were surprisingly early. We sat at our table and waited for Claire and Dad to find us. Thankfully, it looked like Seb wasn’t going to join us, although I was beginning to rethink that as I saw our parents walk in… Dad would have been much more polite if Seb was there…

  As it was, Dad’s face was thunderous.

  I heard Kate giggle as she saw him. “Oh, you’re going to get it now!”

  “Shut up!” I snapped, finding myself already getting sick of her rabid nonsense.

  Kate had the decency to look somewhat ashamed, but it didn’t last long, so neither did my guilt.

  “Lily…” Dad said as he and Claire sat down.

  “Father.” I gave him back as good a stare as he was giving.

  “I hear you refused Sebastian’s offers, Lily? Not only for work, but a future!” he said with reverence, as though this ‘future’ were some kind of fountain of youth. “I told him we would speak with you, but he seems to think his words were hasty. What have you got to say for yourself?”

  “Only that I am neither going to work for him or date him, Dad. And, there is nothing he can do to persuade me!” I replied as forcefully as I could without drawing the attention of the whole restaurant.

  “Claire, talk some sense into her!” Dad said, rounding on my stepmother. “Tell her she must have him.”

  Claire sighed much more obviously than she usually would and looked to me. “Seb asked you to work for him and to…be his girlfriend, yes?”

  “As well as hinting I’d inherit some of your company when we were married…” I scowled and noticed her eyes widen slightly.

  “And, your father insists you accept both of these offers, yes?” she turned to Dad.

  “Yes, or I will never speak to her again!” Dad’s voice was way too high-pitched and I was starting to wonder if Mum had my paternity all wrong.

  God, I hope so…

  “Right,” Claire continued, “you have a choice in front of you, Lily. From this night on, you must be a stranger to one of your parents. Your dad will never speak to you again if you do not accept Seb’s offers. And…I will never speak to you again if you do.”

  I beamed at Claire, thinking at that moment that, sure, I might have lost my real mum, but here was a woman who was more than worthy of patching the hole Mum’s death had left in me. I had always known Claire was the sensible one in their relationship. It was just an epic shame that her sense hadn’t rubbed off on her daughters.

  Claire smiled back at me as though I was the most precious thing in her world at that moment. I was interminably glad that, even though I had an airhead for a father, I was not going to be forced into any sort of relationship with Sebastian Chambers if that wasn’t what I wanted.

  That didn’t stop Dad trying very hard to convince me to take up both offers for the rest of dinner. He ev
en tried to get Gemma and Kate on his side, but they just laughed harder every time he brought it up.

  I playfully deflected every positive or negative point Dad brought up; from how I’d never get a better offer with my attitude, to how I’d be destitute without a decent man and his money.

  “Seriously, Dad. You make it sound like I’m incapable of going to university and making anything of my life on my own!” I said after he’d brought it up for the fifth time and my previous arguments were apparently not working.

  Dad actually scoffed at that. “Yes, but you don’t need to, Lil!”

  I gaped at him, surprised he was actually advocating me just finding some rich suitor so I didn’t have to go to university. What about what I wanted? What about my dreams? I looked to Claire, hoping she’d back me up. My faith in her, at least, wasn’t misplaced.

  “Daniel, that’s not the point. Lily wants to go to university. She wants to get her PhD, teach English, write books,” Claire said, looking at him for all the world like she was trying to get him to shut up.

  “Yes, but darling, she doesn’t have to if she accepts Seb.”

  Claire’s face clouded, and she looked angrier than I ever remembered seeing her. “Daniel, darling, that’s not the point. It’s what Lily wants. She wants to go to university. If she starts working for Seb, if she dates him, heaven forbid she marries him, she’s never going to get that chance; he’ll see to that!”


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