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Netherfield Prep (Austen Reimagined: P&P #1)

Page 16

by Elizabeth Stevens

  “For God’s sake, play on!” she yelled.

  “I like her,” Lucas said with a laugh as he jogged past.

  Anders was thankfully gone again and I forced all my energy into concentrating. If I could not give her a reason to insult me again, that would be great.

  I managed to get through the rest of practice without giving her a reason to say anything to me. After, Jax and I walked to the showers in our dorm, heedless of the mud we trampled through the corridors.

  We peeled off the rest of our uniforms and stepped into the showers. Williams was singing to himself as he bopped around with a helmet of suds on his head. I shook my head and stood under the blasting water.

  I didn’t know what it was about Lily Brewer, but she antagonised me greatly. I was so mixed up in despising her family and her friends that I could usually ignore the effect she had on me. Not today, though. Today, I wanted nothing more than to have her in my arms and be kissing her again.

  I groaned in frustration.

  “You right?” Jax asked.

  “No, no, I’m not okay,” I sighed.

  “Dude, do you need reminding again this is all your own fault?” Williams called.

  “Seriously, you too, now?” I turned to him.

  He shrugged, grinning. “Oz, I don’t know the whole story, I know that. But, if there’s something she needs to know about him, then she’d better find out fast. He already kissed her the other day- Whoa!” Williams cried out as I hit the wall. “Oz, if you’re not going to tell her, then you can’t blame yourself if anything happens.”

  “She won’t believe me, Williams. You’re such good friends with her, why don’t you say something?” I snarled, feeling much more riled up than I should or had a right to, but I couldn’t stop myself.

  “Dude!” Williams said disapprovingly. “Don’t take it out on me because you screwed up royally. Lily’s a great chick, and I know you know it, too, so don’t go playing that ‘it’s just Anders, I hate’ card. Just because your actions ensured she wouldn’t believe a thing you said, it’s not my bad. And, I can’t tell her. I approach her with it, with the little I know? She’ll think you sent me and it’s all just some elaborate plot. Nope. You have to fix it somehow, mate.”

  I scowled and threw a bar of soap at him. If only it was that simple…

  Chapter Twenty-Three: Lily

  I’d put the difficulty up on my game; I seriously needed something to take my mind off everything that had happened the last few days. Between Jax avoiding Anne, Cass being the one to break up their not even official relationship, then Austin’s attitude on the soccer pitch, I was livid.

  I yelled as I got dragged under a horde of zombies and watched while I was slowly killed.

  “Cheery game that,” I heard a voice behind me and turned to see Charlie hovering inside the door.

  I spared a glance for Anne’s side of the room, but she was still curled on her bed, reading with her headphones on. I sighed and felt my heart clench as I looked at her. She wasn’t crying, she hadn’t cried, but I could tell she was crushed by Jax’s behaviour. The reminder of which only made me angry again.

  I took a deep breath and forced a smile for Charlie as I stood up. “Hi. Yeah, I have the need to kill things when I’m frustrated.”

  Charlie nodded, hugging his laptop closer. I saw him looking behind me and watched as my avatar got off the floor and started ambling around with the other zombies. If I didn’t hit restart soon, I’d auto swap sides, but I didn’t really care about that at the moment.

  “What’s up Charlie? Did we miss a coffee date or something?” I asked.

  He started and blinked. “No, no, not at all. I uh… I just thought you’d like to know that Sebastian approached me about the job,” he pushed his glasses up, “and, uh…well, I took it.”

  I blinked, this time out of disbelief than actually trying to pull my mind from more awful things. In comparison, even Anne having her heart broken seemed not quite as terrible as Charlie accepting Seb’s job offer…

  “It didn’t come with any other offers, did it?” I asked.

  He shook his head, confusion obvious. “No, should it have?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “No, it shouldn’t have. But, why did you take it, Charlie?” I sighed, losing all anger or disbelief. “You could have programmed your games and sold who knows how many before you turned twenty-five! You could have gone to uni, done something with your life.” I stopped talking, seeing the awkwardness on his sweet face.

  He nodded. “You know I don’t have the…knowhow to do any of that…” He shrugged. “It’s better to have something definite than go through all that only to have uncertainty staring me in the face.”

  “Oh, Charlie.” I took his hand and pulled him to sit on the bed next to me. “Charlie, it doesn’t have to be like that.”

  “Doesn’t it? It’s all right for you Lil; you’ve got strength of character to reach your dreams. Sure, I can go to uni, work my arse off, but what chances do I have of getting a job at the end? The job market sucks and I can at least use some programming skills in working for Sebastian. The pay will be good and it’s probably the best offer I’ll get for years.”

  I stared at him, not sure what to say. I wanted to be supportive, if only because that’s what good friends were for. But, I seriously thought this was the worst plan ever. He was settling! Settling for a boss and a job that he’d probably be stuck in forever because he wouldn’t have the guts to move on – to assume that Seb would let him.

  “When are you leaving?” I asked.

  “The end of the week.”

  So soon? “And, the rest of Year Twelve?”

  He shrugged. “I’ll graduate with my Year Eleven and I’ve already got a job lined up.”

  I patted his arm awkwardly. “Well, okay, then… If it’s what you want?”

  He nodded. “It is.”

  I smiled, hoping it was sincere. “Good, well, I’ll have to come and visit when you’re all set up and see your swanky office!”

  He grinned and looked down. “Of course, any time.”

  He left and I stood, watching Anne for a while. She was intently focussed on her book, so I left her be and went after my zombie avatar, feeling more inclined to just kill people instead of zombies for once.


  Friday came and went, and Saturday dawned gloomy, which seemed to match everyone’s moods well and truly.

  Anne hadn’t heard from Jax since last Sunday.

  Every time they saw each other in the corridors, Jax ignored her subtly, or turned and hurried off the other way. Anne held up well, a small smile plastered to her face, but I knew she was hurting.

  Somehow, our parents had found out all the latest news. I was inundated with emails and texts from Dad – I’d stopped taking his calls – telling me how displeased he was that some nobody was going to work for Seb, that I’d let a perfectly good future husband go, as well as accusing me of having a hand in Anne’s loss of Jax.

  I’d ignored the two tall leggy blondes who seemed to hang off Jax and Austin at every opportunity. Fleur and Claudine van Wilhausen were simultaneously the most gorgeous and ugliest creatures I had ever had the misfortune of laying my eyes upon. They were tall, had supermodel good looks, legs forever, and skinny as. But, they had a look of constantly having a bad smell stuck under their noses. Claudine, a little less than Fleur, and I got the impression she had about as much intelligence as she did cellulite.

  I got dressed in my warmest clothes, but still doubted that that was going to be enough. A quick look out the window threatened rain, if not hail. I didn’t know much about weather patterns and how stuff up there worked, but I wouldn’t have been at all surprised if it started snowing.

  At least that would be drier!

  Throwing on my coat, I took one more look at Anne; she was at the computer doing homework. I stood there for a moment, not quite sure what to say. She still hadn’t heard anythin
g from Jax. Neither of us wanted to give Cassandra the satisfaction of asking her anymore about it. And, I refused to talk to Austin.

  “Stop worrying about me, Lil,” she said, knowing I was hovering without turning.

  “I’m not…worrying… I’m caring.”

  Anne sighed. “I’m fine, Lily. Whatever it was, it was wonderful while it lasted. I never really did believe he was as into me as you liked to think. He’s moved on, and so shall I.”

  I wished there was something I could do that meant she didn’t have to seem so brave. Then again, maybe she did just feel that relaxed about the whole thing? I felt terrible I’d gone on so much about how much Jax liked her. If her pain was anyone’s fault, it was mine for trying to force the issue… But, he had seemed so taken by her, surely I hadn’t been mistaken!

  It must have been Cassandra’s doing, no doubt with the help of Bea and that imbecile Claudine. Oh, I knew Cassandra was an epic bitch – she certainly had been in the aftermath of the whole thing – but I hadn’t, until now, thought her capable of breaking up a happy couple. In hindsight, that was actually fairly poor judgement on my part…

  A knock on the door drew me over to it and I found Williams grinning at me. He was kitted out in his uniform – shorts, long t-shirt, knee-high socks, and cleats.

  “Uh, hey.” I smiled, looking back to Anne.

  “Hi!” Williams grinned. “Hi, Anne.”

  She turned and gave him a small smile before going back to her work. “Go, Lily. I’ll be fine and you don’t want to be late.”

  I picked up my gloves and closed the door behind us. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” I asked Williams as I shoved my gloves on.

  He shrugged. “Thought it might be nice to walk you.”

  “Were you worried I’d be late again?” I laughed.

  He looked at me with genuine surprise. “No, I really just thought you might like the company.”

  My laugh sobered. “Thanks. But, it was pretty out of your way…”

  “Bah! The extra walking kept me warm. I see you’ve rugged up.”

  “Yeah, I’m so not used to it being this cold. I don’t know how you guys do it.” I smiled.

  “What? This? This isn’t cold! Just wait ‘til Christmas hits and its full-on snowing and well below freezing.”

  “It sounds amazing actually,” I said and he chuckled.

  “Never had a white Christmas?”

  I shook my head. “No, always in Australia for Christmas.”

  “Not this year, though?”

  “Not this year, no…” I heard my voice hitch a little and felt Williams’ arm go around me. I cleared my throat. “All going well, I’ll not kill my sisters.”

  “You’ve always got us, Lil.”

  “Thanks, man,” I replied.

  I wondered if I could ask Williams about the whole Jax thing. But, that would undoubtedly make me angry and I didn’t feel like losing anymore friends because the Cooper twins were arsehats. Well, Jax not so much, but he was so easily swayed by Austin and Cassandra it-

  Deep breaths…

  We arrived at a smaller oval and I remembered there was a hockey clash on the main oval. I laughed as the cold air hit my face and I rubbed my hands. “Good thing you did come get me, I totally forgot the clash.”

  “London Calling?” he gasped, mock-horrified.

  “Great song. Not the clash I meant, and you know it.” I punched him playfully on the arm and he grinned. I shook my head at him. “Jog on, Williams. Let’s get going.”

  He gave my hand one last squeeze before indeed jogging off. I panicked for a moment that there was something more in his attentions, but one look in his eyes told me he had nothing more than friendship on his mind. Which was more than perfect to me; Williams was a great guy…as a friend. Friend or not, I certainly wouldn’t want to be on his seduction list, the guy was hornier than a rabbit and thought he was funnier than Eddie Murphy.

  I guess he was pretty funny… But, I was still pleased he didn’t use it to try to charm me. I watched him goof around with his teammates and wondered how much more successful he’d be with a girl long-term if he was just the guy I knew.

  I shook my head. Williams’ love life was seriously not my concern.

  Before the practice match, the team went through their drills and I watched them, taking everything in for later on. When they finally got to their practice match – it would only be two twenty minute halves – my phone rang.

  “Hello?” I answered without looking at the ID as I had my eyes on Lucas.

  “Lily, it’s me.”

  I bit back my groan. “Hey, Dad, what’s up? No, Williams, pass it on! Lucas is open!”

  “Is now a bad time?” I heard the ice in Dad’s voice.

  “Not really, as long as – Jax, keep to your man! – as long as you don’t mind me yelling at the team every now and then.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “Helping the soccer team train for the next round of the clash.”

  “What do you know about football?”

  “A lot, actually. The team asked me to help.”

  “The Coopers?” Dad’s voice was way more excited than it needed to be and about an octave higher than usual.

  “No, Dad, not the Coopers. We’re not speaking to the Coopers…” My voice trailed off as I watched the team for a moment. “Nice, Oz!” I yelled. “Did you want something? It’s pretty early to be calling.”

  “I just hoped you’d reconsidered Seb’s offer.”

  “Seriously? Charlie’s accepted. There is no more offer, Dad. You need to accept that.”

  “I need to do no such thing. First, any hopes with Austin Cooper have been dashed, though I will conceded that wasn’t your fault, then with Seb-”

  “Look, Dad, if it makes you feel any better, I’ve been getting to know one of the Military boys, a Liam Anders. He’s nice and very respectable and- On him, Gerald!” I yelled as Austin made a break for it. I was surprised I could tell them apart so well now, even without any distinguishing features on show anymore.

  Austin was, thankfully, on the shirts team today so I wasn’t getting distracted by the sight of him half-naked like I had on Wednesday. I knew I needed to pull my mind out of the gutter, but honestly, if a guy is that sexy, he needs to be looked at – even if you had to imagine him with an entirely different personality.

  “Maybe a lobotomy…” I muttered.

  “What?” Dad asked.

  “Sorry, nothing. Look, did you just call to nag me about boys again, because I’m doing fine in that department, thanks.”

  Dad sighed overly dramatically and I rolled my eyes. “I just want you to have a good life, dear.”

  My resolve to be angry with him softened. “I know, Dad, but you don’t always go about it in the best way…” I used my most loving voice.

  “Well, we all have to do the best with what we have,” Dad replied testily and I knew I’d pushed too far.

  “You’re right, Dad. Now, I need to go and do the best I can with this team so we beat the Military boys tomorrow.”

  “Are they good?”

  “We won the match last week, but there was…a bit of an altercation and some red cards were thrown about. I’d like to avoid that if possible tomorrow.”

  “All right, well, I’m sure you know what you’re doing.”

  “Bye, Dad.”

  I hung up, not at all sure I knew what I was doing. It hadn’t been the first of such conversations that week and it most certainly wouldn’t be the last.

  “Williams! Don’t make me come out there!” I yelled as much to vent my frustrations as to tell him off.

  He grinned at me wickedly and I just shook my head at him.

  Chapter Twenty-Four: Austin

  It poured with rain, which wasn’t surprising really. It was winter and we had a football game to play, so of course it was going to rain.

  We stood on the sidelines
, drenched already. Even Lily stood, refusing the umbrellas her sisters and friends stood under, as she muttered with Coach, pointing around the pitch as they discussed play.

  “Shite, if this doesn’t ease up, visibility’s going to be a problem,” Williams said, standing next to me and blowing on his hands.

  “At least it will affect everyone,” I replied, scanning the pitch for Anders.

  “Just try to not get carded today, yeah. I know he’s an arse, man, but he’s a clever arse and he won’t fall for a cheap shot like he did last week. He’ll let you take the card and leave us a man down.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” I muttered, “I’ve been warned.”

  Williams barked a laugh. “She’s amazing that one. I have never heard a girl insult you that much before, mate. I’d say you were whipped, but you’d tell me I know better.”

  My stomach clenched uncomfortably. “Indeed, you do.”

  “God, you’re in a shit this morning.”

  “Of course I am, I have water running in my arse crack and my balls are frozen… But, you seem to lack the necessary equipment.” I grinned at him.

  “Oh, har di har, Mister Funny-man!” As though to prove me wrong, Williams rearranged himself. He indicated with his head. “Hoy hoy.”

  Anders appeared, jogging over to Lily, who was now with her friends, stamping her feet and rubbing her gloved hands together. I watched as Anders came up behind her and pulled her into a hug. She squealed and giggled as he swung her around.

  “You’re lucky I’m already wet!” Her laugh carried over to us.

  He leant to her ear and said something which made her laugh harder and hit him.

  “Go on, get back to your own team,” she said, smiling.

  “Not without your good luck kiss!” Kate squealed and launched herself at him.

  He took the kiss on the cheek with grace while sharing a knowing smile with Lily.

  “God, if it’s not enough he had Lily fawning all over him, but that idiot as well!” I muttered.

  “No, you’re not whipped at all,” I heard Williams say, but he’d moved out of reach when I turned to thump him.


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