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Blood Moon Box Set

Page 22

by Natalie Aejaz

  This rage had been building inside him since then, anger at people like James who pulled his strings, and it only got worse. Fucking her in his office had taken the edge off his shitty mood, but he needed to let off more steam. But what the hell possessed him to book her for three hours? One more fuck would have done it. He glanced at the three hundred dollars he’d placed on the table, triple what she asked for. At least, this way she’d make some extra cash, wouldn’t he? Whatever made him feel better about the whole deal. He leaned forward and rested his head in his hands. This isn’t me. Being so taken with a female that his usual morals and ethics went out of the window.

  He stood and went to the adjoining luxury kitchen. The bar in there was well-stocked, and he pulled out a beer can, leaning against a shiny unit as he took a sip. When she arrived, he would give her the money and tell her to get lost. If she truly was desperate to work the money off, then she was a fool, because that kind of honesty didn’t get you far in a place like Manhattan. But yes, if that was what she wanted, she could do it by working behind the bar or something, once he’d cleared it with James. He was done with this damn madness.

  “Hello?” Her small voice came from the pool area, and as he approached the glass doors, the sensor caused them to slide open. He leaned against the wall to his left, his weight against it ensuring the doors wouldn’t close while he was stood there. Alyssa seemed genuinely happy to see him, and there was none of the guile usual in women of her profession.

  As she stepped closer, suddenly hesitant, his mind went to the night they’d spent together. “Why did you leave the money behind that night, Alyssa?” Especially when she’d needed it. Shit, she was willing to risk her damn life to make some extra dollars but had left so much money behind?

  “You won’t understand.” She shrugged. “What I felt with you that night…well, I didn’t want to spoil it by putting a price on it.”

  “You’re right. I don’t get it.” His eyes flitted between her breasts and hips. “You need the money, so it makes little sense you doing that.” And then his gaze went to her knees again. Wasn’t money the reason she’d been ready to blow a stranger in a dirty alley? He squeezed his fist tight at the thought, and it was only when Alyssa looked at his hand, anxious, that he realized he’d crushed the beer can. He chucked it into a nearby trash can.

  “Like I said, I didn’t want to spoil the experience.” With any other female, he would have thought it part of an elaborate act, but despite working in this profession and for a man like James, part of her was untouched. That part pulled him.

  “Fancy a drink?” he asked, just to break that train of thought.


  He went to the kitchen and grabbed some red wine. When he returned, a bottle in one hand and two glasses hooked over the fingers of the other, he expected her to be in the living room…but no, she wasn’t there. He placed the bottle and glasses on the table and then returned to the doors. She was still stood outside. “Changed your mind about the drink?”

  She spoke quickly. “Of course not.”

  She glanced into the living room but didn’t move. Was she waiting for permission or something? He stepped aside. “Come in.”

  Now she smiled—she was waiting for permission—and stepped past him into the room. Her mouth dropped open as she took in the massive space, with its comfortable sofas that one could sleep on, her eyes landing on the home cinema setup and music system. “Wow…it’s much bigger than it looks from the outside.”

  “Thanks. Take a seat.” She glanced between him and the sofa. “Go on.” When she sat, it was on the edge. “Make yourself comfortable.”

  “I’m all right.”

  He sat next to her and then took her by the shoulders and pulled her back so her feet lifted off the floor. “That’s better.” He poured some wine and handed her a glass. As she sipped, she kept looking around the room as if she couldn’t believe she was here.

  “How long have you lived here?” she asked.

  “Over two years.”


  “I prefer being on my own.” Something flashed across her face. “What?” She shook her head. “Go on.”

  “I couldn’t imagine being on my own out of choice. What’s the point of all this stuff if you’ve got nobody to share it with?”

  The point was that this was his sanctuary, but he couldn’t expect her to understand. They were both from different worlds, weren’t they? The fact that she’d been scared to step in here was enough evidence of that. “It’s how I like it.”

  “What about family?”

  “In Boston. I see them now and then. At demon festivals.”

  “That must be nice.”

  A look of such longing crossed her face that he didn’t have the guts to ask her about her family. If she had a family worth having, she wouldn’t be in this situation, would she? Instead, he asked, “Do you have friends in Manhattan?”

  “Friends? I’ve never had friends. Daisy, who I live with…I guess she comes the closest. But she doesn’t even like me, not really. And these days, she’s pissed as hell at me, because…”


  “Nothing. So no, I guess I don’t have friends.” She took a sip of her wine and then looked up at him, her eyes bright. “So you see, I don’t understand why you would choose to be alone…”

  The pang of guilt that struck him was unwarranted. The fact that he had shut himself away from his own family and friends had nothing to do with her having nobody. So what if she yearned to have people in her life? He was different. This lifestyle suited him…but he hadn’t always been like this, had he?

  That government holding cell had changed him for good…alone and shut away within concrete walls, separated from his family and supernatural friends. Not knowing where they were—if they were even alive—had eaten away at him during that terrible time, making the experience ten times worse than it should have been. And when he’d sent messages to his human friends on the outside for help, they’d washed their hands of him. The only way he’d survived during those months was by pushing thoughts of his family and friends from his mind…and convincing himself that he didn’t care what happened to them. Months of proving to himself that he could survive alone—and believing that relying on others had only made him weak—meant that by the time he left that place, he couldn’t bear to allow anyone in. And the years hadn’t changed that…

  Alyssa placed her glass on the table and then leaned back, resting her head against his shoulder. When she looked up at him, as if asking for permission, he placed his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close, and she settled against him. The human fit just right under his arm, as if she was meant to be there. She slung her arm around his waist, her breathing soft against his chest. It felt…nice…not just nice but comfortable.

  He leaned his head against the back of the sofa and closed his eyes. His business partners knew better than to venture anywhere near this place—they knew it was off limits to anyone but Blade. Even Leke stayed away. So why had he brought her here? If he’d just wanted to fuck her, he could have taken her to the hotel or had another round in the office. And what happened to his plan of giving her the money and asking her to leave? Those thoughts left his mind as he became aware of how she snuggled even closer, as if seeking comfort from him. And right now, he took comfort from her, too…something he’d denied himself for a long time. This was safe. He’d pay her and then she would leave. No attachment…no letting anyone in. With that thought, he relaxed, and allowed himself to enjoy the simple pleasure of holding another against him…his eyes shot open when the wine glass fell from his hand and smashed on the floor.

  When she moved away from him, he wanted to pull her back, but there was something in her face…fear. “I’m so sorry, Blade.” She stared at the red stain on the carpet before her eyes darted around the room, in a panic. “I’ll clean it, I promise. If you could show me—”

  He held her by the shoulders to still her. “Calm do
wn, Alyssa. Why the hell would you clean up?”

  Her lower lip trembled, and those green eyes filled with tears. “If I hadn’t leaned against your shoulder, this wouldn’t have happened. It’s my fault—”

  How many times had she taken the blame—been punished, even—for something that wasn’t her fault? “I said it’s all right.”

  “But it will leave a stain. Your expensive carpet—”

  “I don’t give a fuck about the carpet. I have house help here every day”—the only people allowed in the villa—“And they’ll sort it out.” She didn’t respond. “Alyssa, look at me.” He took her face between his hands and lifted it. Finally, her eyes met his, a tear dropping down her cheek. He used his thumb to wipe it away. “You don’t have to be scared of me. I promise.” She nodded, but her eyes flitted down, and he gave her a chin a nudge so she looked at him again. “You believe me, don’t you?”

  The last thing he wanted was this human, who had been through some shit, frightened of him. It shouldn’t have mattered, because he hardly knew her…but he cared about what she thought of him. Strange, because it was a long time since anything like that had bothered him. “I believe you,” she whispered. And as if to prove it, she leaned in to kiss him on the lips, soft. She then looked up at him again. “Thank you. For not being angry at me.”

  What a thing to thank him for. He wanted to know more, ask her questions…find out how she got those scars. Ask her how she ended up here, why she worked for James…damn it, she worked for James. She shouldn’t even be here. And he had no business being curious about her, yet…he ran a thumb over her lower lip. “You have a strange effect on me.” He was surprised by his own words. “One I’m not used to.”

  “I understand where you’re coming from,” she murmured. “This…it feels right, doesn’t it—”

  A low groan escaped his lips as he kissed her, hungry for her, and things went from soft to intense in one leap. She fell against him, her breathing heavy as she kissed him back. He pulled her so she sat across his lap, his hand twisting through her hair as he claimed her lips, hard. She squirmed in his lap, making him rock hard. When he took his hand to her breast to cup the soft flesh, she released a gasp before she shifted, her lips still on his as she lifted her dress to her thighs and straddled him. He held her hips, moving her against him as their tongues intertwined, thrusting and exploring. Her hands went to his shirt buttons, popping them open, and then moved lower to his trouser waistband.

  “Wait,” he said, his voice deep.

  He stood with her, her legs around his waist and his lips pressed against hers as he walked to his bedroom. He kicked the door open, and when he dropped her onto the crème bed sheets, she squealed as she rubbed the dirt from her knees. “Your bed will get dirty—”

  “I don’t give a fuck about that.” He stood over her as he removed his shirt. She lay back, her breasts heaving and eyes glued to his fingers as he opened his trouser zip and then stepped out of them. As his boxers followed, she sat up to pull that dress over her head. Her panties lay on his office floor—he must remember to sort that situation out—and she wore no bra, so she was soon naked. He was instantly on top of her, needing to feel her naked body underneath his. Tongues intertwined, their breath became one as they kissed as if their lives depended on it. He palmed her breast, tweaking the nipple until he got the response she wanted…Alyssa crying out his name. He moved his head down to her other breast, sucking the erect bud, taking it between his teeth, licking it. Gods, he couldn’t get enough of her body. He kissed his way down to her belly. “I have to taste you, Alyssa.”

  Her hips jolted in response to his words. His lips lingered on her navel, and then he moved lower until his mouth was between her thighs. But he didn’t taste her yet. He pressed a finger into her heat, and she screamed out. “Blade!” He smiled against her lower lips as he pumped into her wetness, going harder until she gasped. And then, he added another finger, stretching and pumping until her hips thrust against him, desperate for deeper contact.

  When she released a loud whimper, the sound sent blood rushing to his cock. “Make that sound again,” he moaned. When she did, he closed his lips around her clit to reward her. Her body shook underneath him as he sucked while he pressed his fingers further into her. She spread her legs, her pelvis lifting as she thrashed her head, moaning loud. Tremors rocked her body, and her sex became even more drenched under his mouth. He pulled his fingers out from her and replaced them with his tongue, thrusting inside her as far as he could go.

  “Yes, Blade. Fuck, yes!” He lifted her thighs so he had better access. He now licked her slit, all the way to the top, stopping at her clit to draw slow circles around it. “Blade! Please!”

  He pressed his fingers into her again as he sucked, hard. As he pushed into her, he murmured against her sex, “Come for me, baby.”

  His words did the trick. She did as he asked, screaming out his name at the same time. Her orgasm had not ended before he lifted himself and moved his hips between her thighs, pushing his cock into her. He took her lips, kissing her hard as he moved inside her. She clutched his shoulders, her nails scratching him as she screamed for more. Her hips lifted to match his thrusts, and her hands went behind his head until—fuck!—they rested on his horns. She rubbed him there, increasing his desperation until he took her with a frenzy that was out of control.

  Later, they both lay together, spent. The human rested her head on his shoulder, asleep as she released a gentle snore. The sound made him smile. But then, she murmured as if something disturbed her sleep. She awoke with a start, sitting up as she looked around her in a panic.

  “Are you all right, Alyssa?” What the hell had scared her?

  “Yes.” She covered her fright with a smile. “Just a bad dream. I’m used to them.” She pulled his face to hers and kissed him. He was ready for her again, but he needed to check she was all right first.

  “Is there anything I can do for you?”

  “Actually—” She broke off, casting her eyes down at her clenched hands.

  “What is it? Tell me.”

  “Could I have some food?”

  Her question stunned him. “When did you last eat?”

  “This morning. I needed to make more money first—”

  And now he was pissed. Seriously pissed. “Why the fuck didn’t you say anything?”

  “I’m used to it. Usually, when I’m broke, I wait until the client’s paid me, and then I grab some food—”

  “Fuck!” He left the bed and walked out, slamming the door behind him. It was only when he reached the kitchen that he realized he knew nothing about Alyssa. What she liked to eat, what she liked to do. And what the hell was he going to make her, anyway? He’d never cooked in this kitchen, and although it was kept well-stocked, it would take him the best part of half an hour to navigate the numerous cupboards. When he returned to the room, she was sat where he had left her, her green eyes wide. When he approached her, she flinched. “I’m sorry, Blade—”

  What the hell? She was scared of him? He softened his voice. “You’ve done nothing wrong. I was pissed at myself for not realizing—” For not realizing what? That the city was teeming with people who didn’t own hotshot clubs like him and his friends? People who lived in fear. People who went damn hungry, while entrepreneurs like him forged partnerships with those who made money off misery? “What do you want to eat?”


  He sat by her, his bare feet on the Persian rug that covered the wood floor, and then leaned over to the bedside table and opened the drawer. Inside it was a selection of menus. He took out the one for the Dragon restaurant, because it was the most eclectic, and then handed it to her. “Choose.” Her eyes widened as they flitted between the choices and prices. “Don’t worry about the damn price. It’s my place. Have what you want.”

  “Chicken pizza?” she ventured.

  “Anything else? Fries, onion rings—”

  “Are you sure?”

  He curbed his frustration and took the landline phone from the bedside table. Leke had insisted on installing one in each villa when they were built, but Blade only ever used it to order food. In addition to the pizza, he asked for a selection of side orders. “Make it fast.”

  She seemed calmer now. When he reached for her, she came to him, resting her head against his chest as her arms went around him. He held on to her, her naked body soft against his as he inhaled the scent of her hair. No idea how long they remained like that before the entrance bell buzzed. He pulled on his discarded boxers and pants and then went to the glass doors. The waiter’s expression was blank as he handed the food over. Blade gave him a tip and then returned to the bedroom. When he placed the tray on the bed, she stared at it, her mouth moving as if there was already food inside. “It looks…amazing.”

  He smiled. “Well, don’t just stare at it.”

  She picked up a piece of pizza, and glanced at him as she bit into it, tentative. She took another bite and then another. And then it was as if she forgot about his presence as she wolfed the rest of the slice down. Another one soon followed. When she picked up the third slice, she glanced at him. “What about you?” He grinned, taking a piece. It was great pizza, its base thin and toppings generous, but better than its taste was the sight of Alyssa making her way through the tray of food. Damn, she had been famished, hadn’t she? He wasn’t hungry himself but took a bite here and there when she insisted. Finally, she was done.

  She leaned back against the wall, with her eyes closed and a satisfied smile on her face. Bliss. This was what it looked like. Her highlighted hair fell forward over her face, covering it. She shifted it aside as she opened her eyes. “Thank you, Blade. Tonight has been the best time ever.” And then she came over, settling into his lap as if she belonged there. Her body was warm against his…just right. She lifted her face for a kiss, and as soon as their lips made contact, desire reared its head. His hand went to her breast, cupping and fondling the soft flesh…and then the alarm went off. The damn alarm that he’d set to remind himself of the three hours they’d agreed.


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