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Blood Moon Box Set

Page 36

by Natalie Aejaz

  “I meant you could help on one of our missions.” He opened his eyes wide in mock indignation. “Why? Where was your mind headed?”

  There was a smile on the asshole’s lips. He was having fun at her expense and nobody—nobody—got away with that. As she went to her feet, he stepped back and turned from her, making for the door.

  The sight of his back and the fact he was just going to walk away after humiliating her, sent rage pumping through her. She grabbed the first thing that came to hand—a chair—and flung it at him. It whacked against his shoulder and fucking broke. And when he turned to face her, steel entered his eyes. She should step back right now, but she couldn’t let go of how amused he had been.

  And that wasn’t all that pissed her off. How the hell could she fall to her knees before him so willingly and even look forward to it?

  She went for another chair, but he suddenly had hold of her and pressed her up against the wall. She held her breath when she saw the muscle ticking in his neck. His eyes blazed with anger, his mouth set so firm that it must be causing him pain. This was the Leke they talked about. The horde leader who would rip her head off if she pushed him too far. As if to prove it, his hand went to her throat. His fangs were bared and red flashed through his gaze. The struggle showed on his tense face. “I should kill you right now,” he managed through gritted teeth.

  “You’d be doing me a favor.”

  Something changed in his expression, and he let go of her, placing both his hands on either side of her head on the wall. He leaned in, his forehead against hers. “Veronica,” he said, struggling to control his breathing, “Never push me like that again.”

  As the anger inside her calmed, it turned to something else. Heat…an overwhelming heat. His lips were so close to hers, the fire from his eyes shooting straight to her core. Somehow her mouth found his, and his arms immediately went around her waist, drawing her against his hard body. A deep moan left his mouth as she kissed him. His hand went to her hair, and he twisted it around his fingers, applying pressure to her head to press his lips harder against hers. His kiss was harsh, demanding, as if he was punishing her even while he took his pleasure.

  But being held in his arms, her mouth against his, it felt so right. Right now their situation made no damn difference, not when rage drove her desire as she kissed him with desperation. When her mind turned dizzy with passion and her legs trembled, he supported her limp body, holding it against him.

  She needed more…she needed him…

  As his tongue explored her mouth, she trailed her fingers over his broad shoulders, moving lower to tug at his shirt buttons and slip inside. She ran her hands, greedy, over his bare chest and back. So muscled, so strong…they needed to get rid of these clothes that created an unwanted barrier. She wanted to be naked with him…fuck him until all this heat and rage was gone…

  His cock turned hard against her belly as he kissed her, and when she felt it pulse, she ached to have it inside her. But he was a vampire…and so am I. No, she would not accept it. She would not accept him. Using all her willpower, she moved her lips away from his but kept her hands on his bare skin. “There’s no way I’m fucking you, bloodsucker.”

  His jaw tensed before he pulled her hair so her mouth pressed against his again. “Don’t,” he whispered against her lips. “Don’t fuck me if you don’t want to.”

  He maneuvered her so she was against the wall and then released her lips for a moment so he could pull off her tee shirt, leaving her in her mini skirt and black lace bra. He drew a deep breath as he stared down at her, and even as his appreciation made pleasure race inside her, she could not bear breaking contact with him. She went for his mouth again, kissing him with a hunger that was out of control as his hand went to her breast. Her legs nearly gave way when he cupped the soft flesh, massaging.

  As his tongue entered her mouth again, he held her even tighter by the waist as he freed her breast from the bra cup. When his thumb flicked her erect nipple and applied pressure to the ring, she gasped against his mouth. “Leke!” He moved his lips to her neck, resting there a moment before moving down. As his thumb circled and stroked her nipple, he suckled her other erect bud through the lace of the bra, sending sensation shooting through her and forcing her hips to rock against him. “Leke…please…”

  His took the lace between his teeth and pulled until that breast was also exposed. As his fingers played with one nipple, twisting and teasing, he licked the other. Shit! Just this might be enough to drive her over the edge. His hand shifted from her waist and moved down over her belly. He rested it on her thigh, stroking until she shivered, and then moved it up inside her skirt until he reached her panties. When he stroked her slit through the thin material, she shivered. “You’re so fucking wet,” he moaned against her breast. He slipped inside the lace, running a finger across her heat, pausing at her clit.

  “More,” she panted, her pelvis thrusting of its own accord. He circled her clit with his thumb, and when she thought she could bear the torture no longer, he rubbed…hard and then soft, keeping her on the edge. “Stop teasing me…”

  He murmured something inaudible against her breast as he pressed two fingers into her. As he moved them inside her, her core went into spasms. Please don’t let this stop…she wanted the sensation to go on, forever. He pressed harder, his thumb working her clit as he took her nipple ring between his teeth and gently pulled. Fuck…she pumped her hips, her muscles clenching around his fingers and wanting to take them deeper. When his fangs elongated, scraping her nipple, instead of being scared, waves of pleasure rocked her body. She came around his fingers, every part of her shaking.

  He pulled his fingers out of her before shifting the lace of her bra so her breasts were covered. He brought his face close to hers, making excitement tighten her inner muscles all over again. She forgot her resolve not to fuck him as she moved her lips toward his, but he held her shoulders and pressed her back. He then brought his mouth to her ear. “Veronica,” he whispered, sending anticipation through her. “That should take care of your rage for a day or so.”

  He stepped back, grinning down at her dumbfounded expression. What?

  She was going to kill the bastard, she really was. But before she could think of a suitable retaliation, he’d turned his back on her and was gone, the door shutting behind him. She stared around the room, looking for something to destroy…it took her a few moments to realize she was not angry.

  And when she thought of how his eyes had crinkled when he stepped back from her, a smile spread across her face…

  And she hated the bastard even more for having that effect on her.


  * * *

  THE DREAMS DIDN’T DISTURB HER last night. She slept so soundly that she only awakened when her mobile rang. She pulled her eyes open as she reached over to the bedside table for the device and then blinked when she saw the caller’s name. Enzo?

  When she answered the phone, she couldn’t prevent the hardness in her voice. “I didn’t expect to hear from you again.”

  “I went to the apartment to check on you, but you weren’t there. When I spoke to the residents, they said they hadn’t seen you since yesterday…”

  “Are you sure it’s safe, Enzo, coming to a bloodsucker’s home? I’ve gone crazy, remember?”

  There was a pause. “Maybe I could have reacted better. But it was a surprise. And come on, what if you were in my position?”

  He was right. If she’d ever discovered one of her guys had turned bloodsucker, she would have hit the damn roof. “Anyway, was there any reason you came looking for me?”

  “Like I said, I wanted to check on you. How are you, Veronica?”

  “Been better, but I’ll manage.”

  “Where are you?”

  There was no point hiding it from him. And the gang and he had no right to judge her, considering they dumped her when she needed them. “I’m at Leke’s mansion. I’m staying here for a while.”

nbsp; “What?” His voice screeched down the phone. “So you’ve joined them, have you?”

  “What’s it to you if I did?” She sighed. “Look, Enzo, the scenario isn’t as straightforward as we thought it was.”

  “Shit!” That was all he came out with after she’d explained the situation.

  “So you understand why I have to be here? I’ve got to take Rasmus out before he gets to me.”

  “I’m sorry, Veronica. If we stood by you, you wouldn’t have had to turn to that horde for protection.”

  A bit late for apologies. “What’s done is done. Anyway, how are things over there? You guys got a new leader?”

  “To be honest, things are falling apart over here, and we’re not getting as much work since you left.” That news assuaged her ego a little. She’d made her name in the area, and local criminal elements she’d worked with would not easily take to dealing with a new contact. “Veronica. We still care about you, despite how things turned out. Considering how we’ve been against supernaturals all this time, it was difficult for us to accept one as a leader. But you’re still our friend. If things don’t work out over there or there’s anything we can do to help, promise you’ll ask.”

  “I will, Enzo. And thanks. I appreciate it.”

  Things were looking up as she got out of bed, and no, it wasn’t because the vampire got her off yesterday. But as she stood under the shower, the memory of how he’d known exactly how to turn her on brought that familiar discomfort back. Fuck that. She’d just got over that bout of rage and wasn’t going there again. She dressed in a white tee shirt, leather pants and jacket, and had dried her hair when there was a knock at the door.

  Seriously, if that dickhead Leke thought he could wind her up first thing this morning…she opened the door…oh.

  It was Fry, with a covered tray of food. Yesterday, after Leke left, he’d cleared the fridge of blood.

  “Good morning, Veronica.” The muscled vampire sported a bored expression as he walked past her into the room.

  Didn’t Leke’s main man have more important stuff to do? “You don’t have anyone else who could do this?” she asked as he placed the tray on the table. “Or do you enjoy playing waiter?”

  “Leke wants me to look after you. And that includes playing waiter.”

  He lifted the lid from the tray, frowning down at the croissants, fruit, coffee and scrambled eggs. “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you know. Sure you don’t want something stronger than that?”

  “I’ll be all right with this, thanks.” She attempted a voice that she hoped was nonchalant. “Is Leke not around?”

  “He’s busy arranging a meeting. Something to do with Rasmus. He asked me to let you know, in case you want to attend.”

  “At what time?”

  “In an hour.”

  “Where is he now?” The question was out of her mouth before she could stop it.

  “In his office.” She wanted to slap that grin off his face. “Missing him, are we?”

  “Fuck off!”

  He made a mock bow. “Your wish is my command, my lady.”

  She threw a pillow at the door after he closed it. Were all bloodsuckers such insufferable shits?

  She was starving but could only manage a few bites of the food. Her gaze drifted to the fridge. Perhaps she should have asked Fry to leave a pint or two in there…but no, she would not give in to this. She was a damn fighter.

  She covered the tray and then lay back on the bed, watching some crap on the television. When nearly an hour had passed, she headed out of the room. Fry was outside, waiting. Shit. He’d been stood here while she was lazing around inside?

  He turned to lead the way, and as he moved ahead of her, she could not help noticing how graceful his walk was, despite his bulk. After they’d turned a few corners, she was bored with admiring his gait, but it wasn’t long before he stopped outside Leke’s office and opened the door—ever the gentleman.

  When she entered the office, the horde leader looked up from his laptop. Today, he was dressed in a fancy dark gray two-piece. She had always hated guys in corporate wear, but man, he carried it off like nobody’s business. Memories of yesterday shot through her at the sight of him, squeezing her insides. But his expression was blank.

  “Sit down.” He indicated toward the chair opposite him. She had expected wisecracks, reminders of how she got off around his fingers yesterday, perhaps a repeat session even…but this Leke was as cold as the first time she met him. As she sat down, he said, “Fry has told you about the meeting?”

  Okay, so he was one of those guys who did not mix business and pleasure. Usually that was a tick in her box but with him, it was a tad disappointing. “Fry did mention it.” She tried to get into business mode herself. “Something to do with Rasmus?”

  “Yes. We’ve got a meeting with a government official.”

  “A fucking what?” She had never dealt with one of those bastards her whole life. And the vampire’s two-piece now made sense.

  “A government official.” His eyes narrowed. “I know you come from a rather…disordered world. But over here, we have systems in place. Non-humans aren’t supposed to go after another supernatural or human without official permission. No matter what shit they’ve pulled. And since supernaturals raided your uncle James’ mansion, the authorities are cracking down on unauthorized hits.”

  He was kidding, right? What was the point of supernaturals having all this power if they had to go crawling to the government for permission every time they wanted to pick a fight? But his expression was serious. “You expect me to grovel in front of some shitty government rep for permission to do something I’ve been doing for years?”

  He leaned forward. “You’re a supernatural now. There are certain rules we all have to abide by to maintain harmony.”

  She stood up and kicked the table. “Fuck that! What is the point of this extra strength if I get reduced to the level of a child? Asking daddy for permission every time I want to play.”

  He also stood, slamming his hands on the table. “Veronica. If you want to go after Rasmus, you have to work by the rules.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “Then the next name on the government’s hit list will be yours.”

  No shit? She had spent years breaking the law without fear of repercussion. “And what if they don’t give permission?”

  “Then we postpone our plans.”

  “What the fuck—”

  “Which is why it is important that you behave yourself during the meeting. You are going as a witness. All you do is tell the official what went down that night. You do not enter the negotiations, and you definitely do not let that loud mouth of yours get carried away.”

  “Basically, you want me to behave like a good little girl?”

  “Only for now.” His lips curled up. “But when we get back, you can be as bad as you like. I won’t stop you.”

  His words were loaded with intent. “Fuck you, Leke.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  She should have been pissed but instead had to hold back her smile. “What time are we leaving?” she asked, as if that small exchange had not taken place.

  “Soon.” His eyes ran over her body, but not in the manner she’d gotten used to. No, this was more of a cold appraisal. “Do you have a dress or something?”

  “Don’t fucking push it.”

  “Fine. We leave in just over an hour, if you do decide to change into something else.”

  “Over an hour? But Fry said—”

  “I know.” He sat again, placing his hands behind his head. “Before we leave, I hoped you might join my horde for breakfast. All twenty of them are here today.”

  She’d rather slit her own throat. “Just eaten, thanks.”

  “I know. I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable with your croissants while my horde had their blood treats, which is why I asked for breakfast to be served in your room.”

  “So what am I suppos
ed to do? Sit there watching while your gang of bloodsuckers eats?”

  “They won’t mind. And it’s time you got to know them.”

  “I can live without that.”

  His jaw tensed. “Everyone needs to belong somewhere, Veronica.”

  “I’ve never needed to belong anywhere.”

  “Fine.” He stood, picking up his mobile from the desk. “If nothing else, how about you meet them because they’ll be accompanying you on your mission?” When she did not respond, “And we have a special guest with us all the way from London.”

  “Ah well, that’s a deal-breaker, isn’t it? Some posh shit from England.”

  “Stereotyping, much?” He tilted his head. “Although you would do well to pay him respect. He’s a crown prince, an immortal. And I am honored to have him staying at this mansion.”

  Immortal? When there were concerns that immortal populations might result in humans becoming extinct, there were assurances from the state that there was no such thing as immortality. “I thought there were no immortals?”

  “There are only a few, and our kind awards them the greatest respect.” He walked past her to the door. “So I would take this opportunity if I was you.”

  She had nothing better to do, and he was right. If she was going to go on a mission with his horde, it was best to meet them at least once beforehand. She followed him down the corridor. Instead of turning toward to the stairway, he opened a door on the left. And when she glanced inside, she was glad he was with her.

  The place was more of a banqueting hall, with marble flooring and walls. A table ran along the middle of it, and seated around it were the horde, their eyes on the doorway as if they’d been waiting for her. And at the head of the table was a vampire who could only be the crown prince from England. With long dark hair that fell past his shoulders, a sculptured face and ice-blue eyes that were even more piercing than Leke’s, he was a truly beautiful creature.

  “Veronica?” At Leke’s whisper, she realized she’d been staring. “Shall we sit down?”

  She kept her eyes ahead, avoiding meeting the gazes of the vampires who sat at the table, as Leke led her to the chair on the crown prince’s left. Thankfully, he took the seat next to her. As she sat, the English vampire held out his hand. “I have heard much about you, Veronica. I am Lohan.” He indicated toward the lady on his left. “And this is Rose. My mate.”


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