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Blood Moon Box Set

Page 49

by Natalie Aejaz

  She got the feeling her friends didn’t intend to leave after a sensible dinner. Oh well, she’d go in there for a bit and then make her excuses and leave. They could spend the whole night in there if they wanted. In fact, they’d have more fun without her around. And no, that thought did not make her feel left out. She was just different to them...and anyone who didn’t belong to the Association.

  This time, when Rehana held out a shot, Ivy took one. She would need something extra to get through tonight. As the drink stung the back of her throat, making her eyes water, there were grunting noises behind her. She turned to see a supernatural female, her wild white hair flying around her in a halo as she made out with a human. She had her hands all over the woman, traveling over her breasts and backside, not caring who watched. A few curious glances were thrown their way, but mostly, people in the queue behaved as if this was something normal. Ivy had heard about the club before—difficult not to when it was the most famous social venue in Manhattan—but hadn’t imagined such debauchery.

  She turned back to her friends, focusing on them. She could do this. God knew, they’d been there for her at university during those difficult first weeks. Within a week, she’d known she was out of place and regretted her decision not to study at an Association institute where courses were specialized to the needs of the organization. She was an outsider at the university until she met Rehana, who didn’t care that Ivy wasn’t into drinking, partying, or promiscuous sex. And she’d introduced her to others who accepted her into their little group. If not for them, she would never have got through that first semester.

  Impulsively, she gave Rehana a hug. Her friend looked at her, frowning. “What’s up?”

  “Nothing. Thank you for everything.”

  Rehana grinned as she handed her another shot. “No need to thank me. Just make sure you have a great time tonight.”

  Her friends were right. After tonight, this was it. Michael already had their life planned out for after marriage. They would move to Boston, where there was a new branch of Harrison Business Solutions and fewer supernaturals. As he said, those unholy beings had taken over this borough. While Michael managed her business, Ivy would take care of the household and Association tasks befitting the wife of the organization’s future leader. And of course, she would give him children soon. Which meant she would have to share his bed whenever he wanted…

  When her friend held out another shot, Ivy drank it.

  They went through the entrance, and then Rehana handed in their tickets at the reception. “Wrists, please,” said the receptionist. As she stamped their wrists one by one, she said, “Do whatever you want in there with no risk. This includes a contraceptive that will cover you for twenty-four hours.”

  Ivy pulled her wrist back before it was stamped. “I won’t need it—”

  The woman grinned. “You won’t believe the number of people who say that. No entry without it, I’m afraid.”

  Ivy held her wrist out so it could be stamped and then stared down at the geometric design, a reminder that this was a forbidden place. Being in this venue should have unnerved her, but as they entered a dimly lit corridor, Ivy experienced a frisson of excitement instead.

  The corridor was dark, and as if wanting to protect her, her friends formed a circle around her as they led her to the end of it. After depositing their coats in a cloakroom, they pushed through a set of large doors. Only, they didn’t enter some fancy restaurant, but instead…well, Ivy didn’t know what to call the area. Her senses were immediately assaulted by flashing lights, loud music, and cheers. What was this? When more lights flashed, she closed her eyes, opening them only to wish she’d kept them closed. There were stages suspended from the high walls, DJs on four of them, and on the rest, scantily clad performers…

  Surely there’d been a mistake.

  “What are we doing here?” she shouted over the noise.

  Rehana brought her mouth close to Ivy’s ear. “We’ll just stay for a bit. If you don’t like it, we’ll leave and go to the restaurant. Please, just a few minutes.”

  “I’ll give it ten minutes.” And after that, she would leave, whether or not they came with her.

  Again, she was beginning to wish she’d never come out at all. Around her, supernaturals and humans cavorted shamelessly, and a man with his fangs exposed sat on a nearby sofa with a human female, kissing her as his hand went to her breast. What was wrong with these humans? Didn’t they realize how they sinned by coming to such a place…by not only fornicating outside marriage, but doing so with supernaturals? They were on their way to hell but didn’t seem to know it. Or care.

  Someone bumped into her, and she turned to catch a glimpse of flashing eyes. And then she was being pulled by her friends, toward the dance floor.

  “Loosen up,” said Rehana, her hips gyrating. Ivy tried to follow her movements, but her feet, hands and hips were stiff. She used some of the moves she had learned at Association gatherings, but they did not go with the music. “Let go, Ivy. Nobody here gives two hoots about what you’re up to.”

  Her friend was right. As Ivy looked around her, she realized that nobody was watching her. Nobody cared what she did. There was no one to monitor her every move, waiting for her to make a mistake. For now, there was no fear of hell.

  After a few minutes, she did start to loosen up. She didn’t know whether it was the knowledge that she’d never get the chance to do something like this again, the alcohol or her adjustment to the environment, but when she looked up at the DJs and dancers, something of the old Ivy came back…the one who decided to study the course she wanted instead of going to an Association institute.

  She’d wanted so many experiences but had never allowed herself to indulge her desires, even at university. And now, she was about to marry a man who would take away any chance of freedom she’d ever had. Perhaps her friends were right, and she needed this one night where she wouldn’t be Ivy. Couldn’t she pretend she was someone else? After all, once she was married, there was no chance of ever going to a place like this again. By this time next year, she could be a mother, before she’d lived…

  Someone pressed up against her, and instead of disgust, excitement shot through her. Nobody would ever know. She’d been a good girl all her life, and perhaps it was time to follow her emotions for once.

  It was her one night of freedom, and if she didn’t make the most of it, she’d regret it.

  She turned to her friend. “Rehana. Any chance of getting that dress off you?”

  Her friends cheered as Rehana handed her the skimpy number. “Shall I come with you?”

  She shook her head. “I’ll be all right.”

  Feeling bold, she made her way through the crowds, until she found a sign for the nearest rest room. She entered an area called Fairy land, so beautiful she found it difficult to believe it was a rest room. Decorated using glass and mirrors, the far wall depicted scenes from various fairy tales. She entered a spacious cubicle, done up in an Alice in Wonderland theme, the beautiful mosaic depicting the protagonist falling down a rabbit hole and into a land of strange and beautiful creatures.

  After changing into the dress, a new boldness entered her system as she stood in front of the large mirror. She pulled up the neckline of the dress to hide some cleavage, but the material rode up, almost exposing her ass. And when she pulled down the hem, a tad too much flesh was revealed above the neckline. What did it matter? She was supposed to be someone else tonight, so she might as well go all out.

  She tried to look confident as she left the rest room and approached the dance floor, even though her mind was now on whether the dress covered enough of her chest and thighs. Her friends released loud whistles when they saw her.

  “You look hot, babe,” shouted one of them. “You had a hell of a figure hidden away under those frumpy dresses.”

  When they pulled her back to the dance floor, she went willingly in the midst of those writhing people. It should have shocked her, those bodies push
ing against hers, but instead, sensation burned inside her belly. The desires she’d so often subdued rose inside her. She was about to give the rest of her life to a man she hardly knew even after dating him for two years, so she deserved this…as she relaxed and began to enjoy herself, for the first time she felt regret that she’d not allowed herself to get carried away at university, choosing the highest grades over other experiences.

  Sandra reached into that shopping bag to pull out a bridal veil, and Ivy didn’t protest when she pinned it to her hair. As random strangers cheered her on, she didn’t move her feet in sensible and restrained patterns but let her hips and chest join in, allowing them to wind where they would as her arms stretched out above her. And when someone moved close against her, she didn’t push away in disgust. In fact, the heat that burned between her legs made her move faster.

  This is sin, that little voice inside her head said. I shouldn’t be enjoying this…but the excitement that shot through her was stronger than the guilt. It was just one night and tomorrow, she’d go back to her boring old life.


  * * *

  FINALLY, HIS SHIFT WAS OVER. Junaid stood on the upper landing, staring at the dance floor below. Not long before Freya got here, and then he could leave for his place. She was a new manager, hired after the opening of Freefall, and capable of handling this place alone. He could leave on time tonight…

  And then he saw the bridal veil bopping up and down among dancing bodies. A bachelorette party...fucking great. Usually the most rowdy of the lot. Just last week, he had to get security involved to restrain a group of females who had an unsuspecting vampire squashed between them, biting the poor fellow wherever they could get their teeth in. They’d been banned from the venue for good.

  As the bodies shifted, the bride became visible. Her blond hair fell below her shoulders and those green eyes…they sparkled with joy, pulling him. And something else gripped him, something unfamiliar. His lion…it reacted to her…not just reacted, it clamored to reach her. His shifter instinct made him want to go to that dance floor, speak to her, touch her…

  What the hell am I thinking of?

  As he waited for the other manager, he stayed fixed to the spot where he stood, his eyes on tonight’s bride. She wore a black dress that would attract enough attention in itself. So tiny, it barely covered her backside and chest. That, combined with the white veil, meant several guys were edging closer to her. One guy placed his arms around her waist. At first she didn’t resist, moving her hips against him—which pissed Junaid off for some reason—but when the male grinded his pelvis against her backside, she shifted away, frowning at the clubber. Right now, Junaid wanted to go down there and punch the hell out of the guy. Why did males feel the need to go after females they knew were bonded to another?

  And why am I so pissed off?

  He turned away to check out the crowd on the landing but didn’t last a few seconds before turning back, his eyes searching for the white veil among the dancers. There she was…

  “Hey, Junaid.” Freya, the little elf, looked as if she’d fall over if someone said boo to her, but she had made a couple of the security guards cry since she’d been here. “You get off now; I’ll take over.”

  “Cheers, Freya. See you tomorrow.” He made his way along the upper landing, toward the exit where he could grab the elevator that would take him out of the club. But he paused before leaving the landing, looking down at the dance floor…at the bride. Something made him stop, and a tinge of regret stabbed him because she was about to be married. Ridiculous. Yet, he was unable to move, his gaze fixed to her.

  Her eyes were now closed, a small smile on her lips as she held her hands above her head and swayed to her own rhythm, as if she did not notice—or did not care—what music played around her. Her hips moved from side to side, rubbing against other bodies, and the lion inside Junaid readied for a fight. Now that was an unusual reaction. His beast getting possessive over a female…

  He needed to get out of here, but his feet wouldn’t move, and neither would his gaze, fixed to her and tuning all else out. She appeared so happy and carefree as she danced away…looking forward to her upcoming wedding, no doubt. He wondered about the one she was getting married to. Someone special, no doubt. How must it feel to be so in love with someone that the prospect of being bonded with them brought so much joy?

  It was definitely time to get out of here…

  That thought was pushed from his mind when the beast inside him rose, threatened. A male had gotten close to the bride and grabbed her arm. She pulled away, but he loitered around her. Junaid didn’t even wait to see what happened next nor did he inform security. Overcome by a strange surge of protectiveness, he went straight to the stairway that led to the ground floor.

  He needed to pause and take a deep breath—do what he usually would and inform security, or even the current manager on duty…but the idea of that man touching her against her will drove him until his feet moved of their own accord, pushed by his lion, which fought to be by her side.

  IVY HAD BEEN HAVING FUN until that guy started harassing her. When he touched her again, she didn’t even turn to find out if he was supernatural or human. She didn’t care about that right now…she just wished he’d stop touching her backside and breasts. Rehana had popped to the rest room, a couple of the girls were at the bar, and the other two were lost in the crowd somewhere. Best to make her way over to them…just as she thought that, the guy pulled her toward him. She turned around, ready to give him a piece of her mind, but the next thing she knew, he’d been pushed out of her way and was sprawled in the arms of his friends, who struggled to keep him upright. And a broad chest took his place, straight in her line of vision.

  “I am the zone manager,” came the deep voice, barely audible over the music. “Are you all right?”

  Was she all right?

  The response she’d been about to come out with got stuck in her throat when she stared up at the goateed stranger. Tall and muscled, he towered over her even though she was in heels. Well over six feet, she guessed. Black tousled hair, smooth olive skin that begged to be touched, and brown eyes that melted something deep inside her. For a moment, she toyed with the idea of grabbing his tie and pulling him in until his lips touched hers. Something flickered in his eyes…an effect of the crazy lighting?

  “I’m fine,” she mouthed at him, “Thank you.”

  “Go for it.” At first, she thought the voice was inside her head, but then something nudged her ribs. Rehana was back. Her friend leaned in close. “He’s super-hot. Ask him to dance.”

  “Enjoy your night,” said the man, but he lingered, his eyes resting on her face. He didn’t want to leave?

  When she grabbed his arm, he raised his eyebrows. “Fancy a dance?” As she asked the question, it was as if the words came out of someone else’s mouth. This wasn’t her…or was it? After following rules and regulations for a lifetime, how much did she really know about herself?

  He shook his head. “I work here.”

  But with a boldness she didn’t know she possessed, she threw her arms around his neck and pressed her body against his. Rehana grinned before disappearing among the crowd. The stranger’s mouth tightened as his eyes moved from her face down to her cleavage. She was pressed up against him so tight that the flesh threatened to break free of the neckline, but she didn’t care, not when his body was so hot against hers. When her dress strap slipped down, and his eyes darted there, she didn’t care. In fact, she wanted more of his attention.

  She went on her toes, bringing her mouth to his ear, resisting the urge to lick his lobe. “Just one dance. I’m sure your boss won’t begrudge you that.”

  She didn’t catch his answer as his arms went to her waist, the heat from his hands sending tremors through her. And then his chin rested on top of her head as they moved together. With each movement of her hips, the heat at her core intensified until it became an unbearable ache…a desperate need. Sh
e’d experienced desires before, but nothing like this. She tightened her grip around his neck, her breasts pushing against him, the friction against her nipples sending jolts to her core.

  He shifted, his mouth moving toward her jawline, anticipation sending shocks through her. As he trailed soft kisses over the side of her face, so soft she could have been imagining them, his hands moved lower to her backside as he drew her core tight against him. The intimate position should have shocked her, but instead, it intensified the pressure inside her. She stared up into his eyes, and again, it was if they flashed. The bloody lights in this club played games with her head. She placed her head against his chest, hearing—no, feeling—his heartbeat, as the realization hit her.

  She wanted this stranger in a way she never had Michael…in a way I never will.

  THE BRIDE GRINDED HER hips against him, her arousal invading his nostrils, and the lion inside Junaid growled in satisfaction. As she swayed in his arms, her core pulsed against him and if he hadn’t already scented her passion, that was enough evidence of how much she wanted him. Gods, he needed to keep himself under control. She was a customer, and he was at his place of work.

  It was time he left, but instead, he took his mouth to her neck, resisting the urge to kiss her there. What the hell was he doing? She was about to marry someone else. But her soft scent wafted over the smell of alcohol, cigarette and drugs, and the sound of her breathing, which had sped up since they started dancing together, infiltrated his enhanced shifter hearing. And now she released a soft moan, undoing his resolve. She filled every sense, invading his being and making the beast inside him want to rise and take her.


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