Blood Moon Box Set

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Blood Moon Box Set Page 62

by Natalie Aejaz

  And then she’d think about how to make things right with the shifter. Junaid loved her…cared about her, no matter what. He wasn’t bothered about her background, whether she had money, who she had or hadn’t had sex with. He wanted her as she was. And like an idiot, she’d thrown that gift away.

  Her stomach churned as she stood, wanting to get away from here. As nausea overcame her, she decided to find the rest room. She glanced at the panel button on the wall, but she couldn’t bear to see anyone right now. As if in a daze, she left the room and turned down a corridor. She continued to walk, turned a couple more corners and then glanced around her, confused. Where the hell was she? All the corridors looked more or else the same, but this one didn’t lead to a rest room. It would lead somewhere, though, and with any chance…out of here.

  She grabbed the front of her dress so it didn’t come underneath her feet and trip her up, rushing along the corridor and looking for a way out of here. Forever.

  And then, something made her stop. What was that noise? It sounded like whimpering. She could have ignored it and carried on, but then she heard a woman’s voice. “Please. I’m sorry.”

  She had heard that voice before. She frowned, something tightening inside her head.

  “You must be cleansed,” said the male voice. That one she immediately recognized. John. “You will be baptized. And then you will be worthy of the Association again.”

  A daze passed over Ivy, a part of her wanting her to turn away as she placed a hand on the door handle.

  “Please,” said the woman’s voice. “I will be a good person from now on.”

  “Yes, you will,” came John’s voice again. “We will find you a husband, but after you are married, the cleansing must continue, to ensure you are not again tempted to fall to evil.”

  The old Ivy would have turned away, not wanting to know what went on behind closed doors, but she wouldn’t. She opened the door and then froze. Ann sat in a chair, and John stood before her, in the black tuxedo he’d purchased for the wedding. Ann’s blouse was open, and her face soaked with tears. John’s hands were in her hair, and his fly was open as he tried to pull her mouth closer.

  They both turned to look at her, John’s eyes filled with shock and Ann’s with relief. She stood, her hands clutching her blouse together, and she ran past Ivy and down the corridor.

  John turned his back to Ivy, zipping up as he murmured, “I was just cleansing her…making sure she was fit to attend your marriage ceremony—”

  A cry left Ivy’s mouth and she turned, making her way through the corridor, feeling her way along the wall, the tears in her eyes making it difficult to see. John’s voice came from a distance, but she’d already turned a corner by then. A hand grabbed her.

  “Dear?” Ivy turned and stared at her mother through tears. “What happened? Why are you wandering around like this?” Her mother took her in a firm grip and guided her back to the relaxation room. She sat on the sofa with her and then took a tissue from the gold filigree box on the table. As she wiped Ivy’s eyes, she asked, “Where did you go?”

  “John…he was with that girl Ann. You remember her from the hall? The one he shamed for fornicating outside marriage…for being with a warlock.” Mother waited for her to continue. “She was in a room with John. He said he was cleansing her...” She shook her head, wanting to get rid of the image. “But he was molesting her, forcing her to—”

  There was none of the shock, indignation or even denial that she’d expected. Pearl just stared at her, her face blank. And suddenly, another image passed through Ivy’s head. When she was twelve, and John first came to visit after father’s death, he had gone into the drawing room with mother and shut the door behind them. When they emerged, mother’s eyes were red and face blotchy…but his face had been calm, a satisfied smile on it.

  “You know, don’t you?” she asked mother, “Because John and you—”

  All those visits that John made to their house when Ivy was a child…the visits had become less frequent...because, as he claimed, Ivy had grown up and Pearl needed less support from him? The knowledge chilled her. He’d reduced his visits because mother had grown older.

  Pearl crumpled a tissue between her fingers before tearing bits of it away. “John wanted something in return for his protection.”

  “You? Your body?” She wanted to scream until this rage was expelled from her. “What about that crap about fornicating outside marriage? How many women has he punished for that sin? And the times he went on about how the Association always looks after its own?”

  “I had no other choice,” said mother. “I did it to protect us.”

  “Damn it! How could you stay with the Association after that? After knowing what its leaders do?”

  “I’m sorry. Please forgive me.”

  “I’m not angry at you.” Because nobody understood better than her the fear that made mother succumb to John. It was the same one that had nearly driven Ivy to ruin her own life.

  Mother now sobbed. “Other senior members are involved. John wasn’t the only one—” And for the first time, she was unable to meet Ivy’s eyes.

  Ivy held out her hands, taking her mother’s between hers. “I understand why you did it. But why didn’t you leave once you had the chance? Why did you want me to lead the same life as you?”

  Mother shrugged. “It’s all I know. I don’t know how to be any different.”

  Ivy wanted to cry for her mother…for everything she’d been through. “I’m so sorry, mother, for all that’s happened to you.”

  She took her mother in her arms and hugged her, tight. Mother was surprised at first, but then relaxed against her, sobbing quietly. She then sat back and took a tissue, wiping her face. “You’ve got no idea of how I needed that.”

  Ivy could imagine. And then, another thought struck her. “Mother. Do you know about our company’s worth?”

  Pearl blinked, causing another tear to fall. “It’s not worth much, dear…it’s only thanks to John that—”

  “Bull shit. We have assets of over $30,000,000.”

  Mother’s eyes widened. “That isn’t possible…John said that…”

  “He’s a damn liar—”

  Just then, the door opened. When John and Michael entered the room, Ivy wanted to throw something at them.

  They glanced between them both. “It is time for the ceremony,” said Michael.

  Ivy glared at John, and he glanced at the floor before looking back at her. “What you saw, Ivy, it wasn’t what you think. I will explain to you, but there is no time now. After the ceremony—”

  “I also have something to say,” she said. She stared at mother, but she remained silent, casting her eyes to the floor. At least she did not try to stop her.

  Michael frowned. “There is no time to talk now. We have VIPs from all over the world out there, waiting.”

  “This can’t wait.” Ivy stood so she was face to face with him, less vulnerable. “I have fornicated outside marriage.”

  Michael frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake.” John’s face tightened at her language. “I’ve had sex. Several times. And I enjoyed it.”

  John’s face screwed up. “These are not the values your mother brought you up with.”

  “Who the hell are you to talk about values? It makes sense now, why you were always so eager to cleanse women of their sins.”

  John glanced at Michael and then back at Ivy. “I told you. You were mistaken.”

  Michael, on the other hand, took a few steps forward. “How could you do this? You whore!”

  “I’m the whore? What about how your father has been exploiting Association women all this time? At least I didn’t force myself on anyone.” No reaction there, either. “Bloody assholes! You bastards!” An uncontrollable anger rose inside her, and she wanted to scream and hurt them, but it wouldn’t make any difference. Because they believed they were right. In this warped world of theirs, they could do what
they wanted while women like mother, Ann and her had to toe the fucking line…every desire of theirs seen as transgression. “Let me tell you another thing, Michael. I didn’t just fornicate with anyone. I was with a supernatural…a shifter.” Now his mouth dropped open, his face turning to a deep red. “And we fucked while he had his fangs and claws out…and you know what? I enjoyed it, couldn’t get enough of him, whereas just one touch from you was enough to turn me cold.”

  “Shut your mouth, Ivy—”

  “Why? In two years, you haven’t been able to light a small spark inside me—I had to force myself to even kiss you—but he set me on fire…”

  John covered his ears. “She has the devil inside her. The devil causes her to talk like this.”

  “Whatever,” she said. “When you can’t think of anything else, place the responsibility on the lord or the devil.”

  There was a knock at the door, and when Michael turned to answer, John held his arm. “Let me.”

  His expression instantly changed to that of the calm leader Ivy was accustomed to, the one who addressed thousands of followers in the hall each week. When he opened the door, the priest was on the other side. “It is nearly time for the ceremony, Mr. Ryder…”

  “Yes,” said John, “We will be there soon.” When he closed the door, both Ivy and Michael stared at him. Even mother looked up from her stupor. “All these years, I have been in control and respected by my followers and associates.” Associates? Was he talking about those criminals he mingled with? He glanced between Michael and Ivy. “If one of us rebels, others will do the same. And it looks even worse if the one rebelling is my own future daughter-in-law. If I can’t sort out my own son’s life, why would my followers put the responsibilities of their children in my hands?”

  There was also the issue of the millions of dollars that belonged to her, wasn’t there? A fact he’d kept hidden from her.

  “Father? You cannot expect me to go through with this,” said Michael. “After what she just confessed. She is soiled.”

  “She can be cleansed,” said John. “We complete the marriage ceremony today, and before you take her to bed, I will cleanse and baptize her.”

  “How about you go and fuck yourself?” said Ivy.

  John turned to her. “How dare you talk to me like this?”

  “Shut up, you twat,” she said. “You think I’m going to let you cleanse me after I saw you molesting Ann in that room?”

  Michael raised his voice. “How dare you talk to father like that—”

  “How about you go and fuck yourself, too?” she responded. Ivy now looked at Pearl, who was sat silent, watching the exchange. “I’m done with this bullshit, mother. I’m done with the Association.”

  “You will go ahead with this marriage.” John’s voice boomed around the room. “I spent years looking after Pearl and you, and you are repaying my kindness by shaming me?”

  “You’ve spent years looking after mother and me? Or spent years exploiting her and gaining control over our properties?” She glared at Michael. “By the way, I’ve got an idea of how much our assets are worth. And Michael, you’re fired. You will never set foot in any of my company offices again.”

  And now the asshole’s face paled. “Ivy, darling,” he said, “We can sort this out. It’s a misunderstanding.”

  She pulled off her veil and flung it at Michael. “Enjoy the fucking wedding.” She then turned to John. “As for you, I’ll make sure you pay for what you did to my mother and the other women.”

  John grabbed her arm. “If you think you’re walking out of here—”

  “Let go of my daughter.” Mother’s voice was so small that Ivy thought she’d imagined it. But then she turned to see that mother had stood, and she was looking at John with an expression Ivy had never seen on her. Defiance. “I said let go of my daughter.” Her voice was low but firm.

  John let go of Ivy and stepped back. “Pearl, you do realize that if she doesn’t go through with this ceremony, you don’t have our protection anymore…”

  Mother’s jaw tightened. “We don’t need your protection. We can take care of ourselves.”

  Relief surged through Ivy. “Now how about you both leave?” she told the assholes.

  “Let’s go, son,” said John. “She is unworthy of you.”

  Michael glanced between John and Ivy. He seemed to have changed his mind about not marrying her, after being reminded of his position at her company. But one glance at Ivy’s face, and he swallowed, following his father out of the room.

  Once the door shut behind them, Ivy smiled at mother. “Let’s get out of here.” When Pearl nodded, Ivy pressed the panel button on the wall. A few seconds later, there was a knock at the door. “Come in.”

  The hostess walked in, and now she had a wide smile on her face. She tilted her head at Pearl. “I take it you want to go home?” After mother nodded, she turned to Ivy. “And you?”

  Ivy looked at her mother. “It’s all right,” said Pearl. “Go to him…your supernatural.”

  “I can’t leave you alone, not right now—”

  “I think it will be good for me to spend some time alone. I’ve got much to think about. And Fareeda will be there if I need anything.”

  “If you’re sure you’ll be all right?”

  “Yes, go and find your shifter. Whoever he is…he really must be something.”

  She kissed her mother. “Thank you for understanding.”

  The hostess led them out through a different route, so they ended up at a reception on the other side of the building. It was a large space with red walls and a counter made of black glass. But that was not what took Ivy’s attention. Mist floated around them, and in one corner, crystal balls were suspended. In the air.

  “Humans don’t come to this section,” explained the hostess, “So we do what we like with it.” Mother clutched Ivy’s arm as she glanced around the area. Soon, a car parked up outside. “Here’s your transport, Pearl.”

  Now mother turned to Ivy. “You’ll be all right here?”

  “Yes.” Ivy smiled, reassuring. “We’re away from the people who were a real danger to us. There’s nothing to be scared of now.”

  Mother gave her a quick kiss and then hurried out of reception, unable to get out of there fast enough.

  Now Shereen turned to Ivy. “How about you?”

  “I want to go to Junaid.”

  “I thought as much.” The hostess’ eyes turned to glittering stars as she took both of Ivy’s hands in hers. “Close your eyes,” she whispered. Ivy did as she said. “Relax and think of Junaid. Imagine you are with him.” The voice floated around her, slowly fading…

  There was a slight tremble beneath her feet, but something inside Ivy’s mind told her to keep her eyes shut. And then the sensation stopped, but the temperature of the room…it had changed.

  “Open your eyes,” said the voice inside her head. She did and nearly fell over. She was inside a large room, more of a hall. With wood floors, it was sparsely furnished, a sofa and table on one side and a wall dominated by swords and daggers. Shereen giggled. “This is Junaid’s place.”

  That explained the weapons. “How did you—”

  Shereen clicked her fingers, glittery dust flying from them. “Magic.”

  Ivy grinned. “Well, that was certainly something. Do you run a transport service, by any chance?”

  As Shereen chuckled, the door opened.

  “What the hell’s going on here?” came the growl.

  At the sound of the voice she’d grown to love, Ivy turned to Junaid. His goatee was so unkempt, it resembled a small beard, giving him a wild look, and his eyes were wide. She wanted nothing more than to go to him and fall into his arms, but there was a lot she needed to say to him first. She turned back to Shereen. “Thank you—”

  But there was an empty space behind her.

  “She’s gone,” said Junaid. When she turned to him, he asked, “What the hell are you doing here?”


  * * *

  JUNAID HAD SPENT THE LAST few days in fucking agony. The demon was understanding when he needed to take time off work, reminding him of the times Junaid put himself out for him. Blade had even passed today’s event—Ivy’s wedding—over to Shereen to handle, assuring Junaid that he only had to get involved if any problems arose.

  Since then, Junaid had shut himself away, only leaving his bedroom to wash and eat. And this morning, he hadn’t even done that. He’d stayed in his bed, unable to face her wedding day. His lion had growled and clawed inside, wanting to go to the bloody hall and drag her out of there...make her see what a mistake she was making. But it was no use, not when she wanted that life.

  It didn’t matter what she felt for him; she would never leave those people. She would never turn away from that Association.

  And now, she stood before him.

  When he heard the voices and came to the living room to see her standing there, for a moment, he thought she was part of his imagination—after all, he’d spent enough time thinking about her over the past few days. But when the sorceress disappeared in a flash of sparkly dust, he guessed she’d brought her here.

  Ivy now stood before him in a white wedding gown, and she looked so damn beautiful that something inside him cried out to reach for her and never let go. But no, he needed to get rid of her...before she drove him more insane than she already had. “I asked what you’re doing here.”

  She glanced around the room, as if still surprised she was here. “Shereen brought me.”

  He frowned, remembering when the sorceress had placed a hand against his chest and felt his pain. Gods, she wasn’t playing cupid, was she? The ceremony would be starting right about now. What was Shereen thinking of?

  “I’m sorry,” he said, reaching for his mobile, which was on the table before the sofa. “She shouldn’t have done that.” Something ripped through him when he followed that with, “I’ll call someone to take you back to the hotel.”


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