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Page 21

by Riley Tune

  He was going to kill them. He was going to kill them all. Zeva shook her head. “Flex won’t let you hurt them.” she said to the phone. Infinity responded by laughing loudly and hard. Then the phone went dead. We looked at each other. “Where is Flex getting his statue?” I asked Zeva as I shoved my phone in my pocket and then looked for my earpiece.

  “At the Atlas City aquarium.” She responded. “A pillar cracked a few weeks ago and Flex held the entire center tank up, as it got repaired. Saved an entire sixth grade class, and teachers in the process. So, they are giving him a statue in the viewing garden beside the building.”

  I shook my head, inserted the bud in my ear, and scooped Zeva off the ground in my arms. She squealed a little, and then looked at me. She felt so light in my arms as I began to rise in the air. The room turned blue, as I used my eyes and blasted the entry door off The Honor Hand entrance.

  CL would be pissed, but I had the money to cover the damages, and knowing him with his precog powers, he has already ordered the new door to be replaced. I continued to hold Zeva in my power, while calling out through the earpiece. “Prism. Prism.” I said.

  There was silence for a second, before his voice came into my ear. “Yes?” “Thank Atlas you were listening.” I replied. “I wasn’t listening. As I have told you, I am the system. I see and hear everything.”

  “Sure, fine whatever. I need you to tell the Imperial Lords that Infinity has Picasso and Jen, and he is at Flex’s statue ceremony. Zeva and I are already flying there now, but we need everybody we can there.”

  “Transmitting message now,” Prism said, and then his voice went away. In return I could hear a faint click several times. I looked down at Zeva who was holding her arms around my neck, I expected to see her eyes red or glossed over, but they weren’t. She was calm and passive. Talk about nerves of steel in a crisis. “It’s going to be okay.” I said to myself.

  She shook her head. “I don’t think it is.” she replied. “You’ve seen him. He can’t be stopped. The Lords won't stand a chance. He has too much power. Too much freedom.”

  “We have Impervious,” I responded to her. “Not only that,” I hated to even admit it but I did. “We have Flex. He may not be as hard to harm as Impervious, but he’s likely the strongest Icon alive, so that does help.”

  She didn’t respond. She just looked at the city below us as the ocean surrounding the edge of The Diamond district came into view.

  “They’re on their way,” Prism said as he returned. “Thanks, Prism.” I said. “If you don’t return, Young Lord, know it has been a pleasure.” “I didn’t know you cared Prism.” “I don’t,” the program replied. “I am programmed to say such things to all members of the Imperial Lords, and their Interns if they are tasked against odds with little chance for success.”

  I exhaled. “Thanks for the honesty, I guess.” I used my finger and tapped the ear bud off. In seconds a large dome- shaped building came into view. The open ocean sat behind it, and on both sides, were massive gardens of flowers of all colors.

  Each garden had a center area for events. Usually the events only were weddings, or some sort of outdoor play, but today it was home to the statue ceremony for Flex. In front of the actual building itself was something standing over six feet tall with a drape covering it up. It was safe to say that under said drape was the life- like replica statue of Flex, along with a plaque detailing his heroics that earned him the statue.

  On the stage was a podium, a few chairs, and Flex standing reading some cards to himself. His outfit was different today. I had never seen the color scheme before, and to be honest it was rather ugly. A splash of lime green over black. As I began to land on the stage, I looked at the chairs in the audience. There were almost a hundred seats in the area.

  In the back were several news station vans, two school busses, and one police car. Infinity was right. With such a massacre last night, you’d expect more security at this event. Even if Icons were going to be there. Many of the chairs were empty except for a small section that contained the children and their teachers. “Flex,” Zeva said as I placed my feet on the ground.

  She leapt out of my arms and ran to him. Flex stepped back some and looked at his sister. “Z, you look, odd. Pale.” His eyes narrowed, and I could see his hands grip her arms a little tighter. “Are you taking your pills?” “Yes,” she quickly replied. It was odd for her to lie to Flex, because I knew for a fact she wasn’t taking them anymore.

  I didn’t have time to think about this, or to address Flex, nor did I want to. Zeva had that part covered. Instead, I scanned the area around us, looking for Jen and Picasso. Nothing. Even Infinity was nowhere to be seen. All I could see besides the school children, were three older people sitting in the front row. Two of them, a man and a woman, were still as they looked up at us. The man between them however, had his legs crossed and a smile on his face as he watched us.

  “Infinity is here. Now.” Zeva said to Flex. His jaw clenched as he sprung into hero mode, and hovered about six feet in the air, letting his index cards and his notes drop to the ground. A chill rushed around us, as Zeva formed a layer of ice armor around herself, and a large ice mace was crafted in her hand.

  Even under the armour of frosty ice, I could see her eyes glowing as she looked around. Her eyes returned to normal as she shouted, “I got nothing.” Apparently, her vision powers couldn’t find them either.

  “He has Jen and Picasso,” I shouted up to Flex. His chest rose and nostrils flared, as he nodded to me. I had to give it to him. He wasn’t afraid. Even with knowing how powerful Infinity was, he was ready to take him on. Not to leave myself at a disadvantage, I called forth a force field around myself and floated a few inches off the ground. I didn’t know about all Icons, but I reacted easier in the air, as oppose to on the ground.

  Just then, a glow erupted on the stage as yellow light pulsed around us for a second. The children stood up and looked at us pointing and screaming. From within the yellow glow stepped a singular red boot.

  I squinted my eyes and looked. He was standing tall as a red cap billowed around him. His entire outfit was silver, and on his forearms, were golden bracers. Every muscle seemed to pop from under his outfit, and a scowl was on his face as he looked around. I felt relief pass over me as Impervious stood on the stage.

  The light faded away completely now, as Life-Line, Detach, Power Prince, and Solar Goddess, all stood beside Impervious. Flex landed on the ground beside them. Seeing them all together, ready to take on whatever came their way was impressive.

  The all looked so regal. Hell, we all did, to be honest. We really did look like Lords. Mr. Reid, I mean Life-Line, had waves of green energy pulsing from both of his hands. If anybody was harmed now, they would instantly be healed by his power.

  Detach called her clones to her aid and stood ready with her troops. Secretly, I’m sure she was mentally ready to assault Infinity too, if he showed. The golden aura and energy of Solar Goddess burned brightly beside Detach. So bright that I could barely make out her face. Power Prince was at the ready as well. Sparks of pink energy dancing and glowing around his fist, so intense and rapid, that they each looked like plasma balls. I had never truly seen Kevin in battle mode. The laughing and jokester face I had grown to know, was gone. Instead he stood determined, in an outfit of black and orange as he scanned around him.

  Lastly, Impervious and Flex, the powerhouses of the team stood side by side. The news crews had finally seen us all on stage and began moving closer to start filming. Even if the ceremony wasn’t set to start yet, it seems they couldn’t resist. “Stay back,” Flex shouted to them. I was surprised. I had never really seen this side of him. Serious and stern. Not being a dick at all. Maybe he did have what it took to lead the Lords.

  “We got your message, Hunter,” Life-Line said as he looked around wildly. “Where is Jen? Where is she?” Before I could respond, one of the older people in the front row, stood up and clapped. “We
ll done.” the man said. As he moved closer to us, his body rippled and shifted into a man I had seen before.

  Where the older man once stood, was now a tall man dressed in black with a white mask on. Infinity could shape shift too, apparently. He snapped his fingers and the other people in the front row with him instantly changed. The older woman was now Jen and the other gentleman was Picasso. Both had red bands of energy around their ankles and wrists.

  “Let her go you son of a bitch,” Mr. Reid said. “Or what?” Infinity said in a mocking tone. “You’ll heal me to death?” he laughed. “Don’t embarrass yourself, Marcus.”

  How did he know Mr. Reid’s first name? Did anybody else find this as confusing as I did? Infinity stretched out both hands and, similarly to my own ability, he formed a massive green force field that encased the entire stage and half of the chairs in the audience. Inside the force field, I could still see outside, but everything seemed to be moving in slow motion.

  As the other children outside the force field ran, and officers ran to the dome, they were moving as if time had come to a halt for them and only fractions of seconds were passing. “Well, nothing like some privacy.” Infinity said.

  The room in front of me turned blue as I stood with the other Imperial Lords. My eyes hurt a little as I flooded them with energy. In return Infinity balled a fist, and almost twenty of the students screamed as they were lifted in the air.

  Flex went to move, but Impervious held his arm out and stopped him. “Flex I’m sure you recognize these kids as the ones you saved only weeks ago. They wanted to see you get your statue. Now look at them.” Infinity said as he shrugged.

  “Put them down.” Mr. Impervious said. As soon as he spoke, the entire posture of Infinity changed. His relaxed movements became rigid. He was breathing heavier now and he cracked his neck as he turned to Impervious.

  “What did you say?” Infinity asked. “Let them, Jennifer, and my son, go.” He bellowed. “Son!” Infinity screamed as he removed his white mask, showing his full true face. His face looked oddly familiar. Like I had seen it before, but I didn’t remember where.

  The other Imperial Lord members remained as they were, ready to move if need be but otherwise they didn’t react. Impervious and Detach however, both gasped. Detach allowed her clones to fade into her as she stepped away from Infinity.

  “Will?” Impervious said out loud. “It can’t be.” I looked at Impervious as my vision turned back to normal. Will? I searched my brain to figure out what was going on. Then it came to me. “Your son that died in the Battle of Ages,” I said slowly. Then I looked at Infinity. He was an older version of the statue I saw in Impervious’ living quarters earlier.

  “Died?” Infinity said. “Tell him the truth.” Impervious seemed to be unable to talk. Flex looked at Impervious out of the side of his eye while at the same time stepping to the side to put most of his body in front of Zeva.

  “Davis, what’s going on here?” Life-Line asked. “Don’t play innocent,” Infinity said. “You knew. You let it happen and did nothing. None of you did.”

  A bolt of lightning came crashing down and Infinity vanished in it, reappearing behind Life-Line, he placed a hand on his head and instantly, Mr. Reid fell to the ground and began to scream.

  Jen shouted, as I watched the body on the ground. Then Solar Goddess pounced and came crashing down on Infinity landing a blow to his face and sent him down to the ground. She didn’t let up, as she formed a knife out of golden energy and stabbed the spot where he was.

  He phased quickly, allowing the knife to pass through him. Detach called her clones to life and they ran for Infinity. Before they could reach him, he was back and solid once more.

  Lighting rained down from the sky, through the force field he created and struck each clone. They fell to the ground and faded away. Solar Goddess summoned several floating orbs of energy. “Stop.” Mr. Impervious screamed. Solar Goddess looked at him. Her golden face twisted in anger.

  She stopped, Infinity didn’t. Instead his eyes became living flames.

  He moved his hands and from his flaming eyes came a large cone of heat that consumed the glowing woman. Solar Goddess screamed as a ball of fire overpowered her. In moments her lifeless body was on the ground as her remains crackled. Without Mr. Reid to heal her she stood no chance.

  Infinity clapped his hands as if to remove some dirt from them. I pulled out my phone and sent a text message and hoped the person on the other end received it, and took it seriously. It may be the only way out for any of us.

  “One of your precious Lords is dead,” Infinity said. “I don’t want to kill any of you just yet, but she attacked first. I needed answers first. I just want to know why.” Infinity said as he paced back and forth. His words came out calm, but his posture was tense, and his eyes were alive with passion. He didn’t seem as calm as his words were.

  “Why what?” Power Prince asked. “Ask them.” Infinity responded. “Ask them how they ended the Battle of Ages at the cost of my life.” “What is he talking about?” I asked Impervious. He avoided my gaze. “Davis,” Flex said as his brow raised. “What did you all do?”

  There was silence for a second. Outside of the still squirming Jen, nobody said anything. Infinity snapped his fingers and one of the children yelled. “Okay. Okay.” Impervious said. Instantly the force field faded away. Allowing the other students, as well as the two officers and the news vans to move freely.

  True to their nature, the reporters didn’t miss a beat and began filming. Every second from here on out, the entire area of Atlas City would see. The officers drew their weapons, but instead were lifted in the air and held as helpless as the first part of the class was.

  “You know what, I’ll tell the world how you saved them. How the mighty Mr. Impervious so easily halted the enemy at the Battle of Ages, and then how you and your Lords covered up what you did.”

  Every camera shifted to Mr. Impervious as Mr. Reid slowly stood back to his feet. Had more people been here, I’m sure everyone would have had their phones in the air recording.

  Mr. Impervious took a deep breath and exhaled. “Restore Life-Line’s memory,” Impervious said to Detach. She wiped sweat from her brow and looked at Mr. Impervious, who in turn just nodded. A faint purple pulse came from her body and then Mr. Reid’s eyes rolled back in his head for a moment and when they returned to normal he looked at Infinity. “Will!” He said as he looked at the man in front of him. His eyes bulged and the he looked back to Impervious. “You removed the mind block?” he said to Detach.

  At that moment, Infinity’s hands glowed red, and the bands of energy restraining Jen vanished. She jumped up and ran to Mr. Reid and hugged him. He returned her hug for a moment, and then stood in front of her.

  Infinity looked at Picasso who was still bound by energy. “A father and his child. Loving isn’t it.” Infinity said. Impervious walked closer to him. “Will, we can talk, it doesn't have to be this way. We can make it right.”

  “That time has passed, father.” Infinity vanished in a bolt of lightning and reappeared near the floating children and police officers. A faint purple pulse, similar to the one that came from Detach, exploded from Infinity, and every floating victim he had in the air instantly froze. They just hovered lifeless in the air.

  “Their minds are in my power now. Think of it like a light switch,” Infinity said. “If I decide to turn the light switch off,” One of the cops twitched in the air as blood came from his nose. “They will die.” He walked towards one of the camera men. “Just to make sure none of you try anything while I explain how we all ended up here.”

  “No.” Mr. Impervious said as he stepped forward. “It was my decision, my actions, and it should be my words.” Infinity glared at him as my phone went off in my pocket. I checked it quickly and then placed it back.

  “Very well. Tell them how you intended to conquer this world, and then backed out at the expense of my life.”




  s that what you think?” Mr. Impervious asked. “That I just gave you to them without worry or remorse? It was the only way to save this world.” I could feel my eyes narrow. “You gave him away?” I asked. Impervious snapped his head in my direction, as if seeing me there for the first time.

  “It’s not that cut and dry,” he hissed at me. “Yes, it is.” Infinity said as he spun and looked at the camera. As he turned, the same red energy surrounded him, causing portions of the stage to warp and distort.

  “The Battle of Ages only ended because your glorious Mr. Impervious struck a deal of peace with the Spellborn people, because he knew their magic could destroy this world if they saw fit.”

  Spellborn people. I could feel my eyes dart inside of my head. He couldn’t mean what I thought he meant. “The invaders, were Spellborn?” I asked. I didn’t direct my question to anybody. I didn’t care who answered, I just wanted answers. “What in Atlas is a Spellborn?” Flex said. “Good question,” came Jen’s voice. I couldn’t see her though so I had no idea where she was in her invisible state.

  “We are Spellborn,” Infinity said. “My bastard father. Picasso. Hunter. And even myself. All Spellborn or half Spellborn. Wielders of passed down magic and might.” Flex made a mocking face. “Magic?” “Be quiet, Flex.” Mr. Impervious said.

  “The Spellborn were intent on taking this world. That’s what we did back then.” Impervious said as his head slumped some. “We conquered worlds. Used them until we didn’t need them anymore. When the royals arrived here, we fell in love instead. In love with the people, the culture, the world itself. So, we stayed.”

  He exhaled as her massaged his eyes with his fingers. “My brother enjoyed the freedom this world offered.” Impervious continued as he shook his head. “He found love in only two things. A woman and his freedom to use his powers how he wanted, and the villain Blue Rush was born.”


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