Book Read Free

Last Word

Page 19

by Robin Mahle

  “Yeah. They won’t make it past the front doors.” Vasquez headed into the halls of the station with Kate and Dwight in tow.

  “Your guys here yet?” Vasquez peered inside Phelps’ office.

  “Any minute. So glad you all could make it.”

  “I’m sure you are,” Kate replied. “I don’t know if you’ve met Agent Jameson. He’s the resident BAU agent at the Washington Field Office.”

  “I’ve spoken with your captain about the investigation and the growing tension between our two departments.” Dwight offered his hand. “I’m hoping I can help get us back on track.”

  “Look, I want nothing more than to find the person responsible for the murders of those women, but I’m telling you, you’re barking up the wrong tree. Copeland is no more guilty of killing them than I am. All I’ve been trying to do is keep us on the scent of the real killer.”

  “I agree, but can you say with any confidence that his chief of staff is just as innocent?” Kate added. “Especially given what we brought to your attention earlier?”

  “I guess we’ll find out soon enough.”

  “You are going to get Vega to submit DNA, right?”

  “For what reason?”

  “For the reasons I’ve already laid out. I realize we’re still waiting on Bowen’s DNA, but it will come soon, and when it does, we need to have Vega’s on file. At the very least, to exclude him as a suspect, since it seems you’ve exonerated him, same as you have Copeland.”

  “I imagine his attorneys will want a say in that matter,” Phelps added.

  Kate was at her wit’s end and was nearly ready to confront him once again, but when an officer peered inside, he diverted her anger.

  “Sorry to interrupt. A body’s been found in an abandoned apartment building on 5th.”

  “Get Leighton on it. That’s his area,” Phelps replied.

  “We did and CSI showed up. They found something in her mouth and a blood-laden thumbprint on her shoulder. We’re running it through the system now, but we know the victim’s name is Wendy Montrose.”


  “The material had the same word written on it as the others. Looks like this one’s yours.” He began to step away, but stopped short. “Oh, and, it appears she knew Representative Copeland.”

  “And you know this how?”

  “Her cell phone was recovered and the call history showed Copeland’s name several times in the past few days.”

  “Who has that phone now?” Kate directed her attention to Phelps before the officer could answer. “If Vega’s number is on there too… How much more do you need, detective?”

  Time had passed and still no Copeland and no Vega. Kate considered the likely scenario that neither would be appearing at the station. “I think it’s safe to say you missed the boat on this one, Phelps. They aren’t coming. Now we have another dead body and no idea where they are.”

  “I’ll make some calls to his staff. I’ll find them,” Phelps replied.

  “You and I both know they’re long gone. What we don’t know is did they both go voluntarily or was Copeland coerced? Our time’s up, Agent Jameson. How do you want to handle this?”

  “We’ll have to defer to Detective Phelps.”

  “I’ll go to Copeland’s office and I’ll send an officer to his house.” Before he could continue, Kate interrupted.

  “We’ll go to Vega’s house. And, if you’re okay with it, sir, I’d like to ask Agent Quinn to come along with Vasquez and me. If Vega’s behind this, then any help Quinn can offer at this point will be welcomed, especially in light of the fact we don’t know where Copeland is.”

  “Do you have an issue with that, Phelps?” Dwight asked.

  “No. Do what you need to do and I’ll do the same.” He holstered his weapon. “Just keep in contact.” He began to leave but stopped short. “This wasn’t how it was supposed to go, Agent Reid. Despite what you think of me, I wanted to catch the killer, same as you.”

  “Guess you didn’t do your job, then.”

  “I suppose not, but then, neither did you.” Phelps disappeared into the corridor.

  “That was helpful.” Dwight peered at her as he brushed by. “Ask Quinn to meet us at Vega’s house.”

  “Smooth.” Vasquez patted Kate on the shoulder. “Come on. Let’s get going.”

  Dwight was on his cell outside when Kate and Vasquez reached her car. He ended the call and turned toward them. “Phelps is currently on his way to Copeland’s office. He called them, but they said the congressman left with Vega. No one knows where they went.”

  “Why is he wasting his time going down there, then?” Kate asked. “He should go to the building where they found the newest victim.”

  “He is. He’s turning around now. For Christ’s sake, Kate, he’s not the damn enemy here, okay? Let him do his job.”

  “That’s what I thought he was doing. Whatever happens today, I’ll find out the truth about him. Then I’ll wait for your apology.” She pressed the remote on her Explorer and slipped into the driver’s seat. “You coming with us?”

  Dwight entered the passenger seat while Vasquez slipped into the back. “You’d better hope you’re right about him, Kate.”

  “I am.” She pressed the ignition button and pulled away.

  “I should’ve stayed there this morning,” Vasquez said. “I had eyes on him and I let him go.”

  “It’s not your fault,” Dwight replied. “No one had anything on him until he pulled a disappearing act that made him look guilty of something.”

  “We did, but no one wanted to hear us.” Vasquez caught Kate’s eyes in the rear view.

  “What about Quinn?” he continued.

  Kate kept her sights on the road ahead. “I called him on the way to the car. He’s meeting us there.”

  The silence that prevailed along the way hardened Kate’s resolve, but there was no mistaking a price would be paid for her behavior. Dwight was a fair man, but she’d pushed it too far. Her handling of the situation was unprofessional at best and insubordinate at worst. She wondered what effect it would have on her working for Quinn, should he make the recommendation to bring her aboard. Kate had risked her career on this detective whom she was compelled to see fall. What it would do to the Bureau’s relationship with Metro PD was unknown, nonetheless the consequences would reverberate through the WFO for some time.

  “That’s his place, up ahead.” Vasquez pointed toward the driver’s side.

  “I think that’s Quinn’s car.” Kate pulled up behind him. “He’s still inside it.”

  “Wait.” Dwight reached for Kate’s arm. “What if Vega’s here? We should call Metro for backup.”

  “If he is, I don’t want to spook him if he has Copeland with patrol cars racing up the street. We have no idea if either of them have weapons.” Kate eyed Dwight and saw the dismay in his expression. “I’m sorry. I’m not the one in charge and I’m overstepping—again.”

  “I just wish I knew what the hell was going on with you. This isn’t who you are. But unfortunately, we don’t have time to discuss it.” Dwight stepped out.

  Quinn must’ve noticed their arrival and stepped out of his car and waited for them to approach. “What’s the plan, Agent Reid?”

  “This is SSA Jameson. It’s his call.”

  “Agent Jameson. We’ve spoken on the phone. Pleasure to meet you in person. I’m SSA Quinn. BAU Headquarters. I believe I know your previous boss.”

  “Yes, of course. Forgive me for being short, but we should go and see if Vega’s inside.”

  “And if he is?” Quinn began to follow as they moved forward.

  “I’ll have no choice but to bring him in by force. He failed to arrive at Metro PD for questioning. Doesn’t put him in a very good light.”

  Quinn turned to Kate. “I’m not sure I need to be here, Agent Reid.”

  “I disagree. Once we get inside, I hope to find the fabric used on the victims, or anything that might point to his collu
sion with Copeland’s rival. Or maybe even Copeland himself. Something we still haven’t ruled out. That’s why I asked you here. Your insight is very much needed here today.”

  Vega’s apartment unit was on the first floor and on approach, Dwight knocked on the door. “Phillip Vega, FBI. Open the door.” Seconds passed with no answer. He knocked again. “FBI. Open up.”

  Kate shook her head. “Time to get inside.”

  “Without a warrant?” Quinn asked.

  “I was on the horn with the judge this morning,” Dwight said. “He’s signing it now as we speak.”

  “I didn’t know you…”

  “It’s my job, Reid. In case you forgot.” Dwight knocked a final time and when there was again no answer, he drew his weapon. “Stand back.” He turned to Kate. “You got anything you want say?”

  “Nope.” She took a step back.

  Dwight pulled the trigger and busted the lock. Holstering his weapon again, he pushed open the door.

  Light shone through the veiled front window, but not enough to get a look at the place. Kate turned on a lamp in the front room. “We know he was here at least until 8am, which was when Vasquez and I left and headed to the station after getting the call from Phelps.”

  “You were here? Why were you staking out his house?”

  “Agent Vasquez found evidence Vega had been talking to one of Copeland’s political adversaries, a man he’d run against early in his career. We thought it could mean Vega was tracking down these women and relaying that information to this person. But what we didn’t know was if he was responsible for their murders. We traced several calls over the past few weeks from this man to Vega. That was our first clue that he might be working to sabotage Copeland’s career by exposing his infidelities.”

  “And murdering them?” Quinn added.

  “I don’t know.” Kate eyed him before returning her attention to the living room.

  “What are your thoughts on Vega?” Dwight asked Quinn.

  “Considering another body’s been discovered and neither Vega nor Copeland are anywhere to be found, I wouldn’t rule out the connection. My concern is who is really pulling the strings. As I’ve told Reid from the beginning.”

  “By the sounds of it, this political rival is pulling the strings,” Dwight said. “Which leads me to assume Vega is getting a shit ton of money or this person is blackmailing him for something.”

  “That’s definitely a possibility. I’m going to check out the bedroom.” Quinn continued into the hall and turned in to the only bedroom in the apartment.

  “And you want to go work for him?” Dwight said.

  “I thought I had a handle on this profile, but after talking with him, he opened my eyes to the possibility I could be wrong. I’m not entirely sure I am wrong, but I’m open to his opinions. That’s why I asked him to come here and give us his thoughts.”

  “Whatever you say, Kate. This needs to come to an end. Doesn’t matter how we get there, just so long as we do.” Dwight continued to search the kitchen.


  Kate heard Quinn shout from the back.

  “Better go see what he wants,” Vasquez said. “I’ll keep looking in here.”

  Kate continued into the hall toward the bedroom. “What is it?”

  “Take a look here.” Quinn stood in front of Vega’s dresser.

  “What’d you find?”

  “Do you know if Vega has a girlfriend?”

  “I have no idea. I haven’t been allowed to speak to him directly. Only Phelps has.”

  Quinn pointed to the bed. “You said Vasquez was here throughout the night. Do you know if she saw anyone come in?”

  “No. She believed he was alone.”

  “Both sides of his bed appear to have been slept in.”

  “That could’ve been from another night. Maybe the guy doesn’t make his bed every day.”

  “Maybe not. Still, it appears as though he did have a visitor in recent days. Just a point to consider.” Quinn opened the dresser drawers. “He’s very neat, otherwise.”

  “Couldn’t that speak to his character? Like maybe he’s obsessive.”

  “Possibly. I’m still looking for something more definitive. We need something that will point to…” He stopped.

  “What? What’d you find?”

  Quinn pulled out a picture at the bottom of his underwear drawer.

  “Oh my God.” Kate stood next to him and peered at the picture. “You could be right about someone pulling the strings.”

  “And not your political adversary.”

  As much as Kate wanted to believe she had gotten this one right, Quinn now held evidence to suggest otherwise. “No. Looks like she could be our Svengali.”


  The elite Unit 4 team waited in the conference room for their new senior unit agent to arrive. A briefing on their crime analyses was scheduled before one of the members, Eva Duncan, was to be called on as an expert witness in an upcoming trial.

  “Sorry I’m late.” Nick Scarborough entered and took his seat. “Got held up in a meeting.”

  “No problem. Duncan was just about to fill us in on her testimony strategies for the Figueroa trial on Monday.” Levi Walsh was the team’s investigative analyst who provided suggestions to law enforcement regarding threat and critical incidents. He offered insight into investigative perspectives. And it seemed he was still withholding judgment on his new boss.

  “I spoke with the entomologist and got him lined up to assist Duncan with expert testimony.” The second most senior agent on the team, Cameron Fisher, worked almost exclusively with the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) field coordinators to facilitate requests from law enforcement nationwide. He also brought in the experts needed to work forensics when necessary.

  “So we have everything needed to get to trial,” Nick added as he glanced around the table. “Where’s Quinn? We need his profile on the offender’s behavior. Anyone know where he is?”

  “I haven’t seen him, but I know he finished his report. I got the email earlier today,” Duncan replied.

  “Last I heard, he got a call from the WFO on a case they’re working.” Walsh turned to Scarborough. “Your old stomping grounds.”

  “I’m aware of their current investigation regarding the congressman.”

  “That blew up this morning, I heard,” Walsh continued. “He must’ve gotten called out to give them a hand.”

  “I’ll give him a shout. In the meantime, sounds like you all have this under control. I appreciate your expediency and I’m sure New York appreciates the help. I’ll let you all get back to it.” Nick began to leave.

  “Scarborough?” Walsh stopped Nick in the corridor and jogged to catch up. “Do you know what’s going on with Quinn’s job opening?”

  “As far as I know, he hasn’t made a decision yet but is narrowing down the field. Why?”

  “Look, I don’t want to be an ass, but word is your girlfriend is in the running for the job.”

  “And?” Nick immediately jumped into defense mode.

  “And, we’re all wondering, if that happens, how it will affect your ability to run the team.”

  “It won’t.”

  “You’re new here. You’re very well respected, but you’re still new. And frankly, we don’t know your style yet. We’re all concerned about this. We’d just like to be kept in the loop.”

  “I understand. Quinn will have to decide which way to go. All I can do is offer assurance that I have absolutely nothing to do with his decision. It’s his and his alone. If it comes down to it, and Agent Reid is selected, it won’t get in the way of anything we’re doing. There will be no special treatment. Nothing. I’ve worked with her for the past few years at WFO and it was never an issue.”

  Walsh held Nick’s gaze. “Okay. I hope, if it comes down to it, that you’re right. None of us wants this team compromised in any way.”

  “That won’t happen. I’d better go make that ca
ll to Quinn. Make sure he doesn’t need anything from us.” Nick paused a moment. “Thank you for letting me know the concerns of the team. And—I am listening.” He carried on toward his office.

  Their concerns were valid, but he had no real way to prove to them that it wouldn’t be an issue. He knew it wouldn’t be, Kate knew it wouldn’t be, but only time would prove that was the case. And that was operating under the assumption she was going to be chosen for the position. An uncertainty in any event. One which he hoped Quinn would put to rest sooner rather than later. Perhaps that would happen if in fact Quinn was in the field with Kate and Dwight. Something he was about to verify.

  In his office, Nick made the call. Kate’s line rang, but there was no answer. “Damn.” He dialed Quinn’s number and again, and the line rang. And again, his voicemail picked up. Nick figured something important was happening and he had but one option left. This time as the line rang, Dwight answered. “Hey, it’s Scarborough. I heard something was going down with the investigation you’re working on.”

  “You heard right. We’re in the middle of it now.”

  “Is Kate with you?”

  “She is. We’re searching the chief of staff’s apartment right now. He and his boss have disappeared. They were supposed to show up at the Metro PD station this morning. Neither of them did.”

  “Sounds like you’re in the weeds. Hey, is Quinn there too, by any chance?”

  “Yep. Kate’s been working with him on developing the profile for the case. When this came up, she called on him and he offered to help us find these two.”

  “Good. Thanks for letting me know. I’ll let you get back to it. Hey, if there’s anything I can do.”

  “I know. I got to go.”

  Nick looked out over the grounds of Quantico from his office window. He’d begun to feel like an outsider. The people on his team hadn’t yet placed their full faith in him and he no longer had a say in Kate’s professional life. It was an adjustment to be sure, although he knew it was the only way to ensure she traveled down her own path to success. Not one he set out for her.


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