The Sexy Stranger: A Billionaire Holiday Romance (International Bad Boys Set Book 1)

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The Sexy Stranger: A Billionaire Holiday Romance (International Bad Boys Set Book 1) Page 11

by JA Low

  “Where’s Marcus?” Some friend! I wonder what happened to my best friend of twenty-seven years.

  “South of France somewhere. I’ll say he apologized to us about everything. He told us that he and Rachele had been fooling around for years on and off. He said he’d broken things off with her, and she told him she wanted to end their relationship with one last fuck.” Natalia gives me an apologetic look.

  “I hated him when it first happened.” I look back down at my phone, at the picture of Lilly and I, and smile. “But right now, I think I should be thanking him.” Natalia’s eyes widen in surprise. “If he hadn’t done what he did, I’d have married Rachele and been none the wiser.”

  “I would’ve tried to help you annul it.”

  Of course, she would have.

  “Am I crazy for falling for a woman after such a short time?”

  “The heart wants what the heart wants, brother.” Natalia grins. “It’s all going to work out in the end.”

  “You think?” Feeling slightly optimistic.

  “Give Lilly time, but also don’t ghost her, she may not want to talk to you, but she’ll still like hearing from you.”

  “Really?” I’m not feeling that confident, even though I wish it with all my heart.

  “A woman wants to know that she is wanted, even if she currently hates the person wanting her.” Women are such confusing creatures. “Just don’t be a stalker,” she warns. “There’s a line between cute and creepy.”


  Mental note—don’t be creepy.

  “Thanks for checking in on me.”

  Natalia gets up and hugs me. “That’s what family does.”



  I’ve spent the past week crying into my hot cocoa. I know, girl power and all that stuff, but sometimes a girl just wants to wallow in her hot chocolate and bake and binge watch Sex and the City. I feel bad that I’m more upset over Luca leaving than I ever was about Rob, who’s still blowing up my phone, even after I traveled halfway across the world to get away from that bastard.

  I don’t care for his new year wishes—I don’t need them.

  I’m doing just fine without him.

  I drop some chocolate onto my pajamas and lick it off.

  Yeah, that right there is a whole new level of wallowing.

  I’m totally fine.


  My phone vibrates, and it’s another message from Luca. Now, when a girl is at the bottom end of wallowing, she will, you know, cyberstalk the man who broke her heart. And I mean Luca, definitely not Rob.

  My heart hurts looking at all his old Instagram photographs. Thankfully, there aren’t many of him and his fiancée. The images are mostly of him traveling around the world—casinos in Monaco, private yachts in the south of France, shopping sprees along Rodeo Drive—a whole other life that he led that’s so far from the one I live or the person I thought he was.

  It’s hard meshing Luke and Luca into the one person in my mind, but Luca is persistent, I’ll give him that. Even though I haven’t responded to a single text message, they still come like clockwork. He tells me about his father, how his health is slowly improving, and how he’s finally at home resting. He also texts me messages of how much he misses me and wishes I was by his side during this difficult time. Those messages hurt my heart, and it takes all my willpower not to book a ticket on the next flight to Rome to be with him, especially when he adds in some dirty talking—those sexts really kill my resolve.

  But let’s face it, a prince and a doctor don’t fit the fairy tale mold. Do they?

  My phone rings again, and this time it’s from a number I don’t know.


  “Buongiorno. Is this Miss Lilly Simpson?” A happy-sounding Italian man greets me on the phone, and my heart begins to thump wildly in my chest. I wouldn’t put it past Luca to find a way for me to take his calls.

  “Si,” I say cautiously.

  “Fantastico. My name is Andrea Rossi. His Highness Principe Luca put me in touch with you.” His Highness—that sounds strangely weird when it’s spoken out loud. “He said you would be perfect for our organization.”

  “Oh, really.” I’m surprised that Luca kept his word for some reason.

  “I’ve had a look at your resume, and your experience is exactly what we’re looking for… young, passionate people who want to help the world.”

  “Thank you so much, that’s very kind of you to say. What is it exactly that you do?”

  “Ah, of course, scusa. I’m the CEO of Italy’s largest global charity foundation. We distribute millions of dollars every year to charities around the world. We’re looking for doctors with experience on the ground to help us distribute the money, and to help set up more beneficial programs to help the world’s underprivileged. Instead of just handing over money, which can fall into the wrong hands, we want to diversify and make sure it’s handled correctly.”

  Wow! This sounds amazing, and is exactly what I’d love to do.

  “So, I wouldn’t necessarily be a doctor on the ground?”

  “Not all the time, no, but we’d make sure all your certificates stay current with ongoing learning. You would be on the ground helping set up certain programs. You would also drop in on others to check they are running smoothly from a medical standpoint.”

  “This sounds very interesting to me.”

  “It is… and you’re perfecto. I’ll email you an information pack about our organization as well as the contract and job description. Take your time to peruse, and if you’re interested, we’d love to have an interview with you.”

  This sounds so incredibly unique that I’m excited about the prospect of running this for them. “That sounds perfect. Thank you so much for the opportunity, Mr. Rossi.”

  “Grazie, Miss Simpson.”

  I do a little dance around the cottage once the phone call ends. Crumbs fall from my chest all over the floor. My mind turns to Luke, sorry Luca, and how I want to call and thank him for the opportunity. He’s been persistent but respectful of my need for space.

  I miss him.

  So much it sucks.

  The cottage is quiet without him here.

  Stupidly, I haven’t even changed the sheets because I can still smell his cologne all over them. I’m a sad, sad woman. Picking up my phone, I stare at the only picture we have together, and I run my fingers over his perfect face.

  “Urgh,” I moan, throwing it to the side.

  Be strong, Lilly.

  Remember, you promised yourself this year was all about you being selfish.

  But can’t I selfishly want someone I can’t have?

  Enough! Internally, I scream at myself.

  You have wallowed enough. It’s time to get your ass into the shower, freshen up, and go join the land of the living at the pub. So, that’s exactly what I do.

  Nervously, I walk back into the pub. The last time I was here was with Luca for Christmas Eve, which now seems like a lifetime ago. As soon as the door opens, everyone stops to see who’s entering the bar. Everyone raises their drinks to me and continues on with what they were doing.

  “Lilly.” Wallace gives me a big bear hug. “Happy New Year, it’s great tae see ye.”

  “It’s good to see you, too,” I stated while pulling up a bar stool.

  “What can I get ye?”

  “Whisky, please.”

  He nods, then busies himself.

  “Where’s the hot man ye had wit ye last time?” Donna takes a seat beside me and smiles.

  Damn! Just thinking about Luca makes my stomach hurt.

  “He had to go back to Italy. His father had a heart attack.”

  “Oh, no.” I nod my head. “Will he be back?”

  Wallace places the glass of whisky in front of me, and I throw it back all in one go. Wallace and Donna look at each other with concern in their eyes.

  “Ye know ye can talk to me?” Donna wraps her arm around my shoulders tenderly. />
  Tears begin to well in my eyes. “Everything is a mess, Donna.”

  She looks at me with concern. “Another drink, Wallace,” she tells her husband. He silently pours me another glass. “I know I’m not ye maw, but I have some good ears on me.”

  This makes me smile through my tears because Donna and Wallace are good people.

  So, I start at the beginning.

  “Rob was a little shite,” Donna seethes.

  “I’ll knock his block off when he shows his face in town.” Wallace slams his hand on the bar making the glasses jiggle.

  “So ye have feelin’s for the Italian?” Donna asks


  “But now is nae the right time?” I nod my head in agreement. “He seemed like a good man,” she contemplates. “I think ye should take the charity job,” Donna tells me.

  “Aye, me, too,” Wallace adds.

  “We’re very proud of ye, Lilly.”

  Dammit, Donna’s hitting me with the feels.

  “And ye’re family to us.”

  Fuck it! I let the tears fall down my cheeks. I mean Wallace has been plowing me with whisky since I arrived, and in the emotional state I have been in, of course, the tears would be flowing soon anyway. “If Luca’s the one, ye will find each other again.”

  Maybe Donna’s right.

  “Thank you.” Wrapping my arms around her, I reiterate, “Thanks, so much for listening.”

  “It’s all good, lassie. Now let’s get ye somethin’ to eat to soak up all this whisky.”

  Sounds like a plan.



  “Amore mio come va? My love, how are you?” my mother greets me, placing two kisses on each of my cheeks.

  “I’m doing okay, Mamma.”

  “You seem sad, my boy?” Taking my hand, she sits with me on the sofa. “Your father is doing fine. He is just cranky over not being able to drink his wine,” she reassures me.

  “I’m sorry I left.” My mother reaches out and caresses my face.

  “What happened, caro mio?”

  I’ve been dreading this question. I knew there’d be a time when we’d have to address it, but I’m not sure how she’s going to react.

  “I found out Rachele wasn’t faithful to me.” Shock radiates from my mother as her hand flies to cover her mouth.

  “No. I do not believe it!” She shakes her head.

  “She and Marcus have been seeing each other over the years.” Her eyes widen like saucers as she continues to shake her head in disbelief. “I saw them at the rehearsal, Mamma… with my own eyes.”

  “Rachele comes from a respectable family, son. I don’t believe she’d do this to you… to us.”

  My stomach sinks at her reaction. But, of course, Allegra and Rachele have been doing damage control, and she is inclined to believe them more than me at this moment. I never wanted to use this, but they have pushed me to the edge. “Here, Mamma, press play,” I state while handing my phone over to her.

  She clutches her chest as she watches the video I took of Rachele and Marcus together. Tears fall down her cheeks as she hands the phone back to me.

  “I’m so sorry.” She weeps as I pull her into my arms.

  “It’s not your fault, Mamma.”

  It takes a glass of wine for her to settle her nerves after the revelation.

  “Did Allegra know?”

  “Yes, she’d been the one covering it up over the years.”

  My mother swears under her breath.

  “That’s why you disappeared?” I nod my head. “Is it true that you met someone while you were in Scotland?” I should be surprised that she knows about this, but who am I kidding, there’s nothing much that gets by her.

  “Yes, Lilly Simpson.” Just saying her name out loud is an ache in a void that never seems to end. My mother shifts around in her seat, grimaces, looking guilty all of a sudden.

  “I was led to believe she was after your money.” What? “I realize now that I have been fooled.” Her flaring nostrils and cold flinty eyes tell me everything—she’s not happy.

  “Lilly had no idea who I was, and when she found out, she ran from me. She isn’t interested in all this…” I wave my hand around the opulent surroundings of my family’s home.

  “I know, I did a background check on her.”

  “You what?”

  “I’m sorry, caro mio, My dear. Your sister led me down the wrong path.”

  “And what did you find? Nothing, I presume?”

  She nods her head in agreement. “Honestly, I found a truly accomplished woman.” That is a big compliment coming from my mother. “There was one thing I didn’t understand, though. Why did she leave Africa before her tenure was up? Doesn’t she have a fiancé still there?”

  “That’s her ex.” My mother’s body relaxes a little at that bit of information. “She was stuck watching him fool around with the nurses because she was unable to leave until her time was up. Another doctor wanted to stay, so they swapped positions, and she came home. Unfortunately, or fortunately for me, her sister went to Africa to surprise her, so when Lilly arrived home, she found me instead.” I leave out the naked part, my mother has no need to know that part.

  “Oh my, that poor girl. Why do people not take their promises seriously anymore?”

  “I gave her name to Andrea Rossi…” my mother smiles, “… she’ll be perfect for the charity.”

  “Yes, she will,” my mother agrees. “Do you have feelings for this girl?”

  “Yes, but…” My mother raises a brow at me. “It’s not our time.”

  She waves my concern away. “If you think she is worth the fight, then fight.”


  “I want you to be happy.” She places her hands either side of my face and says, “That’s all a mother ever wants. I’m a mother first, a princess second.” I wrap my arms around her tightly. “I’ll not stand in your way, Luca.”

  I give her the biggest kiss before I say, “Thank you, Mamma.”

  I think it’s going to take a lot of work to get Lilly back, but I’m up for the challenge.



  It’s been a couple of weeks since Mr. Rossi sent through the information about his charity. It’s perfect. Everything I have been looking for in a job.

  I’m so nervous my leg will not stop bouncing as the car races through the ancient streets of Rome to my hotel. I have an interview with Andrea Rossi, the CEO of the charity foundation, and I’m guessing a good friend of Luca’s because he’s the reason I’m here.

  My mind wanders to Luca—I’m in his hometown.

  I wonder what he’s doing now?

  I just hope I don’t run into him on this trip, especially if he has company. I don’t think my heart could handle it if I did. He’s persistent with his messages every couple of days, and if I’m honest with myself, I look forward to them even though I never reply.

  I’ll send Luca a message if I get this job. It’s the least I can do to thank him.

  The sleek black Mercedes pulls up out the front of a tall glass office building.

  “I’ll take your bags to the hotel, Miss Simpson,” the driver advises me as he helps me out of the car.


  I take a moment to compose myself and walk into the luxurious building. I check in with the building’s receptionist, she hands me a special day pass and gives me directions to the twentieth floor.

  Here I go, all or nothing.

  I needn’t have worried because the interview was a success. They offered the job to me on the spot, and I couldn’t say no. I get to help save people’s lives with lots and lots of money, and that’s difficult to say no to anyway.

  My driver is waiting for me out the front of the building and takes me to my hotel. Picking up my phone, I send Luca a text message.

  Lilly: Thank you for introducing me to Mr. Rossi. I got the job.

  My heart is racing as the sound of the text sending echo
es through the car. Not long after leaving the office building, my driver is pulling up out the front of a gorgeous old building near the famous Spanish Steps.

  “Signora Simpson, welcome,” a well-dressed doorman greets me at the door.

  This hotel has great customer service.

  “Grazie.” I follow him into a grand foyer. I notice there isn’t a reception desk, which is weird. Perhaps I came in the back entrance or something. He holds open the lift door for me, and I follow, then he hits the ‘A’ button. Usually, the top button is for the penthouse site, and attico is the Italian word for penthouse.

  This charity has gone all out.

  I feel bad because this must have cost them a pretty penny to put me up like this.

  “We are here.”

  The lift doors open, and the man asks me to step out, which I do, right into a grand marbled foyer. But what gains my attention instantly at the end of the foyer is a terrace, and all I can see is grand Italian buildings all around me. I rush outside and take in the picturesque view. We’re right above the Spanish Steps with some other famously old buildings surrounding me, but I have no idea what they are.

  “It is beautiful, isn’t it?”

  That voice.

  The one I have missed for the past couple of weeks.

  No. He can’t be here.

  I feel his presence behind me, but I don’t dare look.

  “Lilly, please look at me.”

  My hands are shaking, I’m not prepared to see him. I take in a deep breath and turn around. Nothing in my head prepares me for the man standing in front of me. This man really is gorgeous. The man, right here, definitely looks like a prince. His scruff has been shaved off and replaced with a clean-cut vibe. His inky black hair is slicked back, and he’s dressed in a killer suit.

  “Um… you look good.”

  That cocky smirk is still planted on his gorgeous face as chocolate eyes drift over me from head to toe. My body warms under his intense gaze.


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