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The Sexy Stranger: A Billionaire Holiday Romance (International Bad Boys Set Book 1)

Page 16

by JA Low

  “Thank you for helping us.” Ilona smiles a small smile. “The girls have been talking at night, and they think you’re their guardian angel.”

  Shaking my head, tears well in my eyes. “Don’t say that. I can’t save you. Not yet, anyway. I’m no angel.”

  Ilona reaches out and holds my hand. “You’re helping us. Our biggest worry is having a baby here. When you have one, they take it away from you.” I found this out on day two working in the maternity ward, and it made me physically ill. “We know the baby isn’t made out of love, but… it’s still our flesh and blood.”

  “I’m sorry I can’t do more.”

  “Miss Lilly… you are. You have given us all hope.”

  How can these girls have hope in a place like this?

  “We feel protected now. We can make it through this nightmare.”

  Tears fall down my cheeks as I pull Ilona in for a hug. “I promise you… as soon as I get out, I’m going to come back for you. Do you hear me?”

  “Do not worry about us, Miss Lilly. We’ll be fine.”

  The door swings open, and an armed guard screams something, I have no idea what.

  “Our time is up. Till tomorrow, Miss Lilly.”

  I watch as the guard violently hauls Ilona away, the doors slamming behind them.

  I sterilize my utensils before putting them all away.

  “You’ve been doing a good job. The girls seem much happier.” The good-looking bad guy walks in. He has never given me his name, and I understand why because that would mean I’d know too much. But one day I’ll find out, and make sure he pays for this nightmare place.

  “I told you, I would do my job.”

  “Yes, it seems you have kept your part of the bargain.” I don’t think he’s used to saying that to many people. I can tell by the look in his eyes.

  “Those women are human beings. I know you don’t see them that way, but they, too, deserve some sort of dignity in this shitty life they have been dealt.”

  That was the wrong thing to say because quick as a flash, his hand is wrapped around my throat, his fingers slowly closing around it. Panic runs through my veins as I find it harder to breathe.

  “Know your place, woman.” Those blue eyes swirl with violence and hatred. “Do not overstep your mark.”

  Slowly, I nod my head, letting him know I understand, but he doesn’t let go of me, his fingers ease ever so slightly.

  “I bet you’re feisty in bed.”

  No. No. No. My eyes widen in sheer terror.

  “Don’t panic, I’ll not touch you… unless you want me to.” He smirks while I shake my head slowly. “Maybe not yet.” Those eyes sparkle with desire as he continues, “I’m not ready to let you go just yet.”

  Wait! What? No.

  “You intrigue me too much.” His hand falls from my throat, and I fall back trying to catch a breath.

  “I’m no one special.” The words come out as barely a whisper.

  He takes a step forward, and I flinch at his movement, which he ignores. His finger comes under my chin making me look up at him. “Yes, you are. I think you’re extraordinary.”

  Then, after dropping that bombshell, he stalks away from the hospital, the metal door slamming shut behind him, the sound echoing through the empty room.

  I need to get out of here and back to my room.

  After a steaming hot shower to try and rid myself of his evil touch, I looked in the mirror, and there are the faintest of bruises around my neck where he tried to strangle me. I stare out into the darkness that has now fallen across the outside world and wonder how my sister is, how Luca is, but those thoughts just bring me more pain.

  Dinner’s some weird soup, but I’m starving, so I don’t care and finish it quickly.

  Now, I lie on the bed and stare at the ceiling, willing myself to wake up from this never-ending nightmare.

  Has the world forgotten about me?

  Why has no one come for me?

  My thoughts flick back to Lauren—she must be beside herself with worry. She better not do something stupid and try to rescue me. The problem is I wouldn’t put it past her. Even though I know how dangerous this thought is, it still makes me smile.

  I wonder if Luca’s concerned. We have been getting closer since that day in Brindisi. Little by little, we were overcoming the shitstorm Rob created between us.

  A fresh start.

  God, I miss him so much.

  A single tear falls down my cheek remembering his beautiful face.

  If I ever get out of here, I’ll never let him go again.



  A cold, leather hand wraps around my mouth in the darkness, pulling me from my sleep. I’m unable to scream as I’m lifted off the bed.

  What the hell is going on?

  Whoever has me, I attempt to kick and land a good one on his shin.

  “Stop it,” the man grunts. “I’m trying to fucking save you.” I still at his coarse tone.

  Save me?

  “She’s going to freeze out there,” another male voice speaks.

  I can’t tell how many people are in my room because of how dark it is, but I notice the red light at the tip of their guns.


  “Shit,” the man holding me curses. “Lilly Simpson….” He knows my name. “If I let go of your mouth, do you promise not to scream?” I nod my head. “We’re friends of Luca Fiorenzo.”

  My eyes widen with surprise. Luca. They have been sent by Luca.

  Nodding my head furiously now, the man lets go of me. I hurry over to my bare closet, grabbing my socks and shoes and quickly putting them on. Then I grab a sweater and pop it over my head.


  Luca has come to save me.

  “Come, we have to go, now! We have a window of maybe ten minutes before shit is about to go down.”

  You don’t have to tell me twice. I follow their lead out the front door of my apartment.

  Weird. There is no…

  That’s when I see it, my two guards are laid out on the floor.

  We carefully creep along the corridor, then down the stairs. The front door opens easily, and I see another two guards on the floor.

  “We came through the forest. It’s going to be rough going for a bit, but I promise you, you’re safe.”


  The guys make a couple of hand gestures, and then we’re off through the forest. I can’t see a thing, but I follow eagerly behind the person in front of me. It feels like forever to get to the road where I can see a van waiting for us. The door swings open, and we all jump in.

  “Go, go, go…” one of them screams.

  The van takes off while someone shuts the door mid-escape.

  “You’re safe now, Lilly.” The passenger turns, taking off her ski mask. A beautiful blonde woman smiles warmly at me. “I’m Sophie, and we’re taking you home.”

  A sob falls from my lips as the stress of the past week catches up with me.

  The man dressed in dark military gear beside me places his arm around my shoulders as I break down. I must fall asleep at some point because I wake up at the jolt of the van stopping.

  How long have I been out for?

  The sun is rising as I slowly sit up and look out the tinted windows, and the first thing I see is an airplane.

  “We’re here.” Sophie turns around grins. “You better go because there’s someone very eager to see you.”

  The sliding door of the van opens, the smell of jet fuel fills my nostrils, and then I see him, dressed in dark jeans and a white woolen sweater standing at the top of the stairs of a private plane.

  “Lilly.” Hearing my name on his lips again is too much, and tears begin to fall as he rushes down the stairs toward me.

  I should never have given him up.

  “Lilly.” He pulls me into his arms, and it feels right.

  Why was I so stupid?

  Wrapping his strong arms around me, he holds me tightly, and never
in my life have I ever felt this safe. Luca sucks in a deep breath in my hair. “I never thought I was going to see you again.”

  I must be honest, neither did I.

  Moving my head from his chest, I look up into his tear-soaked chocolate eyes.

  I’m home.

  “Time to roll out, guys.” Sophie makes a hand gesture.

  Luca grabs my hand tightly as if he never wants to let it go again and heads up the stairs, and we step into the plush cabin. He pulls me to the back where there are two oversized seats hidden from the view of the rest of the cabin. He sits and pulls me into his side.

  “I’ve been going crazy.” His entire body is tense. “Fuck, I thought I’d lost you.” Luca looks down at me, tears are flowing freely down his cheeks. “I prayed every night that I’d see you again.”

  This man. Why was I so stupid to push him away?

  His eyes widen then narrow. He reaches out and touches my neck. Oh shit, the bruises. “Did someone do this to you?” That look he’s giving me is pure devastation.

  “I’m okay. No one touched me.”

  “This looks like someone had their hand around your neck.”

  “I’m okay, Luca. Really,” I try to reassure him.

  “I’m sorry, Lilly.”

  “You have nothing to be sorry about.”

  Luca cups my cheek, his thumb moving my tears away. “I do. I pushed you away. My ego got the better of me.”

  “That doesn’t matter anymore. I’m home now, and I am safe,” I reply, reassuring him.

  “I never want to let you go again.”

  “I don’t want you ever to let me go.” Moving in, I snuggle into his side, and it feels so right being back in his arms, feeling his warmth and hard plains against me. He leans over and kisses my forehead.

  This is where I’m supposed to be.

  “I never stopped loving you,” he whispers against my temple.

  “I never stopped loving you, too, Luca.”



  Lilly fell asleep in my arms all the way home to Italy. She didn’t stir even when we landed, or when I picked her up and put her into the car, or when we arrived home, and I laid her in her bed.

  “Where is she?” Lauren rushes through the door of my apartment in a panic.

  “She’s sleeping,” I say in a lowered tone. “I don’t think she was able to sleep much.”

  Lauren nods her head in agreement. “Is she okay?”

  I know exactly what she’s asking. Did they hurt her?

  “Physically, she seems okay. It might be too early to know yet if there are any lasting problems.”

  “Thank you.” Lauren hugs me. “Thank you for bringing my sister back,” she says through her tears.

  “I still love her, Lauren.”

  “I know.” She gives me a watery smile.

  “Should never have let her go. I promise I’m going to make it up to her.”

  “I know she still loves you.”

  “That’s what she said.”

  A large smile falls across her face. “I’m really happy for you. Welcome to the family.” She hugs me tightly again, and it makes me laugh for the first time in ages. I haven’t been able to laugh since Lilly went missing. I feel the muscles in my body beginning to uncurl now she is safe and well in my home.

  “Do you mind if I just go and check on her. I need to see her. Make sure it’s real, and she’s in there.”

  I point Lauren down the hall to my bedroom.

  Moments later, Giorgio and Natalia arrive in my apartment.

  “She’s home?” Natalia rushes into my arms.

  “She is.”

  “Good work.” Giorgio slaps me on the shoulder. “Mamma and Papà send their regards.”

  “Is she okay?” There’s concern in Natalia’s question.

  “On the outside, I think so.”

  “We can send over Dr. Regio if you want?” my brother asks.

  “Maybe later. I don’t want to overwhelm her just yet.”

  “I can’t wait to meet her.” Natalia excitedly claps her hands together, and her smile is so wide her eyes are sparkling with intensity.

  “Maybe another day, Natalia. I think we should leave them to it.” Giorgio wraps his arm around our sister’s shoulders and begins to escort her out. She blows me a couple of kisses as the elevator doors close.

  Walking back toward my bedroom to check in on Lilly, I can hear Lilly crying while her sister tries to soothe her.

  “It was horrible, Lauren. I couldn’t save them. Any of them.”

  “Sweetie, I know. Sometimes the world sucks, and bad people prosper, but what you did for them will make the shitty cards they have been dealt a little better.”

  What did she do?

  “I should’ve been able to do more, Lauren. It’s not fair. Look at this room, it’s so opulent.” My stomach sinks upon hearing her words. “I can’t live here like this when they have nothing.”

  “Just because you have nice things doesn’t mean you don’t care,” Lauren tries to soothe my girl.

  “You don’t get it.” Lilly’s starting to sound angry at her sister. “No one will get it because they didn’t have to live through it.”

  Maybe I should give Dr. Regio a call?

  “I’m tired, I think I might go back to sleep.”

  Silence fills the room, and I watch as a broken-hearted Lauren steps out, shutting the door behind her. She looks up at me and breaks down. Rushing to her, she cries into my shoulder.

  “I’m going to get her help. I think she’s more traumatized by this than we expected. Give her time.”

  Lauren nods, then heads on out of the apartment.

  I must have fallen asleep on the sofa because I’m woken up by terrified screaming. Rushing toward my bedroom, I almost rip the door off its hinges to get in there where I find Lilly is thrashing around the bed.

  “Lilly. Lilly, it’s me… Luca. You’re safe.” She lashes out and scratches me across the face.

  Jumping back, I stand there making sure she is all right.

  She sits up in bed and takes a couple of moments to realize where she is and what just happened. “Luca?”

  “I’m here.” Stepping forward, I sit on the edge of the bed.

  “Oh no, your face.”

  Shaking my head, I reply, “It’s nothing.”

  “I hurt you.” Her face falls as she takes in the mark across my cheek.

  “You were having a nightmare.”

  “I’m sorry.” She begins to cry. “I am so sorry, Luca.”

  “Shhh…” Pulling her to me, I say, “You don’t have to apologize. You’ve been through a traumatic experience, baby.”

  “He was trying to sell me.” She looks distraught while shaking her head from side to side. “He threatened me often that there was a bed waiting for me.”

  Whoever this fucker is, I’m going to make him pay for threatening her.

  “He …” She looks away.

  “He what?” Her face pales, as her bottom lip quivers.

  “Just before I left, he told me he wasn’t ready to let me go. I knew that meant he wasn’t going to let me go. He also said that I intrigued him too much. That…” she bites her bottom lip, “… that he’d be patient and wait till I gave him permission.”

  Every damn muscle in my body tenses ae he.

  “I didn’t want him, I promise, Luca.” She shakes her head.

  “Shhh,” I try to settle her down. “You’re safe now.” Holding her in my arms, I rock her back to sleep.

  “Will you still love me if I’m broken?” her question is a whisper I almost don’t hear.

  Looking down into her bright blue eyes. “I love every bit of you, Lilly. If that means I have to slowly put you back together again, I will. Even if it takes forever.”

  She snuggles into me, slowly falling asleep.



  Mentally, it’s been a lot harder than I thought it would be. I thought
I was strong, but my session with Dr. Regio has helped with the post-traumatic stress syndrome I’ve been suffering, especially at night. Luca has been amazing, helping me struggle through it all. He has caught the brunt of some of my nightmares. Each time I wake up and see the bruises on him, it breaks my heart. He tells me not to worry, that he’ll be with me as long as I need him to be and as long as I feel safe.

  He’s a good man.

  I love him so much.

  He’s asked me to stay with him in Italy until I feel better. It’s been a month since my return, and with the intense therapy sessions, each day is getting better.

  After I got back, I asked Luca to find the warehouses and save the girls. I mean he’s a prince, he semi-owns a country, he should be able to go in and get them. He advised me it wasn’t quite that easy and that it might start a war. I get it. But he did tell me that the people who saved me own a company that does this full-time, and they were onto it.

  They needed to wait a couple of weeks after rescuing me to go back in and liberate the girls. They had to make sure the way they went about it that there were minimal casualties.

  Sophie has been in constant contact since my rescue filling me in on what’s been happening. They were able to rescue the majority of the girls and get them home safely, where Sophie and her team will monitor them, acclimatizing them back into the real world. When they were finally able to go back to the site, unfortunately, they were not able to rescue all the girls who were there when I was. The main group had already been moved by the time they were able to get in.

  Ilona was in that group.

  That devastated me hearing the news. However, Sophie reassured me that she’d find Ilona for me, and I knew if anyone could do that, she would. I asked Luca if they are able to find Ilona if she could come to Italy. I explained to him how she helped me by interpreting for me, and that she had dreams of becoming a doctor before her brother got her in the mess she had to clean up with the Bratva. Luca has reassured me he’ll do everything in his power to have Ilona and her family move to Italy, and for her to begin her study again. I don’t think I could love this man any more than I do right now.


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