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Page 11

by A L Carter

  "Are you sure you know where you're going?" she asked.

  "Errr yeah... Of course, I do, just getting my bearings," he stammered.

  She smiled to herself; Max was never good at lying. Even his mum had said, she always knew. The eyes gave it away. His eyes were deep blue and would change with his mood. Now they showed worry with a hint of humour. Comically he seemed to assert himself leading the way down the track. Eventually, after about a mile, they came to a small farm, there was a long gate barring the entrance.

  He turned to her and announced that this was the place, cheesy grin fixed in place. Appearing casual, he opened the gate let them both it shutting the gate behind them. Then quickly getting in front of them eyes everywhere like he was on guard.

  "Excuse me a moment," he requested and rushed off into the outhouses, one by one.

  On the third building, she heard a thud followed by a familiar wet crunching noise. He came out causal like a sheepish grin in place.

  "Won't be a sec," he entered the farmhouse.

  Marie quickly checked the last building and as suspected, a zombie lay flat out with its head caved in. Then her and Dinah followed him in, unwilling to wait. Once in she went on the defensive mode drawing the knife in a ready position. Then made her way carefully through the house. Upstairs was a crunch then a thud. She quickly made it upstairs finding him in a bedroom trying to hide the corpse of a newly killed zombie. With that, same cheesy grin on his face. But then his face suddenly changed all of the humour gone. His hand moved quickly, her instinct was to duck but she was to slow. She saw something leave his hand, a knife? So this was it he had brought her here to kill her? Dinah barked, the blade whizzed by her cheek. Then a sound like wet meat. Then the heavy thud. Turning she then realized what had happened. On the floor was another zombie, it could have bitten her easily. How could she be so careless? Normally she never let her guard down. Dinah seemed to agree with her, now sitting at the door on guard.

  "I thought that you were going to kill me," she sighed.

  "No... I could never do that... I love you," he replied sincerely.

  With that she was overwhelmed with realization, the room swam then faded to black...

  He caught her before she fell, feeling very clichéd. However, carried her gently to the double bed and laid her down. He quickly he left the room finished checking the house and then locked the downstairs doors. This at least offered some security for now. Returning upstairs Dinah was still on guard and looking proud. He fussed her to show his gratefulness to the chief guard and sniffer. On the bed, Marie was beginning to rouse. She sat seemingly beginning to recollect what had just happened.

  "I'm thirsty," she announced, sitting up.

  "Hold on let me get you something," he replied, reaching for his pack which was on a small table in the room.

  He handed her a can of chocolate protein shake opening it for her.

  She took a good drink, "Mmm nice, thanks, are these how you so fit and strong?"

  He laughed, "Maybe, but you look like you look like you could do with the nutrition."

  "What I really need after this is a good cuppa, and then to find out what happened to you," she expressed.

  "Sorry but I didn't bring my camping stove, and the electricity is down," he explained.

  "The gas should be still on, well it has been until recently anyway," She informed.

  "Oh right, I didn't know there wasn't gas in the warehouse," he said.

  With that, she jumped out of bed, "Then I best try and make that cuppa and you can tell me all about it,"

  Then she was heading downstairs, Dinah followed changing guard position.

  Several brews later while they sat at a solid oak table, he had finished his unbelievable story. She had remained quiet the whole time just offering words of encouragement.

  "I know it’s unbelievable but it’s the truth, I only wish I remembered what happened before and how I got there before is just blank," he explained.

  "You said you got bit?" she said.

  He rolled his sleeve up for her as if to prove he wasn't lying.

  She looked at it then felt compelled to touch it, "No no it's not that I didn't believe you I just wanted to see that's all, I believe everything you say, you should be a zombie but your still... you but changed," she said trying to understand.

  "The way I understand it I heal much faster a bit like Wolverine in the x men but not as dramatic, not just wounds but if I do anything physical then I recover really quick, this means I can workout several times a day and not get sore," trying to explain.

  "Seems to make sense but you're taller and your hairs grown back," she puzzled.

  "Yeah but it's more than that I have heightened senses, sight, hearing, smell and even a sense of danger?" he informed. "It improves what I've got or... sets things back how they supposed to be?" not sure how he came to that conclusion.

  "Fucking hell I could do with some of them improvements, it might stop me from being zombie bait," she announced. "But you really are immune; do you think you could be the cure or antidote?"

  "I'm not sure, maybe, but these things are not always as simple as injecting my blood into someone and hoping for the best," he explained.

  "With all these improvements or as you say setting things to how they should be..." she started.

  "Go on,” he encouraged.

  "You've always been brainy," she stated.

  "Have I?" He laughed. "If I'd have been that smart we'd have been rich and have a big house and land".

  "No not in that way, you have always worked but never had a mind for making money," she said. "I mean you’re a geek a nerd, you know stuff, technology, science, building, fixing things amongst other things,"

  He could see where she was heading with this, "Your right but to be honest I've not really tested myself in that way."

  "Then that needs to be on a list of things to do," she noted. "But for now I'm starving."

  "Remember what you used to say in all those conversations about survival," he picked up the bow as if to give her a clue.

  "You hunt I cook," She replied smoothly.

  While Marie prepared and cooked the two large rabbits which he had brought back from his hunting trip, Dinah supervised ready to offer assistance if needed. Max was outside, he had already carried off the corpses a distance away and checked the perimeter for zombies. He was now concentrating on reinforcements by using exterior ply to board all the downstairs windows, also nailing all the doors shut. Then he nailed planks over the already solid doors, making sure not to cover the large pet flaps in both which were ideal for Dinah. They would go up the pole ladder to an upstairs window and pull it in after us. At the back, he had anchored an auxiliary escape rope much the same as Marie had done at our old house. How things had moved on since this morning when he knew nothing, to this evening when he found the woman he loved. Then not forgetting Dinah of course, who was in charge of sniffing, guarding and most importantly eating. These were his family. He finished off for now adding braces behind each door, nailing straight into the solid oak floor. Earlier he had found another crowbar which he gave this to Marie. She took the weapon gratefully. He also found a shotgun upstairs with a box of shells; there was eight in the box. This also was a gift for Marie.

  "You'd think it was my birthday," she beamed.

  "Glad you're happy," he laughed.

  Cooking smells wafted from the oven, it smelt ready. Dinah seemed to agree with nose up in the air sniffing, licking her chops and drooling. Marie served up a wonderful roast rabbit supper, she had found some tinned veggies to go with it and made some gravy using the meat juices. Marie and Max sat at the table, Dinah had hers on the floor including veggies, which most displeased her. Thus she decided to pick around this 'health' food, but devoured the rest and then sat there watching the two remaining diner's as if it was a spectator sport. When everyone had finished Dinah ended up having seconds, but no more veg. They knew she would not eat it, but it was good fun to
tease and the dog knew it. Now stuffed they all relaxed into the sofas, Dinah snoozed and farted no doubt content.

  They felt slightly awkward around each other, more so than when the dog was awake as she divided their attention. They had been apart a long time, which seemed even longer in times like these. A lot had happened to them both, two differing survival stories.

  "I'm sorry I left you like that but ii have no memory of it," he expressed genuinely. "I can only think that it was to do with the bite and I wanted to protect you from me,"

  She was quiet for a while letting her thought process, "Yes I guess that's it, I'd have probably done the same thing, but it hurt, I didn't know what to think?"

  "I didn't mean to hurt you, but I guess we have Dinah to thank for bringing us back together," he acknowledged. "What happened to you after I left up until the house got overrun, it looked like you were doing pretty well?"

  "It didn't feel like it went well it felt like a fucking nightmare," she began....

  Chapter 14

  Marie's story

  When you left like that without saying a word, I did not know what to think. One minute we were organized and had a plan the next you were gone taking the van with you. Seeing it on the news but it did not feel real. But I never believed that you wouldn't come back. For days, I thought you would be back at any minute, days turned into weeks. I had not left the house since you had gone but supplies were running low. But looking outside the zombies had increased their number dramatically. Even so, I had to forage food for Dinah and me. I put on a backpack to carry what I found. In addition, head off out the front with Dinah at my side. Well, I had only made to the end of the garden when I heard that distinctive moaning noise and zombie lurched at me for the side. I turned swung straight for its head, it went down but it was not dead yet. Then I heard the shouting. Who would be shouting at a time like this, the noise would bring more? There it was again she recognized the voice this time it was the mad bitch who lived on the street.

  She suddenly appeared in her face sucking on a fag as usual, "You hit my husband I'll get the police on you."

  At that, the zombie husband tried to get up again, but a swift kick sent him back down.

  "He's not human anymore and there are no police," Marie explained.

  "YOU RETARDED BITCH, I've always hated you, your scum," she said with venom, spittle coming out of her mouth along with her fag.

  She watched the fag falling to the ground seems to intensify her rage. While gobs of spit suddenly landed in Marie's face igniting her own.

  Mad bitch suddenly realized how out of her depth she was, "Oh no, please!"

  "You've had this coming for years," Marie informed.

  The bat swung hard hitting the woman in the temple, she landed on her back. Then her husband crawled to meet her, lying on top of her in a sick embrace as he started to eat her face. She let out a high-pitched scream of agony. As much as Marie would have liked to leave them to it she was making too much noise and she didn't want either one of them having the satisfaction of getting to bite her so she proceeded to bash both of their annoying brains out. The noise was bringing more zombies this way so she moved fast side skirting any coming towards her, then as soon as she found a gap in the farmer's hedge opposite the row of houses she dived through it and ran along it. This way she hoped to lose their attention and come back out in a different place when things had calmed down. This is what she did aiming to keep a low profile. Starting at the top off the street where the bridleway was, the same bridleway that Dinah was to lead Max over a month later. She would look for signs of survivors or zombies in the houses with Dinah sniffing and on the lookout. The first house was open around the back, door ajar, maybe they had left in a hurry or its previous owners had wandered out as zombies. Anyway, she cautiously entered the house, closing the door behind her. She did not lock it so she could get out quickly if necessary; the zombies were not exactly intelligent and probably unable to turn a door handle so it at least would delay them from following her in. Checking every room was safe before she would move to the next. Then only when she deemed the house as safe would she start to loot taking only useful items like food, weapons or tools. Non-perishable food items were the best like tins, packets and dried food. This first house yielded two tins of stewing steak, one tin of tuna, porridge oats and pasta. She moved on from house to house like this steadily increasing her loot. The fourth had some locked in zombies unable to figure out how to turn the key. She could see them at the window looking bewildered and left out. After some thought she would leave these for now, deciding that, the reward didn't really deserve the risk. Breaking in created noise and therefore more attention and she would have to kill its inhabitants. This went on like this for several more houses. One such house had survivors in it, or at least one as a weary voice threatened to kill me if I attempted to get in. They did not seem strong enough but she wouldn't take from people just trying to survive like her. Her large pack was nearly full anyway it would do, for now, so she returned home. This time she used the fields at the back of the houses, which was a lot more zombie-free. She saw some milling around in the gardens but were doing no harm at present. Making it home safely with enough food to last her and Dinah maybe a week, but the empty house felt as empty as the reward. She slumped down on the sofa feeling more alone than ever, even Dinah tried to give her comfort. Eventually falling into a restless sleep...

  On waking, it was dark, little light would come through the boarded up windows anyway. She found her torch then lit some candles in the front room. Dinah wagged her tail expectantly.

  "Sorry Dinah I bet you starving," she said quietly.

  She fixed her a whole tin of dog food and put it down for her. The dog looked up at her questioningly this wasn't her usual fair, often indulging in whatever they were having.

  “you’d have me eat that and you have stewing steak wouldn't you," she pointed out.

  The dog looked up grinning seeming to agree with this idea.

  "Well you'll have to make do, for now, there's nothing else coming," she warned.

  The dog started to eat while Marie made some hot chocolate she had found today, but passed on the food, as she didn't feel hungry. She returned to the sofa and pulled a blanket over her and sipped at the hot chocolate. Dinah soon joined her stealing some blanket for herself. They had sat here many a night together watching things like the walking dead and films like I am legend, pondering what they would do in the apocalypse. Max's theory was that a zombie apocalypse was one of the most likely of disaster scenarios where most of the population would be wiped out or infected. He had read an article were scientists proposed that a zombie-like pandemic was possible, even likely to happen. Its origin being a pathogen, flu-like virus, bacteria from a meteorite or biological warfare. She and Max were possibly the only survivors left, with Mother Nature and the animals taking back the planet. Therefore, they would co-exist with the animals taking only what they needed to live comfortably. A world without greed, nobody was more important than anyone else, no politicians telling us how to live our lives while they lived the high life. Max always wanted to build his cabin in the middle of the woods, in the middle of nowhere, where nobody would bother them. Now she sat there in the middle of the apocalypse on her own none of those dreams seeming possible any more. What was the point it did not seem enjoyable anymore? Then she drifted back into sleep, something she would do a lot of over the coming weeks. She ate poorly having little appetite Dinah ate well. Every day she forced herself up early taking the pack a knife and of course her faithful bat. She had fixed both doors shut and braced them on inside to keep out unwanted zombies. Dinah could go in and out, as she pleased through her dog flap. Marie had fixed herself a rope through the upstairs back window, which was now her only way in or out. It took some getting used to and she fell down the first time luckily not hurting herself seriously and struggled in the first several days climbing up. She would barely make it landing in an exhausted heap in the bedro
om, but eventually, she got stronger and fitter. She and Dinah would walk at the back of the houses in the fields on scrounging missions, doing this daily there was less pressure to have results because supplies back home were okay. Nevertheless, it gave her purpose and exercise for them both.

  He watched her from the window peeking through the gap in the curtains, watching her on several occasions, out stealing most likely and that dirty mutt at her side. She tried his door on occasion, but it had been locked. He decided that it would be open next time. The man was sweating, but it was not that hot. Maybe it was the fact that he was playing with himself. Ideally, she was too old for his tastes, but she would have to do. When he worked at the school as a religious education teacher, he had his pick, especially in the old days when nobody listened to complaints of 'Mr Johnson touched me'. They would be told not to lie and he is such a nice man, religious as well. However, times changed and you could not get away with so much as a crafty feel up without being called a paedophile. That was when the headmaster asked him to resign or things would go further, which would be a scandal for the school. So that was it and he was forced to resign. He was bitter about that, at fifty-seven fit and healthy he didn't feel ready for early retirement. But being single all his life and never one for squandering money meant that he was a wealthy man, this consequently meant he's always kept well-stocked cupboards and pantry full of food. So he didn't go around stealing food like that naughty little bitch. Well, he thought as he pleasured himself, I will teach you...

  Marie returned home and climbed up the rope without much difficulty, arriving downstairs were Dinah was waiting. Marie emptied the contents of the backpack onto the table and inspects their modest haul. Not bad two tins of beans, corned beef, spam, tinned hotdogs, crackers, an unopened tube of cream cheese, candles and matches. She opened the tin of hotdogs and gave Dinah one as a reward, it disappeared as if she had inhaled it and she looked up at her in anticipation.


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