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Page 19

by A L Carter

  Max felt guilty but there was no other way. He doubted the boy could be reasoned with not without him taking shots at him and Marie. There was an argument that they could have just left him alone, but thought to give up so easily now could eventually mean their downfall. You had to be hard in this new world. The boy turned and bolted over to a hatchway dropping out of sight. He shouldn't be able to use a bow now but that didn't rule out others in the store. Needing to be quick now and push the advantage, the boy was in pain a probably shiting himself right now.

  Marie waited anxiously until Max suddenly reappeared waving to signal everything was okay.

  "Drive back around I'll meet you there, sorry no time to explain," he said when he reached her open window.

  Then he was gone sprinting off up the road. Taking a few moments to spin the car around she gave chase quickly arriving at the store where he waited.

  "Pull the car up I need to get on the roof," he asked.

  She did as asked, parking the car side on and close to the wall. He ran up the bonnet and onto its roof bouncing the car around, but defenders were tough vehicles. She was out fast shotgun ready, but he had already made it onto the roof.

  "Bloody action man," she said in frustration.

  He ran across the roof towards the hatch, looking straight down he couldn't see a lot, just the ladder and the tiled floor. This was where he was at the greatest risk. Choosing to ignore the ladder he just dropped to the floor and immediately rolled and trying to look for cover at the same time which wasn't easy under the circumstances. He rolled into an aisle which gave him some cover, then ran in a crouch along it to the end. Now he had one side to the wall aisles to his other side, moving fast he scanned each aisle on the way. No contact yet and he had done a complete circuit. Hold on he thought looking and using his enhanced senses to bring this to an end, his eyes focused on a toilet sign. He could smell blood and something else he thought.

  "Shit," he said to himself.

  He was soon over there and he carefully opened the gent's toilet door ready for anything. Moving in he checked every corner, just the cubicles then. There was only two and one was empty. To easy, a trap maybe? Somehow he knew he had nothing to fear but kept on guard anyway. These new instincts were untried after all and he didn't want to die needlessly.

  "STAND BACK!" his voice boomed out like a drill sergeant, shocking even himself.

  A well-placed kick opened the cubicle door to a pitiful sight, but not before the stench. The boy sat there on the toilet blubbering like a baby and shitting for all he was worth. His hands were held up in a submissive posture, arrow still in place and dripping blood.

  Marie had waited long enough and was about to climb up on the roof when she heard a familiar sound. The sound of a generator? Then shortly afterwards the shutters began to rise. which soon revealed a very skinny and spotty youth with an arrow sticking out of his right hand and a pale looking Max. Then the unmistakable waft of shit.

  They left the shutters open for a good ten minutes to clear the air. While they waited the managed drive the car into the store as they didn't want there precious asset nicked while inside. When secure Dinah had a wanderer around the store doing her own investigation. The boy sat against the wall knees up to his chest rocking himself. Max had used the time to explain all recent events to her. She felt that she should feel sorry for the boy something didn't feel right to her.

  "We need to secure him while we do another sweep of the building, I didn't have time to do a proper one," Max informed grabbing some large cable ties from the car.

  "Please don't hurt me," the boy whined.

  Max continued anyway ignoring him. Then they went around the store together checking everywhere, finding an office and a storeroom. The office was as expected with the addition of an airbed and sleeping bag. Marie entered the storeroom first and wished she hadn't, she cried out in shock. A woman lay spread-eagled on a blanket, clothes torn and her breasts hanging out. Her skirt was pulled up exposing a bloody genital area. Almost mercifully the woman was dead, most likely to do with the piercing wound on her inner thigh, and a dried pool of blood on the blanket underneath. Semen stains covered the woman's body and face. Her body was also covered in shallow cuts as if this woman hadn't suffered enough. Max was at her side but remained quiet, but had managed to find a blanket to cover the poor woman. At that, they both left the room and returned to the boy.

  "It hurts, he shot me," he pointed at Max accusingly.

  She ignored this and demanded, "Did you do that to that woman?"

  "Nnnoo... it wasn't me it was Brian, that's why I killed him you see," he explained while blubbering.

  Her eyes burned into him as she considered this.

  "He's lying," Max stated with ultimate conviction.

  "No! I'm innocent I tell you!" he said desperately.

  She turned to Max, "Are you absolutely sure?"

  "Don't ask me how but yes, I am absolutely sure," he replied.

  The boy held his injured hand out to her, "You're a nice lady you can help me."

  She went over to him and gently took his hand in hers, pausing for a moment.

  Max saw the look in her eyes cold a distant like an executioner. But it was too late his fate was sealed. In one swift movement, she pulled out the arrow and cut his throat severing the carotid artery. His hand came up in an attempt to stem the flow as he watched his life essence drain away.

  Chapter 24

  Trolley dash

  The morning had come and they all had a simple breakfast of oat bars and coffee, well those that could stomach it anyway. They split into two groups, Sid had Dick with him and Reg had Derwyn and Nick. But it was agreed that they would meet back up after their first run. Sid was going for the off license first and Reg was going for the garage. With that everyone headed off pushing a trolley like a macabre version of supermarket sweep, you could almost hear tills ringing.

  Sid and Dick headed across the street where they had killed the infected yesterday where strangely there seemed even less infected than before. After a short uneventful time, they came to the back of Sam’s store. The door was locked which hopefully was a sign that it hadn't been looted yet. A few kicks from Sid's heavy boots put paid to the door forcing it inwards and allowing them access. They both listened before entering the shop and movement could be heard, so they headed in cautiously, trolleys parked outside and weapons ready. Sid led the way heading directly towards the noise in the front of the store. Which was full of infected and they were now turning in his direction. Sid's first thoughts were to turn back, but then he saw the rows of fags stacked on the shelf behind the counter. He was doing this, Dick pulled on his sleeve and gestured that they get out of here.

  "Fuck that," Sid said defiantly and ploughed in.

  Reg led the way merrily like this was a Sunday outing to the park, Derwyn and Nick followed less enthusiastically behind looking in all directions for infected. But this route ran behind a high wooden fence so no infected could be seen, even though they certainly could be heard. It gave the lads the creeps but Reg seemed unaffected. Eventually, they came to the area behind the station where the MOT garage was and they stopped.

  "Nick could you look over the fence to check the lay of the land," Reg asked politely.

  Nick nodded and hoisted himself over the fence so he could see, gently lowering himself back down he turned to face the others and gave the thumbs up. Nick was first over, followed by Reg who accepted a boost from Derwyn but showed surprising agility climbing the fence. Last was Derwyn who had served two years in the Jamaican army made light work of it. On the other side, they were just out of sight of the moaning horde. The rear entrance to the station shop was visible and the workshop door stood ajar ominously. Reg gestured to Derwyn that he should check it out. He checked behind himself hoping he meant someone else but alas he was the only one there. So he headed into the workshop with only a meagre rolling pin as a weapon. He disappeared inside and several tense moments passed until
he emerged with a long pry bar held triumphantly in place of the flimsy rolling pin. The others followed suit to swap they're less than adequate weapons with something more substantial. Fully tooled up Derwyn was first to try the shop door which was unlocked and opened inwards.

  Sid went hard-hitting skull after skull, Dick was trapped behind him and at moment there was no space to get by him to offer assistance. But Sid was on the rampage and cleared an area fast, making it easier for himself and allowing Dick to offer assistance. Dick himself handled himself well and quickly brought down several of his own. Sid managed to get to front door pushing it to and bolting it stopping more coming in. Then he turned back into the fray as one was almost on him, pushing it to the floor and stomping its head into a pulp.

  Derwyn was in the main shop area first and faced with a drooling staff member with a name tag that told him that her name was Linda. Her breasts jiggled at him as she approached almost distracting him but he focused and then drove the bar straight through her face and out the back of her head. She fell back and off the bar conveniently freeing his weapon. Nick was onto the next, a male staff member, splattering brains over the counter using a heavy wrench. The last of the infected was dispatched by Reg, who grinned as he brought his huge spanner down on its head which exploded on contact.

  "Well it looks like the store is ours now lad's," Reg announced.

  Sid and Dick stood in a shop full of dead bodies, they had also checked the other rooms and upstairs which were clear of infected. Soon they were filling the trolleys with boxes of booze and most importantly fags. Soon the two trolleys were full so they headed back to the hedge to fetch more trolleys.

  Nick found a useful cart which they could fill with supplies then push it to the fence, where Derwyn was waiting on the other side ready take them from him and fill up their trolleys. Nick came out with the last laden cart followed by Reg following like a workplace supervisor. Derwyn on the other side had just finished taking the stuff of Nick, who dropped out of sight. The trolleys were all full, they had done well and he was beginning to feel good about this. Then he heard a heavy thud and Nick squealing, followed by Reg’s anguished face appearing over the fence. He helped him down but was confused.

  "They snuck up on us, there was nothing I could do they had already got him," he gasped motioning that they should go now.

  Reluctantly leaving Nick behind Derwyn pushed two trolleys awkwardly. He had spent quite a lot of time in Nicks company since the outbreak and he felt a great loss. Soon though they made it back to the hedges where two trolleys stood heavily laden with booze and fags.

  "Looks like Sid's done well also," Reg concluded.

  Derwyn thought it strange how Reg already seemed to have moved on from Nick, while he felt a great loss.

  Sid pushed his trolley towards the hedge with Dick following behind pushing his trolley. He saw Reg and Derwyn but there was no sign of Nick, Reg had obviously been busy.

  "Nick?" Sid enquired looking concerned.

  "Sorry Sid we got overrun with them and they got him," Reg explained grimly.

  "It's a shame that he was a good lad," Sid said holding his head low as if in prayer.

  They all stood in silence for several minutes as if remembering their fallen friend.

  "Well I think we should do one more short run mainly to try and get that generator that Dick was talking about, and maybe Reg you might be able to find something useful in some of these houses," Sid suggested grabbing an empty trolley and following behind Dick.

  Reg turned to Derwyn smiling, "If you grab a trolley we'll try a few of these houses eh."

  Derwyn followed reluctantly, not sure where this was leading.

  Sid followed behind Dick until he found the house he was looking for, going around the back and opening the gate. They found two infected wandering around the garden. Strangely one looked like Dick and he did a double take.

  "It's my brother Frank and his wife Mary," Dick revealed sadly.

  "Sorry mate, hard luck," Sid consoled.

  "It's okay it's what I expected but I wanted to be sure," Dick replied tearily eyed.

  Sid watched quietly as Dick brought them both peace, and let him have some time to grieve his brother. But he noticed he spent more time standing over Mary.

  "I loved her you know... but I knew I could never have her, that's why I used to drink so much but now I'm free," Dick confessed.

  "Sorry about this mate," Sid said regrettably.

  "It's okay I feel better now," Dick smiled.

  "No this," Sid then put old faithful to work splitting his skull.

  They were on their third house now almost filling the trolley with booze, a PlayStation 4 with games and loads of DVDs. He had almost forgotten his earlier concerns and carried on searching, maybe he would find some weed. He even carelessly left his weapon stood against the wall without fully checking the room first, missing the infected in the corner. Also unaware that Reg had picked up the heavy bar. But suddenly instinct kicked in and he turned just in time to see Reg swing the bar and managing to hunker down enough to take most of the blow on the shoulder. Unfortunately, this was still enough of an impact knock him out, as everything went black.

  Reg stood over his prey considering whether to hit him again, but shuffling and moaning from behind him made him change his mind. Let the infected finish him off and he left the room locking the door behind him.

  Sid arrived back at the hedge his trolley containing a decent diesel generator and a full Jerry can of fuel. He also found some tools that would make useful weapon's. Reg hadn't returned yet so he sparked up a fag while he was waiting. But it wasn't long before he came into view, a trolley full but alone as he reached the hedge.

  "Did all go well Reg," he enquired.

  "Yes, all's well Sid and what a nice haul we have," Reg congratulated.

  He heard and the footsteps approach along with the sickening moaning. It took him several dizzy seconds to realise where he was, and what was happening. Then he knew where he was. In the shit. The infected dropped down on all fours intending to take a bite out of him, but he rolled away from it. His head spun but he didn't have time for that, rising to his feet unsteadily. He focused then kicked it hard in the spine, which gave out a loud crack severing the vertebrae. The thing was now unable to get to its feet and it appeared to be paralysed apart from its head, which was biting thin air. His head swam so he afforded himself a rest in a chair as the infected was now no immediate threat, but then everything went dark for the second time.

  Sid banged on the fire exit door four times and Mandy's voice came.

  "Who's there," she enquired.

  "It's Sid," he answered.

  The door opened outwards, seeing that there was only two of them Dawn and Mandy helped with the trolleys. When all the trolleys were in Mandy turned on them.

  "Where the fuck are they?" she demanded.

  "It's all my fault... we were almost clear at the station and I went over the fence first and they passed everything over to me, but then I heard their screams the infected had surrounded them," Reg explained sobbing into his hands.

  Dawn went over and put her arms around him protectively.

  Mandy turned to look at Sid, "What happened to Dick?"

  Sid was quiet for a moment, "He said it was the reason he drank so much to blot out the pain."

  "What do you mean," she asked.

  "He led me to the house where he knew that there was a generator and in the garden we found two infected, one was his brother, even looked just like him. The other was the brother's wife, he told me to back off and that he'd kill them so I gave him some distance. He killed his brother first then told me about the reason he drank so much, was that he loved his brother's wife... I should have seen it coming and been faster but I was too late, he put his arms around her and she bit his fucking throat out," Sid said convincingly, tears rolling down his cheeks.

  Trisha and Lucy both went to him taking it in turns to hold him. Mandy then backe
d down these men had been through enough already and needed their support.

  The infected eventually managed to regain control of its arms and managed to drag its body along the floor towards its prey. It took a long time to get there but it's desire and will was great enough. Derwyn began to regain consciousness, he could feel hands caressing his thighs and working their way up. One of the women had finally given in to temptation and come to him. Was it Trisha, Lucy or maybe even Mandy, he opened his eyes dreamily and looked down. A decayed face looked back at him with grey eyes and its lips were shrunk back showing yellow teeth. He let out a high pitched squeal and jumped out of the chair, quickly distancing himself away from it. He needed a weapon fast. One of the first things he saw was a table which he upended and broke off a leg. Then he began to take out all his frustration on the thing and smashed it's head to a bloody pulp. Now he wanted out of the room as soon as possible, he needed to get further away because Sid and Reg might come back to check that he was dead. For the moment he needed to think for the moment and getting a safe distance away seemed the wisest choice. The doors opened inwards which made it harder to break through, but like most residential interior doors it wasn't that strong so after several hard kicks he managed to open a hole up in its centre. He was quickly through, after a quick look around he was grateful that no ambush was waiting. Be it infected, or worse still psycho Sid or Reg waiting and grinning maniacally. He did, however, find his pry bar, which he considered a mistake by Reg as he was now armed. A shame though that it wasn't a trusty M16 or Glock like from his military days, but then he must be grateful that he had got this far as by rights he should be dead. Jamaicans had a saying if your lucks going well get back in bed the same way that you got out. He didn't bother checking the house for anything useful so he was straight out the back door and over the garden fence. Then began fence hopping along the back of the street's houses, only encountering a few infected but he just gave them a wide berth. Quickly out of the way before they had time to react. There seemed like no reason to engage them unless really necessary and it might attract unwanted attention anyway. It wasn't long before he was at the end of the street and now facing the back gardens of another street. It was the main Melbourne road, this time he didn't have to jump from garden to garden, but was able to run along the walkway behind the houses and made better time. Eventually, he believed that he was far enough away and vaulted off a fence and into its garden. The garden was clear which was merciful as he was out of breath. He sat down on a convenient wooden bench, feeling disgusted with himself, he really was out of shape. Eventually though his breathing calmed, and he realised that it was actually getting dark meaning that he must have been unconscious for some time. Getting up he approached the back door and tried to handle which was locked. Gently he forced the pry bar in above the lock and gritted his teeth against the noise he knew would come. But thankfully it was not too great, however, he froze nonetheless listening for the slightest noise. Eventually, it came but from within the house, the telltale moaning meaning that it held infected. But he decided to himself that he needed a safe house for the night and this was going to be it so in he went. In the kitchen, an infected eyed him hungrily sending a shiver down his spine. He had to admit they still gave him the creeps, this one was a skeletal thin old man. No real threat if he kept himself under control and went straight in with a front kick and it crumpled to the floor broken and stunned. Then quickly finished it with a blow to the head giving a sick crunching noise revealing brain and blood splatter. But it was dead an easy kill. In the living room, he found another, this one younger and more solid looking probably the old man's son. As it came at him he had plenty of time move around it and hit its head from behind destroying the skull. It went down dead, again surprised at how easy it was. Especially one at a time and with plenty of room. Just control the fear and move faster than them. But he understood how most people would be overwhelmed with fear, thus slowing their reactions. He was sure groups would be more formidable so that was best avoided, at least until he had some better weapons and maybe some form of armour. After he had checked each room in the house and finding them clear, he checked the garden again. It appeared that he hadn't attracted any unwanted attention. From the front room window he could see the daunting sight of many infected grouped on the road in front of the house but thankfully they didn't seem to have noticed him and he aimed to keep it that way. The window had net curtains but he pulled across the curtains anyway. Then he checked the front door, pulling both bolts across for extra security. Going back to the kitchen he thought about the bodies and thought of the store, how the infected seemed to avoid the dead bodies. He supposed that it kind of made sense the preferred living flesh and seemed to avoid infected flesh. So he dragged the bodies outside glad to be rid of them. The lock on the kitchen door was ruined but it still had bolts so he pushed it to and double bolted it. There he felt somewhat better now that he had some security. He then realised how thirsty he was and turned on the cold tap which ran. So he filled up a pan of water and put it on top of the gas stove, which lit when he pressed the igniter. Yes, he really did get out of the right side of the bed this morning.


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