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Page 27

by A L Carter

  Jenkins was the first to break the silence, "Well I for one think your gifts are the way forward, we need every trick in the book to survive in this world and think you have a good heart so I for one trust you," being a natural leader of men these words carried weight with everyone.

  "I, of course, agree from the moment we met I trusted you, so I'm with you lad," Jones offered his conclusion straight and to the point.

  "I can't explain it but I feel that same trust and I've only just met you," Jim admitted. "Also your apparent immunity could be passed onto others somehow."

  They all agreed at this and this could be key to the continuation of the human face.

  "But we have to be careful of who we trust as I've seen for myself too many times already of how the apocalypse affects the minds of people," Marie warned.

  Everybody agreed with this having also experiencing man depravity and pure selfishness for themselves. While the discussion continued cooking smells wafted from the oven making their mouths water in anticipation.

  Dinah had travelled far and the master’s scent was stronger than ever, in front of her, the outline of a door appeared glowing warm light. Her heart leapt, she knew the master was on the other side. Then her nose picked up something else, and she began to drool. With that, she ran through the door. The dog’s heart and respiration rate increased, returning to normal and adrenaline flooded its system. This caused the dog to wake up, however, the room seemed dark. Then she realised that her head was covered in a blanket. She shook this off and sat up to study her surroundings. However, she was surprised how vivid everything looked enhanced way above her normal vision. She jumped off the sofa, landing easily. Then she was aware of how her body felt, it felt new in fact better than new. She felt the ripple of how hard and powerful her muscles felt, bunched and coiled like springs, feeling like she could run forever and jump higher than ever before. She wanted to put her new body to the test as soon as possible. But then remembered the master, her family and of course the food cooking in the kitchen.

  Max was the first to notice the familiar tippy tap footsteps coming into the kitchen but remained quiet to keep the surprise from the others. They all looked at each other as they felt something move between their legs as if blaming each other a wet tongue suddenly licking hands. Then it was gone, each of them looking under the table to see what it had been. A sudden single bark drew their attention to the direction of the cooker. Marie, Jenkins and Jones sat mouths open in shock as Dinah sat before them looking better than new and appearing to grin at them, eyes filled with tears.

  "Dinah," Marie cried out tears rolling down her cheeks, she ran over to the little dog.

  She prepared to be gentle with her because of the injuries but the dog was having none of it leaping up into her arms eager to show off her new skills. While she hugged the dog she was licked all over her face, but she didn't care just relieved to have her back. Both Jenkins and Jones were up anticipating their turn at welcoming the dog back, they too were openly crying as they fussed the dog. When Dinah had been fussed by the three she jumped down and ran towards the master who waited patiently. She jumped through the air knocking the big man clear off his feet and he landed flat on his back. Pinning him down and taking full advantage of the situation by smothering his face with kisses. Everyone had gathered around laughing at how the little dog had overpowered the big man. Jim was unaware that the dog had returned from the dead but soaking up everyone's happiness anyway. He had always wanted a dog as a kid but was never allowed one, so he felt awkward around the animal. The dog, however, had none of these concerns however and made a quick assessment of his character. He must have been worthy because she nuzzled him and let him fuss her, but aware of his nervousness took it easy on him. She took in the man's scent and accepted him as a member of their growing family.

  "Thank you, Max, for giving her back to me," Marie said her face full of joy.

  "I don't know how I did it but it looks she's important to everyone?" he replied.

  Chapter 33

  Sid dethroned

  Sid woke up to the sound of grunting and moaning. But his head was far from clear and everything felt vague along with his vision that was blurred. His arms felt trapped behind him, but he couldn't understand why. There was a movement to his side so he concentrated to focus his vision. It was all then that he managed to work out what was going on. From his vantage point on the floor, he could see a naked man kneeling behind a bent over figure rhythmically pounding back and forth. He seemed to be red-faced and sweating profusely and was smiling maniacally. It was then that he realised the bent over woman was Trisha who was also naked.

  "Good morning Sid glad you could join us," Reg grinned. "I must say your Trisha's a great bang, but poor Lucy's just trying to recover from her earlier exertions."

  What was going on was he dreaming? Was that really Reg fucking Trisha and how did he get here because he couldn't remember?

  "You'll be wondering why you can't think straight, well less straight than normal you dumb cunt," Reg said cuttingly.

  "What Reg...why..." he slurred.

  "What being I dosed you up with Rohypnol and why being I wanted all the women for myself," Reg explained while suddenly contorting his face and spasming as if he was ejaculating then carrying on as before.

  This couldn't be could it Reg was his friend and anyway he was impotent wasn't he, he had an accident.

  "Oh don't worry Sid I'll put you out of your misery eventually...After I've had all your women even Dawn, she may not be as pretty but she's still a woman," Reg admitted.

  Sid lay there feeling hurt and betrayed, expecting anger but none came. He supposed that this was down to the drugs in his system which would make feel that even if his hands were free he would still be powerless. So he just lay there unable to turn away from the spectacle before him.

  A day later Derwyn was returning from his fruitful trip to the drug farm. It had taken all his willpower not to partake of a joint or two in celebration of his success. But he had reminded himself of his more important goal of getting his revenge on Sid and Reg as well as rescuing the other survivors. He brought the prestige motor to a halt a few minutes walk away from the store. Choosing not to get to near the large groups of infected surrounding the store. So he stopped the car and exited, checking his kit before he left. He had found a holster for the Glock and a strap for the shotgun so they were easier to carry. Then his pack went on, shotgun slung over the shoulder, hatchet and a spare handgun in place. Drawing the hatchet he carefully made his way around the infected until he reached the double mini roundabouts, straight ahead led to the petrol station and store. But mashed together in a big pile up were dozens of vehicles like they had been in a mass panic to get away. Which they most likely were. Stuck halfway up these vehicles was a huge yellow dumper truck. He had loved to have known the story with that. Turning right he moved along the fence dispatching a few infected on the way, avoiding using firearms for now in favour of stealth. Soon he found the section he wanted and vaulted the fence landing on the other side. He was now in the same walkway they had used several weeks before to loot the petrol station. This brought it back to him the reason that he was here and he cursed himself for not being ready sooner. There was another set of fire exits at the rear of the loading bay where he had first met the infected. That seemed so long ago now and his life had changed completely. He chose these doors as his entry point, hoping that Reg and Sid would be further inside. Taking off his pack now he put it down and removed the crowbar and quietly as possible forced the doors. He brought the pack inside and put it at the side of the door for later and shut the doors as best as he could. Now he switched weapons, putting away the hatchet and drawing the Glock. Now it was time for some unfinished business.

  Reg had slept little since the night of the party, his ardour had not been satisfied yet and he was rampant. Lucy lay on the floor exhausted and naked on the hard tiled floor. Trisha lay near her also naked but covered in blood. Also
very dead. She had got out hand after he had forgotten to re-dose her. He had scolded himself for being so reckless and letting his intense rage take over. When he realised what he had done he turned on Sid who had been watching in horror. It was then that he had taken out the remainder of his rage on him. The man was battered, but remarkably still alive however barely. His face was a bloody pulp, broken arm, knee and ribs. He suspected a punctured lung with the wheezing breaths he was taking. After that, he had taken time out to re-drug everyone, as for looking after their nutritional needs. He had had women die from dehydration on his marathon sex sessions and he didn't want another mistake. He looked down at the woman he now lay on top as he pounded vigorously. Mandy's eyes stared vacantly back at him, this was partly to do with the drugs in her system. But he didn't kid himself as he was used to this tactic, they would try to distance themselves from what was going on. He thought to himself strange this was after all they had never been pounded like this before and you would think they would be grateful. His face contorted and gasped loudly as he had a massive orgasm again ejaculating deep inside her. Then he continued unabated, looking over in Sid's direction.

  "Still with us Sid, as you're not up to giving her a seeing to I'm doing it for you, and you'll never get the chance now because you'll be dead soon," he tormented the dying man.

  Sid looked up at the evil man before him his appearance now making think of a toad. He could speak as it hurt too much and it was an effort to even breathe. Thinking about his own behaviour over the last months made him feel regret and wished he acted differently and been a better person. I wasn't an excuse but no doubt he had let himself be manipulated by this fiendish man. Making him think he was doing the right thing, the only reasonable logical action. Maybe Mike had had it coming and maybe that was self-defence. But allowing the two young lads to be murdered and he himself had murdered Dick in cold blood, a man totally undeserving of such an end. If his actions made him a bad man then this man was pure evil. It hurt him deeply about the way the women were being treated and Trisha was dead. Admittedly he didn't love her, he had never loved a woman in his life. But he did care for her, he cared for all of them in fact. In the end, he even started to warm to Malcolm. Maybe his problem had always been that he wouldn't allow himself to become too close to people, but now it was too late and he would never get that chance. He closed his eyes it would make it all go away or death would finally take him. When he finally opened them again he suddenly felt hope. A shadowy figure stood behind Reg who was totally unaware of his presence. He wasn't sure whether it was the drugs or his fading life but he knew for sure death had finally come for them both, he managed a smile as his life finally ebbed away.

  Derwyn rose up behind the monster he had known as Reg, the man oblivious to his presence. In the distance, he sees Sid almost bearing no resemblance to the former strong and the ruggedly handsome character he knew. He was looking him straight in the eyes aware of his presence and actually smiling weakly in his direction. His expression conveyed both hope and despair at the same time, then his eyes gradually closed. He suspected that this would be for the last time. A sudden realisation dawned on him that they had all been played by this grunting beast of a man before him.

  "Get off her now!" He shouted loudly lifting the Glock.

  Reg suddenly turned to the man in shock and saw D pointing the pistol at him. He did what was asked of his backing away and climbing off the used woman. His hugely swollen member erupted again as if in reflex. He almost lost his balance as his body contorted in orgasm. But he managed to climb off the bed and get to his feet. He stood there before him hands out defensively.

  "Please don't shoot lad I'm sorry about what happened to you it was Sid's idea," Reg offered desperately.

  Derwyn didn't reply but just looked at the man’s victims. Trisha looked like she had been beaten to death, Lucy lay unmoving on the floor and over by the wall Dawn slumped against the wall. They all were naked and venerable. His eyes quickly returned to the target, but he was sure Dawn was coming round before he turned back.

  "On your knees," he ordered.

  Reg immediately did as asked but looked up at him innocently if that was possible, "Listen, lad, we can share them it's not a problem."

  "Share them..." he replied incredulously.

  "Yes...or I'll leave if you want you can have them to yourself and you'll never see me again," Reg pleaded tears suddenly appearing as if he could read the lads mind.

  "You fucking disgusting bastard, the only place your going is hell and I'm sending you there." He promised ramming the end of the pistol hard into the man’s forehead breaking the skin and causing it to bleed heavily.

  Reg cried out in pain and fear, holding the wound as the blood leaked around his fingers. "Please... No..."

  "I want to do it," the broken voice of Dawn came from his left.

  He kept his pistol pointing down at him but pulled out the Beretta and handed it to her, which she took gratefully.

  "I'm not sure how to use it," she admitted.

  "Pull back the slide on top then turn the safety switch and you're ready to go," he instructed warmly but his eyes remained hard and cold.

  She did as instructed and pointed down at the man who had violated her and her friends. Unbeknownst to Reg that earlier when he tried to drug her again she had managed to sick it back up and enabling to clear her head enough for this.

  Reg sobbed dramatically pleading with her," But Dawn you please save me."

  "Love?...I'll save you alright," she replied firing the gun at point blank range.

  Blood plumed out the entrance wound, but the back of his head blew out sending blood, skull and brain matter behind him. Then limp body flopped back to the floor with a wet thud, her violator was dead. She lowered the gun and sobbed quietly. D took the gun off her and made it safe and returned it to his waistband for now. Then he held her close telling her it'd be okay now.

  "Malcolm... Where is he?" She worried.

  "Will you be okay if I go and look," he asked.

  She nodded in in reply.

  Ten minutes later he returned to her grim.

  "I'm sorry the bastard killed him," was all he could say hanging his head low.

  She nodded as if excepting as much and continued to sob.

  After their ordeal, he found sheets for them all to give them some level of dignity. Eventually, they all came round and their heads began to clear from the effects of the drugs. But that was the problem as they began to remember their ordeals they all went off to scrub themselves raw, endeavouring to wash the man's filth off them. But it seemed almost impossible as it was in them internally as well as stained in their minds. Lucy seemed the worst shaking herself and refusing to talk to anyone. While they were busy he removed Reg's body to the pile outside with the rest of the filth, but covered Trisha's, Malcolm’s and Sid's bodies with sheets and put them in a quiet corner not wanting to put them with the others outside. The rest of the day and night they wouldn't be separated choosing to sleep next to each other. He kept a respectful distance but would keep checking on them, regularly offering food and drinks.

  The next morning Dawn and Mandy came round somewhat, they had always made a strong team. They both even ate some breakfast and managing to talk to him. Lucy, however, was a different story and chose to remain isolated.

  Eventually, she did break her silence though shocking everyone, "Please get me away from here."

  Both Dawn and Mandy went to her, both upset themselves but trying to be strong for her sake.

  "What darling," Mandy asked stroking the girl's hair.

  "I want to get away from here, it just reminds me of that monster." She begged.

  Mandy kissed her forehead and rocked her in her arms, "I know Lucy, but it's safe here and it's got everything we need."

  "No it'll never be safe and it will never be the same again," she sobbed.

  Eventually, Lucy mercifully fell back to sleep again and they were able to discuss to ma

  "Maybe she's right I for one am fed up with the place and would be glad to see the back of the place and maybe it would help us forget," Dawn suggested.

  "I don't think we'll ever truly forget but maybe it'd help," Mandy agreed.

  He thought about this for a moment," Maybe it'd do us all good to have a change, I have a car waiting and we could grab as many supplies as possible and try and make a go of it elsewhere."

  "Maybe we should think on it overnight and then see how we feel in the morning, but at the moment we have a more pressing problem," Mandy informed ominously.

  Dawn lowered her head shamefully as if she knew what she was about to say.

  "Er, what..." He felt a bit dumb.

  "That monster left his filth in all of us, he just kept doing it like it wouldn't stop and I for one don't want to have that fiends baby," Mandy explained.

  "Oh, I'm sorry How can I help," he quickly offered understanding their plight.

  "You saved us I wouldn't expect you to do this on your own," Mandy stated. "I'll come with you."


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