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Page 31

by A L Carter

  "You mean that you believe me?" he replied incredulously.

  "Of course I know it sounds impossible, but look at you you've totally changed both physically and mentally. Your abilities are superhuman, you seemed to have died twice and come back. You even brought Dinah back, younger, stronger, fitter and her arse isn't so fat," she explained.

  He burst out laughing feeling the tension drain out of him, she didn't think he was crazy. She just accepted his every word without question. With a sigh of relief, he flopped back onto the grass closing his eyes. Suddenly wet lips were on his face, he circled her with his arms. Surprisingly she had fur and began licking his face. He opened his eyes to she Dinah grinning down at him in his venerable positioned.

  "Shall I leave you two to it," Marie teased while the dog molested him.

  Eventually, when the dog had calmed down they sat enjoying a cool summer afternoon. The day had been perfect so far, she had also made new friends and now sitting with her family. But then a thought came into her head, not wanting to ask it but she had to know.

  "When is it going to happen, this danger you're expecting?" she asked.

  Sitting there with Marie and Dinah he felt totally carefree like nothing else mattered. Then she asked the question which brought him back to a sudden reality.

  "Tomorrow dawn," he replied without thought.

  She was surprised by the quickness of his reply as well the preciseness of his answer feeling sickness in the pit of her stomach, "And what will happen?"

  "zombies will come in their hundreds but they will be changed," he said taking a deep breath.

  "How changed," she said dreading the answer.

  "The virus that created them will mutate preserving their bodies that should have rotted down by now. It will also heighten their senses, with them becoming blind their other senses will be increased dramatically. Hearing and sense of smell will increase, think of a great white shark that can smell a drop of blood in miles of ocean. The hearing of a bat and acting like sonar and bouncing off objects particularly moving ones. They also will be compelled to join into bigger hordes, instead of the aimless things that we are used to," he explained with detail.

  "How do you know all this?" she asked.

  "The virus was in my body and I understood it at a genetic level as I explained enabling me to kill it. Whoever created it, programmed it to mutate periodically strengthening its host, making it able to achieve its goal," he informed.

  "Goal?" She puzzled.

  "I can only assume to wipe out the human race," he speculated.

  "what do we do?" she asked.

  "We do what we always do and fight," he resolved.

  They returned to the others breaking the bad news to them, which they accepted without question of his reliability. Accepting the great challenge the awaited them in the morning. Nobody whined and nobody moaned proving their great strength and unity. Now they spent the rest of the day resting and preparing themselves.

  Chapter 37

  The Horde

  Several miles away back in Ibstock clusters of infected had formed into larger hordes, each of these was spread around the large village. Each of these hordes now totalled around a hundred. The virus had routinely mutated to evolve and adapt to its host. Since the beginning of the infection the host body had decomposed at a slower rate, the eyes were the most rapid though deteriorating fast glazing over instantly as heart restarted. Then slowly getting worse until now they had totally liquefied, the rancid juices now streaked down their cheeks. This left them now completely blind. All of the internal organs had now liquefied and left the body through various orifices, mouth, anus, genitals or through open wounds. These were of no use to the host anyway so this was just a loss of excess baggage. The virus had always stimulated parts of the brain to preserve the most important areas like the musculoskeletal system, brain, teeth and eyes. But with eyes being such a high content of water it had failed in this. The virus had been designed by Doctor Oswald who had already predicted this. However, he had not predicted a mutation of this magnitude. This was a rouge super-mutation. Other senses were now heightened dramatically, these being their ability to hear and smell prey at a much greater distance. They were stronger, muscle and bone became more robust and their skin, what was left of it had hardened into leather. Also they now instinctively drawn into groups of their own kind, this would make them more formidable and preserve their numbers. Now hordes headed off in different directions each with a different prey in mind. The fact they were now blind didn't seem to slow them down in fact if anything they were now faster. Like a blind man that had been born with the disability and had totally adapted, however, this was different as their new senses were way above normal

  They were all awake hours before dawn breakfasted and ready for all hell to let loose. Max felt the nerves and tension of the group. Even he felt these things as well as a heavy burden of responsibility for these people. He alone had encouraged them to come here, Jones, Jenkins and Jim. As for Derwyn's group he had positively kidnapped the forcing him to drive here. They were all good people a rare commodity amongst survivors and he felt a duty to protect them. Or was he just using them? Undoubtedly greater numbers increased their chance of survival. Even though he knew this was true he also knew it was important to protect these people, but it was also important to the human race. What would happen if they all were eradicated from the earth if the virus completed its objective? He had always suspected that there would. Probably thousands of survivors protected deep down in their underground bunkers, safe and sound probably even before the outbreak started. This virus had been engineered by man, of which he was sure and most likely a large percentage of these survivors had knowledge of this. Then what sort of people were these chosen ones? Most likely the most powerful and wealthy on the planet, and some of these would have helped engineer their own mass execution. They were also responsible for fighting over land and resources and making the average human become a slave to the system. Did he want these sort of people inheriting the planet? He felt the familiar rage begin to boil in his veins as if in answer. But he must hold it down for now and keep a clear head. For now, he spoke to each his team, making sure they knew what position to be in when it started. He Offered reassurance that if they kept it together and worked as a team that they would survive. Jenkins and Jones would be on the heavy machine guns with assistance from someone in the group when needed with reloading and moving the guns into a better position if needed.

  Derwyn was geared up and ready, he still had his Glock equipped but a heavy and vicious looking machete had replaced his usual hatchet. His main distance weapon was now an SA80 2. He hadn't used this weapon before having used the M16 in the Jamaican army but soon became familiar with the weapon. Now watching the barbed wire fence perimeter as dawn approached. He had to admit it to himself that he was bricking it. Max had told them what to expect which was useful Intel but they sounded like super zombies to him now and meant they were harder to kill. Which meant he was that much closer to being their food, a prospect he didn't relish much.

  Jim felt the handles of both his machetes finding comfort in them. He had fought all his life, albeit usually for the wrong reasons but this would be the biggest test of his life. Feeling the usual pre-fight nerves but with a vengeance. He also carried a Glock and an SA80 2 which currently leaned against the wall in front of him. Although he preferred the hand weapons, he understood the current need for as much firepower as possible to equalize the threat. Against the wall also stood the compound bow that he had become so attached to. He only wished that he had Max's ability with it the man never missed a shot. As the dawn drew closer he calmed himself and prepared for battle.

  Jenkins sat at his post at the heavy gun, thinking of his life up to this point. Although he missed his wife in some ways, he had never been truly happy and some ways he blamed her for this, but in reality, he had wasted his life and he could only blame himself. Strange to think though that a zombie apocalypse
could bring about the happiest days of his life. Jones was now the closest true friend he had ever had. Now though he felt part of a bigger family which he quickly became fond of all of them. Even Dawn that he had only just met who was going to be helping him on the gun as well as giving covering fire. They both clicked straight away their humour bouncing well of each other. Now as dawn drew closer that he would be prepared to fight to the bitter end to protect his new family.

  Jones had teamed up with Mandy on the heavy gun. She was a bright young thing and he had to admit in his youth she would have been just his type. But now he could only look on her like a father would, as he did Marie and now Dawn as well. Well, he had to admit it even all the young lads he already thought of them like sons. Even taking to Jim who initially he had reservations about, but he saw what Jenkins and Max obviously saw in him. Truly a decent lad deep down be had just been misguided in life. He thought of Jenkins or 'sir' a habit that he couldn't drop, neither did he want to. It was not that he felt beneath him but it was just a respect for what the man had achieved in his life, whereas he himself just couldn't be bothered with the hassle. But maybe more than that it was just plain fun, like an episode of dad's army. He now thought of him like the brother he never had. As dawn approached he vowed to himself that he would fight for his daughters, sons and brother.

  Marie sat with Max and Dinah spending what she hoped wouldn't be their last moments together. She leaned down to fuss the dog as she too seemed never as if aware of what was coming. She also was nervous, terrified in fact at what's to come, but she trusted everyone to fight for their lives.

  Dinah sat between her master and mistress, with the rest of her family close by. She knew something bad was coming something worse than they had ever faced before. She could sense this in the people around her as well as her own instincts. Sniffing the air she could smell them approaching but they seemed to be in greater numbers than ever before, she growled low as a warning to them to stay away, that she would protect her family.

  The master hand came down to fuss her, "Yes Dinah their coming."

  Then he went off to warn the others they would be here soon.

  David was at the front of the ever-growing horde, in life he had been a postman or post person as the PC brigade would have it. However, none of that mattered now as he had been infected by the virus via a bite received by his daughter. Now all that mattered to him was human flesh, a desire so deep inside him he would do anything to get it. He had no fear, no inhibitions and could not feel pain. Things had recently changed but he never gave it any thought as his brain no longer functioned in that way. But the fact that his eyes had now completely rotted away, this was in no way a limitation however as his hearing was vastly improved. Added to their usual moaning and groaning was now a high pitched screech which worked like a bats sonar bouncing off objects even far away, giving them probably more information than probably a sighted person has. On top of that, they had a much greater sense of smell. And now all he could smell was living flesh which drove him on with a frenzy.

  They heard the awful piercing screeching noise first which shocked them unexpectedly.

  "What the fucks that?" Derwyn said thinking that he was probably talking for everyone.

  "That's awful," Mandy said.

  "Gives me the creeps," from Dawn.

  "Yes it is rather off-putting," Jenkins offered.

  "They are using sonar to see now, the sound bounces off obstacles," Max explained.

  "Or food being us," Derwyn stated.

  "Coming into the line of sight now," Max informed.

  They all strained to see but could see nothing.

  "Oh yeah the gorilla has super-vision," Jim said cheekily.

  They all laughed including Max who thought that the banter was good to break the tension.

  "That's right munchkin," Max fired back at him. "I guess we don't have to worry about making noise, as they could smell us miles away anyway."

  "Yeah I didn't think they ate gorilla, but obviously I was wrong," Jim replied gaining in confidence.

  "Nah I think they prefer munchkins," Max said while laughing.

  "Oh shit I see them now," Mandy announced immediately the laughing stopped.

  "Fucking hell there's loads of them," Marie noted.

  "There are hundreds coming up the backfield too," Jones informed from his position.

  "Right firing positions everyone and get on target and fire when ready, good luck everyone," Max instructed, feeling the burning rage rising which had already deepened his voice but he must stay focused for now.

  Some had already seen the change which came over their leader but to others, it came as a shock but they pulled themselves together and got themselves set.

  Max was the first to start shooting dropping maybe twenty with perfect headshots before anyone else had even started. But when they were in range they let loose trying to aim for the head but sometimes missing or hitting body shots instead which only served to delay them. But eventually, as they got closer their accuracy increased often dropping them first shot. However, they had killed maybe over a hundred now but there were still many hundreds left. It was hard to assess how many as specially as they got closer totally surrounding the farm, and as soon as one fell another was there to replace it. The shrieks they gave were also off-putting, sometimes making them miss shots. Max noticed that sounds emitted vibration's in the air, not dissimilar to his ability. His still burned inside so he had no difficulty in giving his own almighty roar. Which had the effect of stunning them for several seconds and making them easy targets. However to the ones not used to this also had the same effect on them. But seasoned members of the group reassured them, and eventually were able to tune themselves out and continue firing again. Now the horde reached the wire fence and began getting caught in it, serving its purpose for now. The sound was deafening especially from the two heavy guns until eventually, both guns clicked empty almost simultaneously.

  "Ammo," Jenkins called.

  Seconds later Jones called out, "Ammo."

  The girls moved fast transitioning from their firing position to reloading the guns and then maybe a minute later they both called out "Ready" both guns now resumed their devastating assault dropping line after line of infected. Max worked hard controlling the urge to drop his gun and charge the horde. But continued to kill tens after tens of infected. The rest of the team worked hard against the relentless foe mostly getting headshots. Piles of dead now littered the perimeter but the horde pressed on regardless pushing their weight into the wire or just climbing over the mounds of dead.

  "BREACH," Max growled.

  Jones focused his assault on this point bring them down rapidly.

  "Breach!" Derwyn shouted from his side.

  Jenkins gave his assistance by barraging this section of fence with gunfire. But then Jones gun ran dry again Mandy was immediately on it. Then Jenkins gun gave the familiar click which Dawn soon responded to.

  "COVER THE GAPS," Max boomed which also served to stun the infected.

  Soon the heavy guns were reloaded but more breaches began to appear. The horde was thinning out but they were now breaking through to the wall. The ammunition was beginning to run down and they might need it for a getaway. There was also a chance they would hit each other at the closer range. Max estimated that there were maybe two hundred left so he made a calculated decision his inner beast spurring him on.

  "EVERYONE HAND WEAPONS NOW!" he roared unleashing his inner beast and drawing both kukri blades.

  They watched as he suddenly leapt over the wall and heads and body parts began to fly. Jim was next pulling his own blades cutting down several infected before the others had even reacted. Then Derwyn let out his own version of a war cry, though feeble compared to Max's heart-stopping roar, it did have the effect of spurring the others on. Marie swung her mighty Warhammer cracking skulls with a vengeance. One the infected clambered over the wall but Dinah was quickly on it pinning it to the ground until Dawn
appeared with her Warhammer and relieved it of its brains. The dog quickly moved onto the next relishing her new power and speed. Jenkins and Jones fought side by side swinging their heavy machetes while protecting each other's backs. Mandy quickly became accustomed to her machete cutting infected's heads from their bodies with agile grace. But by far the most deadly was Max in full beast mode if anything their new abilities worked against them where he was concerned. His growls and roars stunning and confusing them. Sometimes this even resulted in them attacking each other. Which is something that they never normally did? A close second was Jim a man born to fight and moved efficiency around the infected, always in the right position. But as he killed that infected his mind was already several moves in front, this working to devastating effect. Suddenly dawn had become blind-sided and an infected forced her to the floor. She had dropped her Warhammer and its body lay awkwardly on her right arm. So she was trying to hold it away from her with her left arm and failing rapidly. Was this it was she going to die here and now, strength failing she closed her eyes for the inevitable. But it didn't come in fact the weight on top had lessened, then completely gone. She forced herself to open her eyes again. To see the most handsome man in the world holding up her attackers decapitated head up in the air like a trophy. The thing still chomped on thin air, so he threw it at the wall where it exploded into many pieces. He then helped her up and gave her weapon back, then he was gone. She then mouthed to herself quietly, "My hero."


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