Book Read Free

Little Spirit

Page 24

by DaNeo Duran

  Raphael wondered if Austin had gone mad as one mic picked up sympathetic resonance from the drums but Austin loved the result.

  In the control room the bass suddenly sounded wide but nasty. Austin applied a noise gate silencing all but the loudest notes. ‘Never tried this before,’ he said re-adding Calvin’s originally blended DI and amp sounds to create a rich bass sound where only the louder notes exuded width with over-aggression.

  Raphael at once heard the benefits of Austin’s ingenuity. ‘This album’s going to be out of this world, yes?’

  ‘Just wait till we process the drums,’ Austin said.

  Saturday 10th December 1983

  With bass and drums recorded for album tracks, B-sides and extended versions Austin would have concentrated on vocals but gave the lads Saturday off so he could prepare the recorded tracks.

  After a day in Leeds city centre the band headed back to the studio. Raphael knocked on the door.

  ‘Come in,’ Austin said. He rewound the tapes. ‘You need to hear this from the beginning.’

  Danny said, ‘Let me guess, Raphael’s been replaced by drum machine?’

  ‘No chance,’ Austin said. ‘Now, I know you’ve heard some bands recorded here …’

  ‘Do we sound like The USed Wonz?’ Calvin asked.

  Austin made a hang-on gesture and set the tapes rolling. ‘Remember the guitars and vocals are only rough guides but basically you sound like this …’

  Austin had spent the whole day processing the bass and drum parts. Through the whopping studio monitors what they’d recorded sounded—

  ‘Amazing,’ Raphael said. ‘I sound totally amazing.’

  The drums appeared both snappy like Stewart Copeland’s yet huge like Jon Bonham’s. The snarling distinctive bass melded incredibly with them.

  Monday 12th December 1983

  Katherine learned through Loretta’s chatty letters that John had been welcomed back into Saint Tropez’s yachting community and before her Monday shift she found another letter on the flat’s doormat. She always asked after Elaine and the others and again read of their happiness. Katherine had been writing details of Little Spirit so Loretta could surprise John who’d rave about them never believing anyone could know more than him about the band. Loretta wrote that he always spoke fondly of her. Katherine reckoned his words must have been effective when at the end of the letter she found a postscript reading, PS: someone else wants to write.

  Below Loretta’s PS and in new handwriting Katherine read words so kind she wouldn’t have believed came from the same person who’d last beaten her so hard-heartedly – Elaine. She passed greetings to Amy and Calvin and said she hoped to see everyone soon.

  * * *

  In Leeds the band sang for two solid days learning each other’s parts in addition to their own so as to triple-track their voices creating harmonic denseness to rival Queen.

  Once the solo and harmony voices had been recorded Danny’s guitar parts went to tape. As the songs approached apparent finality the lads set to listening to other contemporary records for reference. Big Country and Simple Minds gave them a run for their money but not so much as bands produced by Trevor Horn who’d even outdone himself. Yes’s sublime album 90125 paled when Austin played Frankie Goes to Hollywood’s Relax, a song that had incredibly so far failed to go Top-40.

  ‘Crikey,’ Raphael said. ‘That put things in perspective.’

  ‘That’s what we’re up against,’ Austin said. ‘Of course their budget’s massive. A mate told me, Trevor re-mortgaged his house to buy the Fairlight-II used on this track.’

  ‘Blimey,’ Calvin said imagining the Fairlight as a house-sized machine outdoing the job of musicians and songwriters.

  ‘But with your songs and my mixing we’re still contenders,’ Austin said. ‘We’ve got ninety percent done but it’s the last ten that takes ninety percent of the time.

  Calvin couldn’t understand how they could possibly spend any more time on the songs. But over the next week, as the band ploughed into the last ten percent of the album he found out.

  Sometimes everyone would be back in the studio after they thought they’d wrapped up for the day. Raphael kept busy recording keyboard parts. Calvin found himself more frequently on the couch at the back falling asleep whilst the others twiddled knobs making things sound in his opinion only negligibly better. He’d wake up in the night seeing them still at the desk working away perhaps drenching backing vocals in reverb creating dreamy synthesiser-esque pad chords.

  Saturday 17th December 1983

  Calvin kept his promise and phoned Katherine every night. When neither could stand being apart longer Katherine made plans with Amy and Barbara. On the last Saturday before Christmas Eve she and Amy left Kings Cross bound for Leeds and a rendezvous with the band who’d be out of the studio and busking the city’s streets.

  In Leeds train station before noon Amy stood by as Katherine hugged her mum.

  ‘Wow you look the healthiest I’ve ever seen you,’ Katherine said.

  ‘It’s working for your granddad. It’s hard; I’m up and down stairs all day but I get looked after, and have disposable income.’ Barbara smiled wickedly.

  ‘Any news on Sarah and Jayne?’

  Barbara’s shoulders dropped. ‘I phone them every day but they won’t speak to me.’

  ‘That’s awful,’ Amy said.

  ‘I’ll tell you what’s awful; I don’t miss them as much as I thought I would. How bad’s that?’

  Amy swallowed her words having assumed Barbara’s other daughter to be as rude as Jayne had been. She took Katherine’s absence of comments to mean she didn’t miss the girls either.

  Arriving at the hotel Barbara checked into a single room and Katherine and Amy a twin.

  ‘So are we seeing John this weekend?’ Amy asked Katherine when they regrouped in the lobby.

  ‘John?’ Barbara said.

  Katherine noted her mum rubbing her palms together like a kid anticipating sweets.

  ‘I told him we’d be here,’ Katherine said. ‘He said he’d love to hear the band in the studio. And yes, there’s a message at reception saying he’s arriving at The Hilton later.’

  ‘Ooh lovely,’ Barbara said triumphantly.

  Amy noticed Katherine looking crestfallen.

  * * *

  They found Little Spirit on Briggate, the city’s busiest street, entertaining the Christmas shoppers en-mass. The un-missable banners displayed the band name behind the black, white and blue uniformed lads.

  After the reunion the girls sang and danced helping punters fill Danny’s guitar case with coins. Raphael noticed Amy’s expression having seen a bespectacled brunette fixated with Danny. He wished they’d either get together or move on.

  When the girls left, Amy distracted her thoughts from Danny and his besotted specky friend by concentrating on shopping. So did Barbara who, making the most of her disposable income, bought two pairs of heels and a fitted dress. The lingerie she chose shocked Katherine who bit her lip when her mum joined the till’s mile long queue.

  When the girls met the lads at a café for lunch they warmed up with cups of tea.

  Raphael’s eyes popped when Barbara showed him the lacy-topped stockings she’d bought. ‘Some lucky man’s in for a treat.’

  ‘Do you mind?’ Katherine said looking away.

  Winking at Barbara, Raphael said, ‘I wouldn’t mind at all.’

  ‘Katherine’s spoken to John,’ Amy said taking the edge off the mood. ‘He’s coming up tonight hopefully to see you guys in the studio at some point.’

  ‘Well we’ll be back in tomorrow. Be good to see him there,’ Danny said.

  After lunch the women shopped and the band cracked into more busking. They appeared to be doing well but two hours later the shoppers began losing momentum so the lads wrapped up.

  Back in the van Calvin said, ‘I fancy playing a Headingley crowd.’

  ‘Most students will be heading home but it might be
worth a look,’ Raphael said.

  Worn out Danny agreed; more busking could only create more exposure. Calvin drove and as they drew near they could see students packing out the Hyde Park Pub and celebrating around the paved outer area and picnic tables.

  ‘This is ideal,’ Danny said shaking his tiredness away.

  ‘I know,’ Raphael said spying a group of girls. ‘Look at those skimpy Santa outfits – must be freezing.’

  Calvin bumped the van up a curb parking. ‘Another gig?’

  ‘Guess so,’ Danny said.

  Out came the backdrops and instruments. Soon the cocky band stood singing from the picnic tables stealing attention.

  ‘You’re a ballsy bunch aren’t you?’ a middle aged man said after the lads thanked everyone who’d listened and packed away their gear.

  ‘Cheers,’ Raphael said.

  ‘Can’t say I’ve seen you around here before.’

  ‘We’ve been sent from London to record at Ze Production Annex.’

  ‘The Production Annex?’ He sounded impressed. ‘Tell Austin, Sam says hi.’

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘I own The Brudenell Social Club round the corner. If you wanna gig get Austin to contact me.’

  ‘We’ll do that for sure. Cheers again,’ Raphael said shaking his hand.

  * * *

  Waiting in the hotel lobby for a taxi Amy needn’t have worried about being overdressed. Katherine looked resplendent as always but so did Barbara in her new outfit.

  ‘Oh, don’t encourage her,’ Katherine pleaded when Amy complimented her. To Barbara she said, ‘Thought you said beauty brings trouble?’

  ‘I’ve decided beauty brings change and that’s good.’

  ‘Not always,’ Katherine said sulkily getting into the taxi.

  The lads, having arrived at the restaurant a moment earlier escorted the girls from the taxi. Struggling self-consciously in her flashy dress Amy misheard something Danny said in her direction. ‘Pardon.’

  ‘Nothing,’ he muttered.

  Unsure whether she’d been complimented or disparaged she fiddled with her hair and pulled at her dress wondering what could be wrong.

  Raphael took Barbara’s arm and the waiter looked at Danny. ‘Table for six?’

  ‘Seven,’ a confident voice boomed from behind.

  ‘Hi John,’ Danny said before anyone else could and, after everyone else did, the waiter showed them to their table. Amy tried to avoid sitting opposite Danny but Barbara and John sat facing one another leaving Danny to join her.

  ‘You don’t have to worry about me having no partner,’ Raphael said taking a seat at the head of the table, ‘I collected five phone numbers today.’

  ‘Did you get any?’ Amy asked Danny automatically.

  ‘Less than Raphael,’ Danny said looking the menu over.

  ‘What about that specky girl?’ Amy cursed her blabbering mouth.

  Danny lowered his menu. ‘I didn’t get any numbers actually. Why d’you ask?’

  Amy snatched her menu up and pretended to read. ‘Don’t know.’

  * * *

  After the meal the group headed to nearby bars. Although a decade John’s senior Katherine saw Barbara loving his attention.

  Standing with Amy by the bustling dance floor Katherine said, ‘I can’t stand seeing them together like this.’

  ‘She deserves some fun and who better than John to have it with?’

  ‘It’s not John I’m bothered about,’ Katherine said. ‘It just seems wrong.’

  ‘I know but—’

  ‘I’ve got to say something to her,’ Katherine said, taking off but shouting back, ‘Keep John entertained will you?’

  She returned, forced a smile at John and still unhappy said to Amy, ‘You’re to have this.’

  ‘Why?’ Amy asked taking Barbara’s room key.

  Katherine turned out of John’s earshot. ‘She’s going back to John’s hotel whether I like it or not. She told me to look at the bright side. If you have her room I can have a night with Calvin in ours – if you don’t mind of course. I’m presuming you’d prefer you own room?’

  ‘Okay,’ Amy said hiding a twinge of loneliness.

  ‘It’s a small consolation for us both.’

  Amy looked towards Danny but rejected the impulse to drag him back to the single room.

  * * *

  Nearby Raphael said, ‘Hey Danny, Amy looks amazing. Go and make a move?’

  ‘I made a move.’


  ‘You know when. Ages ago. She’s not interested.’

  ‘Danny, she’s interested. At least let her know how beautiful you think she is.’

  ‘I did.’

  ‘Not tonight.’

  ‘Yes tonight.’

  ‘Really – what happened?’

  ‘She turned away looking hurt.’

  ‘What?’ Raphael didn’t know whether to laugh. ‘What did she say?’

  ‘She said …’ Raphael waited for Danny to continue. ‘Actually she might not have heard me properly.’

  ‘Might not have heard you properly?’ Raphael said sardonically. ‘Come on mate.’

  ‘Well, she knows where I am.’

  ‘Mate it’s not her job to come to you. It’s yours to go to her. Her job is to look gorgeous and she does. Go get her.’

  ‘When she wants someone she goes and gets them. I know Amy.’

  ‘No – you knew Amy – the old one. Whoever wants that one,’ he pointed to the buxom blonde, ‘has to go to her.’

  Sunday 18th December 1983

  The next morning Amy woke alone in Barbara’s single room. She breakfasted with Katherine and Calvin while John and Barbara went to the single room to get changed and check out before going to The Production Annex.

  Once there Amy noticed the control room’s fustiness. It smelt of too many boys who’d been there too long. Smaller than expected she smiled seeing the lads’ instruments and had the urge to play Raphael’s drums which stood behind glass surrounded by mics amongst a snake pit of leads.

  Austin played the recordings. Amy felt gobsmacked; everyone did.

  Amy took photos and John tried getting into them all until around 11am her camera ran out of film and John ran out of questions.

  ‘Actually whilst you’re all here,’ Austin said, ‘the record could use some enthusiastic crowd noise.’

  Within minutes he’d set up mics. On their side of the glass everyone else stood next to the drums clapping and cheering no one happier than John who couldn’t believe he’d be part of the Little Spirit album.

  Once back in the control room Austin said, ‘Just a thought but are any of you ladies singers?’

  Katherine and Amy looked at each other. Amy said, ‘Well, I can hold a tune but I’m no Shirley Bassey. Why?’

  ‘Let’s hear you,’ Austin said playing a C on Raphael’s synth. ‘Can you sing that note?’

  ‘Ahhhh,’ Amy sang.

  ‘Very good. Barbara?’

  ‘Don’t look at me,’ she laughed. Her hands made stop signs.

  ‘Alright, Katherine let’s hear you.’


  ‘Hmm, not bad.’

  ‘Are we being replaced?’ Raphael asked.

  ‘No, just introducing some female presence.’

  Katherine’s mouth dried as the prospect of singing dawned on her. Amy appeared wide eyed and visibly tense too but took the mic first.

  Soon she sang ‘ooh’ sounds to the vocal chords the boys had already recorded. Katherine thought her voice sounded surprisingly rocky and figured her own wouldn’t sound half as good.

  ‘You’re doing great,’ Austin said through the control room mic to Amy’s headphones.

  Then came Katherine’s turn. After a few false starts she found her voice coming high and flute-like.

  ‘Lovely,’ Austin said. ‘Can you sing along to this?’ Another song appeared in her headphones. Minutes later she’d doubled Calvin’s top line of, I Can’t W

  With Katherine done Austin requested Amy back to the mic saying, ‘We could do with some screams and general girly sounds.’

  Back in the control room Katherine watched her friend at the mic, with Austin and the band not buying her fake giggles and shrieks.

  ‘Keep ze tape rolling,’ Raphael said. ‘I’ll get her going.’

  Nodding, Austin told Amy, ‘Raphael’s coming in to adjust your mic.’

  Katherine watched with the others as Raphael appeared behind Amy. He positioned her two feet from the mic. Without warning slapped her backside.

  ‘Oi!’ she yelped as the control room audience laughed. ‘What you doin’?’

  ‘Sorry Amy it’s just that your bum is too tempting.’ Raphael grabbed and Amy yelped again. ‘I won’t do it again,’ he said stepping back.

  ‘Oooh, you better hadn’t,’ she said letting him reposition her. But Raphael’s hands slipped round and tickled her. Suddenly the control room speakers gave a wealth of girly squeaks and filthy giggles.

  ‘You getting this?’ Raphael called.

  ‘That ought to do it,’ Austin laughed. But as soon as the crimson faced Amy appeared in the control room Austin said, ‘Right, your turn Katherine.’ Not wanting to be manhandled by Raphael she obediently stood behind the mic and jumped into character.

  ‘The album’s essentially finished,’ Austin said afterwards. ‘Now the lads have to relearn the songs for a live show.’

  ‘That reminds me,’ Raphael said, ‘we met Sam yesterday; he said we should gig his venue.’

  ‘The Brudenell? If he’s got a slot you should.’

  * * *

  The visitors left promising to stop by on Thursday for the band’s last night. They headed back to the train station; John bound for London, Katherine, Barbara and Amy bound for Penrith.

  * * *

  In the studio later that day a voice outside the control room door said, ‘Knock-knock.’

  ‘Come in,’ Austin shouted towards the opening door. ‘Hiya Sam, you’ve met Little Spirit I believe.’

  ‘Aye, the latest Production Annex thoroughbreds.’

  ‘That’s right. Wanna hear what we’ve been up to?’


  Austin rewound the reels. Hitting play the speakers let him have it. Danny watched Sam’s eyebrows jump with surprise and lower as he concentrated. He looked at Raphael and nodded.

  Austin hit stop in the last chorus of a new song called, Wonderful World and said, ‘What d’ya think?’

  ‘Blimey, you’ve really done it this time. That’s awesome.’

  ‘Thought you’d like it,’ he said smugly.


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