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Little Spirit

Page 33

by DaNeo Duran

  He couldn’t miss that The USed Wonz had the fatter budget. Walking round the set he saw not a homemade bar in a sandpit but a Ferrari 308GTS parked next to a restored Dodge Charger. Polished to a high sheen it looked like a black General Lee from The Dukes of Hazard with its custom wheels.

  ‘They got more money,’ Des said when he found them, ‘but we’ll see whose video comes out best.’

  ‘You think we’re in with a chance?’ Raphael asked.

  ‘Yeah. I’ll be editing yours. Theirs is getting sent to another studio.’

  * * *

  Over the next three weeks Little Spirit gigged and began busking more regularly. The clocks went forwards and the weather warmed up. The band finally started earning enough to live.

  Amy went to college and studied in her room or with Alison and Joanne. She kept dating Marlon who made her laugh and paid restaurant bills. Limiting herself to two dates per week she kept him away from the flat and didn’t introduce him to friends. She hadn’t even told Katherine of his existence for fear that it’d get back to Danny. She’d not given him her phone number and until that evening, the first day of April, hadn’t been to his place.

  Out from the shower Amy passed the boys in the living room grinding out a new repetitive song that must have been called Joanna.

  ‘Danny have you got Big Country’s album?’ she asked.

  ‘In my room. Help yourself.’

  ‘It’s alright,’ she said thinking she’d never find it amongst his mess.

  Danny insisted so Amy unwillingly headed for his room. Incredibly the door opened to vacuous space. Surfaces shone free from dust as the evening sun streamed in. In the corner the double bed with its tatty but straightened orange quilt awaited its owner. Dumbbells had been pushed under the table. Records and leads all had their place. Amy found the album she wanted by flicking right to left before realising they’d been arranged alphabetically.

  She went to the living room and congratulated Danny with a hug before returning to her room which now, despite being tidier than it used to be, looked messier than ever. Compared to Danny’s hers seemed oppressive and given that the sun moved off her window after first light it always had a slight dampness to it. She looked at her desk overflowing with books and thought how much of a better desk the table in Danny’s room would make.

  Big Country provided her soundtrack whilst she got ready for her date; making not too much of an effort. Marlon said he’d cook for her and play her some of his songs and then … Amy knew what he’d want then and though she’d decided tonight would be the night she stood with her reflection unsure what she wanted.

  From time to time she still practiced her mantra by the mirror. Whenever she’d repeated the words, I am beautiful a voice from within agreed.

  Amy asked her reflection, Am I hungry? She closed her eyes and awaited the response. Yep, I’m hungry, she thought. Okay, do I want to hear Marlon play guitar? Not bothered, came the response. Hmm, now for the biggie. Do I want to sleep with Marlon? Amy waited. She could feel the answer lurking behind resistance. Do I want to sleep with Marlon? Let the answer come. It came: Not particularly.

  But Amy had already made her mind up and slipping her feet into her shoes she headed for the front door without saying bye or being seen.

  Later, back from an extra shift Katherine dialled her grandparents’. When Emily answered she asked after her mum.

  Katherine sensed hesitance. ‘I’m not sure where your mother is dear.’

  Through further questions Katherine learned that Barbara had bought a passport and from the description guessed that her mum had left the country with John.

  After ringing off Katherine lay on her bed unsure how she felt. She decided there’d be no reason for jealously but she couldn’t understand why her mum hadn’t told her about the trip. And her grandmother hadn’t given up information easily and couldn’t say when Barbara would be back. Something seemed odd. Why hadn’t her mother told her she’d gone travelling?

  Three hours later Amy unlocked the door and crept up stairs. She could hear the lads in the living room and so hurried on but Calvin’s door opened and there Katherine stood.

  ‘Oh my god,’ Katherine said. ‘You made me jump. Where’ve you been?’

  ‘Studying with Alison and Joanne?’

  ‘Without books?’

  When Amy said nothing Katherine asked if she wanted to talk about it.

  Amy waited in Calvin’s room for Katherine to come back with teas.

  Katherine said, ‘So, whatever’s going on I presume you don’t want Danny knowing?’

  ‘I didn’t even dare tell you, but I may as well now.’

  She filled Katherine in on how she’d met Marlon and how their relationship had progressed to that night.

  ‘So he’s a songwriter. Any good?’

  ‘Terrible. After tea we went to his bedroom—’

  ‘Was it tidy?’

  ‘Not as tidy as Danny’s. Anyway he started strumming these really bland chords and singing such elementary lyrics,’ Amy pulled a face. ‘He ended one line with hey, just so he could rhyme the next one with day.’

  ‘Reminds me of that scene in 10 where Dudley Moore has to listen to the vicar’s composition.’

  ‘That’s it,’ Amy laughed, ‘but, bless him, his songs are worse.’

  ‘So, have you, you know… ?’

  ‘Yeah, tonight was the first time.’

  ‘Wow. How was it?’


  ‘Oh yeah. That’s how I like it. Love it when Calvin gives me an interestingly good seeing to.’

  ‘Stop it Katherine,’ Amy laughed. ‘I mean, I’ve never been with someone who’s wanted me so much. He was so lovely before and after.’

  ‘Not during?’

  ‘Especially during.’


  ‘I don’t know.’

  ‘You don’t fancy him do you?’

  ‘I do. I just …’

  ‘Something not quite right. Go and see him a few more times it might work itself out.’

  ‘I intend to and if it does I’ll tell Danny.’

  ‘Danny likes you, still not ready to take a chance on him?’

  ‘No. After seeing Marlon deal with those two from the Hippodrome I couldn’t put up with someone cowardly.’

  ‘Yeah, but you still like him.’

  ‘I know but what can I do?’

  Monday 2nd April 1984

  As requested Little Spirit met Richard and Grace in Vanquar’s reception. Planning to busk afterwards they’d brought their acoustic instruments along.

  ‘Hi guys, are you ready to see your first video?’ Trudie asked with false enthusiasm.

  Of course the band couldn’t wait but Trudie becoming grave said, ‘Okay, let’s just take a moment here before we go upstairs.’

  The band sat with Richard and Grace in the reception area.

  Trudie stood before them. ‘Soon you’ll meet Dave Whitaker the head of A and R here. Like you, I’m nervous not having seen the video either. Now I’m sure Richard’s explained a bit about how the industry works.’

  Calvin sat forwards preparing to listen.

  Trudie continued. ‘Obviously we’re hoping the video will be brilliant and, assuming it’s not rubbish,’ Trudie laughed without humour, ‘Only When it’s Saturday will be released in two weeks.’

  She waited for the band to resettle. ‘Now, your future at Vanquar is not certain. You’ve got the songs, you’ve got the image. Some staff including me, know you can perform. And now you’ve got the video – we hope. This is a critically important time for you guys. Given that you have a following you would get signed for an album release but for the fact that the big guy upstairs is concerned that despite the synths on your album you’re still essentially a three-piece solid rock outfit and believes trends are moving away from such acts as The Police and The Jam. Dave Whitaker was gutted to have lost Nik Kershaw to MCA and Howard Jones to WEA just to give you an idea w
here he’s at.’

  ‘We need this single to do well don’t we?’ Danny said.

  ‘Always,’ Trudie said with sympathy, ‘but, that’s truer now than ever.’

  ‘But from what Richard says without a huge marketing budget it won’t do well,’ Calvin said.

  ‘It depends how you define doing well.’

  ‘Trudie’s reputation is on the line here too you know,’ Richard said. ‘If this single does well enough she’ll look good.’

  ‘And if not,’ Trudie said, ‘then Dave might start to wonder what I’m doing on the payroll.’

  ‘So we’ve been cooking a plan,’ Richard said.

  ‘That’s right. First things first we’ll go upstairs and meet Dave. I don’t need to remind you how important he is so make the best impression and start scoring points. We’ll watch the video and if it’s good those two guys who came to The Ivy with us will act like it’s the best thing they’ve seen, which shouldn’t be hard; they’re genuine converts.’

  ‘Good to know we’ve got some ammo,’ Raphael said.

  ‘That’s right, there’s a good deal of love up there. It’s just a case of convincing Dave. If he likes what he sees and hears we might be in business right away.’

  Danny raised an eyebrow. ‘What else have you two been cooking up?’

  ‘Gigs,’ Trudie said. ‘Lots of gigs. You’ve been doing great getting repeat bookings in the same venues. But now Richard and I, without the aid of the William Morris Agency, have got you into a whole new batch of venues. You won’t be headlining but with your strong image and crowd rapport you’ll be telling everyone from the 16th of April not only that you’ve released a single but where to buy it.’

  Calvin exchanged looks with Danny. ‘I don’t understand. Why would we tell them where to buy it?’

  ‘Because,’ Trudie said pulling a folder from a case, ‘I have a list of the gigs you’ll be doing and where the nearest record shops are to those venues.’

  The lads each took a copy.

  Calvin read the names of venues he’d heard of but never had luck securing gigs with. Each venue had up to five record shops listed beneath with addresses.

  ‘Let me guess,’ he said. ‘These aren’t just shops – these have Gallop dataports?’

  ‘Ooh, clever lad,’ Trudie said.

  ‘But,’ Danny said taking a moment, ‘We’ve been told there’s no point playing these sorts of games.’

  Richard cut in. ‘That’s right and doing this won’t make a dent on the Top-20.’

  ‘We’re not exactly being set up to fail here,’ Trudie said. ‘But Dave’s too cautious to sign you without evidence that Little Spirit can sell records. That we’ve recorded this video is almost Dave’s favour to me.’

  ‘I almost feel we’re being made fools of,’ Calvin said with a sigh.

  ‘No no, but he’s expecting you to sell in small numbers. If that happens he can justify dropping you. But his expected small numbers shouldn’t take much to double or triple. And that should be enough to tip his opinion in our favour.’

  ‘So that’s how we define doing well, yes?’ Raphael said. ‘Even though we don’t chart, Dave will see bigger sales than forecast?’

  ‘Spot on. Especially if we can rouse some press interest too,’ Trudie said.

  ‘Can we really do it?’ Danny asked.

  ‘Well, Richard’s only recently informed me of your secret weapon.’


  ‘Exactly; though I’d preferred you’d not brought your instruments to this meeting.’

  ‘Sorry but we’ve got to eat,’ Calvin said.

  ‘Of course. Anyway, I really believe this will make the difference especially as Easter’s coming up. I hope you’re up for the hard work, Richard and me are counting on you guys.’

  ‘We’ll do whatever we have to,’ Danny said but felt despondent.

  Trudie suggested they head up to the viewing room but Danny made no attempt to move even when Calvin clapped his hands together.

  ‘Right, hang on,’ Raphael said. ‘Can ze three of us have a moment?’

  ‘Okay but make it quick. We need to be up there before Dave; he likes to be last to arrive.’

  Trudie told them to meet her by the lifts and once out of earshot Raphael said, ‘I know how you two feel.’

  Danny looked at him. ‘You do?’

  ‘Yeah. Trudie’s talking like we’re about to lose Vanquar and everything else too. But ze opposite is true. We’re notching up ze pyramid still further. We’ve got everything we had and now a video regardless of whether Dave likes it or not.’

  Danny nodded.

  Calvin said, ‘You’re right. We should be looking forward to this and the better gigs and if nothing else we’re making money busking which nobody can take from us.’

  ‘That’s ze spirit,’ Raphael said.

  ‘One little spirit,’ Danny said. He meant it sarcastically but it didn’t sound or feel that way. ‘Let’s hit the lift.’

  As the doors shut so did Danny’s eyes. His hands rested on his guitar case; the backdrops weighed heavy on his arm. Not normally given to praying he found himself asking someone somewhere for good fortune as the lift took off through the floors before halting abruptly.

  Danny opened his eyes as the doors slid open.

  A man who must have been in his forties despite his baby-face and tan stepped into the lift. ‘Trudie. Great timing huh?’

  ‘Hi,’ Trudie managed before the grey suited man turned to the others.

  Danny saw Trudie roll her eyes and knew she’d be cursing them.

  ‘Little Spirit, amazing. I’m Dave Whitaker. I’m really looking forward to checking out your video. How you guys doing?’

  Warnings sounded in Danny’s mind. Trudie had painted Dave as an ogre. He recalled Richard’s advice to ignore everything except the contract and hard cash.

  The lift continued.

  Deciding to play it cool Danny watched with Calvin, as Raphael set out to beat Dave at his own game.

  Raphael not only shook hands but slapped the guy’s shoulder and started singing the praises of Vanquar’s previously signed Euro-beets before launching into anything else he might have found out about Vanquar and their most famous ever act, Elvis Presley.

  Behind them Trudie looked petrified.

  The lift doors opened and Dave headed out first. ‘This way chaps. Come on Trudie.’

  ‘Nice place you got here Dave,’ Raphael said. ‘Carpet’s looking a bit old though. We’ll replace that once Little Spirit records start shifting record.’

  Danny felt Trudie’s lips on his ear. ‘Can’t you shut him up?’

  He shrugged helplessly.

  Of Raphael’s carpet comment Dave said, ‘You guys are fantastic, no doubt about that but it’s still early days.’

  ‘Just as well. It’s ze early bird that catches ze worm.’

  ‘We’ll see in a minute,’ Dave said holding the door for Raphael and everyone else.

  Still gets to arrive last, Danny thought.

  Inside Danny dumped his guitar and looked along the board table for a place to sit. Guessing the head seat would be Dave’s, Danny went to warn Raphael; fortunately he moved on and sat beside Grace.

  Six other people already occupied seats. Danny recognised the two that had accompanied Trudie recently but promptly forgot everyone’s names upon introduction.

  Trudie stood by a seat at the far end next to the video machine and Dave finally sat down. ‘Okay Trudie take it away.’

  ‘Right,’ she said with a near stammer. Crossing the room she shut the blinds and lowered the lights. ‘I think we should let the music speak for itself.’

  She walked to a huge TV and pressed play on the video player.

  Danny, like everyone else stared expectantly at the black screen where Raphael’s boot suddenly appeared kicking the bass drum as the beat started. Next the crowd rushed to the stage and on each crack of the snare drum an image of a bikini-clad model flashed up. Th
en they flashed up on bass drum beats too.

  The camera sucked away from the drums and Danny saw himself come into view legs astride as his rock-riff joined the drums. Sitting watching himself he couldn’t help but grin. Des had made them seem godlike as Calvin appeared to play his bass fill.

  Shots of the crowd’s elation during the intro chorus made Little Spirit look as big a band as Duran Duran. Calvin’s head disappeared off the top of the screen following a perfect launch from the springboard. The conspicuously named backdrops made sure everyone watching knew that the band tearing up the stage could only be Little Spirit.

  Towards the end of the chorus the scene changed to that of a disco floor. The band stood next to their models, hands ready and clapped on the last beat. The screen flashed white and suddenly Danny saw himself singing verse one on a beach with Calvin and Raphael behind him.

  In the room he and his bandmates watched the screen and each other laughing at the right times as did the rest of the board table members including Dave.

  Danny sat back during the next chorus confident that Little Spirit’s debut video could only be described as a triumph. Every face he could see beamed.

  The dance floor set the scene for most of verse two. In the room Raphael grimaced at Grace who stuck her tongue out when, to the left of shot, she could be seen osculating with a boy who’d painted the arms of his shades in Little Spirit colours.

  People had commented that the middle-8’s chant reminded them of Queen’s Radio Ga Ga. Little Spirit’s crowd fervour made up for Radio Ga Ga’s handclap choreography as did the shots of their models’ thighs.

  By the final chorus Danny saw Dave punching the air to Raphael’s drums and whooping.

  At the end of the video Trudie turned the lights up.

  Twelve faces looked at each other and to Dave who laughed. ‘What can I say – I love it. You guys have given me a lot to think about.’

  ‘I doubt it,’ Raphael said.

  Danny’s heart appeared in his mouth. He glanced at Trudie whose smile died as she put her face in her hands.

  Raphael went on. ‘You saw those backdrops advertising our name?’

  ‘Couldn’t miss them,’ Dave said.

  ‘They’re over there.’ Raphael pointed to the stack of instruments. ‘We use them when we busk and we’re going to busk ze hell out of London. Signing us will be a really easy decision.’

  Danny didn’t know what to think as Dave’s smile fell before saying, ‘Is that a fact?’


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