Little Spirit

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Little Spirit Page 39

by DaNeo Duran

  Raphael stirred his hot chocolate. When he didn’t speak Calvin said, ‘But, given your visualisations and that fear of success hasn’t ever come up I’m left wondering what’s really wrong.’

  Raphael put his spoon down and looked at Calvin. He nodded and said, ‘I don’t want to sleep on ze settee anymore. I miss having a bed and a room where I can close ze door. People can walk through ze living room to ze kitchen or bathroom anytime. I’m sick of being uncomfortable and …’


  ‘Something else.’

  ‘Something else?’

  ‘Yeah. I haven’t really been myself since that night with Christine and Mazz.’

  ‘I thought you liked Christine in the end.’

  ‘Two different people.’

  ‘I know you lucky dog.’

  ‘I meant Christine.’

  ‘I know what you meant.’

  ‘That rocked my confidence. I suppose I needed bringing down a peg or two.’

  ‘Well, I overstepped the mark with Randy Earnshaw last night. That gave me something to think about whilst you were driving us back.’

  ‘I don’t know.’ Raphael smiled. ‘Perhaps he needed bringing down a peg or two?’

  ‘Best behaviour for Dave Whitaker?’

  ‘Sure, no cocky behaviour today.’

  Drinking in silence something occurred to Calvin. ‘Come on mate. You’re gonna be fine.’

  Walking back Raphael could sense Calvin thinking. ‘What’s going on in your head?’

  ‘Your drums.’

  ‘What about them?’

  ‘They’re key to your confidence.’

  ‘What d’you mean?’

  ‘Think about it. It’s the performing musician in you that pulls all those girls’ phone numbers. When we first met Dave in Vanquar you had your djembe.’

  Raphael thought for a moment. ‘What about my Smart-Alec behaviour in Ze Brudenell in Leeds?’

  ‘There were drums on the stage. Come to the push, you’d have jumped on the stage and justified your worth. But, you knew we’d be back kickin’ it the next day. We’re about to go to a meeting where you can’t remind yourself how cool you are by playing drums.’

  ‘Maybe you’re right. Christine and Mazz was a drum-less experience too. But what can we do?’

  ‘Take your drumsticks to the meeting. If you feel anything less than yourself just give ‘em a twirl or beat out a paradiddle on your knees. Hopefully it’ll be over in a flash and we’ll be touring America with The USed Wonz.’

  Back at the flat Calvin opened the door and a much calmer Raphael followed him. They met Amy at the top of the stairs.

  ‘There you are,’ she said hovering by Danny’s door. ‘Danny’s not up yet is he?’

  ‘Don’t know, we just went out for some … exercise,’ Calvin said.

  ‘Right. I’m hoping to study in his room.’

  Calvin went to the living room and sat down. Amy followed and sat beside Raphael.

  ‘You sure you’re not studying too much?’ Calvin said

  ‘No, I didn’t do any last night.’

  ‘Danny guessed as much,’ Raphael said.

  ‘Really, and exactly what did Danny think?’

  ‘Amy,’ Calvin said intervening, ‘you’re a gorgeous twenty-one year old. We know you’ve got to study but you need some fun too.’

  ‘I know I am. I mean, young, not gorgeous, well maybe a bit. But I wasn’t out gallivanting. Anyway, I don’t know why we’re talking about this. Congratulations – Number-28.’

  ‘I know, Little Spirit in ze charts, who’d have thought.’

  ‘I never doubted it but you’re kind of the reason no studying got done last night. We stopped to watch The Whistle Test. You guys were fantastic. We laughed our heads off. Joanne opened the wine and no more study happened. She thinks the song Joanna is about her by the way. Anyway I ended up too sozzled to come home.’

  ‘It all sounds pretty innocent.’

  ‘Well, it didn’t help with my studies. What time do you guys need to be out?’

  Calvin looked at his watch. ‘Soon-ish.’

  He banged on Danny’s door. Nothing happened so he banged again. ‘What d’you want?’ a croaky voice griped.

  ‘Time to get up.’

  ‘I don’t want to.’

  ‘Get up. Big day today.’

  ‘I don’t want—’

  ‘I’m coming in.’

  Calvin burst in on an unresponsive Danny whose face remained tucked under his duvet. ‘Mate it’s time to get going.’

  ‘I’ve got a cold; feel like a tree’s blown over on my chest.’

  Calvin leant on the desk. ‘Come on mate, we need you today.’

  ‘I don’t want to.’

  ‘Because of a chest cold? I’ll make you a brew.’

  ‘I don’t want to go.’

  Calvin stared at the lump and let his temper fly. ‘I don’t believe this we’re about to sign the most important contract of our lives and you don’t want to?’

  Danny hated being shouted at. Calvin never shouted at him, but given that he just had, Danny found strength. He tugged the duvet from his face and pulled himself up, supporting himself on the pillows. ‘We don’t know that we’re signing anything.’

  ‘Yeah, but you are coming aren’t you?’

  With a sigh Danny croaked, ‘I never said I wasn’t coming. I just don’t want to is all.’

  ‘What’s going on? I’ve had Raphael freaking like Zebedee and you’re like a flat tyre.’

  ‘It’s scary.’

  Calvin softened and moved to sit cross-legged on the rug. ‘I know it is.’

  ‘Whichever way it goes it’s scary.’

  ‘I know. You’re alright though?’

  ‘Yeah. Glad we’re not gigging tonight.’

  ‘Me too mate. I’ll fetch you a brew.’

  Calvin walked into the living room and found Amy watching TV whilst Raphael appeared to be sleeping. ‘Quick word?’

  Amy followed him into the kitchen. ‘What’s up?’ she said whilst Calvin put the kettle on.

  Facing her he said, ‘Do me a favour will you? Take a brew to Danny and stay with him. Whatever you talk about tell him everything’s going to be fine.’

  * * *

  ‘Morning,’ she said kicking Danny’s door closed behind her and setting the tray of tea and toast down.

  ‘Where’s Calvin?’

  ‘Err, shower. Got you some brekkie.’

  ‘I missed you last night.’

  Amy perched on the end of his bed. ‘I should’ve been here when you got back.’

  ‘No you shouldn’t. It would’ve been nice though.’

  As Calvin had requested she told him everything would be alright and, because she believed it she soon convinced Danny.

  * * *

  Everyone gathered in the living room.

  Calvin spoke. ‘It is a big day for us today. We’re not sure quite how it will go or where it will lead. But whatever happens I just want to say to the girls, Amy – we love you and want you with us always. Katherine I love you and will continue to give you all of what the groupies leave.’

  ‘That’s very generous,’ she said.

  He smiled. ‘I’ve also decided something else very important. I like Raphael too much to have him continue to sleep on the settee indefinitely. We all know this the flat isn’t big enough for the five of us so we need to think about alternatives starting now.’

  Danny looked at Amy who looked at him and then the floor.

  ‘Any one disagree?’

  ‘This is a bit out the blue isn’t it?’ Katherine said.

  ‘All I’m saying is let’s keep our eyes open for a bigger flat or house.’

  ‘We won’t find anywhere this cheap,’ Danny said.

  ‘We’ll sort something out. But first let’s go and meet Richard.’

  With no gig that night the band decided to take public transport into London. By lunch time they’d scaled the external
stairs to the GMD office and sat awaiting Richard’s briefing.

  ‘Right then,’ Richard said. ‘As you know I maintain that bands should keep their feet on the ground. Don’t believe anything anyone says. For that reason I pass very little waffle on to you guys. I don’t depress you with the bad news and I protect you from the so called good news …’ he opened a desk draw. ‘… unless I feel you deserve a pep.’

  He plonked what Raphael suspected to be a contract on the table and continued. ‘Over the last few weeks you guys have outperformed anything either me, Grace or Trudie could have hoped for. The culmination of your performance landed you with perfect timing a chart position higher than any of us dreamed possible.’

  Raphael and his two bandmates listened as did Grace when the phone gave her chance.

  ‘You guys have certainly ruffled Vanquar’s feathers. Trudie reckons Dave couldn’t possibly fail to recognise Little Spirit as a viable option meaning there’s no doubt Vanquar will sign you.’

  ‘Alright,’ Calvin said.

  ‘Nevertheless,’ Richard said maintaining order, ‘let’s save any excitement until the papers are signed and the money comes in.’

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘The thing is because you’ve driven the single so hard other companies have woken up. Dave doesn’t need me to tell him how much Phonogram are prepared to pay.’

  ‘So there will be bidding?’ Raphael said.

  ‘Well what we need to decide is which companies are serious and which are sticking their oar in because they’re afraid they’ll miss out.’

  ‘And?’ Calvin asked.

  ‘Phonogram are the only other company prepared to move forward right now. So next we look at which company is offering us the best deal and, more importantly, which company has our best interests at heart.’

  ‘What have you learnt?’ Danny asked.

  ‘Phonogram’s offer is about as good as Vanquar’s in many respects but there’s a clause they’ve written – a sweetener to GMD. If we go with Phonogram, GMD get a bigger percentage.’

  No one in the band said anything. Raphael heard Grace pick up the phone and say she’d call back.

  ‘However, it is my firm belief and Grace’s instinct, that GMD will make more money not with Phonogram but with Vanquar.’

  The band exchanged looks.

  ‘Vanquar are the company for us. Their offer has no doubt been worked and reworked over the weeks since you first met Dave. But this is it, right here.’ He thumped the papers on his desk. ‘It’s only a photocopy but it’s the best deal I’ve ever read. And with Vanquar we get Trudie. She, like all of us in this office, has every belief in the entire Little Spirit product.’

  ‘Even though I panicked her in front of Dave?’ Raphael said.

  ‘Maybe especially because of that. She knows it’ll be a rollercoaster journey but she’s keen to get on with it. And that’s why I believe GMD will benefit with Vanquar more than Phonogram.’

  ‘That’s good.’

  ‘Yes. Now, Phonogram have talked but haven’t drawn up a contract. If we go with them we’re in for a wait, they might reduce their offer and the whole thing will give Vanquar the hump and damage our relationship with Trudie. So, to summarise, we’re due at Vanquar shortly to sign the actual documents. I’ve been over them with a lawyer who’ll meet us there.’

  Richard covered the main points of the contract before asking, ‘Is everyone happy with that or should I cancel the appointment and get on to Phonogram?’

  ‘If what you’re saying’s true then I’m sure we’re all up for signing with Vanquar,’ Calvin said.

  ‘Absolutely,’ Danny said his voice still sounding croaky. ‘We should get over right now.’

  ‘Indeed. But for God’s sake keep your feet on the ground. The Vanquar building might be subject to terrorism before pen reaches paper.’

  * * *

  Trudie met them at Vanquar’s revolving doors. ‘Hi guys. Welcome to you all.’

  ‘Great to see you,’ Richard said.

  ‘Come straight up. We’ve got champagne on ice.’

  The lads and Grace strode past reception. From the lifts they arrived at a different floor from last time and walked a tunnel like corridor of precious metal wall-mounted discs. Calvin pointed out the new carpet to Raphael.

  ‘This way,’ Trudie said leading them to the plush presidential boardroom. ‘Dave will be along shortly.’

  Something beeped. Checking her pager Trudie said, ‘The lawyers have arrived. Back to reception for me; see you in a mo.’

  ‘She seems excited,’ Calvin said once she’d left.

  ‘Doesn’t she?’ Richard said eying the champagne in its ice bucket and glasses in the middle of the board table. ‘I guess we should wait for her to open the bottle.’

  ‘Best behaviour today,’ Raphael said.

  Trudie soon returned with two sharp suited lawyers and introduced Richard’s lawyer Peter and a brunette lady representing Vanquar called Janice.

  ‘You’ve not started the bubbly,’ Trudie then said tearing the foil off the first bottle.

  People helped themselves to glasses and Trudie poured. Raphael and Danny refused champagne opted instead for the carton of orange juice. Like Danny, Calvin deciding his throat would benefit from the vitamin C also declined champagne.

  They sat chatting. Trudie looked at the time. ‘I know Dave likes to make a late entrance but he shouldn’t be this long.’

  After the chitchat ran thin Trudie said, ‘I’m really sorry but I’ll have to go and see what’s holding him up.’

  She left and Janice began checking her watch instead. The room became silent and Calvin sat back twiddling the stem of the champagne flute. After Raphael’s hysteria and Danny’s depression he didn’t fancy any sort of hitch.

  The minutes dragged and Calvin grew board of looking at Janice pulling her specks on and off as she went back over the contract’s small print time and again. Thankfully the door opened and Trudie walked in. But she headed straight for a chair, sat down and put a hand to her face.

  ‘Problem?’ Richard asked.

  ‘I don’t know, maybe, a situation.’

  ‘Can you tell us what?’

  ‘Basically, Dave has friends throughout the entire music business. He got a phone call earlier from the proprietor of a London record shop who claims Gallup rang him this morning querying Little Spirit sales.’

  ‘Gallup – what did the shopkeeper tell them?’

  ‘That everything’s fine. Think he mentioned the busking and that the records sold individually not in batches.’

  ‘Any returns?’


  ‘So there shouldn’t be a problem. What sparked this?’

  ‘Dave’s privy to insider knowledge from another friend who works for Gallup. It seems a record shop in Manchester flagged them last night when he sold his first Little Spirit single to someone in the BBC.’

  ‘D’you lads know anything about this?’ Richard asked.

  Calvin explained the confusion at The Whistle Test which had resulted in a researcher buying the single.

  ‘Mike the producer said the guy in the shop was amazed we were at Number-28 when he’d not heard of us or sold any singles himself. But we had no control over the BBC’s actions or knowledge that they’d sent someone to buy the single.’

  ‘It’s alright,’ Richard said, ‘you’ve done nothing wrong.’

  ‘Do we know how long this will take to sort out?’ Janice asked. She checked her watch again. ‘It’s just I’ve got other appointments.’

  ‘Dave said he’d have an idea shortly,’ Trudie said. ‘I’ll go back up and check how he’s getting on.’

  Trudie returned saying it could yet be some time. Janice told her to keep in touch but made her apologies and left. The other lawyer, Peter, told Richard he’d head back to his office but would return as soon as the problem had been remedied.

  Calvin slumped further into the chair as quiet rage periodically swelled
in his belly. To his right Raphael leant against the table resting his face in his hands. To his left Danny stared appearing almost catatonic.

  Grace who remained serene asked Trudie, ‘Not that it should but could a situation like this affect Dave’s decision to move forward?’

  ‘Can’t say for certain. Dave loves drama but not if he fears it could lead to other problems.’

  ‘It’s a bit early in the day to be bringing him any problems,’ Danny said.

  ‘Well it can’t be helped,’ Trudie said. ‘But Dave did say I should set you free in the catalogue room. He wouldn’t have done that if he hadn’t some confidence. So let’s head to the basement. Dave’ll page me as soon as there’s any change.’

  Below reception the lads and Grace would have collected records like crazy but for the impending sense of doom that passed between them. Richard and Trudie stayed outside. Calvin couldn’t guess what they’d be discussing.

  By the time Richard stepped into the room Calvin and the others had mini hoards of records including some for Katherine.

  ‘She’s been paged,’ Richard said leafing through records himself. ‘Huh, what d’you know, The USed Wonz.’

  Calvin, even with all the records he could want, suffered through every minute as did the others. He looked at his watch surprised to see that time had been soldiering on. Katherine would be wondering why he hadn’t phoned.

  The door opened and everyone faced it. Unfortunately a lad walked in, startled finding five people’s eyes on him. ‘Everything okay in here?’

  ‘We were expecting someone else,’ Richard said.

  ‘Oh,’ the lad said. ‘I’ve just got some new releases to add.’ He went about his work but said with a wry smile, ‘You’re Little Spirit aren’t you?’

  ‘For now,’ Danny said.

  ‘And Dave’s letting you take records?’

  ‘Yeah, why?’ Richard asked.

  The lad went to the singles section and pulled out Only When it’s Saturday. ’Do us a favour when you document what you’ve taken will you add this to it?’ The lad pulled a pen from his record bag. ‘And, err, I’d be honoured if you’d sign it?’

  ‘No problem,’ Danny said. ‘Not what I had in mind when I thought of signing anything today.’

  ‘Haven’t you signed yet?’

  Before Danny answered Trudie appeared. ‘We’re ready for you.’

  ‘Good news I hope,’ Richard said.

  ‘Hope so,’ Trudie said before spotting the lad. ‘Darren, what are you doing here?’


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