Little Spirit

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Little Spirit Page 40

by DaNeo Duran


  She turned a blind eye whilst the other two signed the single which he slipped into the record bag.

  In the lift Richard said, ‘Lawyers?’

  ‘On their way.’


  Once again seated in the presidential boardroom they began another wait whilst Trudie went for the lawyers.

  Finally with everyone in position Dave arrived.

  ‘Guys,’ he said projecting his voice and throwing his arms open as if visualising hugging everyone seated at the table, ‘what a morning. What a day. In fact, what a few weeks.’

  He took his place at the head of the table ignoring the now tepid champagne. ‘A brief explanation.’ He banged his right hand on the table. ‘On the one hand, Little Spirit, you are a rock band writing pops songs.’ He banged his left hand on the table. ‘I’ll come to the other hand in a second. Back to the first hand. I love Only When it’s Saturday but Vanquar is not looking to sign rock bands for this country at this time.’

  Calvin adjusted his position and waited whilst Dave drank in the affect his words had on them. ‘Or at least Vanquar wasn’t until you guys came along. We’ve taken your single round all the clubs in London and monitored its effect on people. Now, as you might expect, it hasn’t blown away crowds who are only there to dance but it has fared well in rock clubs and less dance driven environments.’ Dave held up his right hand. ‘That would’ve been enough to raise our interests to borderline.’ Raising his left hand he said, ‘But it’s this hand that really interests me. On this hand you have proven yourselves to be highly styled, highly entertaining on and off stage, highly industrious, and incredibly hard working. And most important of all to me highly synergistic; thus creating results that have wowed me and, it would seem Gallup too.’

  Calvin sat wondering what Dave would say next. Could it be a but, an alas, or an unfortunately?

  ‘Unfortunately,’ Dave said, ‘your achievements created unforeseen problems. I had to re-write the contract I’d prepared for you because by this time I’d fallen in love with the album but other companies reckoned they fancied you on their books. I had to create this contract.’ He pointed to the papers in front of Janice. ‘It’s a poach-proof contract; the best contract a band could hope to sign.’

  That had not been the unfortunately Calvin had expected yet he sensed more apprehension.

  ‘Alas,’ Dave said, ‘your hard work created another problem. You charted. Who would have guessed that?’ He leaned forwards as if to stick his face into everyone else’s in turn; including the lawyers. Calvin didn’t know where to look and guessed everyone else felt the same.

  Dave sat back. ‘You charted and with total disregard of the 30’s you landed at Number-28. How could this be? I get a phone call this morning; Gallup suspect foul play. I’m thinking if this is true, what becomes of Vanquar? Disgrace, ridicule, fines? We need to get to the bottom of this.’

  Now Calvin sensed Dave’s bombshell getting closer and knew his bandmates and GMD team must be coming to the end of their nerves. With no appeal or counter argument what could he do but listen further?

  Dave’s expression became glaring. ‘I had Trudie in the office. I’m asking, did they cheat, did they cheat? No, she tells me. They only did what they said they would – busk. That’s great but how did they get so high in charts?’

  Dave’s voice receded from frenetic as he sat back. Calvin had virtually faded the room from his consciousness whilst he concentrated on the meaning of Dave’s words. Still, he noticed Janice glance at her watch.

  ‘You may be aware,’ Dave set off again, ‘that record companies do market singles in ways most effective and sometimes their desire to win sales oversteps the mark of what’s considered proper. Richard may have told you that in March, EMI lost a legal battle and was fined for over influencing record shops efforts to sell singles.’

  Calvin hadn’t known that.

  ‘This may be a factor in how you guys managed to attain such a high place without constant airplay and a Top of the Pops appearance. Because, for the moment at least, record companies are promoting singles a little more gingerly and that levels the playing field for lesser known acts.’

  Dave leant forwards again. ‘Another factor though is that the charts are not linear. You don’t have to sell a specific number of records to reach a specific chart place. It varies week to week and season to season. Christmas Number-1 is a mad race. Everyone wants that and you’d have to sell something like half a million a week to get it. Yesterday’s chart was very unusual though. To get a chart position anywhere from 100 to 28 was quite easy. It turns out that if you landed right on the threshold. For you to have reached Number-27 you’d have had to have sold almost three times what you did; and to have reached 26 you’d have had to have sold three times as many again.’

  Calvin caught a look from Danny. Dave had just devalued their chart position.

  ‘I’m certain today’s episode has passed. You sold an incredible, yet feasible number of records. Gallup have checked and not one record has been returned. Everyone who bought a record wanted it. Vanquar and all who sail in her are in the clear.’

  Dave checked his pager and Calvin wondered what could be left to go wrong.

  ‘But,’ Dave said, ‘let me tell you that Gallup being so stunned by your record sales; knowing full well you’d received no priority treatment has done nothing for me but to galvanise my belief that Little Spirit is an act, a band, a product worthy of phenomenal results and this phenomenal contract.’

  Dave grabbed the contract papers from in front of Janice and held them aloft. ‘With that in mind let’s sign this contract so you can start living the lives you’ve earned.’

  Calvin making to stand, found extra strength overcoming his emotion whilst Danny seemed to roll over onto the table before finding his feet. Before heading to Dave they converged on Raphael heads clattering as they joined in a group hug.

  Richard allowed them a moment of premature celebration but broke them up, ushering them to the top of the table and to pick up Dave’s solid silver Parker.

  ‘One thing left to do,’ Dave said checking his pager once the documents had their full complement of signatures. ‘Follow me please.’

  Dave led the way through the thick carpeted corridor of platinum records to the lifts. They descended several floors and came to an open plan marble landing.

  ‘Nearly there,’ Dave said striding ahead. He grabbed one handle of a double door. ‘There’s some people that want to meet you.’

  He opened the door and the band entered a hall of cheering staff.

  Dave followed them in and quietened them saying, ‘Ladies and gentlemen thank you for coming. Would you all please give a warm welcome to Vanquar’s latest signing: Little Spirit.’

  The band felt bowled over by the applause.

  ‘Get to know these faces folks, you’ll be seeing a lot of them in these parts.’

  Calvin’s reaction might have been to run. Certainly he had trouble moving forwards. Pretty girls approached him and the others with champagne and this time even Raphael accepted.

  Plenty of staff had questions for the lads and they found themselves separated from each other. Several feet away Calvin saw Dale Steward of the Euro-beets approach Raphael. As his own conversation had come to an end he listened to Raphael’s, amused that after Dave’s introduction Raphael couldn’t think of anything else to say and so Dave moved on.

  Calvin made his way over to Raphael and said, ‘Now you know how me and Danny felt when we met you.’

  Soon the champagne’s flow ended and the three bandmates, two GMD members and Trudie came together.

  ‘We should go out and celebrate properly,’ Trudie said.

  ‘What d’you lads fancy doing?’ Richard asked.

  Danny rubbed his sore throat. ‘Honestly I just want to get back.’

  ‘Yeah,’ Calvin said. ‘I need to see Katherine. She’ll be worried. I should have phoned her hours ag

  ‘Raphael?’ Richard asked.

  ‘Ze idea of going out is nothing compared to going home to a proper bed.’

  ‘Well that’s it,’ Richard said. ‘It’s official, Rock ‘n’ Roll just ain’t what it used to be.’ He turned to Trudie and said, ‘I’ve been telling these guys to keep their feet on the ground and now the buggers want their beds before we do.’

  Trudie laughed and said, ‘What are you lot going to be like on tour?’

  ‘Fine if I can ring Katherine when I say I will.’

  ‘Fine if ze beds are full size.’

  ‘Fine if I haven’t got a sore throat.’

  ‘Listen guys,’ Richard said, ‘I can only imagine how much strain you’ve put on yourselves these last few weeks but your hard work has paid off. I hope Trudie won’t mind my saying but we might soon wealthy again.’

  Grace spoke up and told them everyone well done with a kiss for each bandmate.

  Raphael didn’t know if she’d saved him until last but when her lips brushed his face he wanted the tenderness in her sentiment to last forever.

  ‘Thank you,’ he said returning the hug as best he could with records and drumsticks under each arm.

  Richard snapped them out of it. ‘Right lads. Do get some rest. With a deal like that and a woman like this,’ he indicated to Trudie, ‘I promise you things are going to start happening pretty damn quick.’

  Thursday 03rd May 1984

  Richard and Grace may have been busy but the next day the band rested. Danny relaxed in his room where Amy studied and provided cough medicine.

  That evening though, Katherine arrived from her shift and prepared for a night out with Loretta. Calvin phoned Raphael and learned he’d only got up three hours earlier but felt back to his usual self and thanked Calvin for speaking up about the living arrangements. Calvin assured him they’d get right on it before things got too busy.

  Back in his room he asked Katherine, ‘Where are you meeting Loretta?’

  ‘Nowhere too posh thank goodness. Come along too if you want; might make up for your lack of celebrating last night.’

  ‘No, you go and enjoy yourselves, I’ll meet Loretta soon enough. If you fancy something posher I’ve got cash.’

  Katherine fastened the ankle straps of her shoes. ‘That’s lovely babe but I’m determined to pay my own way. I need to be honest about what I can afford.’

  As Calvin walked her to the bus stop Katherine considered how wealth had flowed into and out of her life. Bar work had provided financial stability, pleasing her more than her impoverished upbringing or Saint Tropez’s fantasy paradise. But Little Spirit would surely leap onto Rock ‘n’ Roll’s gravy train beyond poverty’s precipice and that made her head spin.

  The financial freedom that working in the pub and living with people of similar wage afforded her would end. That she’d be meeting her rich friend Loretta seemed uncannily coincidental marking a situation change demoting her wage from adequate to inadequate.

  Katherine couldn’t be sure how she’d fit in with Calvin’s new life financially. Earlier he’d reiterated the importance of finding a new place to live. How much would that cost? Where would it be? Would it even be practical to continue at the pub?

  At the bus stop Calvin said, ‘Take these tenners and enjoy yourself.’

  Katherine looked at the three notes. ‘Calvin, if I took those I’d have nightmares of being back in Saint Tropez.’

  When Calvin didn’t say anything she guessed he’d be thinking along the lines she just had. Eventually he said, ‘Dilemma.’


  ‘Thing is, I couldn’t have done half this without you. We, Little Spirit, look incredible because of you. You introduced us to John. Most of all you put me firmly on the tracks giving me strength to get here. And that gives me strength to pull Danny and Raphael back when they momentarily derail. We wouldn’t be here without you, or Amy for that matter. You even helped with my rent.’

  Katherine looked again at the money. ‘Thank you but keep the tenners for now at least.’

  ‘I know how many hours you work and how fed up you’re getting of bar work babe.’

  She only smiled. The bus approached.

  * * *

  The restaurant had an air of calm affordability. Seated, Loretta asked Katherine about her job.

  ‘I used to enjoy the banter and my boss loves me but the more hours I work the more I resent it,’ Katherine told her. ‘I’ve been saving like mad for Elaine’s wedding.’

  The soup arrived and Loretta sipped. ‘The Harrods wedding list. There’re still items on it.’

  ‘I’ll get a few plates but at fifty pounds each I don’t want to hear of any flying out the galley when they go about.’

  ‘That won’t happen. Gareth’s spending more time in London so that’s where they’re setting up. Calvin’s coming to the wedding right?’

  ‘Just me, he’s not invited.’

  For a second Loretta looked puzzled. ‘You’ve not seen your invitation of course.’

  ‘No, is Elaine posting it?’

  Loretta put her spoon down and opened her handbag. ‘I forgot I’ve got it right here.’ She handed Katherine an envelope. ‘You needn’t RSVP; I’ve already done that.’

  Katherine opened the envelope. ‘Oh, it says I can bring a guest.’

  ‘So bring Calvin.’

  ‘I don’t know. They only signed to Vanquar yesterday. Their schedule’s gonna be hectic. Maybe my mum?’

  Loretta almost chocked on her soup. ‘What?’

  ‘She’s not John’s guest is she?’

  ‘She’s, I don’t know, maybe.’

  Something didn’t seem right. ‘But, they’re not an item.’.

  ‘No?’ Loretta dabbed her lips with a napkin. ‘I mean, no, but they look like best friends. Your mum’s doing better than you had us all believe by the way.’

  ‘Yes, well I didn’t actually know my mum had a history then. Loretta you’re behaving a little strangely.’

  ‘Am I? This soup’s delicious.’

  ‘I know. I’ve got the same here.’

  ‘What about Amy, she’s fun perhaps she’ll come?’

  ‘She got exams … no wait, she’ll be finished by then. I bet she’d love to come along.’

  During the main course Loretta asked when she could see Little Spirit in action.

  ‘They’ll gig Saturday in London and Sunday at my pub, fingers crossed. Danny’s recovering from a chest cold following a hefty stint gigging and busking.

  Friday 4th May 1984

  Calvin picked up the phone first thing Friday.

  ‘How’s Danny?’ Richard asked.

  ‘Getting better.’

  ‘I know you all wore yourselves out. Will you be good to gig tomorrow?’

  ‘We’ll be ready.’

  ‘Great stuff. I’ve got the next six weeks’ schedule, can one of you pop by the office at some point this afternoon?’

  Calvin said he would.

  He rang off and took a brew to Katherine. He climbed onto the bed. ‘Morning gorgeous.’

  Katherine stirred. ‘Sorry if I woke you last night.’

  ‘Sorry I was asleep so early. Good night?’

  ‘Yeah. It was great seeing Loretta. She’s coming to a gig.’

  ‘Cool,’ Calvin said but still had trouble caring about her friends after Abigail’s snub in Saint Tropez. He changed the subject. ‘Did you have enough money?’

  ‘Yes thank you love.’ She smiled.

  ‘And did Loretta put your mind at ease as far as the wedding’s concerned?’

  Katherine thought for a minute. ‘Not sure, pretty much. Hey, I can take a guest, but you’ll probably be busy.’

  ‘Probably. Richard’s giving me the schedule today.’

  ‘I thought of my mum but it sounds like she might be going anyway?’ She sounded bewildered.

  ‘Is that so strange?’

  ‘Yeah, why didn’t she or John tell me?’
  Calvin had no idea.

  ‘Anyway, I’ve not seen her in ages so I’ll check with her and maybe ask Amy along.’

  Danny stayed in bed reading The Crowd whist Amy studied.

  Calvin knocked. ‘Am I interrupting?’ he said seeing Amy studying, dressed but, in bed next to Danny.

  ‘It’s a change from sitting at the table,’ she said.

  ‘Oh right.’ Calvin told Danny about Richard’s call. Raphael had opted to skip the meeting and Danny said he’d stay back to properly recover. Calvin suggested that he should get up so they could jam through a few songs to reintroduce their voices to singing.

  After a couple of hours of gentle singing Danny said, ‘Should be alright by tomorrow.’

  Calvin set off to London with posters under his arm. He caught the tube to Putney Bridge and stuck posters wherever he felt best. The morning’s rain had passed and the afternoon warmed up ever more. Arriving at the King’s Head he left posters for management and ordered a shandy to pass time before meeting Richard.

  ‘Thought it was you,’ a familiar voice said.

  Calvin turned ‘Stosh, good ta see ya.’

  ‘How’s it going?’

  ‘Brilliant. Vanquar signed us properly two days ago.’

  ‘Ah, that explains why you’re all over Capital FM. Congratulations. I don’t think we’ll be needing those posters I’ve heard them mention tomorrow’s gig.’


  ‘I can’t believe how far you guys have come.’

  ‘I daren’t think about it. How come you’re here so early?’

  ‘We’re fitting new EV speakers. It’ll sound even better here from tonight.’

  ‘Great. And you’ll be doing our sound?’

  Stosh paused. ‘Actually I’m doing The Rats tomorrow.’

  ‘Aw really?’

  ‘Hmm. You know what, I’ll swap. I’ll say you specifically requested me.’

  ‘That’s more like it.’

  Calvin drank up and headed across town for the GMD office. He stopped at letting agents and collected information on suitable properties though he didn’t know what Amy would be doing after her exams. It became obvious that affordable properties in London got snapped up instantly; they’d have to be ready to move the moment something presented itself.

  He jogged round to the GMD office.

  ‘Good to see you,’ Richard said.

  Calvin felt exposed in the office without his bandmates. From her desk Grace waved with phone receiver pinned by her shoulder.


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