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Little Spirit

Page 46

by DaNeo Duran

  ‘Things were never the same after that,’ Barbara said.

  ‘You didn’t kiss and make up then?’

  ‘Not for about a month.’

  ‘A month? Way to let the rot set in. It’s not like he caught the pair of you … doing it, is it?’

  ‘No,’ Barbara said. ‘Your dad met Lanzo on his way out.’

  Katherine eyed them suspiciously.

  ‘After a month I felt strange. I probably should have sought help. Perhaps broken the marriage but I was too stubborn to contact your grandparents. And, your granddad was the only link I had to Lanzo too.’

  ‘Mum, I’m kind of wondering what the point of this is.’

  ‘Stay with it Katherine,’ Lanzo said gravely.

  Barbara proceeded. ‘After a month I took Alan to bed. He’d been trying it on since Sarah was born and now I drained him.’


  ‘Eight months later you were born.’

  Katherine turned to her mother with a look of incredulity. ‘I was premature?’

  Barbara shrugged. ‘I was bigger with you than Sarah and you were a decent weight.’

  ‘Something’s amiss here.’

  ‘Right. Not that Alan ever said but I think he always presumed that Lanzo and I had had sex before he came home that day. He never said but I suspected he didn’t believe you were premature. It gave him a strange psychological hold over me. I felt alone, cut adrift from reality. And I couldn’t refuse him. For months he did what he wanted with me and soon Jayne came along.’

  Lanzo said, ‘If I’d have known how bad things got—’

  ‘You were busy, with oil and in love,’ Katherine said turning to face him.

  ‘Even so.’

  Barbara patted his shoulder. ‘By now I’d given up. I let my looks go which pleased Alan. I concentrated on my three daughters whilst Alan concentrated on two. One of you showed signs early on of becoming spectacularly beautiful.’

  Katherine shut her eyes.

  ‘Not that he ever said but, if Alan mistrusted Lanzo and your premature birth your growing so beautiful must have confirmed what he thought he knew.’

  ‘That’s why he hated me.’

  Barbara nodded. Her eyes reddened.

  Katherine looked at her and could tell how desperately she wanted her closeness. She concentrated her thoughts and decided she’d rather yield than leave her suffering.

  ‘I love you,’ Barbara sniffed into Katherine’s neck.

  Katherine neither replied nor closed her eyes. She released her and sat back down facing the pair. Neither of them spoke but looked like they expected her to speak which helped her realise the truth.

  ‘Right,’ she said looking from one face to the other, ‘you’ve led me to believe that when my dad found you together that everything was innocent.’ Both Lanzo and Barbara remained still as mannequins. ‘Please don’t string this out any longer. Did you, or did you not, have sex on the day in question?’

  Katherine focused on Lanzo as Barbara burst into tears again. Lanzo nodded the affirmative.

  ‘Okay, I’d like to check on Amy, she’s not eaten in hours. Then I’m going to bed.’

  She stood up. Lanzo stood too; palms open as if searching for something to say.

  Katherine sidestepped him not wanting to hear another word. ‘No thank you, I’ve too much to think about right now.’

  Lanzo made no attempt to follow her but said, ‘Contact the porters from the room’s intercom. They’ll provide Amy anything she wants when she’s ready.’

  Katherine stopped by the door then turned to the beautiful captain who seemed so kind. ‘Thank you.’

  * * *

  Amy woke up relieved to feel hungry. She’d shut the curtains and taken some aspirin and knew she’d acted early enough to avoid worsening nausea.

  She wondered how Katherine would be getting on. Earlier that day John had told her about Perso Principessa and that Katherine would need a friend because Barbara had consequential news. She considered going to find her friend but jumped hearing someone at the door.

  * * *

  Outside with tear-bleary eyes Katherine struggled and dropped the key again. She crouched getting a hand to it when the door opened.

  ‘Come in,’ Amy said opening her arms to her. ‘You’ve had a shock haven’t you?’

  Katherine thought she’d come back to look after Amy but her friend sat her on the bed and poured them both some water.

  Katherine launched into what had happened punctuating everything with, ‘I’m so annoyed,’ and, ‘what really makes me angry.’

  ‘Understandable,’ Amy said over and over.

  ‘I’m really annoyed with my dad too. He’s been horrible to me, but it’s not my fault I’m not his daughter. If he’d been nicer to my mum in the first place this wouldn’t ever have happened.’

  ‘You’re right.’

  ‘And why after all this time has my mum decided to dredge all this up?’ Katherine slammed a hand against the mattress.

  Amy couldn’t guess whether Katherine wanted an explanation. She kept quiet.

  Katherine sat; quiet too. ‘You’ve not eaten in ages,’ she said eventually.

  ‘No. I’m considering eating your hair.’

  Katherine chuckled then sighed. ‘Lanzo said you can have whatever you fancy whenever you’re ready.’

  ‘Did he – what anything?’

  ‘Anything. You just have to buzz from the intercom,’ Katherine said spying it on the wall.

  After thinking about it Amy said, ‘Cheese on toast.’

  ‘Nah, you don’t want that.’

  ‘How d’you know what I want?’

  ‘Not unless it’s Parmigiano-Reggiano on toast.’

  ‘And that’s cheese is it?’

  ‘Heaven’s cheese, but you should try the prosciutto.’

  ‘And what might that be?’

  ‘Parma ham. It’s out of this world. And you must have the culatello. I don’t know how I’m remembering these names but you’ve never tasted anything so divine. I tell you what,’ Katherine said getting up and heading for the intercom, ‘leave this to me.’

  Twenty minutes later Amy groaned with rapturous bliss savouring veal cutlets. ‘I’ll never eat chips again. Help me out Katherine I can’t manage this lot on my own.’

  Katherine still felt full but the memory of the food proved too much and soon the pair of them groaned unreservedly.

  Thirty minutes later each girl lay on her own bed.

  ‘So,’ Amy said, ‘how d’you feel now?’

  Katherine blinked her eyes open and thought about it. ‘I’m still angry. But I was just wondering how the lads are getting on.’

  Saturday 02nd June 1984

  The next morning Barbara knocked and called through the girls’ door. Amy looked at Katherine but didn’t move to answer it.

  Katherine eventually tutted, opened the door but walked away from without a backward glance.

  Barbara stepped into the room and exchanged pleasantries with Amy who talked about the food they’d shared after her migraine had passed. Of course the conversation soon swung to the previous night’s revelations.

  Barbara apologised and described herself in derogatory terms, calling herself weak and tagging excuses to every poor decision she’d ever made.

  Eventually Katherine said, ‘Enough. You made what you thought were the best choices at the time. Not that I’m hungry but it’ll be hours before we eat again so can we just get breakfast?’

  * * *

  In the dining room over fresh orange juice and slices of melon Katherine said, ‘I am still angry but I need to know, have you any more secrets?’

  ‘No,’ Barbara said somewhat tensely.

  ‘Nothing at all, because now’s the time to tell me?’

  ‘Dammit,’ Barbara said. ‘I don’t believe this. John’ll be furious.’

  ‘John? John doesn’t get furious.’

  ‘You know what I mean.’

I don’t, so tell me.’

  ‘It’s supposed to be a surprise – for everyone.’ Barbara looked at Amy.

  ‘I’m done with surprises,’ Katherine said un-amused.

  Amy said, ‘Sometimes, it’s nicer to have something to look forwards to.’

  ‘Alright, guess,’ Barbara said.


  ‘If you guess it won’t seem so bad I told you.’

  Katherine and Amy looked at each other their faces brightening.

  ‘Is it something to do with Little Spirit?’ Katherine asked.


  ‘They’re not here are they?’

  ‘They’re nearby.’

  ‘Are they coming to the wedding?’

  ‘They’re not guests but they’re doing a set before the disco.’

  ‘Oh mum that’s the best news.’ Katherine got up from her seat and hugged her. ‘Aren’t you glad you told us?’

  Barbara nodded.

  Amy said, ‘So are they flying in from Brighton?’


  ‘That’s where they’re shooting their next videos; isn’t it?’

  ‘Oh God,’ Barbara said with exasperation. ‘No, they’re in a chateau near Saint Raphael. As I understand it John booked them to play the wedding as his present to Elaine and Gareth. The record company decided to kill two birds with one stone and shoot their videos here. John will have at least saved them the price of the band’s airfare.’

  ‘I think it’s great you told us,’ Amy said.

  Katherine felt some annoyance but the moment had served to break the ice with her mother and without thinking she asked excitedly whether she thought Lanzo would like Little Spirit.

  John appeared before they’d finished their coffees. His chagrin at having his surprised ruined soon passed when he learned how much happier the girls seemed following the previous night’s drama.

  Barbara left to refill the coffees.

  ‘Can I ask you something John?’ Katherine said.

  ‘This sounds serious.’

  ‘Not necessarily. I just wondered whether Lanzo’s anything to do with you and my mum not seeing each other anymore?’

  He smiled. ‘You’re mum and I are great but that doesn’t make us right. Lanzo’s an impressive fellow and I intend spending more time with him if possible but as far as I can tell he and Barbara haven’t attempted to move romantically closer.’

  ‘I’m pleased you like him,’ Katherine said. ‘Thanks for helping her find him.’

  ‘She found him. Once she was back with your granddad it didn’t take her long to pull up the old records. All I did was make the phone calls; that and take her to Italy.’

  A berth massive enough for Perso Principessa still hadn’t become available along Quai d’Estienne d’Orves so, after dressing for the wedding a sailor motored the girls, Barbara and John ashore.

  But, during Elaine and Gareth’s vows Perso Principessa’s horn could be heard bellowing her arrival.

  Before long everyone followed bride and groom from the chapel into the dazzling light of Saint Tropez’s summer afternoon. Katherine looked down the hillside and saw Perso Principessa shading all other yachts.

  Elaine blossomed with joy under the confetti shower and pointing towards the marina said, ‘Look everyone, the party.’

  Most people seeing the mighty yacht for the first time cheered and right on cue Perso Principessa sounded her horn. Outside the walls of the church her bellowing echoed surely spreading across the whole town.

  The photographs took an age so as soon as Katherine, Amy and Barbara had been snapped a couple of times they headed back towards the marina.

  * * *

  After the wedding breakfast Elaine’s dad thanked, amongst others, Katherine for sourcing the first venue and Barbara and Lanzo for Perso Principessa.

  ‘Where is Lanzo?’ Katherine asked her mum as Gareth stood to begin his speech.

  ‘Haven’t seen him all day. Probably working knowing him.’

  Katherine sank back in her seat wondering if he’d lost interest in her already. Following a lifetime of denunciation from the Cumbrian man who’d raised her so begrudgingly she felt disappointed in herself for believing she should be above feelings of rejection.

  After coffees and champagne toasts, the staff ushered the wedding party out of the dining room.

  ‘It’s so Little Spirit can set up,’ John said.

  ‘Can we see them?’ Amy asked.

  ‘Of course, when they get on stage. Remember they still think this is a surprise.’

  Katherine looked around.

  ‘Giovanni,’ she said spotting the sailor who’d brought them aboard the day before.

  ‘Buona sera Katherine. Are you having a nice day?’

  ‘Strange, but nice thank you. Do you know where Little Spirit are?’

  ‘The rock band?’


  Giovanni looked nervous. ‘Nobody is supposed to know they’re here.’

  ‘No, but we do, and they’re very close friends of ours.’

  ‘I see. Well I’m not allowed to tell anyone about them—’

  ‘Atta boy,’ John said overhearing Katherine’s hushed conversation.

  ‘Of course, but I don’t even know if they’re aboard yet,’ Giovanni said.

  ‘They’re not in the dining room?’

  ‘Only the DJ and sound technicians are in there.’

  ‘We could go looking ourselves,’ Amy said.

  ‘Captain Valli’s orders were very specific. We’re not to allow anyone access to the dining room until it’s time.’

  * * *

  In the end everyone had to wait. The entire wedding party poured into the dining room ready for Elaine and Gareth’s first dance.

  The girls, John and Barbara pressed into the centre of the room.

  ‘People have been busy,’ Barbara said as they looked around the room now cleared of tables and chairs.

  Amy agreed. ‘Have you seen those speakers?’

  ‘Looks like it might be loud,’ Katherine said.

  ‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ Lanzo said appearing from out of nowhere.

  Standing in front of a curtain hanging between the mighty speakers he said, ‘Performing the first dance it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you all for the first time Mr and Mrs Edwardson.’

  Everyone clapped as the happy couple emerged from the crowd. Katherine instead looked at the man, her biological father.

  He continued. ‘And, for everyone’s pleasure I am simply delighted to welcome a band who’ve recently appeared on Top of the Pops and toured with Brewster Springfield. A band currently residing at Number-12 in the UK charts – Little Spirit.’

  Without warning blinding theatrical flash-bombs exploded sending sparks to the ceiling. The curtain vanished and Lanzo disappeared into the shadows before the stage lights could blare through the flash-bombs’ dying embers.

  Katherine’s pride could have exploded like the flash-bombs. Little Spirit stood on the stage looking incredible.

  * * *

  On stage Calvin hadn’t a clue why Lanzo, who none of them had met, felt so delighted to introduce them. Despite the crowd’s cheering he felt more nervous than usual standing before such exclusivity and wealth. He stamped the tempo of the first song so Danny and Raphael could see.

  ‘If you’re ready Mr and Mrs Edwardson,’ a seemingly calm Danny said.

  Calvin pulled one bass note and sang as simply as the original recording. ‘What the world needs now, is love sweet love.’

  Off stage Barbara tugged John’s sleeve and said, ‘Burt Bacharach, oh doesn’t Calvin sound lovely?’

  ‘When did they learn this?’ Amy asked.

  Katherine shook her head. ‘Never heard them sing a note of it.’

  ‘Hi guys.’

  ‘Grace,’ Amy said.

  ‘What d’you think of Little Spirit doing Bacharach.’

  ‘It’s heavenly,’ Barbara said. ‘D’you think
they’d record it?’

  ‘They have, they demo’d it in London and John gave it to Gareth, not that he mentioned it was Little Spirit.’

  Katherine watched Elaine in Gareth’s arms and considered how right they looked. She thought of herself and Calvin and knew they’d look equally perfect.

  From the stage Calvin continued singing and amended the last line to, ‘What the world has now is love sweet love, it’s the only thing that that this whole room is full of.’

  ‘Hmm, cheesy,’ Grace said as the song ended.

  Next Danny said, ‘Hey Gareth, how d’you like this for a backup guitar?’

  From behind his amp he presented a guitar he’d made from Lego. ‘Happy wedding day.’

  ‘Very nice,’ Calvin said on Gareth’s behalf. ‘Thank you all for having us join this celebration. We’re part of John Saunders’ wedding present to Elaine and Gareth and we’ll see how it goes but we’ll perform a few upbeat numbers for you.’

  The girls pushed forwards with everyone else to crowd the stage.

  Six songs later they and the audience wouldn’t let Little Spirit leave.

  * * *

  ‘There you are,’ Calvin said finding their girls on deck together after they’d finally managed to leave the stage.

  ‘We’ve been kept away from the precious rock stars you know?’ Amy said.

  ‘I’m sorry we couldn’t tell you about the gig,’ Calvin said when his bandmates and Amy left for the bar. ‘And I must tell you about the video shoots. We’ve not been in Brighton.’

  ‘It’s alright babe we know about all of that,’ Katherine said.

  ‘You do?’

  ‘Yeah, but I’ve got even bigger news for you darling.’

  ‘Yeah?’ he said startled. ‘Go on.’

  ‘Not here. Come and meet people.’

  ‘Wait, we’re not having a kid are we?’

  ‘No,’ she said taking his hand and leading him towards the guests, ‘I’ll tell you soon enough.’

  Abigail who’d snubbed Calvin a year earlier introduced herself with a whole change of interest in him.

  ‘He’s gorgeous isn’t he?’ she said privately to Katherine.

  ‘D’you really think so?’

  ‘Of course, he reminds me of that dishy fellow who introduced them. Was that his dad?’

  ‘His dad?’ Katherine asked thinking she’d misheard.

  ‘Well, apart from hair and skin tone they look alike, don’t they?’

  ‘Really?’ Katherine looked towards where Calvin chatted with Loretta but couldn’t see the likeness.

  Giovanni found them and whispered to Katherine that the lounge on the upper deck had been made exclusively available to them.


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