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Undying Love

Page 3

by JD Penley

  “Wait, you can actually hear thoughts? That’s incredible! So you weren’t joking about flying either?” she asked. “No, I was actually being serious. Did you think I was joking?” he asked with a chuckle. “I thought you were being you, witty and charming like you always were” she replied. “That’s something I was never trying to do with you. I didn’t feel the need to be that way at all around you, I felt like I could honestly be myself around you” he said. “So this whole time, you’ve just been yourself?” she asked with a look of shock on her face. Lucas chuckled as he listened to her thoughts. “You actually thought I was like the rest of the humans, just being flirty and trying to impress you. I must say I’m rather disappointed with you Eryn” he said sarcastically. “Well in my defense you were raised on their world, and I thought you had simply adapted to how the males of earth behave. I should have known that wasn’t the case, and the mind reading and flying? Our vampires couldn’t do that, and they had no self-control when it came to feeding. You really are one of a kind Lucas, you always were” she replied. “You know I never felt I had a place in the world, always lost in an endless sea of faces. Even now knowing who I am, and knowing where I come from I still feel lost, except when I’m with you. You’ve always had this way of making me feel at ease like I could be comfortable in my own skin. I’ve missed that, having my best friend around, having the connection that we had. I’m so sorry I wasn’t around for you” he replied. “It’s not your fault Lucas. You didn’t know I was still alive, or your parents for that matter. You spent so much time thinking you were alone in the world. If anyone should feel sorry for not being there, it’s me. After your father thought they watched you die, I was lost. I thought my best friend was gone forever, and that I’d never see you again. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about my son, but you seem happy and I didn’t want to burden you with it. I was just happy to have you back again” she replied.

  He hugged her and held her in his arms for a moment, and just as he was letting her go he heard his father approaching. “My son, come quickly, it’s Leliana” he said with urgency in his voice. They all ran back towards the room as quickly as possible. Meanwhile, while they had been talking Leliana had been speaking with the queen. “Mirabelle, when I’m gone Lucas cannot be left alone. When he thought he had lost me before, he was barely able to keep going. If he hadn’t had Alice he wouldn’t be here, of that much I’m certain. Although it pains me to say it, I see how he is with Eryn, and how close they are. Please have her watch over him, he will need someone that cares for him, and loves him the way she does, even if he doesn’t see it yet” she said to the queen with tears in her eyes. “My dear child, how do you know that you’re not going to make it, or how she feels about him?” the queen asked. “Lucas gave me the gift of immortality over five hundred years ago, but he gave me another gift more recently. I can read minds, just as he can. I could hear the healer’s thoughts and being a doctor myself, I know the signs. I’m dying and I don’t have much time left. As for Eryn, I’ve seen the way she looks at him and I’ve heard her thoughts. They share a bond that Lucas and I never did, regardless of how long ago it was, and I’ve seen the way he looks at her. She meant something to him, and having her back in his life makes him happy. I think that she can be what he needs, and what he deserves. We both know that he would take care of her, and he can love her in a way that no one here in this world ever could. Please just watch over him, for me” Leliana said as she lay back in the bed. “I will do as you ask my dear; we will watch over him and will not leave him alone again. You have my solemn promise on this my child” she replied. Leliana suddenly slumped back onto the bed and her eyes rolled back in her head. “Come quickly!” the queen shouted. The healer ran into the room as quickly as possible, and the queen told Asher to fetch the king quickly. He ran and found the king and informed him immediately, to which the king responded by running for his son as quickly as possible.

  They entered the room to find Leliana unresponsive, and the healers frantically attempting to help her. They struggled to decide what to do as they had never treated a vampire before, and Lucas rushed to her side. He did the only thing he knew to do, and he reached out listened for her thoughts, and tried to enter her mind to speak with her. He found her barely hanging on, but able to speak to him through her thoughts. “My love, what can we do to help you? They are trying to save you, but they haven’t treated our kind before” he said with fear in his voice. “There is nothing you can do for me my love, it’s my time. I’m not scared, except for you. I don’t want you to lose your way when I’m gone. Please don’t give up, you made me a promise and you’ve never broken a promise. Alice will need you, and Krystal is there for you as well. You’ll have Eryn as well, and she cares for you” she replied. “What do you mean? What are you saying?” he asked. “Lucas, please don’t tell me you haven’t heard what she thinks about you. She loves you, and I know you care about her. I’m dying my love, and I won’t be around but I don’t want you to be lonely. I’m sorry I can’t stay with you anymore my love, but I thank you for all the years you’ve given me and for loving me. I love you with all my heart Lucas, never forget that” she said with sadness in her tone. “I love you too Leliana. I’m sorry that I can’t save you, and that I’ve failed you. I was supposed to protect you, and I failed you. Please forgive me my dear” he said as he began to cry. “Don’t cry my love. You didn’t fail me, you couldn’t have saved me. If you would have been there, it would be you here in this bed dying, and I couldn’t bear the thought of that. Please don’t blame yourself and please don’t give up, on life or love. Be happy, for me and please keep living. I’m sorry Lucas, but it’s time for me to go. I love you” Leliana said as her body went limp and her mind went dark. Lucas felt her hand go limp, and he knew she was gone. He got up and kissed her one last time as if to say goodbye, and he excused himself from the room.

  As he walked down the hallway, he heard a familiar voice call out to him. “Lucas, wait!” Eryn shouted. She ran as fast as she could down the hallway, racing to catch him. He stopped as her voice’s echo reached him. “Please don’t go, don’t leave us, and don’t leave me” she begged. “I need to clear my head, is there a balcony somewhere that’s high up?” he asked with tears in his eyes. “Yes, there is, follow me!” Eryn said as she took his hand and led him through the castle towards the balcony. When they reached the balcony he couldn’t believe his eyes. The balcony was from the highest point of the castle with a perfect view of the royal city. He could see everything from there, the way the lights shined in the night and the darkness of the night sky swallowed up that light. It was intoxicating, staring out into the night and watching the sky light up from the lights below, as if there were stars below him that were able to dance across the darkness. It was quiet from up on the balcony as if the sound was unable to reach them. He could hear Eryn’s thoughts running in circles as she struggled to decide what to do next. “What’s on your mind?” he asked. “You are. Are you ok?” she asked. “I honestly don’t know. I know I need to clear my mind. Will you come with me?” he asked with tears still in his eyes. “Yes. I’ll stay with you as long as you need” she replied as she wiped away his tears. He wrapped his arms around her and she wrapped hers around his waist. “Hold on tight” he said softly, his voice trembling. He soared up into the sky, and she held him tightly as they flew through the night sky. “This is amazing Lucas, is this what it’s like for you all the time?” she asked. “Not all time, sometimes I drive my car or take the chopper” he replied. “Cars, choppers, and now vampires? What all did I miss on earth?” she asked. “More than words could explain Eryn, you’d have to see it with your own eyes” he replied. “If I came back to earth, could you show me?” she asked cautiously. “I would be happy to show you around, and it would help me keep my mind off of things” he replied. “For now, I’ll settle for just being here in this moment” she said as she tightened her arms around him.


  Life After D


  The king and queen held a grand ceremony for Leliana’s passing and everyone came to pay their respects to Lucas. His father and mother stayed close by, but Eryn never left his side. She couldn’t read thoughts as he could, but she could read expressions, and the eyes were after all the window to the soul. She could see his pain, hear it in his voice when he spoke, and it was killing her to see him this way. It was like watching a part of him die, a feeling she knew all too well. After the ceremony, they prepared Leliana’s body so that she could be taken back to earth for burial there. During his final week on Ebos, he spent his days in the library, and his nights flying over the royal city with Eryn always by his side. On the day he was meant to leave, he sent for his father. “You sent for me my son?” Destrian asked as he entered the library. “Father, I think it’s time we finished our conversation” Lucas said. His father looked at him with sadness and excitement at the same time. “Are you sure this is what you want my son? Are you sure you are doing this for the right reasons?” he asked. “You told me that magic was my birthright, and if I’m going to hunt these killers down, I’ll need every advantage I can get” Lucas replied. “You must be careful my son, that you never use magic out of anger. You don’t want to start down a path that leads you to dark magic, lest you become something that you will regret” Destrian replied. “I know father. I have no intention of giving myself over to hatred, and I won’t become the thing that took Leliana from me” he replied. “Good. I could not bear to lose you to darkness my son. Under normal circumstances, it would take years of practice to be able to wield magic, but fortunately, you have the power to absorb memories and experiences. After seeing what you can do with blood, I created a blood potion with magic infused into it to allow you to keep the memories but only the ones you need” he said as he handed him a vial. “This will help me learn magic?” Lucas asked. “It will do much more than that my son, it will give you all the knowledge of magic, spells, and incantations I possess and allow you to be able to use them as if you have had the skills in magic your entire life as I have” his father replied. “Wow, this is astounding. How long will it take for me to understand everything?” Lucas asked. “Well for a mortal, who knows? Perhaps a few days or weeks, at worst a month or so; but with you I imagine it could be almost instantly. I suppose we shall see once you try it. For now, I’ll leave you to your thoughts but I will be nearby if you have need of me” he replied.

  Lucas sat in the library for hours staring at the vial in front of him, pondering what he should do. It was almost nightfall when Eryn found him still sitting in the library. “Lucas are you ok? You’ve been in here all day without even coming out to feed or talk to anyone” Eryn said to him. “Sorry, I’ve been preoccupied. I’ve been in my thoughts all day and lost track of time, but I haven’t seen you all day either come to think of it” Lucas replied. “I thought I should give you your space, give you time to properly grieve” she replied as she sat down beside him. “I wouldn’t have minded the company. I would have rather had you close by over having the solitude. I’ve had my time to grieve. Unlike the last time I thought I lost her, I got to say goodbye this time. I miss her, but I got the closure I never got the last time” Lucas replied as he laid his head on her shoulder. She noticed the vial on the table in front of him, and she picked it up to examine it. “What is this?” Eryn inquired. “That would be a blood potion my father made to allow me to access the magical abilities locked away in my blood. I’ve been staring at it for hours, contemplating if I should use it or not. I’ve come to the conclusion that I’ll need every advantage I can get if I’m to track down those responsible for Leliana’s death. Will you stay with me, just in case something happens?” he asked. “I will Lucas, and I’ll be by your side for as long as you need me” she replied. “You know I’m immortal right?” he said jokingly. “Yes I do, and I still mean it” she replied as she pushed him playfully. “Thank you, Eryn. That means more than mere words can express” he said as he took her hand in his.

  She handed the vial to him and he opened it and held it for a moment. He held her hand tightly as he readied himself, and he threw his head back and drank the potion quickly and waiting for the worst to happen. Within seconds he felt a surge of energy come over him as if something had been awakened within him, and he was overwhelmed by the sheer power of it. It was as if he was standing on a distant shore when suddenly a wave crashed over him threatening to take him away and pull him into its currents. The hair on his arms started to stand up and the room began to get colder, and the entire castle began to shake as if it was vibrating. “Lucas, are you alright?” Eryn asked softly. “I think so, but it’s so overwhelming. I’ve never felt anything quite like it before” Lucas replied. Suddenly he felt another rush, and he could feel his father’s memories flooding into his mind all at once. He sorted and cataloged all of his knowledge, his experiences, and everything he ever learned as quickly as the blink of an eye. His grip tightened on Eryn’s hand as he was hit again by a final surge of energy, and he suddenly slumped over the table. “Lucas?” Eryn called as her mind began to fill with fearful thoughts. He was unresponsive, and she began to panic and tears filled her eyes. She shook him frantically hoping that she had not lost him too. She tried for minutes to get him to respond, desperately hoping he would move if only an inch. Just as she was beginning to lose all hope, she bent down and turned his head to kiss his cheek convinced he may never take another breath. At the moment her lips touched his cheek, his eyes opened wide and he took a breath as if he was breathing for the first time in his life. It was like he was reliving the day he became a vampire all over again as if he had been reborn once more. Relieved he was alive, she jumped towards him and threw her arms around him. Still in shock and taken by surprise her momentum knocked them both to the ground and she landed on top of him. Though the impact knocked the breath out of him, after a moment he began to laugh. “Are you ok?” Lucas asked. “Am I ok? I thought you just died on me” Eryn replied as she stared down at him with tears still rolling down her cheek. He reached up and gently wiped away her tears and stroked her cheek ever so softly as he smiled up at her. “It took me so many lifetimes to have you back in my life again. Do you really think I would leave you so easily?” he asked. “No, I don’t suppose that you would” she replied as she hugged him tightly. He slowly began to float upwards and she held on tighter for fear of falling again. He moved slowly and landed gently so they were both standing upright again, and he kissed her forehead. “Thank you” he whispered softly into her ear. “For what?” she asked. “For never leaving my side and for being my light in the darkest days of my life, for never forgetting what we had back on Earth and for being there when I needed you most” he said as a tear rolled down his cheek. She wiped away his tear and leaned towards him to whisper into his ear. “I’m always here for you Lucas, and I’m never going away again” she said softly. He smiled, nodded and she watched his lips as he whispered a single word. “Good” he said as he hugged her again.

  Just as they had let each other go, the king walked into the library. “I see you still haven’t changed Eryn. You always were infatuated with Lucas, and I’m glad to see you’ve finally decided to do something about it” Destrian said with a chuckle. Eryn’s cheeks became a ruby red shade and she became flushed as she turned away to hide her embarrassment. “What’s this now?” Lucas asked with shock in his voice. “Oh come now, don’t tell me you didn’t know Lucas. Even with your gifts, you can’t have missed that, unless she’s gotten good at hiding things even from your senses” Destrian said as he winked at them both. Eryn shot him a glaring look that made him drop the subject but he still maintained a grin on his face. “Oh this conversation isn’t over by any means” Lucas said with a smile. “Why must you do that sire?” Eryn asked as she scowled at the king. He turned to her and whispered to her. “It brought a smile to his face, so obviously he must feel the same way about you. We always felt that he had a soft spot for you when
you were younger. The two of you were inseparable and he never left your side nor would you leave his. There is nothing wrong with two adults having feelings for one another my dear, but I’m sorry for embarrassing you” Destrian apologized as he hugged her. “You two do know I could hear your conversation even if you were a mile away right?” Lucas said as he chuckled out loud. “What? Oh, that is so not fair Lucas!” Eryn said as she tossed a book at him. He caught it and put it down on the table, and the king walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder. “So, how do you feel?” he asked. “How did you know I drank it?” Lucas asked. “Son, you have so much raw power that the very ground began to shake as your powers awakened. I could feel the vibrations in the air and I can also see the energy radiating around you” he replied. “I feel amazing, and I can see what you’re talking about. I see it around you as well, but enough about that. We need a plan if we’re going to locate our enemy. I thought I might speak with the prisoner for a start, and perhaps with my new gifts, I might persuade him to talk” Lucas said. “It’s worth trying I suppose” Destrian replied.


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