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Undying Love

Page 10

by JD Penley

  As the day’s events wound down and everyone left to go home, the house became quiet. Lucas and Eryn packed their bags to prepare to leave for their honeymoon, while Alice and Jaidyn went to watch movies with Krystal and Susan. Eryn walked up behind Lucas and wrapped her arms around him. “Thank you for everything today my love” she whispered into his ear as she kissed his neck. “You’re welcome my princess. I hope that everything was perfect for you darling” he replied as he spun her around to kiss her. He pinned her against the wall and kissed her passionately. “Oh my goodness Lucas! If you keep this up we’ll never make it on our honeymoon my prince” she teased. He picked her up and carried her to the bed and laid her down gently. “I think we can afford a slight delay my princess” he said as he looked at her seductively. “To answer your question, everything was more than perfect Lucas. I married my best friend today, and the love of my life. It doesn’t get any more perfect than that” she replied. “I love you more than words could ever say Eryn, you are my whole world. You and Jaidyn have made my life complete, and given me a family and made Alice and I complete. I love you with all of my heart my love, always and forever” he replied as he kissed her softly. “Always and forever my love” she replied as she began to undress him. “Calm yourself, my love, save something for the honeymoon” he teased as he pinned her hands over her head and kissed her. “I think I’d rather not wait if you don’t mind” she said as she smiled and winked at him before flipping him over and holding him down to kiss him back. “I don’t mind at all my love” he replied as he began tearing off her clothes. “I was beginning to wonder if you knew anything other than being gentle with me. I’m not some frail little princess Lucas, I was a warrior you know” she teased as she returned the favor, tearing off his clothes. “I haven’t forgotten princess, and I can give you something other than gentle” he replied with a laugh. The two of them spent hours going back and forth making a mess of the room as they took turns changing who was taking control. After admiring the mess they made together, they moved swiftly to clean up and finish packing their bags for the trip.

  After everything was packed for their trip they said their goodbyes to everyone and Lucas and Eryn kissed Alice and Jaidyn goodbye and told them to look out for each other. They packed their bags into his car and drove to the airport where his plane was waiting for them. They boarded the plane and Lucas had hired a pilot to take them to their destination since he wanted to be able to focus on spending time with Eryn. They flew to Bora Bora and got settled into their bungalow over the beautiful crystal clear blue waters. They spent their days swimming together in the ocean and they watched the sunrise and sunset together every day and night. They would walk up and down the beach, content to listen to the waves crashing against the shore and they would make love often throughout the day and then lie in each other’s arms for hours as they talked and laughed together. They spent every day and night like this for two weeks until they had to return home. While they were gone, Alice and Jaidyn would spend every day together growing ever so close. In the mornings she would wake him up for breakfast and then take him out onto the grounds and play with him for hours. She would make him lunch and watch him and Susan play while she would talk to Krystal. Every night before she tucked him into bed she would watch a movie with him and then tell him a bedtime story. He was the sibling she had always wanted, and she loved every minute she got to spend with him. Jaidyn had grown fond of Susan as well, and they played on the playground every day together and chased each other around the manor. They were all excited to see Lucas and Eryn finally return home, and they celebrated with a family movie night. Finally, Lucas had everything he ever could have wanted, the love of his life, and his two amazing children made his family complete.


  Family Matters

  A month had passed since their wedding day and since he had last seen his parents, but Lucas could feel something wasn’t right. He felt as though something was happening or something was wrong, but he couldn’t put his finger on what exactly it was. He continued with his daily routine, hoping that the answer would come to him, or perhaps his parents would come for a visit and everything would be revealed. He began to work from home more often, opting to telecommute for meetings when possible so that he could spend more time with Eryn and Jaidyn. When he could find time, he continued working on practicing his magic, eager to see what was possible on earth since magic hadn’t been really been a part of society since the Salem witch trials. He worked in secret when possible, because he had a goal in mind, but even when he was asked about his work he wouldn’t answer. It was the one time he couldn’t tell anyone what he was working on because he wanted to make sure everything worked perfectly when he was ready to reveal it. After weeks he was pleasantly surprised when his parents dropped in for a visit, and he and his father locked themselves in the library to have a conversation. “Lucas, I know you’ve been working with magic lately, I’ve felt it even from our realm, but what is worth the exposure of magic to mortals? What are you working on?” Destrian asked. “Wait a moment father” he replied. Lucas cast a spell to prevent anyone from using their heightened senses to eavesdrop on the conversation. “Lucas, what is going on? I’ve never seen you like this, what are you doing?” he asked. “Father, I’ve been working on a spell drawing on magic long since lost on this world. I’m attempting to prepare a spell that would allow Eryn and I to have a child together” he said. His father threw his arms around him and hugged him tightly. “Why didn’t you say so? I would have gladly helped you with such a task. Why after all these years would you suddenly want this though?” he asked. “She’s the love of my life father. I never got to experience fatherhood outside of adopting Alice, and although she was the perfect child, I played no part in her conception or birth. Eryn had a son, and he’s wonderful, but I had always hoped to have a child with the woman I loved when I was younger, long before I became a vampire. That chance died when I became an immortal, and now when I look into her eyes, I can’t help but wonder how amazing it would be to share that experience with her. It’s all I can think about lately, although I’ve hidden it from her because I didn’t want to say anything until I was confident I could craft a spell that would allow it to be so” Lucas replied with tears in his eyes.

  His father embraced him and they stood together silently for a few moments. “Son, I’m proud of you. You’ve only used your magic for good, and even now this isn’t for you. You’re doing it for her because you want her to have all of the experiences you would have had if you hadn’t become a vampire, but you should talk to her and make sure that she wants it and you should make the decision together” Destrian said as he put a hand on Lucas’s shoulder. “That’s just it father, that’s why I’m doing this. I’ve seen into her mind when she thinks I don’t know she’s nearby, while I play with Jaidyn. She wishes and longs for a child with me. I see the way she looks at me, the way she imagines if I had been his father, and it breaks my heart. I want to give her that, to make her happy, and I want a child with her. That is why I’ve been working in secret on this, hoping that I can make that dream come true for her” Lucas replied. “Son, you have a natural gift for magic and you were the one to defeat Artemis. If anyone can figure this out, it would be you. You were cursed when you became a vampire, and I never wanted that for you. It stole your chance of having all the things most people take for granted, but you kept who you were and you never gave into the darkness where every other person had failed. You can do this son, I know you can, but this isn’t the reason I’ve come to see you” he replied as his voice trembled. “Father, is everything all right? I can sense it, you’re nervous. What is it that you’ve come to tell me?” Lucas asked. “I think your mother and I should tell you together, and we can tell the others as well, but that part is up to you son” he replied. “Perhaps we should speak with mother first, and we can decide after that” Lucas replied. “As you wish my son, let’s go speak with your mother” Destrian replied.

bsp; They sought out his mother and found her in the garden walking amongst the roses. “Mother, I’ve missed you!” Lucas exclaimed as he embraced her. “I’ve missed you too Lucas. I trust your father told you we needed to speak with you” she replied. “Yes, but he didn’t tell me what we needed to speak about. Is everything alright?” Lucas replied. “I think you should sit down. What I have to say isn’t going to be easy to hear, but you need to hear it” she replied as she sat down on a bench nearby. Lucas sat down beside her, and he took her hand. “What is it mother?” he asked. “You should know the truth, my son. You were not our only child Lucas, you actually have a younger brother who was born back on Ebos. He was born after we returned home to reclaim the kingdom and we lost him during the vampire epidemic. He saved your father and me, but he was gravely injured, so we brought him here to earth and hid him away in a tomb sealed by magic hoping that one day we could find a way to help him” she said with tears in her eyes. “He isn’t a vampire, but he cannot die either. He was wounded by an enchanted sword, another parting gift from Artemis and his assassins, and he cannot heal from his injuries nor can he die. The sword was cursed to make him suffer for eternity, one of many horrors unleashed by the dark wizard. We had hoped with his death, his spells would be broken, but your mother thinks that you are the only one that could possibly help him” his father replied. “How can I help him?” Lucas asked. “Well you’re the first of your kind, and you have walked the earth for over four hundred years, giving you ample time for your body to become in tune with nature here. You have a strong connection to the magic that was lost to this world ages ago. With your ability to turn people and your magic you may be able to save your brother and bring him back to us” his mother replied. “Where is he now?” Lucas asked. “We hid his body on our old estate in the old family tombs, we thought it the best place to protect him” Destrian replied. “Then we should go to him at once!” Lucas exclaimed.

  The three of them set out to return to the old family crypts to attempt to raise his brother from his eternal slumber. They used magic to travel quickly to the tomb and to enter without being seen. They found his brother’s resting place and found him still lying where they had left him almost two hundred years ago. “What happened to him?” Lucas asked. “Your brother was protecting us when Artemis made his last attack on the castle before disappearing many years ago. Your brother was leading the guard that was protecting the castle when the dark wizard attacked. Eryn and her men had all but defeated the army sent to destroy us, but his trained assassins managed to sneak into the castle unnoticed. As the guards were being killed your brother figured out they were in the castle and his men spread out to find and eliminate the assassins. Your brother alone stayed with us to protect us, and we ended up trapped in the throne room when they finally caught up to us. Your father attempted to use magic to bind the doors and protect us, but Artemis had trained them to resist magic, and so they took no time breaking through. Your brother fought bravely and stood his ground and fought to the last man. When he had finished only the dark wizard’s champion remained. Your brother fought with every ounce of courage he had and although he was more skilled, the champion had dark magic aiding him. Your brother fought back his every advance, parried every blow and when he struck him down he thought he had won. But the victory was not what the champion was after, he was simply a tool. When your brother was sure of his victory he turned his back on the champion to check on us, and that is when he struck. He stabbed your brother through the back, and then died of his own wounds. Your brother fell gravely ill after that, and nothing could heal him” his father replied. “Your father brought him here and cast a spell to put him into a trance so he wouldn’t suffer until we could find a way to help him. We had hoped that once Artemis was gone, your brother would recover but nothing has changed” his mother replied.

  Lucas could smell something different in the air, even with the smell of death around them. “He has been poisoned” Lucas said. “How can you tell?” his father replied. “I can smell it on him, on his skin, and I can hear it in the way his heart beats” he replied. “Can you help him, my son? Can you save your brother?” his mother asked. “I would need to determine if we have any poison that behaves in the same manner here on earth to see if I can cure him with science since magic didn’t work. Failing that, I could try to turn him, but I worry that could kill him depending on what Artemis had planned, but I won’t rest until we can save him” Lucas replied. “I’ll stay and help you with what I can my son, with this and with your other work” his father replied putting his arm around him. “Good, let’s get back to my manor so I can get started. I’ll need a sample of his blood for tests and I can get started right away” Lucas replied. Lucas collected a sample of his brother’s blood and they summoned a portal to return to the manor. When they returned to the manor, his mother went to spend time with Eryn while he and his father started working on saving his brother. Lucas set up a lab in the old shelter on the grounds for him and his father to work in, and they got to work immediately. “You know father, you never told me my brother’s name” he said as he worked. “You are right my son, it totally slipped my mind. His name is Galen, and he will be happy to finally meet you. He used to ask about you all the time when he was a boy. He was heartbroken when we told him you had died, but he always looked up to you” his father replied. “How father? He never even knew me, how could he look up to me?” Lucas asked. “We told him about you, and Eryn filled in the rest. You know your brother used to tease her about being in love with you. He’ll be happy to find out he wasn’t wrong” he replied with a chuckle. “What was he like father?” he asked. “He was a lot like you. Brave, loyal, caring, courageous, and always willing to lay down his life for those he cared for. He was fearless but kind and he wanted to be just like you one day. I hate he wasn’t there to find out you were alive when we did, I’d bet he would have rejoiced as we did just before he would have resumed teasing Eryn of course. When we wake him, he will be overcome with joy to learn that you are alive and he is to be an uncle” he replied. “Well that’s assuming I can raise him and also manage to craft this spell to allow Eryn and I to have a child together” Lucas replied with a sigh. “Have faith my son, everything will work out” he replied.

  They toiled for hours, working together in silence. His father studied his work as he tested his brother’s blood to search for a cure. Hours later it was Lucas who finally broke the silence. Frustrated with the lack of results he tossed a vial against the wall. “Well, I don’t see any way to cure him through science father. We have nothing like this on earth. I have one last thing to try though” Lucas said as he rushed over to his microscope. He took a needle and drew some of his own blood, and put it in a petri dish with some of his brother’s blood, and observed it under the microscope. Much to his excitement, he watched as his blood was able to cure his brothers’ blood of the poison. Although it was slow at first, he watched as the antibodies in his own blood attacked and destroyed the toxins and purified his blood. “This is it, father! This is how we cure him!” he cried out. “That’s wonderful news, my son! I also have good news! I have found a way to craft your spell using your notes. You’re going to be able to be a father!” he exclaimed. “How is it possible though? How can you turn him? Did that dark wizard not protect against this?” his father asked. “My guess is that Artemis never thought you would allow Galen to be turned, for fear he’d become a monster like the rest of the vampires from Ebos. He also never took into account that I wasn’t like those vampires” Lucas replied. “I think you’re right my boy, he knew we would never go to such lengths and he hoped his suffering would drive us to surrender” he replied. “We have to go back and use my blood to help him. There is only one problem father, he doesn’t know that I’m alive and he doesn’t know I am a vampire. If he’s anything like anyone else who encountered them, he may not take it very well to learn he’s one himself” Lucas replied. “Well, that is a risk we have to take. You can teach h
im how to be like you, how to maintain his humanity so to speak. If anyone can help him, it’s you my son” his father replied. “We must go at once father, we have to help him!” Lucas exclaimed. “Let’s go my son, let’s put our family back together!” he replied.

  They returned to the crypt to begin the process of giving Galen Lucas’s blood to heal him. Lucas and his father worked together to remove him from the trance so Lucas could feed him blood to cure him. Galen awoke to find his father standing over him with a face he found familiar. “Hello, little brother” Lucas said to him as he helped him up. “Lucas? How is this possible? Am I dead?” Galen asked. “No brother, I’m technically the one that’s dead” Lucas replied. “Where are we?” Galen asked. “We are on Earth” Lucas replied. “Why are we here and how are you not dead?” Galen asked. “It’s a long story brother, one we can discuss over dinner later but for now we’ve got to heal you. You need to drink some of my blood, it will heal you and make you well again” Lucas replied. “You’re a vampire? Is that how you survived? You’re one of them?” he asked with fear in his voice. “Calm yourself, Galen, your brother is not like the ones on our world” their father replied. “How is that possible? How is it you can walk in the sun, and you aren’t mad with the thirst?” he asked. “I was the first of my kind here. I was the beginning of the vampire race here, and I do not know how I became different than the ones from our home world, but I have lived as a vampire for over four hundred years on this planet and have been the same since I first turned” Lucas replied. “So you mean to turn me? How will that help me?” Galen asked. “I’ve already tested my blood on yours and it will completely rid you of the poison that Artemis used. As for becoming a vampire, I can teach you how to be different so you don’t have to feel like a monster. Let me help you brother, please” he replied. “Does mother know about this?” Galen asked. “She’s the one who asked Lucas to help you. My magic couldn’t help you, and your brother was our only hope. He alone survived against the dark wizard my son. He defeated him, destroyed his army, and saved all the missing children” the king replied.


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