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Undying Love

Page 17

by JD Penley

  The weeks and months seemed to fly by and before they knew it they were celebrating her first birthday. They got her all sorts of cute clothes and toys to play with and Jaidyn helped Eryn make her birthday cake. Lucas smiled as he watched the two of them baking in the kitchen while he looked in through the windows from outside in the gardens. He would walk through the garden with little Leliana often, talking to her as if she could understand him, telling her the story of his life throughout the centuries. He would often hold her in his arms while he would float around in the air and let her watch as they would venture higher each time. He would catch her staring at him as if to beg him to go higher and higher as if she wanted to touch the stars. He and little Leliana looked on through the windows as Jaidyn and Eryn continued baking in the kitchen and Lucas laughed watching Jaidyn get more of the batter on himself and his mother than he did in the pan. When they finished the cake and had the icing completed they sat the cake down and let little Leliana attempt to eat it. Like any typical toddler, she smashed the cake with her hands and ate it by the fistfuls, delightfully giggling the whole time. They all watched and laughed as she tore into her cake and Jaidyn laughed as he let her attempt to feed him cake, but instead she smeared the cake all over his face as she burst into a fit of laughter. The room erupted with laughter and Jaidyn chuckled as he smeared cake on his sister in return. They both laughed and howled as they devoured the cake together. As the night went on they all watched on as Jaidyn and Leliana played with each other and he chased her around the house and played with her toys. It was an amazing day overall and both Jaidyn and Leliana were exhausted from the day’s events. Lucas and Eryn tucked the children into bed and everyone else settled down to watch a movie and unwind. After the movie, everyone headed off to bed to relax after a very long and exciting day, and Lucas could tell that little Leliana had a good time.

  When Jaidyn’s birthday came along he asked for very little so Lucas wanted to make his birthday special. He rented a bounce house and bought him a four-wheeler, and Lucas and Galen built him his very own treehouse. Jaidyn had some of his friends from school over, and he spent the day chasing Susan through the bounce house and playing with her and his friends in the treehouse while little Leliana watched on and giggled with glee. When the party had ended, Jaidyn took little Leliana with him to show her his treehouse. Lucas watched and listened from below as he smiled hearing Jaidyn talk to his little sister about all the adventures they would share together. Eryn walked up beside Lucas to hear Jaidyn talking to his little sister and she smiled as she took Lucas’s hand and they eavesdropped on their son. “This will be our treehouse sissy, and you can come here anytime you want. I know you’re small now but even as you grow up I’ll always be there to look out for you and take care of you” Jaidyn said as he held her close in his arms. They looked up at the treehouse and Lucas wrapped his arms around Eryn as they smiled at each other. “He’s pretty amazing isn’t he?” Eryn asked. “He really is, but I think he takes after you” Lucas replied. “He wants to be just like you Lucas, you’re his hero” she replied. “So you have said several times. He really is something, and I’m so proud of him. I’m flattered that he considers me his hero” Lucas replied with a smile. “We really are lucky Lucas. We have three amazing children and more than we could have ever dreamed of. Who would have guessed when we were younger we would be here together?” Eryn asked. “I had hoped for this all those centuries ago, but I never spoke of my feelings for fear they wouldn’t be reciprocated. I only wish I had professed my feelings for you so many centuries ago. Only fate knows how things could have turned out” Lucas replied. “We need not dwell on the past, my love. If we hadn’t led different lives we wouldn’t be here sharing these moments together now. You might not have gone down the path that led you to immortality, and I’d never have seen you again” Eryn replied. “You’re right my love, without the choices that brought us here, fate might not have been so kind as to allow us to find each other again and have what we have together now” he replied as he kissed her softly on the forehead. “I wouldn’t trade what we have for anything in this world or any other” Lucas said softly. “I wouldn’t either Lucas. You make me happier than I ever thought possible” Eryn replied as she ran her fingers through his hair. “I love you with all of my heart and soul Eryn” Lucas said as he brushed his fingers across her cheek. “I love you my handsome prince Lucas, forever and always” Eryn replied as she kissed him softly. “Forever and always my beautiful princess Eryn” he replied as he kissed her.

  With the children tucked into bed, Lucas and Eryn walked hand in hand through the gardens. They walked and talked for hours before heading back to the bedroom. They spent the hours until sunrise in each other’s arms as they talked about the future. “So what does the future hold for us now my love?” Lucas asked. “Anything is possible my love, but who knows. We are immortal, so we have no limits to where we can go. As long I’m with you we could be anywhere and I would be happy” Eryn replied. “I don’t know what I would do without you my love” Lucas said as he pulled her closer. “How do you feel about another child in the future Lucas?” Eryn asked. “I’m always up for an adventure, especially with you my love” Lucas replied. “I think I might like to do this again with you, if you’re up for it my love” Eryn said as she ran her hand up and down on his arm. “I think I’d like that too” Lucas replied as he ran his fingers through her hair. They kissed and held each other as the sun came over the horizon. The silence was broken by a knocking at the door, and they could hear the thoughts of the person on the other side. “Come in Jaidyn” Eryn called out. “How did you know it was me, mommy?” Jaidyn asked as he entered the room holding Leliana’s hand. “We can read minds my son” Lucas replied with a laugh. “Can you really?” Jaidyn asked. “Of course we can little one” Lucas replied. “I thought mommy was making that up and you were kidding” Jaidyn replied. “No my son, it’s not made up. Just like how we can fly, we can read people’s minds. We can even read each other’s minds or talk to each other through our thoughts when we need to” Lucas replied. “That’s so cool daddy!” Jaidyn exclaimed. “Yes it is my son, it’s very cool!” Lucas exclaimed. “Can you take Leliana to Alice for us and come right back?” Eryn asked. “I sure can! I’ll be as fast as you and daddy!” Jaidyn said with excitement. “No need to rush Jaidyn, just be careful with your little sister” Lucas said with a chuckle. “Ok, I’ll be careful” Jaidyn said with a sigh. “Don’t be sad little one, I just don’t want you to fall with her in your arms and both of you get hurt. You both aren’t able to heal the way we do, so you could be seriously hurt or your sister could. You wouldn’t want that would you?” Lucas asked as he bent down to his level. “No daddy, I don’t want anything to happen to her. I didn’t think of it like that. I just wish I was as fast as you and mommy and had your powers” Jaidyn replied. “Don’t worry Jaidyn, you’ll have that chance one day” Lucas replied with a smile. “Really? You promise daddy?” Jaidyn asked with excitement. “When you’re old enough, I’ll let you make the choice for yourself, but for now, just focus on enjoying your childhood” Lucas replied as he kissed his forehead. “I love you daddy” Jaidyn replied. He kissed his sister on the forehead as he walked slowly down the hallway. They could hear him talking to Leliana as he took her to Alice’s room. They looked at each other and smiled and struggled not to laugh as they heard him tell her about how he would be a powerful vampire one day. The two of them got up and got dressed for the day and then headed to the kitchen to make breakfast for the children.

  Alice came down shortly after with Leliana laughing in her arms and Jaidyn skipping right behind her. Susan was only moments behind him and she mimicked his skipping as they chased each other around the kitchen. Lucas and Eryn made breakfast for the children and then took them outside to play for a bit. They sat watching as Jaidyn and Susan chased each other and little Leliana tried her best to keep up with them both. Krystal and Galen joined them as they all laughed watching the children
chase each other here to there, and laughing with glee. Lucas and Galen decided to play tag with the children and would use their speed to dash across the playground just before the children could catch them. Jaidyn and Susan tried their best to catch Lucas and Galen but they weren’t fast enough, but they had fun all the same. It took no time before the children were tired and ready for a break. They took the children inside where Alice was already waiting with lunch prepared for them. They quickly gobbled up their food and were ready to go back outside for more just as a storm passed through. “No! Now we can’t go outside and play!” Jaidyn exclaimed. “How about we make you some popcorn and you can watch some movies to pass the time until the storm passes through?” Lucas asked. “That sounds great Uncle Lucas!” Susan replied. “Ok, you can all go with Eryn to pick out a movie and I’ll be up shortly with the popcorn” Lucas replied. They bolted up the stairs as if it were a race to determine who would get to pick the movie, but before they could blink Eryn had already dashed upstairs and was already waiting for them in the movie room. “No fair mommy! You cheated! You can’t win because you used your vampire powers” Jaidyn said with a pout. “You’re just mad your mommy beat you and that Aunt Eryn is faster than you!” Susan teased. “She is really fast isn’t she?” he asked without skipping a beat. The children sat down and started up a movie just as Lucas entered the room with the popcorn. They all spent the rest of the day watching movies together as the storm passed through. After dinner, they got the children ready for bed and tucked them all in and Lucas went to the library. Eryn sat in his lap as he wrote, careful not to distract him while he worked on his latest novel. She kissed his neck softly as he wrote, while she nestled into his neck and wrapped her arms around him. She had almost drifted off into a sleeplike trance when she was startled by his office phone ringing. She got up and blew him a kiss before heading off to the bedroom to wait for him. She searched frantically to find the perfect lingerie to surprise him with while trying to listen to the conversation. It was odd, the office phone never rang this late at night, and she wondered what could be going on.

  Lucas came to the bedroom after what seemed like an eternity, his face a dead giveaway that something wasn’t quite right. “What is it, my love?” Eryn asked as she put her arms around him. “Security just called from the office, it appears someone has broken in and is now up on the roof threatening to jump off unless he can speak to me. The police have been unable to get anyone to the roof because he has somehow barricaded the door so that no one can reach him. They are afraid he’s going to fall before anyone can get to him” Lucas replied. “What are you going to do my love?” she asked. “I have to go save him” Lucas replied with despair in his voice. “What if someone sees you or discovers what you are?” she asked with worry in her voice. “I have to take that chance, I can’t let someone die if I can save them” he replied. “If you must go, take your brother with you, and let him watch your back” Eryn begged. “Very well my love, if you insist, I’ll go fetch him before I leave. I must get dressed quickly if I’m to make it there in time” Lucas replied. He vanished within the blink of an eye and was back before she had a chance to reply. He was dressed in all black, from head to toe and Galen was already waiting dressed just like his brother. They looked like a mix of superheroes and secret agents, but Eryn was still worried that something might happen to them. She kissed Lucas goodbye and he stepped off the balcony and flew up into the sky. They were in the city in no time, and they landed on the building across the street from the office to assess the situation. They could see a distraught man pacing along the edge of the roof, and the cops down below were starting to look at the other buildings as a means of trying to get to the man. Galen nodded to Lucas as he scouted the skylines for possible witnesses and Lucas listened to the man’s thoughts trying to get a feel for what the man might do next. Lucas didn’t need long to get a feel for the man, but his greatest concern was for the man’s wellbeing. He moved quickly and with purpose after getting the all-clear from Galen, and he was on the rooftop within seconds and he moved slowly towards the man. As he came within the last few feet of the man, Lucas reached out to grab his shoulder only to have him turn suddenly to face him. As he turned around the man was startled at the sight of Lucas and stumbled backward. “This is it. This is how I die” the man thought to himself as he fell suddenly. As he fell backward he closed his eyes and let go and accepted his fate. After all, he had nothing left to live for, or so he believed.


  A Long Way Down

  Everything moved in slow motion, as the man stumbled back towards the edge of the building. Lucas lurched forward trying to catch him before he fell off the building but he was only seconds too late. Without thinking Lucas threw himself off the building after the man and Galen triggered a fail-safe in the building knocking out all of the lights. There was nothing but darkness and no one could even see the man after he had fallen or Lucas flying down towards him. Lucas increased his speed to catch the man before he could be spotted by anyone down below on the ground. As they neared the range of the police searchlights Lucas reached out and grabbed him. He pulled him close and soared up into the sky away from anyone who might catch a glimpse of them. He flew the man to Leliana’s old place that he had kept in the city and landed carefully on the terrace with Galen only seconds behind him. Lucas carefully helped the man to the couch and helped him sit down. He was a man in his mid-thirties, with long dirty blonde hair and piercing green eyes. He was a lonely soul, his thoughts sporadic and jumbled but yet he kept repeating the same words over and over again in his mind. “You’re wondering how you’re alive and not a stain on the pavement. Am I correct?” Lucas asked bluntly. “Well, that’s one way to put it. I was going to say it was a bad burrito or chalk it up to really bad weed or too much alcohol, but yeah you could say that” the man replied. “He’s got quite the sense of humor for a man that was almost dead less than half an hour ago” Galen replied with a laugh. “He’s right you know, you are a bit morbid when it comes to humor. So tell me, who are you? Why did you ask for me?” Lucas inquired. “Wait, you’re Lucas?” the man asked curiously. “Yes, what of it?” Lucas replied. “I’ve wanted to meet you for ages now. I’m a big fan of your work. The way you put so much feeling and emotion into your work, it’s amazing. I can’t read anything of yours without getting sucked in as if I’m living it firsthand. I had to meet you, to meet the man that feels so deeply to write like that” the man replied. “While I appreciate the compliments, my friend, you still haven’t answered my question. Who are you?” Lucas asked.

  The man stopped and took a deep breath for a moment, and then prepared to speak. “My name is Dante” the man replied. “Well I knew your name already, I gathered that much from your thoughts no matter how jumbled they were. What I want to know is who are you that you know me, or why you even asked for me by name specifically” Lucas replied. “I’ve already told you I’m a fan of yours” Dante replied. “Yes we’ve gone over that, but why of all the people to ask for when attempting to kill yourself would you ask for me?” Lucas asked. “It’s simple Lucas, he’s mental” Galen replied. “Oh, I can be a bit mental, but I asked for you because I believe you have a genuine love for your fellow man. I believed that if anyone could talk me out of it, or at least talk to me so that I could make sense of it all, it would be you” Dante replied. “What exactly are you trying to make sense of?” Galen asked. “Life, love, all of it” Dante replied. “Why?” Lucas asked. “Because none of it makes sense anymore. I’ve tried to find the answers, but I can’t. I don’t understand life or my purpose for being here. I don’t understand people and why they treat each other the way that they do. I don’t understand love, or even know if it’s real outside of what we see in Hollywood movies or storybooks. I mean does it even really exist?” Dante asked. “You’ve spent your life searching for answers Dante, but what made you think I have them?” Lucas asked. “Your books, the way you write, the way you carry yourself” Dante re
plied. “How do you figure that? What do you know about my brother?” Galen asked. “The way your brother writes is pure magic. He writes of love in a way that makes even then most cynical believe it has to exist, that there is a happy ending out there for all of us. I’ve read everything he’s ever written and often wondered if perhaps he is the only one to know what true love really is. I’ve never seen it or known it myself, but then again who would love someone like me?” Dante said with a pause. “My whole life has been a roller coaster. The people that should have taught me of such things were mentally, physically, and sexually abusive. I was in and out of foster care all throughout my childhood and I’ve never known what family really was. All I’ve ever wanted was to feel what love really was, but everyone always leaves” Dante said with a sigh.


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