Henry James
Page 99
Union College, 323–24
Union Square, 43, 60, 62, 64, 101, 123, 147
Unitarians, 349, 381, 441
University of Aberdeen, 345
University of Cambridge, 350
Upham, Catharine, 331–32, 334, 348–49, 441–42, 444, 451, 458
Urbino, Italy, 646
Van Buren, Ellen King James (aunt), 11
Van Buren family (New York City), 142
Van Buren, Martin, 11
Van Buren, Smith Thompson, 11
Vanderpool, Beach, 458–59
Van Rensselaer, Anne, 645
Van Rensselaer family (Albany), 33
Van Winkle, Edgar, 157
Van Winkle family (New York City), 142, 151, 156–57
Varennes, France, 639, 642
Varian, Isaac Leggett, 143
Varick, Richard, 143
Venice, Italy, 430, 512, 519, 592, 631, 643–46, 742
Ventnor, England, 369, 372
Verchère, Monsieur (teacher), 258
Vergnès, Monsieur (teacher), 124
Veronese, Bonifazio, 631
Veronese, Paolo, 211; Family of Darius, 600
Versailles, France, 167
Vevey, Switzerland, 119–20
Viardot, Pauline, 746
Vicenza, Italy, 646
Victor Emmanuel II, 263, 278
Victoria, Queen, 29
Vigée Le Brun, Élisabeth, 210
Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel, 511
Virgil, 258
Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet), 146, 456
Vredenburg, Mrs. (teacher), 17, 23
Wallack, Fanny, 69
Wallack, Lester, 67–68, 70
Walsh, Alexander Robertson, 81–82
Walsh, Catharine (later Catharine Walsh Marshall) (Aunt Kate), 43–44, 54, 76, 82, 84, 92, 95–96, 146, 214, 225, 264, 281, 283, 331, 337–38, 342–43, 426, 429, 530, 654
Walsh, Elizabeth Robertson, 76, 79, 82
Walsh, Hugh, 8
Walsh, John A. Robertson, 82–83
Walsh, Lily, 654
Walsh, Robertson, 83, 296
Ward, Samuel Gray, 333, 341
Ward, Thomas, 331, 333–34
Ward brothers (Johnny, Charley, Freddy), 150–52, 156–57
Ward family (New York City), 142, 149–52, 155–56
War of 1812, 339
Warren, William, 524
Washburn, Emory, 465–68
Washburn, Frank, 524, 529–30
Washington, D.C., 494, 497, 567, 569, 590, 654–55, 691
Washington, George, 162, 535
Washington Square, 63–64, 127, 143
Waterford, Lady (Louisa Beresford), 627–29, 631
Waterford, Marques of (Henry Beresford), 631
Waterloo, battle of, 221, 490–91
Waterman, Miss (teacher), 390
Webster, Daniel, 34, 38, 466
Webster, Matthew Henry, 424–26
Welles, Gideon, 497
Wellington, Duke of (Arthur Wellesley), 189
Westminster Abbey, 183
Weston, Elizabeth (Lizzie), 73
Wharton, Edith, 747; Ethan Frome, 741–42; The Reef, 742
Whig Party, 35
Whitehall, N.C., 491
Whitman, Walt, 51, 396, 445, 447–48
Wigan, Alfred, 191–93
Wilkie, David, 189
Wilkinson, Emma, 378
Wilkinson, James John Garth, 374, 380, 399; The Human Body and Its Connection with Man, 375; War, Cholera, and the Ministry of Health, 374–75
William (coachman), 343
Williamsburg (Brooklyn), 145
Willis, Nathaniel Parker, 40, 423
Wilmington, N.C., 491
Windsor Palace, 602
Winsor & Newton (artists’ supplies), 188
Winthrop, Theodore, 128
Wister, Sarah Butler, 641
Wood, Mrs., 349
Worcester, Mass., 474
Wordsworth, William, 417
World War I, 743
Wright, Chauncey, 428–29
Wright, Lavinia D., 15–17, 27–28, 31
Wyckoff, Albert, 76, 78–79, 84, 87–90, 93, 97, 142, 155
Wyckoff, Alexander, 81, 84, 94
Wyckoff, Helen. See Perkins, Helen Wyckoff
Wyckoff, Henry, 84, 90–96
Wyckoff, Mary (Great-Aunt Wyckoff), 78–81, 84
Wyman, Jeffries, 332, 348, 350
Yale College, 324, 326
Young, Mrs. William, 498
Zhukovsky, Vassili (Paul Joukowsky), 638, 642
Zoffany, Johann, 192
Zola, Émile, 638; Son Excellence Eugène Rougon, 199–200
Zoological Gardens (London), 183
Zurich Polytechnic School, 255–56