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T. S. Eliot the Poems, Volume 2

Page 48

by T. S. Eliot

  [II] 168, 169 = 224, 225 TIME] with terminal full stop ts2

  [II] 170 = 226 Goonight Bill. Goonight Lou. Goonight May. Goonight.] Q, Boni, Dial, Hogarth+ (in Valerie’s Own Book TSE began a “d” in the first word but changed it to “n”) ‖ Good night, Bill. Good night, Lou. Good night, George. Good night. ts2, with the four “d”s crossed out (probably by Vivien Eliot) ‖ Good night then, Bill. Good night Lou. Good night May. Good night. T/W ‖ Goonight, Bill. Goonight, Lou. Goonight, May. Goonight. Criterion

  [II] 171 = 227 Goonight. Goonight.] Boni, Dial, Hogarth+ ‖ Good night. Good night. ts2, del Vivien Eliot ts2a ‖ Gooonight. Gooonight. Q ‖ Good night, good Night. T/W ‖ Goonight, goonight. Criterion

  [II] 172 = 228] last two words over-running onto new line, with capital “G” in T/W, and with good night typed again at the end of 228 in W. (T therefore ends “sweet ladies, good night, | Good night.” and W ends “sweet ladies, good night, good night | Good night.”) ‖ last two words run together, probably accidentally, in Valerie’s Own Book.

  after 228] “Splendid last lines” Vivien Eliot ts2a


  The manuscript of Part III, which TSE reported composing in Margate in Oct–Nov 1921, is largely missing, having been superseded by his typing of ts3, which is given in WLComposite for 229–421. The manuscript leaf ms1 (WLFacs 36/37), on the lower half of which appears a very rough draft of 334–47 (“London, the swarming life”), is a survival from that visit to Margate and is therefore earlier than ts3. However, in WLComposite it has been judged better to follow the long typescript, rather than interrupt this continuous text and alternate between different archaeological layers.

  [Poem I 60–62, 331–32 · Commentary I 639–40]

  The leaf ms1 was probably retained because the lines on the upper half, “O City, City, I have heard hear”, given here for 422–28, did not find a place in the typescript (although they were reinstated in the published text). After these lines, WLComposite follows ms2 for 429–74 (“The river sweats”, “‘Trams and dusty trees.” and “On Margate Sands.”), through to the end of Part III, “burning”.

  229–421 ts3a (WLFacs 22/23, 26/27, 30–35)

  422–428 ms1 (WLFacs 36/37)

  429–474 ms2 (WLFacs 48–53)

  Both ts3a and ts3b are annotated by Pound. Also recorded below are ms3, “The river’s tent is broken and the last fingers of leaf”, which was drafted after ts3 as a replacement when Pound deleted the opening of Part III; and ms4 (intended as an interpolation, 285 ^ 286).

  The headnote to this Textual History, 5. THE “FRESCA COUPLETS”, explains how TSE re-imagined the original opening of Part III as a contribution to Letters of the Moment II (1924) by “F. M.”; see ms1924 after 298 below.

  229–98] not Q, T/W, Boni+

  229–30 the · · · the] underlined with “?” Pound ts3a, after which he del 230

  231 The] ringed in pencil with Our by Vivien Eliot (although printed in red in WLFacs, signifying that it is by Pound) ts3a, with Our del by Pound

  232–69] del, apparently preserving 245–46, Pound ts3a

  234 Brings] Bring ts3a 1st reading, ts3b

  240 needful] second syllable ringed with “?” Pound ts3b

  243–69] “Too loose [with zigzag] rhyme drags it out to diffuseness [zigzag]” and “trick of Pope etc not to let couple[t] diffuse ’em” Pound ts3b

  244 page of Gibbon] ts3, del ts3a (perhaps by Pound, although not red in WLFacs) ‖ the Daily Mirror ts3a 2nd reading

  245–46] final word and the couplet with its eye-rhyme both braced Pound ts3a

  268 cunning] ts3, del ts3a (perhaps by Pound, although not red in WLFacs) ‖ artful ts3a 2nd reading

  269 hearty] not ts3 1st reading (the next two words typed and erased, with the three words typed over)

  270–73] braced ts3a (probably by Pound, although not red in WLFacs)

  271 lowly] del Pound ts3a

  274–91] pen strokes through by Pound ts3a probably to del

  277 Or] Now Pound ts3a

  282–83] ringed to move before 286 ts3a

  282 Women grown] ts3, with grown del ts3a (probably by Pound, although not red in WLFacs) ‖ But women ts3a 2nd reading

  284–85] ringed ts3a

  [Poem I 62, 331–33 · Commentary I 641–46]

  284 baptised in] ts3, del ts3a (perhaps by Pound, although not red in WLFacs) ‖ born upon ts3a 2nd reading (perhaps borne upon)

  285 ^ 286] insertion, ms4:

  From which, a Venus Anadyomene

  She stept ashore to a more varied scene,

  Propelled by Lady Katzegg’s guiding hand

  She knew the wealth and fashion of the land,


  Among the fame and beauty of the stage

  She passed, the wonder of our little age;

  She gave the turf her intellectual patronage.

  She dominates no less distinguished spheres,

  Minerva in a crowd of boxing peers.


  Aeneas’ mother, with an altered face,

  Appeared once in an unexpected place:

  He recognised the goddess by her supernatural grace

  The sweating rabble in the cinema

  Can recognise a goddess or a star.


  And hushed silence worships from afar.

  Thus art ennobles even wealth and birth,

  And breeding raises prostrate art from earth.

  [8] She dominates] 2nd reading (preceding the writing of the rest of the line) ‖ She reigns 1st reading ‖ She governs 3rd reading ‖ But F.[resca] rules final reading no less] even more 2nd reading

  [8–9] ringed and joined to [16–17]

  [10–12] final reading (at foot of leaf):

  To Aeneas, in an unfamiliar place,

  Appeared his mother, with an altered face,

  He knew the goddess by her smooth celestial pace.

  [11] Appeared once] Approached him 2nd reading unexpected] unfamiliar 2nd reading

  [12] recognised] knew 2nd reading goddess by her supernatural grace] divinity’s celestial pace 2nd reading ‖ goddess by her smooth celestial pace. 3rd reading

  [13] The sweating rabble] So the close millions 2nd reading ‖ So the pact thousands, 3rd reading ‖ So the close rabble final reading

  [14] Can recognise] Know 2nd reading ‖ Sees on the screen 3rd reading ‖ Identify 4th reading

  [15] And hushed silence worships] In reverent silence worships 2nd & 3rd readings ‖ In silent rapture worship final reading worships] worships heaven 2nd reading

  WLComposite text resumes

  288–91] braced and struck through Pound ts3a probably to del ‖ struck through with zigzags Pound ts3b

  288 From] For 1st reading ts3

  [Poem I 62, 333 · Commentary I 646–48]

  292] brace and double rule at end Pound ts3b

  294 cautious] ringed, with “surely as you are writing of London this adj. is tauto.” Pound ts3a

  297–300] struck through Pound ts3a probably to del

  298 salonnière] accent added ts3a but not ts3b

  The “Fresca couplets” of 1924

  ms1924: twenty-seven lines, in TSE’s hand, now bound among Vivien Eliot’s papers, along with typescripts of a contribution by “F. M.” to the Criterion Apr 1924, Letters of the Moment II.

  tsLM1: first typescript (Bodleian c. 624 fol. 35; with carbon, identically emended by Vivien, fol. 41).

  tsLM2: second typescript; the printer’s copy (c. 624 fol. 31).

  The typescripts were made on different machines. tsLM1 was typed with a violet ribbon and has a large face; tsLM2 was typed with a black ribbon and has a small face. Correspondence and other tss among Vivien Eliot’s papers suggest that the first was used mostly by Vivien, the second mostly by TSE. The second readings in tsLM1 are identical in both ribbon and carbon copies, precisely following tsLM2, from which they were almost certainly taken. Also collated here are:

  LM: Lett
ers of the Moment II (1924), published text

  Haffenden: transcripts of ms1924 and LM in PN Review May–June 2007

  When the rude entrance of the Tarquin, day

  Flutters the doves that round her bosom play

  The amorous Fresca stretches yawns gapes

  Aroused from dreams of love pleasant rapes


  Draped in translucent silks

  While the deft Chloe round her chamber trips

  And holds the foaming chocolate to her lips

  The quill lies ready at her fingertips

  She reads talks pens a letter while she sips


  Im very well my dear how are you

  I have another book by Giraudoux

  My dear I missed you last night at the play

  Were you not there? or did you slip away?

  Or were you in the seats of cheaper price?


  Dorilant sat with me, and I looked nice.

  I told him you were there but I dont think he heard.

  Her hands caress the eggs well rounded dome

  While her mind labours till the phrases come

  But see where Fresca in her salon sits


  Surrounded by a cloud of lesser wits,

  Talking of art and of aesthetic laws. [new leaf]

  Her little senate whispers its applause.


  [Poem I 62, 334 · Commentary I 648–49]

  But Fresca rules even more exalted spheres

  Minerva in a crowd of boxing peers


  And the close rabble in the cinema

  Acclaim the social goddess the star—

  Wide mouthed, in charmèd rapture worship from afar.

  [1] When the embraces of the lusty day tsLM1 1st reading (emended by Vivien to match tsLM2 1st reading) ‖ When sniffing Chloe brings the toast and tea tsLM2 1st reading ‖ When sniffing Chloe, with the toast and tea, tsLM2 (emended by Vivien), LM rude entrance] high summons ms1924 1st reading ‖ bold entrance ms1924 2nd reading Tarquin, day] Tarquin ms1924 1st reading ‖ amorous day ms1924 alt

  [2] Flutter the doves that round her bosom play, tsLM1 1st reading (emended by Vivien to match tsLM2) ‖ Drags back the curtains to disclose the day, tsLM2, LM ‖ Disturbs the d ms1924 1st reading

  [3] amorous] ardent tsLM1 1st reading stretches] stretches, tssLM, LM

  [4] Aroused] Roused ms1924 1st reading pleasant rapes] in curious shapes. tssLM, LM ‖ in various shapes. Haffenden (ms1924)

  [5] not tssLM, LM silks] silk Haffenden (ms1924)

  [6–7] tsLM1:

  She holds the foaming chocolate to her lips,

  While the deft Chloe round the chamber trips.

  with While the changed to While her by Vivien, then all del ‖ not tsLM2, LM

  [8] And holds] She holds ms1924 1st reading lies ready] already ms1924 1st reading ‖ is ms1924 2nd reading (uncertain) fingertips] finger tips; tssLM, LM

  [9] reads talks ] drinks, and tssLM, LM letter] little Haffenden (ms1924) sips] sips: tssLM, LM ‖ sips. Haffenden (ms1924)

  [10] Im] “I’m tssLM, LM ‖ I’m Haffenden (ms1924) well my dear how are you] well, my dear, and how are you? tssLM, LM

  [11–16] quotation marks recur at head of each line tssLM

  [11] Giraudoux] Giraudoux. tssLM, LM

  [12] dear] dear, LM play] Play; tssLM, LM

  [13] or did you slip away?] ou vous vous etes sauvee? tsLM1 1st reading (emended by Vivien to match tsLM2) or] Or tssLM, LM

  [15] Dorilant] Hanover tsLM1 1st reading (emended by Vivien to match tsLM2) ‖ Si ms1924 1st reading nice.] nice: Haffenden (ms1924)

  [15 ^ 16] “Once settled in my box, he never stirred— tssLM and (without quotation marks) LM

  [16] not ms1924 1st reading but added vertically in margin there] there, tssLM, LM heard.] heard” … tssLM ‖ heard….” LM

  [16 ^ 17] line space tssLM, LM

  [17] eggs] egg’s tssLM, LM, Haffenden (ms1924) well rounded] well-rounded LM dome] dome; tssLM, LM; dome: Haffenden (LM)

  [Poem I 62, 334 · Commentary I 648–49]

  [18] misaligned, so perhaps left blank originally and supplied later. The double spaces [5 ^ 6] and [22 ^ 23] may have been left for the same purpose. While] As tssLM, LM come] come. tssLM, LM

  [18 ^ 19] line space tssLM, LM, Haffenden (ms1924)

  [19] see] see, tsLM1, LM salon sits] boudoir sits, tssLM, Lof M

  [20] cloud of lesser] court of sparkish tssLM, LM wits,] wits: tssLM, LM ‖ wits Haffenden (ms1924)

  [21–22] tssLM, LM:

  Her practised eye directs its conscious darts

  At the small tyrants of the several Arts …

  [21–27] not tssLM, LM

  [21] Talking] Speaking ms1924 1st reading

  [22] new leaf begins ms1924

  [23] spheres] sh ms1924 1st reading (false start)

  [26] the social] a social ms1924 1st reading

  [27] charmèd] charmed Haffenden (ms1924) afar.] afar Haffenden (ms1924)

  Published poem resumes

  The dozen lines which begin the published text of Part III (“The river’s tent is broken”) were not present in ts3 but were hastily sketched to replace the seventy lines 229–98 (ms3). Written upside down on the verso of the first page of ts3a, they are not included in WLComposite but variants in ms3 from the published text of [III] 173–82 are listed below.

  [III] 173] indent 1963 (not 1963 proof, US 1963) river’s] Q, T/W, Boni+ ‖ rivers ms3 broken; the] Washington copy 1954 emendation, Mardersteig, 1936 18th imp. (1961), 1963, 1969 ‖ broken the ms3 ‖ broken: the Q, printings prior to 1961, Valerie’s Own Book, ms1960

  [III] 175 departed.] departed ms3

  [III] 176–79] not T/W (eye-skip)

  [III] 176] (Sweet Thames etc). ms3

  [III] 177 papers,] papers ms3

  [III] 178 Silk handkerchiefs,] Newspapers, ms3 written over two letters which WLFacs gives as Ca (perhaps for “Cardboard”?) but which might be Co

  [III] 179 The nymphs are departed.] stepped (probably for lack of space) ms3 ‖ new line but with double indent (aligning with other turns) Hogarth proof

  [III] 180 And] (And ms3 City] ms3, 1963+ ‖ city Q, T/W, printings prior to 1963, Valerie’s Own Book, ms1960 directors;] Q, T/W, Boni, Dial, 1925, 1936, 1963 ‖ directors) ms3 ‖ directors, Criterion, Hogarth, Sel Poems 1954 (emended long after) ‖ directors— Sesame (emended long after), Mardersteig

  [III] 181 have] WLLetter (where it is underlined, not for italics but to emphasise the change from previous reading), Q, T/W, Boni+ ‖ and ms3

  [III] 182] By the waters ms3, which ends here

  [Poem I 62, 334 · Commentary I 648–52]

  [III] 183 song,] song; Criterion ‖ song. T/W, Valerie’s Own Book, ms1960

  [III] 185 = 299 in a cold blast] from time to time ts3

  [III] 186 ^ 187] line space ts3, printings prior to 1932, 1963+ ‖ new page so line spacing indeterminate 1932 ‖ no line space Faber Bk Mod V, 1936 and printings prior to 1963, US 1952, ms1960 ‖ in Valerie’s Own Book TSE began to write 187 immediately below 186, on the last line of the page, but crossed it out and then left a second line of space at the head of the new page.

  [III] 187–202 = 301–16] braced (to end of page) with “O.K.” and “STET” Pound ts3a ‖ marginal rule, zigzag and “(Echt)” Pound ts3b

  [III] 187 vegetation] vegetation, Criterion

  [III] 188 bank] bank, Criterion

  [III] 190 = 304 gashouse] gashouse, ts3 ‖ gas-house, Criterion ‖ gashouse. 3rd and 4th printings of Boni (1928, 1930)

  [III] 192 him.] him; Criterion

  [III] 193 = 307 damp ground] damp ground, ts3 ‖ dampg round Mardersteig (correct in proof)

  [III] 194 = 308 garret,] garret ms1960

  [III] 197 = 311 shall] underlined with “?” Pound ts3b

  [III] 198 ^ 199] line space Criterion ‖ new page so line spacing indeterminate 1963

  [III] 200 daughter]
daughter, Criterion

  [III] 201 water] water, Criterion

  [III] 202 = 316] roman type ts3, Q , T /W, Criterion, Hogarth Et O] Et, o Mardersteig, 1971B, 2002 resetting of Collected Poems and Sel Poems (not Sesame) d’enfants,] d’enfants Mardersteig, Valerie’s Own Book

  [III] 202 ^ 203 = 316 ^ 317] new leaf so line spacing indeterminate ts3 ‖ two-line space 1925 (to avoid widow), Valerie’s Own Book ‖ half-line space 1936 ‖ no line space Sesame (to avoid widow), Mardersteig

  [III] 203–204 = 317–18] Twit twit twit twit twit twit twit | Tereu tereu ts3 (where the eventual [III] 203–204 had been 329–30 until del by Pound)

  [III] 203 Twit twit twit] Twit, twit, twit, Criterion

  [III] 204] Jug jug jug ug jug jug Boni

  [III] 205 = 319 forc’d.] forced T/W ‖ forced, Criterion

  [III] 205 ^ 206] line space Sesame, Mardersteig

  [III] 206 = 320 Tereu] Ter ts3 ‖ Terreu T/W (corrected and underlined Watson in T)

  [III] 206 ^ 207] two-line space 1925 (to avoid widow), Valerie’s Own Book ‖ new page so line spacing indeterminate 1932 ‖ no line space Faber Bk Mod V ‖ half-line space 1936

  [III] 207–11 = 321–25] marginal and oblique rules with “vocative ?” Pound ts3b

  [III] 207 = 321 City] Boni, Dial, Hogarth, 1925+ ‖ City, I have seen and see ts3, with all but first word bracketed by Pound ts3a and ringed by him ts3b ‖ City, Q, T/W, Criterion ‖ city Valerie’s Own Book

  [III] 208 = 322 a] your ts3, ringed Pound ts3a and ringed for del Pound ts3b

  [Poem I 62–63, 334 · Commentary I 652–57]

  [III] 209 = 323 Mr.] Mr Hogarth merchant] merchant, ts3, Criterion

  [III] 210 = 324 Unshaven] Unshavan ts3 1st reading ‖ last two letters underlined, with “-en or -ed” Pound ts3a currants] currents Q

  [III] 211 = 325 C.i.f.] Q, Boni, 1925+ ‖ (C.i,f. ts3 ‖ C. I. F. T/W ‖ C. i. f. Dial, Hogarth ‖ C.I.F. Criterion sight,] sight), ts3

  [III] 212 = 326 Asked me] Who asked me, ts3 demotic] abominable ts3, ringed with “?” and his vile demotic alt ts3a (his vile and demotic may have been intended as alts by TSE, but a slash which appears between them was probably added by Pound, who deleted his vile and who in ts3b replaced abominable with demotic) French] French, ts3


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