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T. S. Eliot the Poems, Volume 2

Page 82

by T. S. Eliot


  i Under · · · to my liking] drafted in TSE’s Anabase foaled.] foaled, under the bronze leaves. TSE’s Anabase, ts1 fruit] bay TSE’s Anabase, ts1, 1930–US 1949 Stranger. Who] Stranger. The Stranger Who TSE’s Anabase, ts1 Here] And here TSE’s Anabase comes news of other provinces to my liking.—] to my liking is rumour of farther provinces. TSE’s Anabase ‖ to my liking comes news of far provinces … ts1 ‖ to my liking comes news of far provinces.— 1930 tallest tree] most considerable of the trees 1930–US 1949

  ii Stranger. Who] Stranger. The Stranger who ts1 tells us of an herb. O] has spoken of grass and of tundra and steppe. To and ts1 blow many winds. What ease to our way! how] blows the wind? How comfortable to me are our tracks. How ts1 way!] ways, and 1930–US 1949 the feather revels in] not ts1 ‖ the feather adept of 1930–US 1949 great girl] my daughter ts1 ours.”] ours ……” ts1

  iii foaled.] foaled, under the bronze leaves. ts1 fruit] bay ts1, 1930–US 1949 Stranger. Who] Stranger. The Stranger who ts1 comes a great bruit] came a confusion ts1 in the] of flute-players in the cool ts1 O what ease in our ways] How comfortable are our tracks ts1 tales] gestes ts1, 1930–US 1949 Stranger to] Stranger with ts1


  i honour] strength ts1, Criterion great] not ts1, Criterion

  ii Beautiful are bright weapons] Our burnished arms are fair ts1, Criterion, 1930, US 1938 fair.] fair? ts1 Given over to our horses this seedless earth] US 1949 ‖ This fruitless earth given over to our horses ts1, Criterion ‖ This husk of earth given over to our horses 1930, US 1938 ‖ Given over to our horses this seedless earth. 1959

  [Poem II 83–85 · Commentary II 131–40]

  iii delivers to us] is more to us that ts1 (mistyping than), Criterion (error) Sun] sun ts1 not named] unmentioned ts1, Criterion, 1930–US 1949 us.] us ts1, Criterion, 1930–US 1949

  iv presumption of the mind.] pride of the spirit. ts1, Criterion

  v you] who ts1, Criterion as we march in darkness …] on our ways of bivouac and vigil. . ts1 ‖ on our ways of bivouac and vigil! … Criterion ‖ on our tracks of bivouac and vigil. 1930, US 1938 day] dawn ts1, Criterion our dream, older than ourselves?] the primogeniture of dream. ts1 ‖ the primogeniture of dream? Criterion ‖ our entail of dream? 1930, US 1938

  vii–viii] I shall not hail the people of another shore. I shall not trace | | the diverse quarters of cities, I would simply live among you. ts1 (with blank after trace) ‖ I shall not hail the people of another shore. I shall not trace in sugar of coral the diverse quarters of cities on the slopes. I would simply live among you. Criterion

  ix at] to ts1, 1930 idea pure as salt] pure idea ts1, Criterion day light] day. ts1, Criterion ‖ light time 1930–US 1949

  x in] on ts1, Criterion commerce] communication ts1, Criterion

  xi gale.] wind. ts1, Criterion

  xii splendour …] honour. ts1, Criterion “In the delight of salt the mind shakes its tumult of spears] The spears of the spirit press toward the pleasure of salt ts1, Criterion desire!] desire? ts1

  xiii He] Him 1930–US 1949 a sallet] a casque or sallet. ts1 ‖ casque or sallet, Criterion

  xiv I trust him little in the] He knows little I think of the ts1, Criterion commerce of the soul] soul’s communion ts1, Criterion not named] unmentioned ts1, Criterion, 1930–US 1949

  xv creatures of dust] dusty people ts1, Criterion ways] devices ts1, Criterion, 1930–US 1949 men from the marches and those from beyond] folk of the frontiers and foreign men ts1, Criterion, 1930, US 1938 O men of little weight in the memory of these lands] O light folk blown by a breath of wind out of the memory of these places ts1, Criterion from the valleys and the uplands and] of the valleys and of the plateaux and of ts1, Criterion to the ultimate reach of our shores;] beyond our shores: ts1 ‖ beyond our shores; Criterion ‖ to the shores’ end; 1930, US 1938 Scenters] seers ts1, Criterion ‖ Seers 1930–US 1949 seeds, and] sowings, ts1, Criterion winds] gales ts1, Criterion followers of trails] trackers of beasts ts1, Criterion, 1930, US 1938 watercourses] water and watercourses ts1, Criterion

  xvi traffic] traffick ts1, Criterion waken] wake ts1

  xviii single robe and pure,] comely robe ts1, Criterion, 1930–US 1949 year,] year ts1, Criterion, 1930–US 1949 amongst] among ts1, Criterion

  xix the seeds of time] seedtime and harvest ts1, Criterion at its height] that rests ts1, Criterion scales] scale ts1, Criterion

  xx Mathematics] Geometry ts1, Criterion ‖ Calculations 1930–US 1949 floes] veins ts1, Criterion ‖ layers 1930 at the sensitive point] not ts1, Criterion the most rapt god-drunken] a whole people, the wildest ts1, Criterion

  [Poem II 85–87 · Commentary II 140–41]

  xxi] launching from our ways the keels ¶ unforgotten unforgettable. ts1 (two paragraphs) ‖ drawing to our ways the keels ¶ unforgotten unforgettable. Criterion (two paragraphs)


  iv armpit] axil US 1938

  vi us! … How] us. How 1930, US 1938 ‖ us … How US 1949

  viii pieces …] pieces. 1930, US 1938


  i imposing] stressed 1930, US 1938

  iii lies! …] lies! 1930, US 1938 O Slinger] mudslinger 1930, US 1938 splendour of the quicklime] glare of the calcimine 1930, US 1938 “O great age!”] O Senectus! 1930, US 1938 ‖ O Senectus! . . US 1949

  v ampler] more generous 1930, US 1938 leaf shadows on] frondage of 1930, US 1938

  vii man] the man 1930, US 1938 inspired] excited US 1938 man,] man. 1959

  ix showing the heel’s yellow colour] bending the yellow heel 1930, US 1938 captains with tonsillar voices] hoarse-voiced captains 1930, US 1938 saddle · · · is] stools · · · are US 1938


  iv tracts of burnt-over land] turf-burnings 1930, US 1938

  iv ^ v] line space 1930, US 1938 ‖ new page so line spacing indeterminate US 1949 ‖ no line space 1959

  v clear sounding] holy 1930–US 1949

  vii as we sit] in our places 1930, US 1938

  viii to] is US 1938 (error, not copied by Mirror) the sky] heaven 1930–US 1949

  ix where] there Mirror

  x cluster] tuft 1930, US 1938 wares of the druggist] the chemical products 1930 ‖ the wares of the druggist Mirror rubbish.)] rubbish) 1930, US 1938 one that] that 1930

  xi … Solitude] Solitude 1930, US 1938 the bays] the bay-leaves 1930, US 1938 littered] laden 1930, US 1938

  xiii practising] trilling 1930

  xiv shade] shadow Mirror waist cloths] camiknickers 1930 ‖ knickerbockers US 1938 ‖ drawers US 1949

  xv … At] At 1930, US 1938


  i far-off] far 1930–US 1949 an hundred fires revived in towns] an hundred fires in towns wakened 1930 ‖ in towns an hundred fires revived US 1938, US 1949

  iv Leader] Lord 1930

  [Poem II 87–99 · Commentary II 141–42]

  v Solitude! … squadrons] Solitude! squadrons 1930, US 1938 enlisting] engaging 1930, US 1938 from] for US 1938 homely star] domestic luminary. 1930 ‖ domestic luminary US 1938

  vi Confederate] Allied 1930, US 1938

  viii praised be] praise to 1930

  xi stale] sick 1930–US 1949

  xii was benighted] put up for the night 1930 ‖ was held up for the night US 1938

  xiv immense] huge 1930, US 1938 ‖ enormous US 1949 in crowd on the earth— arise in crowds and cry out] all together and cry 1930, US 1938

  xv extends] stretches 1930

  xvi sticky] gummed 1930–US 1949 who has not yet, in dreams, stolen] to whom it does not yet occur to knock out 1930–US 1949

  xviii saliva] spittle 1930–US 1949


  i–iv] drafted in TSE’s Anabase (between the printed lines), with the rest of this section and the next heavily annotated. Many variant words listed here are not part of a continuous translation, but isolated notes on difficulties.

  i–iii] Omnipotent in our great military governments, with our perfumed daughters clothed in mist [with mist? breath] these silk
s scented | We founded set in high places our traps for delight. | Abundance Plenty well-being happiness so long in our cups the ice sang like Memnon TSE’s Anabase

  iv deflecting] with leading astray alt TSE’s Anabase to] at 1930 held up by the handmaidens] in the hands of the handmaidens with last word over an earlier reading—perhaps servants—and with slave girls alt at] to TSE’s Anabase 1st reading, 1930 ‖ on TSE’s Anabase

  v came a year of wind in the west and,] there was a year of west wind and TSE’s Anabase ‖ came a year of wind in the west, and 1930, US 1938 all the] a whole TSE’s Anabase, 1930, US 1938 bright] brilliant TSE’s Anabase 1st reading the delight of wide spaces] pleasure at large TSE’s Anabase on the crest of] threading the uncertain 1st reading TSE’s Anabase ‖ in the defiles of TSE’s Anabase feeding on] stirring up with “?” TSE’s Anabase sunshine] fine weather TSE’s Anabase published] issued 1930, US 1938 fiery bulletin] fervent report 1930, US 1938

  vi shudder from afar of space] shudder running through TSE’s Anabase ‖ shudder of space 1930–US 1949 tree! …] tree! 1930, US 1938 dissolute] broken TSE’s Anabase auctioned] bartered alt TSE’s Anabase priced] valued alt TSE’s Anabase

  vii sniffed] scented TSE’s Anabase business, not mine,] business not mine 1930, US 1938 caused at] forced on TSE’s Anabase, 1930

  viii race settled] folk squatting 1930–US 1949 dismounted among the food crops] unhorsed, tillers of the earth 1930 absorbed] devoured TSE’s Anabase ‖ consumed 1930 ‖ brought to fruition US 1938 cluster] grape 1930, US 1938 abstemious] docile TSE’s Anabase ‖ staid 1930, US 1938 seeds] furrows with “?” TSE’s Anabase exhausted countries] faint lands 1930, US 1938 are to be remade] must be refashioned TSE’s Anabase composed] arranged 1930 act] do 1930–US 1949

  [Poem II 99–105 · Commentary II 142–43]

  ix their favourite tale] the tale of their fashions 1930, US 1938 ‖ their favorite tale US 1949 holding aloft] lifted on TSE’s Anabase 1st reading ‖ held aloft TSE’s Anabase swearing fealty] lavishing their TSE’s Anabase 1st reading

  x nubile] marriageable TSE’s Anabase, 1930, US 1938 of purest ring] pure-sounding TSE’s Anabase ‖ clear clinking 1930, US 1938 traffic of influence in the teeth of the rivers] influence trafficking down to the river mouths TSE’s Anabase, with “en dépit de” daughters] girls US 1938, US 1949 leaves of gold] gold plates 1930 boundary] boundaries TSE’s Anabase lands roused to passion] delighted lands 1930–US 1949 ‖ excited TSE’s Anabase floors] tile work TSE’s Anabase rose red] red 1930, US 1938 honey rose jelly] jellies [of] rose-honey TSE’s Anabase

  xi breath, silken webs …] breath of silken webs … 1930

  xii —In] In 1930, US 1938 trodden] trod TSE’s Anabase


  i pleasance] playground with “?” TSE’s Anabase

  ii hangs] swings TSE’s Anabase terraces of climate] climate-floors TSE’s Anabase with “superficies” in margin huge earth rolls on its surface] earth huge on its area rolls 1930 lone] lonely 1930–US 1949

  iii glittering with mica] of stone of quartz 1930–US 1949 barbs] beard TSE’s Anabase, 1930 —From] From 1930, US 1938 gillstained] pitted [with] earholes with “?” TSE’s Anabase locusts] acridians 1930 ‖ crickets US 1938, US 1949

  iv Like milch-camels] Camels 1930 ‖ Milch-camels US 1938, US 1949 gentle] mild alt TSE’s Anabase shears and] shearing tonsure TSE’s Anabase ‖ shears, 1930–US 1949 scheme] facts 1930–US 1949 kneel] kneeling 1930–US 1949 smoke] fantasy US 1938, US 1949 annihilate themselves] find amend TSE’s Anabase

  v fading blue] cerulisations TSE’s Anabase doubtful] fantastic with “(or omit)” TSE’s Anabase

  vi gentleness] mildness 1930–US 1949 —my] my 1930, US 1938 make good likeness] liken themselves well TSE’s Anabase

  viii jujuba] juniper 1930 a breath sweeps smoking toward us] swept away by a breath, to our feet 1930–US 1949 nuptials] union with “?” TSE’s Anabase

  ix Raise · · · raise] Erect · · · erect 1930–US 1949 cavalcades of green bronze] green-bronze groups of equestrians horsemen TSE’s Anabase


  iii a marvellous] an unknown TSE’s Anabase, 1930 ‖ a peculiar US 1938

  v beasts akin to none] eremite beasts 1930–US 1949 pure bred horses with] horses with pure 1930 ‖ thoroughbred horses with US 1938 frontiers] marches 1930–US 1949 selucid] seleucid 1930–US 1949

  [Poem II 105–13 · Commentary II 143–45]

  vii crested tits] tomtits 1930–US 1949 —Man] Man 1930, US 1938

  ix starved] famished TSE’s Anabase lightning] levin 1930–US 1949

  xi ties] bonds TSE’s Anabase year without ties or anniversaries, seasoned] boundless unreckoned year, squared out 1930, US 1938 ‖ unconfined unreckoned year, seasoned US 1949 ‖ marked out? / squared out? alts TSE’s Anabase heavenly fires] fires 1930 ‖ camp fires US 1938 Sacrificed, in the morning,] Matutinal sacrifice of 1930–US 1949


  ii smoke …] smokes … 1930–US 1949

  iii nature] soul with “?” TSE’s Anabase

  iv crying] keening 1930–US 1949 dissipation] scattering TSE’s Anabase

  v in the] in 1930 seated] squatting 1930–US 1949

  vi lustre] notoriety 1930–US 1949

  xi a sap] spittle 1930 ‖ a spittle US 1938, US 1949

  xii takes its pleasure from] draws its pleasure at 1930 ‖ has its pleasure at US 1938 womb] breast US 1938

  xiii dairy produce] milk TSE’s Anabase

  xvi felicity of springs] bounty of fountains 1930 ‖ felicity of fountains US 1938, US 1949

  xix the girl-tree] the female tree 1930 ‖ the sapling US 1938 ‖ virgin branches US 1949

  xxii the painted cloth of their] their print US 1938, US 1949


  i] first line indented 1959

  v pond] pool 1930–US 1949 discovery of springs] dousing of TSE Anabase ‖ water-dowsing 1930–US 1949 passes] hills 1930

  vi toward] before 1930–US 1949 turning] airing TSE’s Anabase ‖ spreading 1930, US 1938 roofs, on the prongs of] roofs with 1930, US 1938 rose red] red 1930, US 1938 fatigue] not 1930 zig-zag] ribbon 1930 the invoicing] bulletins 1930, US 1938 disbanding of escorts] escort licences 1930, US 1938 sheds] penthouse 1930–US 1949 protestation of bills of credit] protests of rights of creditors 1930 making] composition 1930 firesmoke of man] smokes of mankind 1930 ‖ reek of mankind US 1938 ‖ firesmoke of mankind US 1949

  vii smith,] smith; 1930–US 1949 takes] has 1930–US 1949 pitch] sound 1930 fountains] fresh water pools 1930 juggler] player of the game of goblets 1930 delight] pleasure 1930 maggots] worms 1930 sniffs the odour] noses the phosphorus scent 1930 sword blade] blade 1930–US 1949 planted] sealed and placed 1930, US 1938 suburbs] quarters 1930 with hands like a girl’s] bedecked by the hands of girls 1930 warrior] fighting man TSE’s Anabase

  viii connexions] alliances 1930 ravish] abduct TSEs Anabase

  [Poem II 113–25 · Commentary II 145–46]

  ix on the way · · · on the way] travelling · · · travelling 1930 unleavened] the azyme of 1930

  ix ^ x] line space US 1938 ‖ new page so line spacing indeterminate 1930, 1959 ‖ no line space in French

  xi Who talks of building?] italicised 1930, US 1938 spread] parcelled TSE’s Anabase, 1930–US 1949 heedless of] estranged from 1930


  i–iii] drafted entire in TSE’s Anabase

  i whistle] breathe alt TSE’s Anabase sweet] pure alt TSE’s Anabase banks] shores alt TSE’s Anabase morning] morning are TSE’s Anabase glory) …] glory …) 1930, US 1938

  ii] Let a man be sorrowful heavy-laden, but let him arise before day, and bide circumspectly in the converse [communion alt] of an ancient tree [oak alt], lean on a fading star, he shall behold in the heavens great things [mysteries alt] and pure that turn [conduct / unfold alts] to delight TSE’s Anabase delight …] delight. 1930

  iii whistle] breathe TSE’s Anabase sweet] pure alt TSE’s Anabase But tidings there are of my brother the poet]
But there are tidings of my brother the poet with last five words then transposed to follow first word, TSE’s Anabase a song of great sweetness] well TSE’s Anabase, 1930, US 1938 thereof …] of it—— TSE’s Anabase

  [Poem II 125–29 · Commentary II 146]

  Index to the Editorial Material

  in Volume II

  Aiken, Conrad: Bolo verses 250–53

  anonymous works: La Chanson de Roland 259

  Arnold, Matthew: Dover Beach 223; The Scholar-Gipsy 58, 222

  Asquith, H. H.: 156

  Auden, W. H.: 216; asks TSE about playing patience 213;

  TSE as practical joker 39;

  Night Mail 73;

  The Orators 139;

  Spain 486

  Barker, George: 47

  BBC: broadcasts of TSE’s poems 38, 43–44, 164, 325, 622

  Becket, Thomas: 183

  Bell, Clive: verse envelopes addressed to 159–60

  Benson, A. C.: Land of Hope and Glory 60

  Bentley, E. C.: Baseless Biography 190

  Bentley, Nicolas: Practical Cats drawings 49–50, 190

  Betjeman, John: 62, 220, 230, 233, 235

  Bible, the: Job 219; I Kings 146;

  2 Kings 65;

  Luke 64, 145, 219;


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