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Boys That Read: A High School Romance

Page 17

by Rosewood, Betti

  "Next time?" I whispered.

  "Yeah." He got up on the bed with me, pulling my shivering body tightly against his.

  "There's gonna be a next time?"

  "You don't want it?" He kissed my neck, letting his tongue wander over my skin.

  "I do."

  "I do, too."

  "Stay with me," I whispered, wondering whether it had even been loud enough for him to hear.

  "Here?" I nodded. "Okay, Princess. But I have to leave before morning. I'll stay as long as I can."

  “Okay.” My voice was heavy, but I felt happy for the first time in ages. I settled against Milo’s chest, inhaling his clean scent deeply. I felt every one of his muscles against my naked body, and I never wanted the moment to end.


  Date: September 23rd, 2019, 5 p.m.

  Place: Estella's house


  There was a knock on my door, and I called out for whoever it was to come in. Mama stood on my doorstep, Inca to her side, wearing a shy little smile and a stack of textbooks.

  "Your friend came to study with you," mama said with a conspiratorial smile. "I let her in. I'll tell papa you're studying for a big exam, okay?"

  "Thank you," I grinned, running up to Inca and giving her a tight hug. She seemed surprised, but squeezed me back nonetheless. "Come in. Mama, thank you so much. I really needed this."

  My mother gave me a warm smile before heading out of the room and closing the door lightly behind her. It was just Inca and me then, and she set down her books on my desk, sitting down on the princess bed and giving me a suspicious look.

  "There's something different about you," she muttered. "I can't quite put my finger on it..." She narrowed her eyes and I could barely resist giggling. "Oh my god!"

  "What?" I grinned widely.

  "You had sex!"

  "Inca! Shhhh!" I motioned for her to stay quiet but couldn't help giggling when her eyes widened in shock. "No need to scream it loud enough for the whole house to hear."

  "Sorry," she mouthed, grinning like the Cheshire cat. "I just can't believe it! I'm right, aren't I? You actually went through with it?"

  "I did," I whispered, clutching my heart-shaped pillow and falling on my back on the bed. "And it was perfect."

  Inca joined me, lying on her tummy and begging me to tell her the details. She was two years younger, so she was understandably curious, but I felt protective of my secrets, and didn't want to tell her everything.

  "Was it Natan?" she asked softly, and I shook my head. "Crispin?!" I shook my head again. "Who was it, Stells? Oh my god, was it…"

  I leaned over to whisper in her ear, "Milo Earnshaw."

  "Oh my god!" she exclaimed, making me shush her again. "Sorry, sorry. But... you had sex with Milo? I can't believe it."

  "It was a long time coming," I managed to add, sighing contentedly and lying on my back again. "And Inca, it was perfect."

  "I'm so happy for you," she gushed. We spent the next half hour chatting about Milo, but I was careful not to reveal how much I actually liked him. I felt possessive about my secrets, determined to keep them to myself until I knew where the Milo thing was heading. He hadn't asked me out, or asked me to be his girlfriend, and I was desperate for him to do it. But there was the whole situation with my father to think of. He was never going to approve of Milo, not after what he'd witnessed last time.

  "Do you want to do some studying?" Inca suggested, glancing at her phone. "I might have to leave soon, if your papa finds out... I don't want him to suspect anything."

  "Actually, there's something else I wanted to do," I told her with a mischievous grin, jumping up from the bed and taking her by the hand. "Come with me, I have something to show you."

  We walked to the direction of my walk-in wardrobe. I turned on the lights, and Inca balked at row after row of expensive designer clothing.

  "This is amazing," she whispered as I showed her dress after dress, pulling out some shoes as well.

  "What size shoes do you wear?" I questioned, and she bit her bottom lip.


  "Same as me. Perfect."

  "Why do you ask?" she touched her fingertips to the smooth velvet of a bodycon dress, then blushed, letting her hand drop down, as if she wasn't supposed to be touching my clothes.

  I’d been thinking about doing what I was about to do for a while. My clothes had served their purpose. It was time for them to serve a new one.

  "Because I'm giving you everything," I went on, motioning to the contents of the walk-in wardrobe. "Everything in here is yours if you want it."

  "W-What?" Her eyes widened and she looked genuinely shocked. "What do you mean? Are we doing makeovers?"

  "No, I'm giving you my clothes. And accessories. And my shoes."

  "But... why?" She seemed genuinely confused, furrowing her brows at me. "I don't understand."

  "Because I'm trying out this new thing," I went on. "Where I actually work for my stuff. So I'm only keeping my uniform and some pajamas and underwear, but that's it."

  "But, Stells..." Inca looked adorably nervous. "What if you regret this? I mean, you can't just let me have everything."

  "Anything you want," I repeated. "I already told mama, and she was on board with it." I walked over to one of the built-in shelving units and pulled out some reusable clothing bags. "Just fill them up. Take as much as you can, you can come back for more." Her eyes were shining brightly, but she still seemed hesitant, so I took her by the shoulders and gave her a stern look. "Look. I'm not going to be around for much longer. I'm leaving Wildwood next year, and you'll have two years at the school on your own. I just want you to be... prepared."

  "Harlem's leaving this year too," Inca reminded me. "With her gone, there'll be no-one to tease me."

  "There will always be another Harlem," I told her plainly. "I'm sure another mean girl will appear and try to make your life a living hell. Don't underestimate bullies, Inca. I just want you to have it a little bit easier while you're at Wildwood without me. Consider this my apology for treating you... like a maid, instead of a friend."

  She blushed as I opened one of the bags, motioning to the racks of clothes. "Go on. Fill up your bags."

  * * *

  "Has she ever had a job before?" The manager eyed me suspiciously. He was a man of about fifty, stocky and shorter than me, with a weather-beaten face and a permanently tan complexion. I'd seen him plenty of times at Clancy's before, but this time, it was serious.

  If Romi could convince him to give me a job, it would be my first time actually working for somebody. Of course, everything depended on her negotiating skills - the reason I'd asked for her help in the first place. She was great at convincing people to do what she wanted.

  "She hasn't," Romilly said, smiling sweetly at the man.

  "So, no waitressing experience?"

  "Absolutely none," I cut in. "But I'm more than eager to learn, and I think I won't let you down."

  "Think?" He laughed. "I'm going to need a little more than you thinking you can do this, little girl."

  "Don't call her that." Romilly crossed her arms in front of her body defensively. "Hey, didn't a waitress just quit, anyway?"

  "Yes," the manager answered reluctantly, shaking his head in disbelief. "Up and left two days ago. We've been short-staffed ever since. But I don't want to hire someone who knows nothing about this."

  "From what I heard, you were in a bit of a dire situation and desperately needing a waitress, so I don't think that's going to be a problem. Is it?" Romilly gave him a persuasive smile. "You should be counting your lucky starts that we walked in here."

  "Maybe," he went on. "But I'm still not sure she's qualified for the job."

  "Even if she wasn't," I interrupted. "She is a fast learner."

  "And you don't exactly have the option of being picky, now do you?" Romilly winked.

  "N-No," he muttered, seemingly charmed by my older sister's smile. He even grinned back. "I suppose I don't."
He gave me another worried look before sighing and finally nodding. "Fine. We can give it a go for a week, see how it goes."

  "Yay!" Romilly bounced up and down, turning to me and giving me a loud high five. "See? I knew you could do it, Stells."

  "Thank you so much!" I squeezed her tightly, unable to fight the smile off my face and addressing my next question to the manager. "When do I start?"

  "If we're really doing this, you can start on Monday," he told me, motioning to the back of the building. "I'll give you the rundown now, and you can get to know everyone and try on your uniform."

  "Perfect." Romilly kissed my cheek. "I have to get going now, are you going to be okay?" "Of course," I nodded. "Thank you so much for your help."

  "Don't mention it. And if papa has a problem with this... Mama and I have got your back." She winked, waved, and was gone, leaving nothing but the faint scent of her perfume in her wake.

  I turned my attention back to the manager, and he gave me another uncertain glance before leading me into the staff room at the back of Clancy's.

  "The changing rooms are back there," he motioned. "You get your own locker and three sets of your uniform. And three aprons, that you must wear at all times." He gave me a long, lingering look. "Why do I have the feeling that you're going to fight me on the work uniform?"

  "I wear a uniform for school," I told him.

  "I can see that. Wildwood, huh? I got a kid starting there in a couple of years," he went on. “Got in on a scholarship.”

  "Good luck," I muttered, making him snap his eyes back up.

  "What's that supposed to mean?"

  "Well, it's the kind of place that can eat a not-so-confident student alive," I admitted.

  "I don't think my kiddo's gonna have a problem with that," he laughed. "She's a little spitfire. By the way, my name is Jeffrey. Jeffrey Cutler."

  "Nice to meet you, Jeffrey, Jeffrey Cutler." We shook hands and he eyed me again.

  "I have to say," he went on. "You're not the kind of girl who usually comes in to get a job."

  "I'm not?" He shook his head. "Did you have a question?"

  "Why do you need this job?" he asked.

  "I don't need it," I explained. "But I do want it. I want to be a better person, stop relying on my parents for everything. And I'm always hanging out here, anyway."

  "I've seen you around," he nodded. "Fine, let's give it a whirl. Here's your uniform and your apron. Go try it on and let me know if I gave you the right size."

  "Thank you." I took the stack of clothes from him. "And thank you for giving me this chance."

  "Don't let me down, kid." He shot me a warning glance. "I mean it."

  "No chance in hell, Jeffrey."

  * * *

  "Where are you going, mija?" I froze with my hand on the door handle. Papa was standing behind me, eyeing me suspiciously. "Did you perhaps forget that you're still grounded for that stunt you pulled with the Earnshaw boy?"

  I bit my tongue so I wouldn't snap back, instead counting to three before I turned around to face him. "Actually, papa, I got a job."

  "A job?" His brows shot up. "What kind of job?"

  "A waitressing job at Clancy's," I said, defensive from the get-go. "Romilly helped me get it."

  "So your sister knows about this, but I don't?" He narrowed his eyes at me. "You didn't think you should ask my permission before you accepted it?"

  "Of course I did," I smiled innocently. "But I thought you'd be happy I was being proactive and trying to find a job, papa. It's going to look great on my college resume."

  "Perhaps," he went on. "But I want you focusing on school. Besides, it's not like you need the money, Estella."


  "No," he shook his head. "I don't think I can allow this. Get back to your room."

  "What's going on?" Mama appeared behind him, winking at papa from behind his back before snaking an arm around papa's waist and giving him a chaste kiss on the cheek. "Is this about Estrellita's job, Ricardo?"

  "Oh, so you knew about it, too," he replied icily. "Everyone knows but me, it seems. Since when are we keeping secrets like this from one another?"

  "I just thought you'd be happy for me to do it," I piped up in a small voice.

  "I think it's a great idea, Ricardo," mama went on, and he gave her a doubtful look.

  "How so?"

  "Well, she's going to get some great, hardworking habits from this job," mama started counting on her fingers. "She'll learn some basics about working with other people. And like Estella said, it will look great on her resume, as well as her college application. You are still trying to get into Eastvale, aren't you, Estrellita?"

  "Yes," I nodded solemnly, my mind flashing back to what I'd found in Miss James' office. "Of course I am."

  "Good," papa huffed. "That's good news, at least." He eyed me before going on. "So, this job... you're going to be a waitress? Not serving any alcoholic beverages, I hope?"

  "Of course not," I shook my head. "I mean, it's a diner, papa. You've been there before, remember? We went to get sundaes that one time?"

  "Right," he nodded, giving mama a long look. "What do you think about this? Think it's a good idea?"

  "It is," she nodded, with a serious expression. "And I don't know if you've noticed, but your daughter has been trying very hard to be humbler."

  "Indeed," he muttered. "Which included her giving away all her expensive clothes to a friend."

  "Because I want to work for what I have," I piped up. "I want to earn everything I have."

  "Interesting," papa went on. "What prompted this?"

  "Well, I wanted to make you proud, papa." I smiled at him sweetly. "I wanted to see how hard I'd have to work to get everything you've been giving me my entire life. I wanted to surprise you by showing you I am a hard worker, too."

  He stared at me with that impenetrable gaze of his, and I wondered whether he'd let me go through with it. Finally, what felt like hours later, he gave me a curt nod and a cold smile. "Fine. You can do it. But if I notice your grades slipping, or any negative consequences from this job, we're going to re-evaluate your priorities, mija."

  "Thank you, papa!" I ran up to him, shocking him by giving him a tight hug. I hadn't hugged papa in a long time, and he seemed surprised by my sudden affection, but returned the squeeze nevertheless. "You won't be disappointed. I can't wait to show you how hard I'm going to work for this. I'll be back in six hours."

  "Good luck, querido," mama called out after me. "Call if you need us to pick you up."

  I waved and left the house. Romilly was already waiting for me in her car, and she honked as I got in. "Excited?"

  "Super excited," I nodded. "I actually can't wait."

  We chatted about this and that as we drove to Clancy's, and by the time we arrived, I was already ten minutes late.

  "Shoot," I muttered as I grabbed my bag. "You don't think Jeffrey will be mad, do you?"

  "Just apologize and work hard," Romi suggested. "I'm sure he'll forgive you."

  By the time I walked into Clancy's, I was fifteen minutes late, and when Jeffrey saw me, he groaned out loud. "Late already, on the first day. Seems like a great sign for what's to come."

  "Don't be so pessimistic, Jeff," I grinned, strapping on my apron. "I'm here, and I'm ready."

  "With appropriate footwear, too," he motioned to the strappy heeled sandals on my feet. "Those are going to kill your feet."

  "We'll see," I grinned. "Where do you want me to start?"

  "You can start by doing dishes," he said. "There's a sinkful in the back, since we're short a dishwasher this week. Then someone will show you the ropes with the till. And after that, maybe we'll talk about you getting the orders ready."

  "I thought this was a waitressing job," I muttered, and he gave me a warning look.

  "Everyone starts in the kitchen, princess," he went on, using my nickname without even knowing how well it fit me. "Let's see how you do with the dishes and then talk about you doing someth
ing else."

  "Fine." I headed into the back of the building and balked at the sight of a sink laden with dirty dishes.

  "Better get started, little lady," a tall, bulky man in the back grinned at me. "Those dishes won't wash themselves."

  "You got it, boss." I turned up the sleeves of my uniform and got started.

  * * *

  By the time I was done with the dishes, I was already exhausted, and my feet were hurting from standing up for too long. I'd underestimated this job, that was for sure, but I wasn't going to give up so easily. I wanted to prove to myself I could do it - and not just myself, but papa, mama, Romi... and Milo as well. Besides, it would feel good to show the manager, Jeff, that I could do anything he threw at me.

  "How's it going, princess?" Jeffrey asked when I came back to the front of the diner.

  "Good," I retorted, refusing to tell him how tired I was already. "Got another task for me?" I glanced to the sitting area of the diner, blanching when I saw a familiar face in one of the booths. "Crap."

  "Language," Jeff reminded me. "What's going on?"

  "There's..." I swallowed. "A girl that goes to my school in one of the booths."

  "Perfect." Jeff gave me a meaningful look. "You can go over and take her order."

  "Now?" I groaned. "I really, really don't want to. She's a mean girl, she'll tear me to shreds if she realizes I'm working here."

  "The sooner you get it over with, the better." Jeff patted me on the back. "Come on, you're going to be alright. And I'll be right here in case you need back up." He handed me a laminated menu, saying, "Go on."

  I knew whatever was going to happen next wasn't going to be pretty. But Jefrey was right - I couldn't avoid these situations forever. Working at Clancy's meant I would undoubtedly run into some people I knew, and I needed to face my demons then and there. Walking closer to Harlem's table, I swallowed my pride, pulling out a notepad and a pen and greeting the table with a friendly smile. "Welcome to Clancy's. Can I get your order?"


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