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Rhythm of the Road

Page 9

by Autumn Jones Lake

  “Uh…” I can barely think.

  He smirks up at me. “Yes?”

  He rests his hands on my shoulders and turns me to face the water, gently rubbing his big hands through my hair. “Good?” he asks.

  “I think so.”

  That’s enough of an answer for him to reach forward and slap the water off. Holding onto my hand, he steps out and I follow. He reaches for a towel and crouches down, rubbing the fluffy terry cloth over my damp skin.

  I grab another towel and flip my hair, twisting it into a turban.

  “Cute.” He taps the tip of my nose with his finger and wraps a towel around his hips. I cover myself with the other towel, knotting it over my breasts.

  “Are you sure you’re not hungry?” he asks, melting my heart with his concern. “You haven’t eaten all day and did an awful lot.”

  “I’m a little bit now. But I don’t want to eat this late.” I run my hands over my hips. “Trust me, I’ll eat like a horse tomorrow.”

  “Good.” He twists one hand in my towel and yanks me forward. “Can’t have those sweet curves disappearing.”

  I snort-laugh. “Trust me, they run in the family. They’re not going anywhere.”

  “I don’t think you’re understanding how wild you make me.”

  “Well then, show me.”


  Finally, finally, I have Shelby all to myself.

  Wet, naked, and squeaky clean so I can dirty her up again.

  I sweep her up and carry her into the bedroom, then gently set her down on the bed. She reclines against the pillows and I follow, trailing kisses down her neck. She arches her back and threads her fingers in my hair.


  The heaviness in her voice stops my exploration. I shift my gaze to her face and wait for her to continue.

  “We never really…but, uh, have you…you know…?”

  By the little crinkles on her forehead and anxiety in her voice, I don’t need her to finish the question.

  Part of me wants to lie because she won’t believe me anyway.

  “Have I what?” I force some lightness into my tone. “Given anyone else a ride on my beard?”

  She doesn’t laugh.

  I shift my weight forward so I’m staring straight into her eyes when I give her the truth. “No.”

  Relief flickers over her face, followed by, just as I’d guessed, disbelief.

  Can’t blame her. If someone had told me five years—hell one year ago—I’d be turning down free pussy because I was inside-out over a chick who lived two thousand miles away, I would’ve laughed my ass off. Loyalty and brotherhood are the main reasons I joined the MC, but I’d be a fuckin’ liar if I said tapping as much club ass as possible wasn’t also on my list back then.

  “Really?” Her brow wrinkles again. “I saw the party downstairs. It must be like that all the time.”

  Worse, actually. Upstate’s tame compared to downstate. Although, Z has cleaned up our downstate clubhouse a lot since he took over. Still, some nights you could film a movie on the decline of the Roman Empire in our clubhouse.

  “I’ve been busy.” I lean down and kiss the tip of her nose. “Besides, every time I close my eyes, I only see one girl.”


  She really needs to ask? “You.”

  You’d think she’d look happier after that declaration.

  Shit, maybe there’s a reason she’s not turning cartwheels. “I don’t expect you to say the same thing.” I barely force the lie past my lips. I’m ready to hunt down any motherfucker who’s touched Shelby and—

  “I haven’t either.”


  “Well…” She reaches up and strokes my beard. “I’ve been pretty busy myself.”

  “I saw the line of fans dying to meet you tonight. Saw the guys with their marriage proposals. Never figured there were male groupies.”

  “Oh, yeah,” she drawls. “Some of ’em are super sweet. Bring all sorts of presents with ’em. Then they’re too scared to talk to me.”

  I growl. Why didn’t it occur to me to bring her anything tonight except my hard cock and a handful of ‘wanna ride my beard’ jokes?

  “Others offer to take me to hotels, or ask me to invite them onto the bus, or into my dressing room.”

  Another low growl I can’t control rumbles out of me. “And?”

  “I haven’t met anyone else with such a kick-ass beard.” Her big eyes and tilted lips are at odds with her teasing words.

  “That a requirement for you?”

  “It is now.”

  “So, you’ve got guys handing out marriage proposals every night, Ms. Morgan?”

  “It’s Miss Morgan.” She wiggles her brows at me. “Ms. Morgan if you’re nasty.”

  I snort with laughter. “Please, you weren’t even born when that song came out.”

  “Neither were you!” She taps the side of her head. “A good musician knows music from every genre and decade.”

  That doesn’t surprise me. Maybe I’m biased but watching her performance and then Dawson Roads’ show were two different experiences. Everything about Shelby’s music is genuine and from her heart. She’s so fucking talented, I’m not sure the world deserves her. Then again, neither do I.

  Keep giving her the truth. “I haven’t been with anyone since you.”

  “How is that possible?” She runs her fingers down my chest.

  I hold one hand up in front her face, wiggling my fingers. “I re-named this one Shelby and the other Morgan. They work fine.”

  She snort-giggles, rolling toward me until her head’s resting on my chin.

  I draw back, staring down at her. “What do we do about this situation, Shelby?” Jesus Christ, am I really the one initiating this conversation? Right now? Tonight? My dick’s ready to go feral if I don’t get it inside her soon. That stellar blow job wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy me.

  Her body stiffens. “What do you mean?”

  My inner commitment-phobe recognizes where her fear’s coming from. “I’m not asking you to leave your tour or stop what you’re doing. I’m not even asking you to move up here after your tour’s over.” Not yet anyway.

  Underneath all her sassy, southern charm, I’ve always sensed Shelby’s skittish when it comes to…whatever the hell I’m proposing here. I haven’t been interested in being in a relationship since high school myself, so I don’t hold it against her.

  She blows out a long breath. “Thank you.”

  I twist my index finger around a wet, blond wave. “I want to see you more often, though.”

  “You do?”

  “Hell yeah.” Honesty. Just be honest. “These last couple months have been hell.”

  Her eyes shine. “Really?”

  “Can’t you tell from all those needy texts I send you?”

  “They’re not needy, Rooster,” she whispers. “I love…every one of your messages.”

  “I’d rather give you more in person.”

  Her gaze slips away. “I’m on the road until almost Thanksgiving.”

  “I’m a biker who lives for the open road, baby.”

  Shocked eyes rush to meet mine again. “You’d really come visit me?”

  “Fuck yeah.” Now we’re getting somewhere.

  “But that’ll be expensive. I only have a handful of dates kinda close to here.”

  I roll to the side, propping myself up on one elbow. “Have I given you the impression I’m some sort of bum?”

  “No. You’ve never really told me what you do.”

  “I do fine.” I just got her to understand that I haven’t fucked any other women, no reason to bring up the porn company now.

  “I don’t want you to waste your money on me.”

  “It’s not a waste.” I stop myself. Maybe she’s looking for excuses to keep me away. “If you don’t want me to visit you on the road, say so, Shelby.” I hate the hard edge creeping into my voice but can’t help it. “You won’t hurt my

  No, it will annihilate me but I’m sure as fuck not giving any woman that kind of ammunition.

  “I do,” she whispers.

  “What?” I cup my hand over my ear. “I can’t hear you.”

  “I’m afraid to say it.”

  “Say what?”

  “That I want you to visit me. I want to see you. I loved having you there tonight. So much.” She squeezes her eyes shut and rolls onto her back. “All these amazing things have happened over the last couple months, but I still miss you all the time. I’m always wondering, ‘What’s Rooster up to right now? I wish Rooster was here so I could tell him about this. Who’s Rooster with?’”

  The smile slides off my face. “Sounds like this Rooster asshole is ruining what should be a good time in your life, Shelby.”

  She pounds both fists into the mattress. “That’s not what I’m saying at all.”

  “What are you saying?”

  Her mouth’s twisted into a frustrated pout when she turns and glares at me. “I miss your face.” She blows out an annoyed breath. “I don’t know why. You’re probably a troll under that big ol’ beard.”

  “Troll, huh?”

  Her pissy expression softens. “I feel selfish asking you to take time away from your life to come visit me. You have your own things to do.”

  I study her downcast eyes and pink cheeks. Her admission’s genuine. She’s not trying to keep me away. Who’s let her down so much that she’s too afraid to ask anyone for anything?

  “Some things are more important.”

  Wide eyes blink up at me. “What are we, Rooster?” She touches my shoulder, trailing her fingers over my ink instead of meeting my eyes. “I mean, this was a hookup back home. What does… What are we if you’re, you know, visiting me when I’m out on the road on a regular basis?”

  Fuck, do I like how visiting her on a regular basis sounds coming out of her mouth. I lean down and brush a kiss over her forehead, then her cheeks, the tip of her nose and finally her lips. “You need to call it something?”

  “I don’t need—”

  “You’re my girl.” Oh, fuck that feels good to say out loud. Way better than I ever expected it to. “I’m your man.”

  “My man, huh? That sounds serious.” She narrows her eyes. “I’m hardly a girl.”

  “You’re my woman sounded like I ought to thump my chest while sayin’ it but that works for me too.”

  The corners of her mouth twitch. “You’re more Viking than Tarzan.”

  I cock my head and pretend to think it over. “True.”

  “Can we really do this, Logan?”

  “What do we have to lose?”

  “Our hearts?”

  I trace my thumb over her bottom lip. “Told you once before, I don’t want to break your heart. I’d rather hurt myself than ever hurt you.”

  She tilts her head, rubbing her cheek against my knuckles. “I don’t want to hurt you either.”

  “Give us a chance, Shelby.”

  Her eyes glitter with hope or happiness as she stares up at me. “It’s boring on the road most of the time.”

  Fuck, yes. “As long as I’m with you it doesn’t matter.” I open my mouth to say the club gives me plenty of excitement, then stop myself.

  What the fuck am I doing?

  Forget breaking her heart. Shelby’s all sunshine and sweetness. I’ve killed for my club and I have no doubt I’ll do it again. My life, the choices I’ve made, could ruin the career she’s trying to build. She’s so damn talented. I want her to accomplish everything her heart desires. I don’t think she understands the risk she’s taking being with me and I’m a selfish bastard for not explaining. It’s not just her heart I could break. It’s her whole world.

  It’s one truth I don’t say out loud.

  Instead, I lean down and brush another kiss over her lips, promising myself I’ll do everything in my power to protect her heart.

  Chapter Fourteen


  My foolish heart won’t stop racing. Even though I didn’t want to admit it to myself, I’d dreamed about this moment happening when we finally saw each other again. The physical spark remains, no question. But the emotional connection—that burns hot too.

  This is the worst possible time to be falling for a guy.

  A relationship, love, anything that might tie me down right now is such a bad idea.

  But Rooster’s not trying to tie me down. He didn’t hesitate to say he’d visit me on the road. It means the world to me that he understands and respects this crazy dream I’m chasing.

  Previous boyfriends told me how ridiculous I was, or my odds were so little, I should just give up. Worse, some bitched like babies when music took my attention off them.

  That’s why they got kicked to the curb.

  Teachers, so-called friends, almost everyone except my mother have mocked my dreams. I’m hell-bent on proving them all wrong. While I’m at it, I’ll force the music industry to take me seriously too.

  I can’t afford to get sidetracked. Not even by this sexy biker who says all the right things.

  Is it possible to have both?

  Rooster’s slow, soft kisses melt into deeper ones that steal my breath. My body reacts instantly, and I arch my back. I reach up and run my fingers through his hair, over his broad shoulders, his arms, down his sides to the edge of his towel, teasing my fingers underneath.

  “Beautiful Shelby,” he rasps. “Fuckin’ love having you under me again.”

  “You sure could have your pick of pretty women downstairs.”

  He stops cold and stares down at me. “I don’t want pretty women. I want you. Did you miss what I said?”

  “No,” I whisper.

  “If I wanted a random fuck, I could do that anytime.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  “I want more than a fuck,” he continues as if I hadn’t said a word. “I like being with you. Listening to you.” He easily undoes the knot and flicks my towel out of his way, kissing a path down my neck. “Staring at your beautiful body. Been waiting to do this all night.”

  “You had a taste,” I tease, running my fingers through his hair.

  “Not enough.” He kisses one breast and then the other. “Never enough.”

  “Oh,” I sigh. “You promised to put your mouth all over me, remember?”

  “Still plannin’ to. Give me time to do this right, chickadee.”

  The anticipation threatens to kill me. But I trust Rooster to make this good. He’ll make it worth the wait.

  His mouth surrounds my nipple and he sucks hard. My back bows off the bed, the sensation shooting south. He buries his head between my breasts. “You smell good.”

  “I used whatever was in there.”

  “No, it’s you. Missed your scent.” He continues kissing his way down my stomach. “Missed your taste.” He dips his tongue in my belly button and my stomach quivers with laughter.

  “That tickles.”

  He lightly sweeps his beard over my belly, the sensation sending jolts of electricity over my skin. “Still tickles.”

  He moves lower, planting a kiss on my bare mound. His devilish smile returns as he peers up at me. “Let me know if this tickles too.”

  Pushing my knees wide, he dives closer, kissing my exposed center. I grab a fistful of his thick hair and twist.

  My heels dig into the comforter and my back arches off the bed even higher. He keeps kissing in between murmuring sweet and dirty words. A low moan builds in me.

  “What are you doing?” I whisper.

  “If you need to ask…” He traces one long, slow stroke of his tongue against my lips, stopping at my clit. He keeps up the teasing licks and kisses until I buck my hips against his face. Finally, he focuses all his attention where I need it most. A delicious tremble starts in my hips, an electric current flowing down my legs until my toes curl. He makes a growly humming noise of encouragement and slowly thrusts two fingers inside me.

�Uh.” My entire body convulses, my legs shaking uncontrollably. I moan even louder. The orgasm building, breaking, crashing through me. I’m overwhelmed with mind-numbing, breath-stealing pleasure.

  “That’s it.” He presses feathery kisses to my inner thighs while still working his fingers in and out. “So good.”

  “Ugh,” I mumble, not sure my lips can form words. My legs won’t stop shaking with aftershocks. “So much better than my DIY ones.”

  Shoot, did I say that out loud?

  Rooster’s staring down at me with a smirk on his shiny lips, so yeah, I guess I did say that out loud. “That right?”

  A hot flush of embarrassment works over my cheeks and I turn away. “I even have this little bullet vibrator, but I haven’t been able to use because it’s so dang loud.”

  Oh, yeah, that was less embarrassing. It’s like the man tongued me stupid.

  He squeezes his eyes shut and shakes with laughter.

  “I’m serious.” I’d smack one of his granite-hard arms but my hands barely feel connected to my body. What did he do to me?

  Done laughing, he leans in and kisses my cheek. “Happy to help anytime you need me.” He reaches down and covers my pussy with one big hand. Still sensitive, I jump from the contact. “What’s wrong? Too much?” he whispers with a devious smile.

  “Mmm.” My eyes drift shut. This is why it was easy to turn down any guy who’s shown me a hint of interest over the last few months.

  It would’ve been a waste of time.

  No man would ever match Rooster’s savage yet somehow gentle way of claiming me.

  Chapter Fifteen


  The sun’s barely touched the edges of the curtains when some fucker’s knocking at the door. I jump out of bed, hoping to stop whoever it is before they wake Shelby.

  Z grins at me when I swing the door a quarter of the way open. “Morning.”

  I yawn, and in an effort to be as disgusting as possible, hoping it’ll chase Z away, dip my hand under the waistband of my shorts and take a long, slow scratch of my balls. “Why are you waking me up at this hour?”

  “Why do you think?”

  Guess the ball scratch won’t get rid of him. “You missed me?”


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