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Sins of Seven Boxset: Part One: Kneel, Obey, Indulge

Page 6

by René, Dani



  “You’re a fucking disgrace, Evangeline Gallagher,” my mother’s shrill tone echoes through the living room, causing me to wince. I skipped school, and of course, they called her to inform her that her sweet little girl wasn’t in class.

  They caught me making out with Lincoln under the bleachers. He’d had his hand up my skirt, his fingers delving into my wetness. Isn’t that what all fifteen-year-olds did? Why was she so angry? It’s not like she cares.

  “Are you even listening to me?” she screeches once more, getting in my face. Her hands grip my shirt, tugging me back and forth. Her dark eyes, nothing like my blue ones, are full of rage. “Are you going to turn into a slut? Fucking anything with a dick?” She spits at me, venom flying from her words.

  Tears spring to my eyes, and I will them away. I’m not a slut. I’m a girl. A woman. If I can find a man who is willing to take me like that, I’ll be able to ignore her taunts.

  I saw him today. The one with the suit and tie. He’s handsome. His car is fancy and when I asked about him, one of the girls at school called him Mr. Anderson. I know his name is Carrick, I learned it from a boy who did some work for him. I didn’t ask what work. All I wanted to know was his name.

  Carrick Anderson.

  I’ve made my choice. He’ll be my first. And then he’ll save me from this shithole.

  A soft kiss on my shoulder jolts me from the dream still weighing heavily on my mind. Turning, I find the cocoa eyes of Nathan. It’s still dark and I realize I must have passed out.

  “Hello, sweet girl,” he utters with happiness dancing in his eyes. Scooting up, I grab the sheet and cover my breasts. I don’t know why. But for some reason, I feel nervous with him staring at me with so much emotion. “I saw all of you only a few hours ago, no need to hide anymore. Every inch of your beauty was mine to behold, beautiful,” he says.

  “Why am I still here?”

  His frown creases his perfect forehead in confusion. “Why wouldn’t you be here?”

  “You said that last night was it. One more night.” Before I can get out of bed, his arm encircles me, tugging me closer to his naked body.

  “I did. I wanted it to be the last night. But…” he trails off, his eyes closing as if he’s in pain. “I can’t, Eva. After last night, I just can’t.”

  “Can’t what? Nathan, I’m not—”

  “I don’t want to let you go. I’ve been up for hours, waiting on the sunrise to make sense of this... I don’t know what to call it. I’ve been thinking…” He trails off, rising, he pulls me onto his lap. Onto his hardness that I again want to feel inside me. My body betrays me, rocking against his erection.

  “Thinking?” I ask, as his eyebrow lifts in question at me blatantly rubbing against him.

  “Yes, I have a proposition for you,” he says, while his hips meet mine. Our bodies move like two pieces of a puzzle, fitting perfectly.

  “Okay?” My response is wary. I know this man is everything that I didn’t want at first, a man into darker kink than I’m used to. Someone who fucks other’s because that’s his need.

  Desires. We all have them, some far harsher than others. I’ve never been someone who enjoys sharing, but this life, this whole world has taught me to never put a limit on something I’ve never tried. Carrick has opened the door for me, now it’s my turn to step through and find out who I really am.

  I know the only way I’ll find my limits is by testing new and unheard-of desires. I’ve always enjoyed a few light spankings here and there, and last night brought me to a place where he was the only thing in my mind. Normally, the degradation would come, it would push me to a place where I found safety, but with Nathan, there is so much more—as if I need him to degrade me.

  Yes, I’ve experienced humiliation in a sexual setting before, but Nathan is different. Even when he called me filthy names, his eyes told me something else. There was emotion there, which held me safe in the place where all my concerns dissipated to nothing.

  Something snapped inside me last night. When he entered me, drove inside me, I felt whole. As if my shards had finally found their glue. As he held me up, connecting us in the most primal way, I felt as he if was holding all my broken pieces together.

  I don’t know if he can, though. Can anyone ever heal another person? I know there’s a darkness in him that he hides. He’s not yet allowed me to see his pain, his anguish that is so clear in the dark depths of his eyes.

  “I want you. Three weeks. If you feel after that time you don’t want to do it, then we’ll tear up the contract. A business arrangement if you must.”

  “Three weeks?” I ask, my voice dropping to an almost unintelligible level. He nods, then reaches between my legs, his thumb on my clit, circling it and driving me mad. “I can’t think when you do that,” I moan, riding his erection along my now drenched pussy. Even though he’s not inside me, I’m trembling.

  “You don’t have to think. I’ll be your Dominant, I’ll give you everything you need. You’ll only have to worry about pleasing me.”

  My gaze snaps open then, I’m about to respond but he presses his thumb down on my clit, sending me spiraling and shaking above him.

  “Do you like drenching your Sir’s cock, sweet slut?” He smirks. Satisfied that he’s completely obliterated any refusal I had on my tongue.

  “I have one request,” I say when I finally find my words.

  “Name it. It’s yours.”

  I smile and lean forward, brushing my lips over his earlobe. “I want to play again in this room. Soon.”

  “Oh, darling we will,” he tells me before I have time to straighten. Our eyes lock in a moment, something passes between us, but it’s gone in the same moment it appeared. “And please remember one thing, Eva, I’ll always call you sweet slut in our scenes, because you’re mine. If ever someone calls you that, I’ll kill them. You’re mine. Okay?”

  “Yes, Sir Nate,” I smile, planting a soft kiss on his full lips.

  “Now, my sweet girl, sleep some more. You’re exhausted. There’s still a few hours before sun up. We’ll sign the contract later tonight, and we’ll play again.” When I move off him, I can’t help blushing at the wetness I’ve left on his crotch. His eyes follow mine. When they lift to pin me again, he smirks sinfully. “Let’s test your willingness to obey,” he says. “Clean my dick.”

  Without a second thought, I’m on my knees, lapping at his softened shaft, tasting myself on him. He didn’t come with me and I wonder if he’s saving himself for later. His eyes burn into me, boring down on me in a way that’s not demeaning, but as if he’s worshipping me with a mere glance.

  I rise, shifting off him once I’ve licked the wetness from him, and he smiles. “Good girl,” he says with reverence as he shuffles lower on the bed; our faces are inches apart. “You’re utterly perfect,” he murmurs, his hand cupping my cheek as his tongue swipes across my plump lower lip. Once he’s licked my arousal from my mouth, he rolls over, pulling me closer and kissing me deeply. His tongue delves into my mouth, hot, demanding, needing to be in control.

  Our tongues dance erotically, tasting the other, reveling in the desire that pours from his mouth and into mine. Connected. Joined in an intimate way. I’ve always believed kissing is more intimate than sex. Fucking can be done without emotion, whereas there’s no lie in a kiss. You can’t join your lips to another’s without feeling something.

  My heart hammers in my chest, beating erratically and telling me to run. Warning me that this is a mistake and I need to be careful. But I won’t. I know that as I straddle him once more, and he sinks deeply into my core, I’m fucked.

  * * *

  A gentle sound wakes me from the first dreamless sleep I’ve had in a long while. When my eyes crack open, I find the soft light of dawn shining down on me from the large windows of Nathan’s playroom. The place he calls a dungeon, but after last night, I call it heaven. When I glance behind me, I find the bed empty.

ing off the bed, I pad over to the windows, taking in the beauty of the city in the orange glow of a new day. Sadness settles itself in my heart. I’m not sure if he meant what he said last night about me being his, I can only hope he did.

  “You’re awake,” his voice comes from behind me, causing me to pivot on my heel. Carrying a tray of food, coffee, and fruit, he enters the room dressed in only a pair of boxers. He’s so handsome, it hurts to look at him. His body is toned perfection. Golden skin shimmers as he saunters closer. His chest is smooth, free of any hair. Abs that call to me taunt as my gaze drinks in every inch of him. He’s slim, yet built with a rigidness of a man that clearly works out a lot.

  “I am.” I watch as he sets the tray down on a small table, then makes his way to me. Big, strong hands grip my hips, tugging me closer so our bodies are almost one.

  “Good morning, my sweet girl,” he murmurs against my lips, pressing a soft kiss to my mouth. I can’t stop my heart from pattering wildly against my ribcage at his words. Once again, he’s the romantic man, the beast safely tucked away in the light of day. In the light of our truths.

  “This… Last night,” I peer up at him, meeting his eyes that are filled with honesty. “Did you mean it? When you—”

  “Eva,” he caresses my name. “I want you. I shouldn’t. I know I should walk away and leave you to find someone who can give you a good life. Someone who won’t hurt you. Because down the line, I’ll hurt you. I don’t want to, but I asked for three weeks and that’s what I’ll take. Then it’s up to you to decide if you want to submit to me long term.” He allows his words to sink into me and the silence around us.

  “What if I hurt you?” I ask, knowing that if my past were to ever catch up to me, it could mean the end of something good for me. For us.

  “You could never hurt me, Eva.”

  “Then let’s try? I want to be with you. Have you ever had a girlfriend?” I question, but he chuckles loudly at that.

  “No. I’ve never spent more than one night with a woman.” When he utters this, I notice the flicker of guilt in his dark eyes, and instinctively, I know he’s hiding something from me. Whether it’s a past relationship, or another woman, something is hidden in his head, and I intend finding out exactly what it is.

  “What makes me so different?” I wonder.

  He stares at me for a long while, as if the answer is in my eyes. The way he looks at me feels as if he’s seeing right through me. Deep into the darkness I hide.

  “You’re mine. That’s what makes you different. My beautiful diamond. You shine, in the dark where I find myself, you’re the only light. Rare and beautiful. Mine.” His words warm me, gripping my heart with fierce emotion, so deep, so goddamn painful that I need more.

  “I want to play again,” I tell him. He steps back, a smirk lifting the corner of his sinful mouth. The same mouth I want between my legs, devouring me like I’m his last meal.

  “I do have breakfast planned, and trust me when I say that I wasn’t planning on it being sweet and romantic.”

  “I didn’t take you for the sweet and romantic type, Nate, but I trust you.” I can’t help giggling, however when I meet his gaze something dances across it so quickly and deceptively I think I’m imagining it. “What?”

  “Nothing, let’s eat,” he responds, tugging me along and gesturing to the bed, where I settle against the black velvet headboard. Once he joins me, all the tension dissipates and we start on our coffees, toast, and softened cream cheese.

  I can’t help flitting my glance over to him as we sit in comfortable silence. Once my coffee is finished, I turn to him, moving the tray onto his lap. “I love cherries,” I say, grabbing one, but before I can pop it into my mouth, he grips my wrist and shakes his head.

  “Those are not ready yet,” he growls. Glancing at the deep red fruit in my hand, I furrow my brow in confusion. They look perfect to me. Juicy, ripe, and ready to be eaten. “I want to you lie back, take those damn panties off and I’ll show you just how I love to devour my cherries.” Each word sends a rush of excitement and desire through me.

  Quickly, I tug off my panties and drop them on the floor. When I lie back, I can’t help meeting Nate’s hungry gaze which roves over my skin. He takes in every inch of me as if he’s committing me to memory so he doesn’t lose himself on my slight curves.

  “Open your legs,” he orders. It’s nothing close to the darkness that consumed him last night, but there’s a no nonsense tone in his voice.

  My thighs splay, baring myself to him. He grabs the small bowl of cherries. Popping one into his mouth, he sucks it until it’s wet with saliva, and then he grips the stem and brings the cherry to my core. The cool red fruit teases my pink wet flesh and I can’t stop moaning. Suddenly, he pushes the little cherry into my pussy, leaving the stem peeking out. “You see, Eva, I’m going to devour you and that sweet cherry dipped in your delicious juices.”

  I can’t help my body pulsing at the filthy look in his eyes. He leans in as his lips crash onto my wet pussy as he sucks the flesh into his warm mouth. His tongue teases the fruit that’s just inside me.

  My hips lift involuntarily as he eats me like I’ve never been eaten before. His teeth graze my clit, biting down just enough to send a jolt of pained pleasure shooting through me, sizzling my blood with need.

  Then, without much effort, he tugs the stem, pulling the bright red fruit from my body drenched in my arousal, and pops it into his mouth. “Delicious,” he purrs, offering me a cocky wink, before inserting another cherry into me.

  I’m moaning, begging and pleading for an orgasm, but he continues to devour me along with half the bowl of cherries.

  When he finally sits up, his eyes burn into me with one smoldering look. He shoves his briefs off, allowing his thick hard erection to jut out toward me. He nestles himself between my thighs and hovers over me.

  “Do you want me, sweet slut?”

  “Yes, I’ve wanted you since the moment I looked at you,” I offer honestly. It’s raw, it’s scary putting yourself out there for someone you’re still not sure will keep you.

  “Good girl,” he says, and with that, he slides into me, torturously slow. His mouth finds mine, his lips connecting with mine in a kiss that tastes of cherries and me. His tongue delves into my mouth, the same way his cock slides into my pussy. I’m wholly consumed in that moment. I’ve never once been so utterly owned by a man.

  As our bodies move in sync and our connection grows, I know I’m allowing him into the depths of my soul I’ve kept hidden for far too long. It might not be a good idea, but in this moment, I have no choice because Nathan Ashcroft is stealing me. Bit by bit.

  And there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.



  After breakfast, I stopped at her apartment so she could change into something other than a beautiful evening dress. Unlike most women, Eva was up the stairs and changed within twenty minutes. Once she joins me in the car, I pull out onto the road again with a smile on my face at the fact that I have her for three weeks. It’s enough time to see if she’s really the one woman who can withstand my needs. Most women can’t. I don’t blame them. And I know Eva said she doesn’t like to share, so this will be a challenge.

  “Where are we headed?” she asks. Her smile is bright and her blue eyes glisten with happiness that I want to have on her face forever.

  “I was thinking about taking you for lunch, getting the contract from my office, and you’re welcome to spend the afternoon reading it. It’s not long, if you’re comfortable with it, then we can play.”

  “And if I’m not?” she questions, glancing at me with a small frown on her forehead. Her words sit heavy in my chest. I didn’t take into account her refusing. Having her walk away isn’t an option.

  “Then we’ll negotiate,” I answer.

  She doesn’t respond, and I don’t offer more. Instead, I pull into the parking lot of a restaurant not far from the office building that Asher and I rent
. Exiting the car, I round the front, opening Eva’s door and offering her my hand which she shyly accepts. Her sweetness and innocence at times makes me want to collar her, but it’s too soon. Far too early to even think about it.

  As we head inside, the hostess who I’ve met months ago in Seven Sins walks up to us. “Nathan,” she breathes, her gaze falling to Eva, then snapping back to me. “I-I’m uhm…”

  “A table, Gabrielle,” I order gruffly, giving her my Dominant voice, which causes her to blush, nod, and then scurry ahead of us. I can feel Eva’s gaze on me, but I don’t look at her. I can’t. She must know that we’ll come across women I’ve been with. But I don’t understand why guilt sits heavily on my mind at that thought.

  Fuck, she’s softening me up. I can’t do sweet and romantic. She’ll have to get over it. I’ll own her, she needs to submit to me. No questions asked.

  At the table, I pull Eva’s chair out for her, making sure she’s comfortable before taking my own seat. Gabrielle sets the menu’s down without a word. She knows not to speak to me unless I’ve spoken to her. Part of my rules.

  “Bring us a bottle of sparkling water and the bread starter.” My order is clipped, my lips pursed and all she can do is nod. As soon as I’m alone with my sweet slut, her gaze penetrates me so harshly, I have to meet it. “What?”

  “She’s your… she was your…” Her words fall to a whisper, tapering off. The hurt is distinct in her tone.

  “She and I played, yes. I used her, and she enjoyed it. Is there anything else you want to know?” I grunt, slapping the menu on the table.


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