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Sins of Seven Boxset: Part One: Kneel, Obey, Indulge

Page 36

by René, Dani

  “I do.”

  “I know. That is why I need you to give this a chance. Don’t let love go. If you do, you’re letting that monster win. I know you’re not doing it intentionally, but in a way, you’re allowing him to rule your life.”

  “He is, I know he is,” I tell her the truth.

  “Then don’t.”

  It’s been three months and I’m still running. Still hiding. It’s time to stop. Time to grow some lady balls and hopefully heal. I don’t know how, or if it will work, but I know I’m going to try.

  * * *


  As soon as I walk into the room, I feel her. I’ve always known. Always been connected to her. Magnetized. But this time when I feel her, it’s different. I know it because when my eyes meet hers, I realize it’s not that long-lost love. It’s not chemistry. It’s nothing. There’s nothing there. She regards me with a look that confirms it. It’s over.

  Strolling into the room, I notice Savvie sitting in the corner reading. I’m not sure where Mason is, but he’s clearly losing his shit if he’s letting her sit here and referee a match between Gia and me. I hold the dozen red roses out to her as I near her.

  “You look pretty,” I tell the woman who’s still every part of me as I am of her. Giana. She does look beautiful. A cute dress hugs her curves which has an intricate pattern of roses. A soft blush paints her cheeks and I wish, ache even, to see that blush on her ass. Shaking my head, I stalk closer, finding a seat in one of the many chairs dotted around the room.

  “Thank you for coming,” she says, as if I’m a fucking stranger. I don’t reply immediately. Perhaps I’m an asshole, but I’m angry. Not at her, but at our situation.

  “Why wouldn’t I?”

  “Look, I needed—”

  “No, this is my time. I’m here because you pushed me away and I accepted it. I allowed you time off. I gave you everything you ever wanted and now, now it’s time for what I want. I love you, Gia. I’ll never stop fucking loving you. So it’s time you realize that as many times as you push me away, all the times you force me to choose between coming here and stalking you or staying home sniffing the clothes you left behind, I’ll always be here. No matter what.”

  And I mean it. In all my brutal fucking honesty I mean it.

  “I want to give you everything. A family, a home, kids, a dog, a cat, whatever the fuck you want, Gia. Just let me in. Give me one fucking chance to prove I love you. To make you see I’m no monster. I’m yours. As you are mine.”

  I watch her for a moment. Only one second before she’s in my arms. The pain that’s been holding us both hostage for months falls away. We’ve kept it, held on to it. It’s become a goddamn security blanket, but she no longer needs it because I’m here. I think she needed it to keep herself safe. That’s when it happens. Her eyes tell me the truth. She finally says it.

  Her lips part and the words tumble between us.

  She takes the chance.

  She confesses it.

  She whispers, “I love you, forever.”

  “As I love you, Gia,” I whisper in return.

  Bonus Scene #1


  Elijah Draydon is one of the most formidable men I’ve known in my lifetime. Since the moment I met him, I have been enamored by him. At sixteen, I was a young, innocent girl who’d lost everything. He walked into my life, no, he sauntered into my life, and nothing after that was the same.

  I never forgot him. I never wanted anyone but him. And now that I’m lying here, with him passed out in the chair beside the hospital bed, I can’t help but smile at his creased shirt and ruffled hair.

  Our baby sleeps in my arms. She’s beautiful, perfect, with the smallest button nose, and pouty lips I’ve ever seen. She reminds me of the dolls I used to beg my good for nothing mother for when I was a child.

  I wanted something to love, someone to love, but I never had it until Eli taught me to feel. All my broken parts, he took and mended. And he’s given me the one thing I never thought I’d have—a family.

  He’s my husband, my partner, my Daddy.

  The ring on my left hand is confirmation that he’s not going anywhere. I didn’t expect him to propose. He was married before. I was content with wearing his collar, in being his submissive, but the moment he opened the small, black velvet ring box, I realized that he wanted so much more.

  I shift slowly, not wanting to wake little Raquel, and set her in the bassinet beside my bed. I’m still sore from the operation, I had to have a C-section, and thankfully, the pain was minimal with the drugs they’d administered.

  My bare feet hit the linoleum, and I pad over to the attached bathroom. Quickly using the toilet, I wash my hands after and head back into my room to find Eli holding our daughter. His strong arms encompass her tiny body, and I can’t stifle the giggle. He looks like the Hulk holding onto a puppy.

  Eli glances at me from over his shoulder, the way his gaze burns into me makes every part of my light up with affection, desire, and need.

  He’s been so careful with me lately, and I know it’s because of the pregnancy. It’s been months since we’ve had a proper scene. I hope once I’m healed, Elijah will take me into the playroom and toy with me like he always loves to do.

  “You okay, baby girl?” he questions, keeping his voice low and steady.

  Nodding, I settle on the bed and cover my legs with the sheet. “I am. Just needed to pee.”

  I’m met with a smile, a grin of playfulness when he sets Raquel in the cot and scoots onto the bed beside me. His warmth cocoons me, and I revel in it.

  “You should’ve woken me up, I would’ve helped,” he tells me, pulling me into his arms.

  “I’m a big girl, Daddy,” I taunt him, murmuring the word in his ear. “I can take myself to the toilet.”

  “Are you trying to make me hard, Gia?” There’s a hint of gruffness in his tone, and I smile, knowing just how much power I have over this man. With one word, I can turn him rabid.

  “Of course not, I’m just making sure you know soon you’ll have two girls calling you Daddy.” I bite down on my lower lip to keep from grinning too wide because I know he’s going to spank me until I’m begging for mercy when I get home and I’m all healed up.

  “Mmhmm,” he coos. “And there’s only one of them that will be in a world of hurt for teasing me.” The elicit threat hangs between us, and even though I’m sore, there’s still a jolt of electricity that shoots down my spine when I think about what this man can do to my body.

  “Yes, Daddy,” I whisper, planting a kiss on his stubbled cheek before scooting under the covers, curling into his hold. “I love you,” I murmur before my eyes flutter closed and sleep steals me for the night.

  Bonus Scene #2


  A dad.

  I’m a father.

  I stare down at her sleeping and feel myself smile. She’s so small. Her tiny hands and feet are so perfect. Her scrunched up expressions when she’s crying or the little curl of a smile when she’s happy makes my heart soar.

  Gia and I made her, we created life, and she’s as beautiful as her mother. With each late night and every early morning, I know this is where I’m supposed to be. Our future has a promise of happiness, and my two girls will never need for anything.

  “You know, little one, there are not enough words to describe how it feels knowing I’m your dad. I’m not perfect by any means, but I made you, and you’re perfect, so that’s fine by me.”

  She doesn’t stir as I whisper what’s in my heart. The pink blanket that covers her is kicked to the side when her tiny body moves, and I can’t help but chuckle, just like her mom.

  Gia has these fitful nights of sleep where she’d shove everything off her, then complain it’s cold. I reach in the cot and tug the soft material over Raquel, making sure she’s tucked in.

  “I promise you, little lady, I’ll love you until I take my final breath. I’ll be the best dad, and I’ll try not to kill any guys w
ho walk in here wanting to date you, but then again, that’s not a promise I can keep.”

  “I think she’ll forgive you,” Gia whispers from behind me, sliding her arms around my waist. “You’re sweet with her.”

  “She’s perfect, baby girl,” I tell my wife.

  “She is. Her dad is too you know,” Gia mutters into my back. I feel her lay her head against me, and I close my eyes, blinking back the emotion that’s choking me.

  “All this time and here I am, a father, and a Daddy,” I tease, turning in my wife’s arms, I pull her closer and plant a kiss on her plump lips.

  “You are. And you’re amazing at both roles.” Gia stares up at me, watching me with a naughty smile on her lips, and I know what she’s thinking.

  It’s been two months since we had a session in the playroom. But it’s only because she’s healing from the operation. I wanted her healthy and back to her usual self.

  “I was thinking…” Gia’s voice filters into the silence surrounding us, and I quirk a brow at her, waiting for her to admit she’s ready.

  I never want to force her back in there, but I have to be honest with myself, it’s been playing a loop in my mind daily.

  “I’m ready,” my wife tells me with conviction.

  “Are you sure?” I cup her face in my hands, holding her steady so she can’t look away. Our gazes lock on each other. I'm focused on the desire burning like a flame in those depths.

  “I am. I want you to taunt me, tease me, and take me.” Her words strike a match that’s been dormant, and my cock jolts at the reminder of how good it is to have her begging for more, pleading for mercy, and crying out my name when she finds the release only I can give her.

  “Well then we better make our way to the bedroom because first, I’m going to make love to you, then I’m going to carry you into our playroom and bind you before flogging you and fucking you mercilessly.”

  At my words, Gia trembles, and I can’t help but smile because I love when she’s needy for me.

  “I suggest you do so quickly, Mr. Draydon, because your wife is about to combust.”

  Chuckling, I scoop her in my arms and make my way down the hall to our bedroom. Tonight, I’ll savor every inch of her, again, and again.


  Your Arms Feel Like Home - 3 Doors Down

  Dance With You - Live

  Lightning Crashes - Live

  Hemorrhage (In My Hands) - Fuel

  Everything You Want - Vertical Horizon

  Save Tonight - Eagle Eye Cherry

  Comatose - Skillet

  Tears Don’t Fall - Bullet For My Valentine

  Fever - Bullet For My Valentine

  Side Effects of You - Fantasia

  Pieces - Red

  Gang Up - Young Thug, 2 Chains

  Find the playlist here



  Sins of Seven #3

  From USA Today bestselling author Dani René comes a raw, emotional romance with a stubborn alpha male and feisty female.

  I’m a glutton. I indulge in women because I can.

  Carrick knows love is merely a shattered memory.

  Until Peyton stumbles into his arms and he steals a kiss.

  One taste isn’t enough. One touch would never satiate him.

  And he does what he’s become accustomed to, he indulges in her.

  A man hell bent on not falling in love, he pushes.

  But Peyton’s not giving up.

  Can they have forever while Carrick is haunted by a ghost from his past?

  Original Copyright © 2018 by Dani René

  Published by Dani René

  Cover Photography - Eric Battershell

  Cover Model - Chris Williamson

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book

  or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  The following story contains mature themes, strong language, and sexual situations. It is intended for adult readers.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in the work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owner.

  ISBN: 978-0-639-93660-4


  To my ladies, my colleagues, my friends.

  Don’t be afraid to indulge.

  Don’t be afraid to take a chance.

  Don’t be afraid to submit.

  Don’t allow society to tell you what you want is wrong.

  And never hide who you are.

  Be strong.

  Be you.

  Love hard.

  And live your life for you!

  “And I cannot trust myself to untangle your veins from mine.”

  R. Sternberg


  I’ve lived a life of indulgence. I don’t remember a time I wanted for anything. I was a man who could have any woman on his arm, drive any car I wanted, and travel to the most exotic locations in the world anytime I pleased. Most would think that’s what dreams are made of, and for a long time, so did I.

  That was until the inevitable happened. When all I had was cruelly ripped out of my hands. At the age of twenty-eight, I walked out and left my home, my family, and everything I knew to move to America. An Englishman in a country where I was a stranger. I was no longer the man who was feared; I was a man people wanted to know.

  With my finances intact, I approached an old friend, Mason, and we opened Seven Sins together. I poured everything into a place where people don’t have to hide who they are. Where I don’t have to hide who I really am. Now, at thirty-six, I have a life most men my age can only dream of.

  Only . . . I hide so much more than anyone knows.

  “Mr. Anderson.” Her voice comes from the sofa, and I cast her a glance. She’s a new performer I’m thinking of hiring. A contortionist who will be working with one of the Dom’s to perform positions with rope. Mason and Savvie are planning a vacation, and I want someone who’s going to keep my customers interested.

  “Do you take orders?” She nods. Her face is sweet, pretty even. Her long, black hair hangs to the middle of her back. She’s got big, brown eyes that are slanted, hinting at her Asian genes. “Get on your knees,” I tell her, watching her move to the floor where I’ve pointed. My office is decked out in beautiful implements to use on the submissives who dare walk in here.

  I’m not a sadist by any means, but I do enjoy showing a woman how little control she has when I’m near. I can make a woman come just by taunting her nipples and clit. But that’s not my kink. I’m a man who enjoys indulgence. Multiple women worshiping my cock is what I enjoy. I no longer want love or to own just one submissive. I train them, I make them ache for me, then I shove them into the arms of another Dominant. Never get attached. Don’t let emotion in. And never, never take a submissive more than once.

  I’ve learned that the love of a sub is something you cannot ever counter. They love hard. They give their all, and that’s something to be very wary of. I have rules. Five to be exact. And I’ve never deviated from them. This is how I’ve become the man that every woman that walks into my club wants. They all crave to kneel bef
ore me.

  “Open your mouth and stick your tongue out. You’re going to swallow my cock. If you can do so without puking, you’ve got the job.” She obeys without question. “I’m going to fuck your pretty face, and when I’m done, you’ll leave. If I give you the job, you’ll return tomorrow evening at seven. Am I understood?”

  “Yes, Mr. Anderson.” Beautiful. Rising, I stalk toward her while unzipping my slacks.

  “Good girl.”

  Her big eyes peek up at me as I fist my cock. It’s hard, ready to see what she’s made of. As I slide into her mouth, I forget. My mind blanks out the pain, the agony, and the ache I live with daily. It’s the only time I am able to shove the memories away, when I’m inside a woman.

  I forget who I was.

  I forget what I did.

  And with each cunt I fuck, mouth I use, and ass I drive my cock into, I become a new man. One no longer needy for love. No. I create an animal. Hungry and feral. A man no woman will love. Because I’m not deserving of it. Never have been, and never will be.



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