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Eleven Days in Paradise (Barrington Billionaires Book 11)

Page 12

by Jeannette Winters

  “I’m not going to. And don’t worry, I won’t follow in yours, either. I’m actually going to do something with my life,” she said.

  That was like a kick in the nuts. I was proud of being a Marine. I wasn’t ever alone. They were my family away from home, and someone always had my back. Even now, they still check in, keep in touch. It’s a brotherhood a civilian could never relate to.

  “Hope that means you’re going to college,” I said.

  “Nope. California.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” We didn’t have family out there.

  “I’m going to be an actress.” I couldn’t tell if she was joking or where this was coming from, but she sounded sincere.

  “Cindy, I want you to do me a favor. Don’t go anywhere until I come home,” I said.

  “And when will that be?” she asked.

  I had no idea, but I needed to buy myself some time until I could talk sense into this thick-headed kid sister of mine.

  “Give me a few weeks. I’m busy right now.”

  “If I was talking to Joe, I’d think that meant you met a woman and couldn’t bear to leave her,” Cindy said.

  I clenched my fist even hearing me compared to Joe. Was I the only one who saw Joe as a spoiled brat who had no respect for anyone and thought he was above the law? Joe was so fucking good at playing the victim and I was tired of the family acting as though he’s done no wrong.

  “I’m not Joe. I don’t have a woman. And if you’re smart, you’ll stay home and wait for me,” I said. “If you really want to go to California then, I’ll take you.”

  “Really? You’ll come with me?” she shrieked.

  “Have I ever lied to you?” I asked. My word was important to me, but I also wasn’t one who usually made promises. Guess I’m going to California if I can’t talk her out of it. I just needed to come up with a damn good reason why she should stay in Boston. That’s going to be a tough one, since I the one who left first.

  “Nope. You never lie to anyone,” she replied. “I love you, James. Thank you. This is the best birthday gift I could’ve asked for.”

  Yeah. And you being around to celebrate your birthday is mine.

  I ended the call and dialed my mother’s number, but couldn’t bring myself to press the call button. Speaking to her now would only cause problems for Cindy. I needed someone who might be able to be a positive influence on Cindy. But who?

  Robin would know what to do with her. If she can convince a jury someone is innocent, she’s got to be able to talk a girl into going to college.

  There was no reason for Robin to help me. She had enough on her pile without adding my problems to it. But I had no choice. Either open up and tell Robin, or risk my sister doing something she might regret for the rest of her life.

  I gave Cindy a kidney to keep her safe. Might as well give her my pride, too.

  Robin usually spent her days on the beach. With any luck, I’d find her there. Getting up, I headed out of my hotel room. What to say when I find her, well, that’s another story. I still owed her apology for making love to her all night and then leaving without a word. I knew how terrible I was with the word ‘sorry,’ and I’d be lucky if she wanted to see me at all.

  I pressed the elevator button, and as I got inside, I felt the weight of my own growing need to see Robin. Who was I kidding? Cindy was just the excuse. One that I hope works.

  Chapter 14


  “You’re serious? You want my help shopping for you sister?” I’m glad he thought so highly of me, but what the hell, we had just spent the night together, I thought maybe something a bit more…romantic.

  “I could do it myself, but I’d prefer Cindy to actually like it.”

  I couldn’t help myself. This was too easy. I bit my bottom lip trying not to crack a smile, and then said, “I know this great jewelry box made out of…” I couldn’t do it. I chuckle as I said, “teakwood.”

  James somehow didn’t find it amusing at all. He crossed his arms and said in a serious tone, “She’s twenty-one, not a ninety-one.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I was joking,” I clarified.

  James reached out and yanked me into his arms. “So was I.”

  Smiling I asked, “So you don’t need my help?” I was relieved. Just because I was the same gender didn’t mean Cindy and I would have the same taste.

  He winked and said, “I need your help with something very personal, but we can discuss that…later, in…private.”

  Instantly I felt the heat between my legs. What the hell was it about him? One touch, a little kiss or even innocent words, and I melt. I’ve never had such a strong attraction as this. Maybe it was something in the Tabiqian air that had my hormones out of control.

  “I wish we were having this…conversation in my room.” I don’t care what others think of me, but public sexual acts was out of the question.

  “Right now, all we need is the internet,” he said.

  Was he suggesting we watch porn? “I thought you said just privacy.”

  “Later baby. Or have you forgotten about Cindy?” he asked.

  I was confused. “I thought you said you were joking,” huffing, I reminded him.

  “About my tone with the comment about her age. Guess I didn’t remember to bring my sense of humor when I asked you to meet me.”

  With a sigh I said, “What on earth did you eat for breakfast? Or maybe you had a liquid lunch?”

  “No. I’m not drunk. I’m just in a good mood,” he said.

  “So I can see.” Why is that exactly? I knew the sex last night was good, but no way was he still smiling this much from it. Whatever the reason, I didn’t want it to end. His light playfulness was contagious.

  “So let’s get that gift for Cindy and maybe we can go sailing,” he suggested.

  “And you really don’t want to ask your mother for help?” He shook his head and I said, “Okay. Let me think about this for a minute.” Even when I was Cindy’s age, I wasn’t like girls my age. But there had to be something about her that would help me come up with something. “Tell me something special or unique about her.”

  “Why?” James asked

  “So I can narrow down ideas. If not, it could be a very lengthy process.”

  “We don’t need that. It’s just a birthday gift,” he said.

  Shaking my head I said, “If you believed that, you wouldn’t have asked me for my help and you’d already have sent her something.”

  “I’m not sure I like the fact you can read me that well,” he said sounding half serious.

  “I wish I could read you better so I had a clue what you should get Cindy. Why don’t you tell me a little about her,” I said.

  He released his hold on me, took my hand and led me to a quieter, shady spot on the beach. “Let’s sit here.”

  It sounded like a simple question when I asked, but I could see from his expression, it wasn’t. I sat waiting.

  “She’s the baby. But about a year ago there was a horrible car accident. She was lucky to live, but the recovery, well it hasn’t been an easy one.”

  I reached out and grabbed hold of his hand again. “I’m sorry. But she’s doing okay now?” I asked and internally praying the answer was going to be yes.

  He nodded. “She needs physical therapy a few times a week and on anti rejections drugs, but things could’ve been a lot worst.”

  “Anti-rejections drugs? That’s for a transplant of some kind, right?” I asked.

  “Yes. Her kidneys were damage and non-functioning. She required a transplant or be on dialysis for the rest of her life.”

  I couldn’t help it. My eyes instantly went to his abs and lower. “Those…scars. They…it…was you. You donated the kidney.” They could’ve been from anything, but I knew. I just knew.

  “Anyone would’ve done it. I just happened to be a match,” he said.

  I could see that he didn’t want to be view as a hero, but I bet he was to Cindy. “S
he’s very fortunate you were.” And willing to donate it too.

  “She’s so young. I want her to have as normal of a life as possible.”

  God, you’re an amazing man. It was so hard not to give him the praise he rightly deserved. I knew if I did, he would shut down, and this deep, real moment, would be lost. So I kept it focused on Cindy. “It sounds like she’s working on that as well.” Now I understood why he wanted this gift to be just right. He’d come too close to losing her. I can’t imagine what you went through.

  “Yes she is. And I’d do it all over again if I had too,” he said.

  Since he only had one kidney left, it wasn’t an organ he was talking about. “I know it can be…difficult on the donor as well. Was it very…painful?” I wasn’t asking about physically.

  “Some complications, but the pain didn’t last,” he said.

  But something did. What is it James? “So you’re healthy enough to go back to your normal lifestyle?”

  “I’ll never have my life back. At least not the one I wanted. That was over the day I gave my kidney.”

  His voice was filled with bitterness and pain. What had he lost? Think Robin. What did he have before? He’d said he wasn’t married, so that wasn’t it. Physically he seemed fine and proved no issue with his stamina last night. I wanted to know, but asking would be so rude. Guessing on the other hand, maybe not.

  There really wasn’t much I knew about him because how he made me feel. If it didn’t affect him personally, then it had to affect him professionally. The Marines. You left the Corps. That is a huge sacrifice even for someone that you love. It also explained why he was here in Tabiq working. He saved his sister’s life, but at the price of his own happiness.

  How could I not be honored to help James find the right gift for Cindy? I don’t care if it takes me all day, I’m not stopping until I find something…perfect. It has to represent a brothers love. Being an only child, that made it challenging. If there was more time, I’d ask Zoey, because she must’ve received gifts from her brothers. But James wanted to do this now and together. No pressure. Just got to think of the perfect gift for someone I don’t know.

  There really wasn’t anything I’d want except to celebrate with the people I’m closest too.

  “James. I know what she wants.” I couldn’t hold my excitement. “But we need to talk to Zoey to make it happen.”

  “Trust me Robin. I can afford to purchase whatever it is you think she’d like,” he said.

  “A flight,” I said.

  “You think I should send her on a vacation?” he asked.

  “No. I think you should surprise her for her birthday. Be there to celebrate with her.” It was perfect. I can almost picture her reaction and I don’t even know what she looks like.

  “Robin, you’re probably right. Cindy would love it if I was there. Hell, I can’t remember being there for any of them over the last eleven years. I was always overseas.”

  “So this is perfect. Twenty-one is a big birthday and honestly, it sounds like you have so much to celebrate. No card or gift is ever going to be able to match you being there,” I said. I only wish I could see her face when he walks in.

  James turned and looked out at the ocean. “This place is a paradise. It’d be so much easier if you said I should fly her here. But I think the flight would be too much for her and if anything went wrong, I want her in Boston, where her doctors are.”

  That makes sense. “She’s lucky to have you.”

  He chuckled. “Cindy might argue that.”

  I smiled and said, “That argument would be best done in person. So. Are you going?”

  “I can’t just leave. This is not a vacation, but a job. I’d need to speak to Bennett first,” he said.

  I was happy that he was even considering it. A couple that was playing with a volleyball, hit it too hard and it came flying in our direction. I got up and grabbed the ball, with a clenched fist, I hit it back in their direction. They waved their appreciation and went back to their game.

  When I returned to sit with James again I said, “If you explain to Bennett why you need to go, I can’t imagine him saying no.”

  James raised a brow and asked, “You think we needed Zoey’s help for that?”

  I shrugged. “When I was with her earlier, I had overheard that the Hendersons have a private jet here. I thought maybe…well…I guess I didn’t think that all the way through.” James was right. He worked for Bennett. They also seemed to be friends. It wasn’t my place to get involved and speak to others on his behalf.

  “Actually, I like your idea, but you are missing one key piece.”

  “What is that?” I asked.

  “That you should come with me,” he said.

  “To where?”

  “Boston,” James stated.

  I could feel my jaw drop. It didn’t make any sense. Why would he invite me when I don’t even know Cindy? “I don’t think it’s my place to attend.”

  He laughed. “You sound so…professional.”

  “I do not,” I said, knowing damn well that I did. It was my go to voice I used when I was avoiding saying what I was afraid too.

  “Maybe I didn’t pose the question correctly. I would love it if you accompanied me on the trip. Will you consider joining me?” he said, copying my formal tone.

  I snickered. “It could use some work, but not bad,” I teased. “But James, this is your time with your family. I’ll only be a distraction.”

  “A sweet one. And think about it, you’ve gotten to see about every inch of me last night. If you come, you can see the one piece that was removed,” he joked.

  I laughed. “You have a very strange sense of humor.”

  “No argument there. So I take that as a yes?”

  “You haven’t even spoken to Bennett yet,” I reminded him.

  “I know his answer.” He got up and took my hand. “I suggest you pack quickly.”

  “And how are we getting there?” I asked.

  “The jet is leaving in an hour for Boston. And before you ask how I know, it’s because I was originally supposed to be on it. Guess Zoey and Lily were leaving earlier than what either of them had expected.”

  Was he going to leave without saying goodbye to me? God I hope not, but it sounded like it

  Don’t over think it. He wants you with him now.

  “I had spoken to Zoey this morning. She never mentioned it,” I said, a bit surprised by that as well.

  “From what I know, it was a last minute change. There seems to be a lot of that happening right now,” he replied.

  My mind was spinning from all the zigs and zags these last few days. I wasn’t complaining because at least I’m not sitting on some beach towel bored out of my mind.

  “I know she has children in Boston. I hope everything is okay,” I answered.

  “I’m sure it is. There were a few members of his team also flying out, so I think this was just more of a convenience than anything else,” James explained.

  “And what about you? I thought you said you had to be around in case of any emergency?”

  “Robin, I wouldn’t have agreed to go if I hadn’t gotten the thumbs up from Bennett. Like yourself I take my work very seriously. People’s lives depend on it,” he stated.

  Not that I was questioning him, but it didn’t add up. “James, we have been together the entire time. When did you speak to Bennett?” I hoped James didn’t have one of those hidden listening ear pieces because I’d be mortified with some of the things I’ve said lately.

  “I texted him when you fetched that volleyball.”

  “That quick?” he nodded and I continued, “And he said yes?” Which really was obvious, because James would never let a fellow Marine down. I might not know everything about him, but at least that was a no-brainer.

  “Would you like to see the text or are you willing to trust me?”

  I’d never insult him like that. “Guess you’re flying to Boston,” I said.

nbsp; James grinned and stated, “Correction. We are flying out.”

  Part of me was hoping James and I could have some…alone time on the flight. It sounds like we will have plenty of distractions, but none, intimate.

  At least I’ll get to spend a little more time with Lily and Zoey.

  There’s always a positive side to things, you just got to look for it. Sometimes longer than others.

  Chapter 15


  Everything about this trip was smooth so far. The one thing that hadn’t changed, was my internal battle as to why the fuck I asked Robin to join me. I haven’t brought a woman home since high school. I love my family, but my personal life has always been something I held to myself. Even my brothers-in-arms only knew what I let them know. Somehow Robin was getting to know more about me than most. Bringing her to Boston was only going to expedite that even more.

  Robin shivered and I asked, “Nervous?”

  She shook her head. “Freezing. I’m a Floridian. Not used to such cold temperatures.”

  “I’m sorry. I forgot about that. You don’t see much frost in Miami. We’re almost at my parents. Trust me Robin, my mother will have the heat on high. And be warned, my father will be complaining about it too.”

  “Sounds like my parent’s but over the air conditioning. My mother is always freezing and my father hot,” she said. “Maybe before we get to your parents, we can stop at a store so I can purchase something…warmer.”

  “Cindy will have a coat you can borrow. Besides, it’s too late. We just arrived,” I said as the taxi pulled up in front of the house. I’d like to think nothing had changed, but it had. The place was looking rundown. It needed a good paint job and the lawn hadn’t been kept up. This wasn’t the time, but I’d need to ask my father about it. I was sending money to help with Cindy’s medical expenses, but right now, I’m not sure that it’s enough.

  “Is this where you grew up?” she asked.


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