When Shadows Rise

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When Shadows Rise Page 13

by Lisa Williamson

  Kaneda bellowed as he tossed his general the length of the hall. “TEST! TEST! The Kouhei will all be mine soon enough. Your meddling could very well turn them to the…Light!” Kaneda sneered as he tossed a hammer blow to crush his general back to the ground. He then clenched his hand again, pulling Aki back to stand before him. “You are very lucky little man. The Tengu got us some lovely information. Too bad She destroyed it but now I know how to distract those Senshi. How to insolate my bride. Soon She will come to me!” Kaneda dropped Aki and gathering his harem about him he headed to his private rooms.

  Aki gathered himself from the floor, hissing as the sycophants came closer. He lashed out as one came too close and tore it apart, reminding the court that he was 2nd in command. He pulled his dignity back around himself and stalked out of the main hall. Most of the lesser Shadows knew to stay out of his way.

  He slammed into his private chambers and let loose his temper. Aki ripped apart three lesser Shadows before he calmed down. One problem with allowing creatures freedom was that they took it into their heads to gain power. The Tengu was an interesting power play between Aki and Kaneda but it grew too impatient. Anther week and it would have brought in the Guardian's sister. But the demon grew too greedy, wanting to replace Aki himself as Kaneda’s right hand. It was actually a good thing that it had been destroyed by the combined efforts of the light bearers.

  Aki let his harem clean away the remains of the lesser Shadows and then to remove the outer world clothing. While perfect for blending with the sheep he found the things confining. He was soon dressed in his own preferred flowing midnight robes. He waved away the attendants, snapping his fingers to call his newest favorite forward. He studied the tiny woman figure as she came closer. He ad found himself drawn to the figure of Kouhei Time. Her shadow filled eyes were something he wanted to explore. He settled back in his cushions and gestured for the creature to come forward, he would have this clone fulfill his needs and come up with a new plan on how to capture Unicorn and how to defeat his master.


  Hana sat in the corner chair waiting. Setsuna had appeared a few moments later and nodded. Hana hid her smile. The time was here for Unicorn and Draco to meet. It just needed a little boot from the Princess and her Prince. Pluto would get the royals to invite the Star Knight out. There was another battle coming, this time with Aki and this time Suteko would need the help of Draco’s dragon fire. The return of Oak, Earth and Pain would throw a fox in the hen house. Hana curled up, wishing she could leave Pain in the past but Gregor needed to see Pain and work through things. Time would step back for a period to let him do as he must.

  Hana looked up as Suteko padded into the kitchen. The Star Knight had healed well from her wound but was still pale. Slipping from her chair Hana brought the tea to the table. The tray held sweet rolls and two small pots, one holding spring tea and one holding chai. She smiled at Suteko and gestured.

  Suteko pulled out a chair and perched. It was odd that she didn’t sense Hana in the kitchen but the tea was welcome. She poured herself some of the chai and took a roil. “Knew I was coming?”

  Hana nodded. “It was time for you to wake. After two days you needed something to eat and drink.”

  Suteko nodded and bit into the roll. It was filled with bean paste and some type of jam. The flavors rolled about her tongue and slid down her throat. “These…remind me of home,” she said softly. Hana nodded again. She had bought them with Suteko in mind. The odd mix was found in a specialty shop.

  Suteko ate steadily but carefully. Hana had provided just enough to satisfy a hungry warrior. On her own plate was some crispy things which she nibbled on. A peaceful ten minutes passed as they sipped and ate. Once Suteko’s stomach let her know she could stop she put down her chopsticks and studied Hana. Though she hid it better than any, Suteko could tell something was on Hana’s mind.

  “What is it Hana-chan?”

  Hana curled up again before answering. “There are things that will happen soon that will be ‘interesting’ Suteko-san. Things involving the past and the future.”

  Suteko softly chuckled. “All things involve our past and future. It is part of destiny’s choices for us.” She sat back, pulling one leg up and locking her fingers about her knee. “But you are referring to something else…or maybe someone else.”

  “There are others who must return for..”

  “For the future to play out. I know Hana. But who, who will return?” For a moment Suteko’s voice grew harsh. Some vague thing told her that the returning warriors were not those she wished to see. Would it be a good or bad thing. “Hana…will we need to..” she wasn’t sure how to ask about Hana understood.

  She sighed, eye closed. This is where her abilities made life hard. If things went the way they should old friends could be lost to the darkness again and this single Knight would go through more pain both physical and emotional, laving more scars on an all ready scared soul. “I can’t tell you Suteko. Just that nothing that will happen will be your fault.” It was more than she should say but she liked this Star Knight and wanted to save her some of the pain that would come.

  Suteko just stared for long moments then sighed. “Not truly an answer but I understand you can’t tell me.”

  Hana sighed and smiled again. “Then you are wiser than my team mates.”

  Suteko chuckled. “Are you referring to a certain, large temperamental gentleman?” They both smiled and shook their heads.

  Suteko thanked Hana for the food and went back to her borrowed bed. Intense healing tended to make a person more tired. She knew by morning she would be back up on her feet and working. Now that she knew that hard battles were coming she had to get the teams working together better. She crawled back into the bed and composed her mind back to sleep.

  Hana watched as Suteko walked away and she relaxed. She gave her warning to Suteko and now she could let Jaeoh know his time was coming. How he dealt with the return of the Kouhei would determine how he would accept the return of Phoenix and Dragon in the future. When the team was reassembled the final battle with this Shadow Master would come.


  Star Ocean sighed as he left the waves. It was time to go see Rage. The big man was playing for the wrong team according to Aki. A part of Steve felt something was wrong with his agreement but he saw no need for the Kouhei to be swept up in another set of battles that really had nothing to do with them. Besides if the shadow man was truthful soon Gregor would be back focusing on Pain. Three friends would be back and he had to go meet them. Of all places, Tokyo tower seemed wrong for Oak, Earth and Pain to appear. He put his board away and steered his jeep toward the landmark.


  Deep in the mists three warriors started to wake. Pluto appeared at Queen Serenity’s side and nodded. It was time for the three to appear. The training of the others was going well and they had been tested as a team by the shadow. “These three will be tested harshly by the shadows and by the Senshi. Will they survive?”

  Pluto gave each warrior a long look. “One will pass through unscathed, one will battle towards the light and win and one will be consumed by their inner darkness. Which is up to those all ready in play.”

  “And the boy who is currently betraying his team?”

  “His fate rests in the hand of an old friend.”

  Serenity nodded. It was to be expected. She turned her eyes to her nephew and his paxman. “These two will have to wait till near the end?”

  “Could be,” answered Pluto. “That all depends on Unicorn.”

  The queen stepped back into the mist as Pluto reached out with her orb and touched first Earth, then Oak and then Pain. Each jolted and then disappeared. “Let your true selves loose children and you can avoid fate.” She too then disappeared.


  In the shadow realm Aki’s head lifted. He continued to stroke the hair of the dark head at
his knee and smiled. His puppet was heading to meet his old team mates. If he turned all three then the rest of the Kouhei would follow, taking the strongest allies from She who would belong. Kaneda would be pleased. New allies with no loss of shadow beasts was a win win. Once the Kouhei were part of the shadow army he would have Time to play with and trapping the Minervan would be child’s play.


  A few days later a storm came up out of nowhere as the witching hour approached. The tower was abandoned at this hour. Even the security guards were huddled inside their shack. The heavy rain and lightning made them sloppy. A place like the tower was a magnet for weird happenings and the normal humans had found it was best to ignore it at night.

  Star Ocean pulled his jeep into the lot across the street. He was glad that for once he put the top on. Waiting for a lull in the pounding rain, he pulled up his hood and dashed across the street to the tower. The power flickered and died just as he had been promised. He had to take the stairs but the darkness covered the security cameras.

  He reached the observation deck just in time. The floor was flooded in darkness and deep shadows would appear as lightening flared. He came to a stop and waited. Out of the deep shadows stepped Aki. Looking smug he gestured to the deeper shadows. Another ultra bright flash and figures appeared with a glow. Figures Steve had not seen in years.

  First came a stocky, shaggy haired figure wearing chucks, long shorts and a baggy tee. The brow hair and eyes blended with the shadows briefly as Earth shook his head. Knuckling his eyes he stepped closer to Steve with a confused grin. “Hey man, what’s shaking?” He looked about. The last thing he remembered was being buried deep within his element, with no air. He stepped to the side as a tall leather clad figured appeared behind him. Oak went straight to the surrounding glass, eyes searching for only one face. He silently turned and scanned the darkness hands clenched as he sensed the shadow lord.

  Thirdly came a curvy figure in tight leather and chains. The shock of pink hair flaring as the lightning flashed. Her face was angry as she looked about. She looked as if she wanted to inflict her use name on all present. “Where are the rest of us Star Ocean?” Her voice slashed like her favorite tool, the monofilament whip, startling all but Aki

  “They are…”

  “Here,” cam a soft voice from across the platform. All heads turned as Time and Sweet water stepped out of the darkness. Time slowly spun her watch fob, eyes on Aki as Sweet water knelt, placing a box on the floor. “We have been waiting for you sister” Sweet water reached into the box and placed a coiled whip and a pair of si on the floor.

  Pain snarled. She was never that fond of the gentle Sweet water. Her healing, Tai chi and mate all grated against the deep anger and internal wounds that she carried. She dashed forward and grabbed up her tool. Her eyes darted to Time.

  Hana looked calmly at her former team mate. Once she was afraid of this angry creature but then they had come to a peaceful agreement. She would rather save this woman but it was up to Pain and in some part Rage. Hana stayed steady as he stepped out of the darkness behind her.

  Earth turned and looked back at the three who had survived. He felt befuddled as he headed toward Sweet water and his Si. He gently picked up his favorite weapons spun them about and then slid them home. He then watched the two reunions.

  Oak stood frozen as Sweet Water laid out the tools. His last memory was of lying in Shayla’s arms as his life blood drained away. Her heart breaking sobs had followed him into the darkness. Shayla sat back on her heels then picked up the box. She stood slowly and gracefully and only then lifted her large blue eyes to meet his across the room. Longing, pain, loneliness and something else was held there waiting for him to make a move.

  Aki couldn’t decide what to watch first. The touching tableau between Oak and Sweetwater almost touched something in his shadow touched soul. Maybe it was longing but he found that disgust was better tasting. He then looked toward Pain and Rage. “What a useful pair they would be.”

  Pain looked from the frozen pair to her once love, Rage. There was confusion and longing on his face but the love that shined so purely from the other couple was not showing on his face. The darkness inside her raised its head and she strode up to him, hauled back her hand and swung. Rage was startled enough to let her first slap land. Her second was stopped by a small hand. “How dare you!” She spun to face the tiny Time, fingers curled in claws.

  Time once would have flinched but no more. She knew who she was and how to handle others. She felt for Pain but she knew that the darkness inside her would take her over. “Rage fought for you, Pain. Fought to save you before.”

  Pain drew in a breath, narrowed her eyes and hissed. “You have no right…”

  Rage reached out and separated Pain and Time. He gently nudged his current partner away from Pain and faced her holding out one hand. Pain’s eyes narrowed at that moment of peace between the two. Her anger once more let loose and she flew at Rage, raining blows on the large Kouhei.

  Aki made a face as Oak and Sweetwater moved into an embrace, the Amerid would obviously not work out. Turning he watched Earth watching the two pairs. He slipped to his side whispering how no one cared for or greeted him with open arms.

  Earth shook his shaggy head. He was alone and it wasn’t right. Time should have turned to him and not the big man. The tiny Kouhei was always with Rage, always touching him.

  Earth shook his head, that wasn’t right. Time did not touch. She was always distant. Something was making it hard for him to think clearly. He needed the touch of his element to clear his head. All this metal was distracting.

  Hana darted her eyes from Pain, to Rage, to Earth. She wanted to help her partner but he needed to work out his feelings for the self destructive Pain. She trusted his heart. He would not go back to the shadows, he fought them in the clean light of day now. While he was scary to some, he was her friend and she knew his heart. Pain, if she listened to Rage could be saved but it was not likely. She held her anger too close to her heart.

  Hana turned away and cursed quietly. The shadow minion was whispering in Earth's ear like a leech. She turned and slid her watch into her hand. “Back away shadow leech.” Her voice was low and quiet, stronger than usual but still soft “Let Earth make his choice.”

  Aki looked up from his whispering and looked over Time. She was wearing her street clothing. The long skirt brushing the top of her low boots and her white shirt glowing in the darkness. The tiny woman was standing confidently, holding her watch. This small doll-like woman had a pool of darkness inside her he wanted to explore but he didn’t have the time.

  Star Ocean watched as his team broke into parts. He found himself still feeling jealousy over how the lovely Sweet water choose the Amerid warrior over his sleek self. And the sexy Pain was obviously still crazy and focused on his old buddy Rage. When little Hana stepped between Pain and Rage he was surprised. Last he remembered Hana stayed out of interpersonal confrontations but she had stepped between Pain and Rage and even touched the two. What had changed?

  He decided to ponder Time on another day. “Come on you two, why are you fighting each other?” He tried to jolly the intense duo. “You should be falling all over each other. My buddy Aki here brought you back to chill, not to beat on the bro girl.”

  Pain stepped back and looked over at the shadow minion. Something inside her lifted its head and purred. She ran sharpened nails down Gregor’s arm and stepped away.

  Gregor hissed at the sting as his once love drew blood. “That is not who brought them back Steve.” He looked to Hana who nodded.

  ”Shadow minion don’t have that power Star Ocean.”

  Steve shrugged “Don’t matter to me. They haven’t harmed anyone I know and the offer for staying at my beach is golden."

  “That will change Star Ocean, you will have to decide.”

  Aki watched and then
straightened. He turned to look back at the stairs. “Now why are you here?”

  Jaeoh walked out of the darkness, hands in his jacket pockets. The rain had slicked his hair down so he looked more like the youth he once was. His dark eyes quickly took in the tableau around the room. He gave a short nod to Hana as he walked toward Aki.

  “I am here to see old friends. Why are you here shadow slave?”

  Aki narrowed his dark eyes. For a toothless dragon this fromer Kouhei was too confident. Something had changed in the weeks since he had sent a test. "You were counted out. When did you change?"

  Jaeoh shrugged as he scanned this team. Hana let it slip that the whole team would be at the tower and one thing Jaeoh knew was Hana never said something she didn't mean. He nodded to her and Rage. He hid his smile that Uhanzee was back with Shayla. Even death would never separate those two. "Steve."

  The surfer looked up. "Hey Jaeoh. Wasn't expecting you."

  "You disappoint me Star Ocean. Can't you see?"

  Steve glared at his former leader. "Where have you been Bro? I didn't see you around."

  Hana darted a look to the shaows. Things were forming, things that they were not ready to deal with. She signaled to Gregor who nodded. They had spent years hunting down random youma. Jaeoh caught her signal and turned away from the shadow grneral. "Seiya, Samuel you were brought back to fight the shadows, not fight for them this time."


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