When Shadows Rise

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When Shadows Rise Page 14

by Lisa Williamson

  Seiya hissed, crossing from Gregor to Aki. "What did you ever really do for us Jaeoh? Used us and then left us to die. This time I am gonna know who I work for." She ran a hand over the leather seeming sleeve of the shadow general.

  Aki smiled as Kag-onna slowly formed about the Kouhei. "Good choice woman. No matter what Unicorn has told you Kouhei, we don't intend on attacking any of you. If you join She Who Belongs then you will be returned to the mists. No one will remember who you were or what you stood for."

  Samuel spoke up then. "What is going on here? Jaeoh who is this kid?"

  Jaeoh started to answer but Aki spoke over him. "I am your new leader Kouhei Earth." Aki gestured and the Kag-onna moved in, each reaching for one of the Kouhei.

  Jaeoh fell into command mode, reaching for his repaired crystal. Within moments five Kouhei had transformed. Powers untouched in years flared as the Shadows gathered. Time slid away from Seiya, her watch starting to spin as the lesser shadows circled them both. She spun it out, taking the shadows' time, turning them to dust. A few at a time they were simple to defeat but for each one taken down three more popped up.

  Oak fell into guard stance in front of Sweet water and held her back with one hand. He was briefly startled when he felt a familiar hilt placed in his palm. Curling his fingers he brought his horn hilted blade forward and sliced at the shadows, reaching for them.

  Rage fell into his usual position in the front but to the side of Time, his sword drawn and glowing red. Together they started clearing a path toward their leader.

  Steve, Samuel and Seiya hung back watching the legendary shadow women attacking their old friends. As the five slowly fought off grasping shadows, the Nando-babe reached up from the floor, wrapping her bony fingers around Sweet water's ankle. Slowly it started to pull her into the floor.

  With a startled shout Sweet water kicked out, dislodging the fingers and skipping back. The creature lifted out of the floor, an ancient body of a woman reaching for the feet, lashing out at any she could. The nando-baba focused on Sweet water as they supposed weakest of the team. If the shadows removed the Kouhei healer the heart of the team would break again.

  As Time and Rage battled the women shadows with blade and fob watch, Jaeoh pushed his hands forward and sent a ring of green fire into the massing shadows, they went up with eerie screams. He then turned back to Aki. As Kouhei Draco, he could do some damage to the shadow general but he wasn't there.

  Once more Aki was whispering in Samuel's ear,. keeping Earth confused and off balance. Sailor Kouhei Earth was always the slowest thinker of the team. Strong and very powerful it took him time to work through things. Being newly brought back from the dead he was having more trouble than normal. Star Ocean and Pain were almost a sealed deal but this one cold go either way.

  Seiya kept her eyes on her once love and once friend. It was obvious in how they covered each other that they had worked together for a long time. Her inner demons put them together for more than fights. She stared, hoping that one of the shadow women would get Hana, take out her completion for Gregor's attention. Her fingers played with her whip. It would be so easy just to walk up behind little Hana and wrap her cord about her pretty throat, give her some pain. While a small part of her remembered that Hana was one of her only friends but that thought was pushed away as shadows settled into her soul once more. She curled her whip and reached into a side pocket. Her fingers brushed her crystal. She pulled it out and focused on it. It wasn't clear like those that Hana and Gregor held. It wasn't like the old days when it was cloudy and streaked with black. It was pure black now. She smiled and rolled it in her fingers. She whispered and black smoke surrounded her. In a moment she felt power flow over her bones. Power and strength, the ability to never be hurt again. She moved then, slinkier than she ever moved. The shadows ignored her.

  Steve watched his friends and former team mates fight things that aren't really there. He watched as Seiya allowed the shadow to cover her, changing her. He could see the dark power glowing over her skin. He pulled his own crystal. It too had changed to black, if not quite as solidly as Seiya's. Without thinking he too powered up. Two Kouhei now given to the shadows.

  Seiya continued to slip around the room. She caught Steve's eye and gestured toward Sweet water and Oak. They were busy dodging and he slicked up the floor, making it less easy for them. The two slipped as they fought off the creature in the floor.

  Just as the team managed to beat back the shadows Aki gestured. Ittan-momen dropped from the ceiling, encasing the Kouhei's heads. Draco and Rage quickly dispatched their demons, swords slicing off the beasts without damaging their skin. Oak's horn blade caused the Ittan-momen to smoke and then flee. He quickly removed the one trying to enwrap Sweetwater as she continued to dodge and kick the old woman spirit.

  Time struggled for a moment only before she pulled her power about herself and froze the demon, removing it. With a touch of her watch she destroyed the demon. She turned as she felt another behind her, ready to swing but stopped when she was it was Pain. That momentary lapse in vigilance cost her.

  Sailor Kouhei Pain could always channel her inner pain but she never sent it into another before. She reached out as if to steady her friend but as her hands closed about Time's shoulders she used it in a new way. She fired all the painful nerves in Time's body. The normally quiet Kouhei stiffened all over and then screamed.

  The startling sound stopped the battles. Aki smiled and snapped his fingers. The shadows receded and those fighting disappeared. Pain's face was highlighted by lightening strikes, showing a grimace that was both ecstatic and horrified. She pumped all her unhappiness and anger into her once friend, who could not even move. Her muscles were all locked in agony.

  Aki snapped his fingers again and Pain, Star Ocean and Earth all disappeared in a swirl of shadows. He lifted off the floor, smiling in triumph. "Three for one, I win Kouhei. Join me or you will all suffer."

  Draco sent green fire toward the shadow man. It splashed against the wall, passing through the shadows. Rage leapt forward as Hana collapsed to the floor, her transformation fading away. She hit the ground before he could reach her, unconscious. He couldn't believe what he just witnessed. Seiya, his one time lover, the woman he had waited for had turned on Hana. Sweet, quiet Hana. He had to breath, to use the techniques Hana taught him before he Raged out. Once the red glow faded from his hands and eyes he reached out ot check her pulse. It was there, weak but there.


  Chapter Eight

  Good Girls go to heaven, Bad girls go Everywhere

  Jaeoh panted and winced as he looked about. Shayla stood in Uhanzee’s embrace, tears running down her cheeks. Gregor carefully picked up Hana and carried her over to the Kouhei healer.

  The battle cost them more than anticipated. Star Ocean and Pain had willingly joined the shadows. Using their powers against their own friends. Pain focused her anger at her former room mate. A part of Gregor still loved Seiya but she was deep inside her old pain, seeing only enemies. Tiny Hana was too easy a target because she wanted to try just once to help her friends. She let her guard down and Seiya had used her powers to overwhelm her.

  Gregor brought her to Shayla, who reached out and sent gentle green healing through Hana. It took long minutes before the tiny woman shuddered and opened her eyes. She looked about, shuddering at her family. The family she choose years ago.

  Still hurt by the pain, the anger was removed. Removed enough that she cold think and talk. “Seiya came back…wrong…” she closed her eyes as a fresh wave of heartache flowed through her. Her voice was only a whisper and her breath was ragged. “I’m sorry…I should have seen…”

  Jaeoh moved next to his team and shook his head. “Even you couldn’t have known how she would come out of Limbo, Hana-chan.”

  Gregor held Hana as tightly as he dared. "We need to get out of here people.” He turned and starte
d away. holding his partner close. He found his heart still pounding with the fear he had lost this more than friend.

  Uhanzee took Shayla’s hand and nodded. “It is not safe here.” Jaeoh lead his team out of the tower into the rain. They needed to get back to his home. He scanned the streets, Uhanzee taking the left flank as he did the right. The street was clear. Gregor ran out and stopped by a SUV parked near Steve’s jeep. He waited for Uhanzee and Shayla. Shayla slid into the driver's seat as Uhanzee opened the rear door. Gregor slipped inside, not for a moment letting go his precious burden. Jaeoh signaled from his bike and headed out. Shayla followed behind.


  At the same time as Seiya had downed Hana, Setsuna’s head came up with a snap.. Being mentor to Hana, they had a special bond. The Senshi of the Gate of Time thought once that Hana was to be her heir and they shared some senses.

  “Hana! NO!” She quickly transformed, startling Hotaru. She flashed herself to Tokyo tower just in time to see her apprentice being healed by Sweet water. She stayed back watching and smiled sadly. Though hurt Hana would survive. She quickly flashed back home.

  Hotaru blinked sitting on the couch. “Setsuna-mama is Hana-chan okay?”

  Setsuna nodded, hiding the tears in her eyes. Recently it was getting harder for her to not feel for these people.


  Shayla pulled up right in front of the Dojo. Uhanzee was out his door and helping Gregor before he had her door open. The big man was still cradling Hana, not letting Jaeoh or Uhanzee take her at all.

  Jaeoh smiled as he unlocked the door and started to head inside. They all got in out of the rain and headed into the apartment beyond when Jaeoh pulled up startled. Standing in the doorway with towels was Suteko. He blinked, startled. “What?”

  She smiled and gestured. “Get in, we need to finish tending to Hana.”

  Somehow Suteko had woken out of a sound sleep and knew she had to come here, bringing her pack. She had taken to the rooftops and gotten in here from the upper story. Persephone had declined to go out in the rain.

  Gregor almost smiled at the dumbfounded look on his leader’s face but he was too worried. Suteko gently rested a hand on his arm and steered him to the futon. “Place her here warrior.” She grabbed her bag and signaled to Shayla, ignoring for now the Amerid warrior holding her hand. “Shayla I think I can help get my friend here feeling better.” She softly explained in an undertone about chi weapons and how certain herbs and pressure points were needed. She looked up at the intense men circling them.

  “Okay I know you three are concerned but you have to back off. Matten-san, please, take your friends into another room and I promise Hana will be fine.”

  Jaeoh blinked again. This Suteko was more commanding than the gentle teacher he had been watching. He took one of Gregor’s arms as Uhanzee took the other. Together they steered him to the kitchen and sat him at the table.

  Uhanzee decided to lean against the counter and look over the two men. They had changed in the time he had been gone. Both seemed more in control, but being older and wiser would do that. His head told him he was only gone moments but his heart knew it had been years.

  Little Hana was a big surprise. She had actually engaged people and had fought. She fought well, with a devastating attack. The dark woman he didn’t know but it was obvious that the others trusted her. “Jaeoh,” he spoke quietly. “Who is the woman in the other room?”

  Jaeoh tried not to smile. “That is Suteko and a long tale comes with her.”

  Gregor sat staring at his hands and then pushed away from the table, starting tea. He spoke as his hands worked. “That is Star Knight Unicorn. The last of the Star Knights.”

  Between Gregor and Jaeoh, with help from the crystal Jaeoh still had the Amerid warrior was brought up to speed on the Shadow Master and Unicorn.

  As the men spoke Suteko eased Hana with her own healing gift. While not as strong as a natural healer like Shayla or Usagi’s powers it eased and healed the tremors. The pressure point techniques she learned from an ancient Amazon warrior along with the herbalism she picked up over the years had Hana relaxed and quiet. Suteko asked Shayla to get tea and once they were alone she wrapped her new friend in a gentle hug.

  For the first time in a lifetime Hana let out quiet sobs. Pain had dumped more than physical pain. The mental pain needed to be purged and this was Suteko’s true gift. She could heal hearts if trusted and Hana having seen deep inside, did trust her. The sobs were over in under a minute but the intense purge did its job. As Shayla came back with the men and a tray. Hana was resting on the futon. The two were talking softly as Gregor came around and dropped into a crouch. “Hana?”

  She smiled tiredly and touched her fingers to his knee. She simply nodded and tension left his form. It was touching to see. Uhanzee sat on the floor, next to Shayla and smiled as Hana left her fingers in place and Gregor rested his on hers.

  Hana cleared her throat and spoke softly. “It is time for names don’t you think?”

  Suteko hid her smile Hana could be bossy in her own way. Suteko started to gather her things to leave. She felt out of place here with the Kouhei. “It isn’t necessary now, Hana-chan.”

  “No, it is Suteko-san. Jaeoh has been waiting to speak to you and Uhanzee has only just heard your tale.”

  Suteko looked a bit uncomfortable but settled back on her heels. “So I should offer my thanks to you, Jaeoh. For the practice space?” She was a bit tentative. This tall man had been around while she taught her classes and had caught her when she received her last wound. When he nodded, she bowed from where she sat. “It was kind of you to let us practice here. The teams are starting to work together well.” She paused and looked down. Mentioning team was not polite after the battle losses they just suffered.

  Jaeoh spoke carefully to her. “It is time all of us work together. The Shadows know about Uhanzee, Shayla and me now.”

  Relieved Suteko nodded. “We will need a bigger space for all of you. Both you Kouhei and the Senshi number too many to fit here comfortably” She looked over to Hana, who was starting to drowse. “But talk of this can wait Jaeoh-san. You have brought home an old friend and need to let Hana-chan rest.” She picked up her pack and started to leave again. Gregor spoke softer than his want, thanking Suteko again and Suteko nodded. Hana whispered to Jaeoh to follow Suteko as Gregor carefully moved her so she rested against his massive frame.

  Jaeoh smiled at his family. One couple who automatically fell into each other, the other friends who might be more. He glided after the Star Knight, catching her in the other room. “Suteko, hold up a moment.”

  She paused, hand on the doorknob. She sighed and then turned to face him. “Yes Jaeoh-san?”

  “Thank you for helping Hana.” His voice was soft and for a moment Suteko felt wrapped in a warm sweater.

  Suteko turned her large eyes up, searching his face. “Hana-chan has been kind to me. How could I not help her?”

  He stepped closer but stopped as he sensed her tensing. “How did you get in here?”

  At that question she smiled. “You didn’t lock the attic window. It was simple.”

  “Was it?” He shook his head and shrugged. “Did Setsuna let you know to come here?”

  Suteko shook her head a little puzzled. “No, she was somewhere else when I felt Hana’s pain. I just knew to come here.” She sounded almost distracted..

  Jaeoh slowly moved closer. The woman before him just kept becoming more and more intriguing. “Do you get these urges often?”

  Suteko blushed and shook her head. “I think all the time with Hana has forged a bond.” She smiled shyly. “But right now you should be with your team Jaeoh-san. I am sure that they are confused. I will let the others know you need time to get reacquainted with …Uhanzee? That warrior is confused after all. You are no longer fighting the Negaverse.”

  Jaeoh start
ed to protest but she had stepped outside. “At least let me give you a ride back home?”

  Suteko swung her pack on one shoulder and flashed a small smile. “I don’t need a bodyguard tonight, Jaeoh-san. I am not the target tonight.” She waved as she sprang up, bouncing to a nearby rooftop. Jaeoh watched as she sprang from one to another till she was out of sight and then turned back inside to his team. They had losses to deal with and the return of one steady warrior. He wanted to spend more time with the Star Knight but he needed to spend time with his team.


  Suteko bounced from rooftop to rooftop deep in thought. So many new people in just a few days. Kind Shayla had her heart returned to her this night. And by the look big Gregor was starting to realize tiny Hana was more than a team mate. It had been startling to see an Amerid warrior in the middle of Tokyo. The man was wisely silent while Shayla and she worked on Hana. The gentle healing energy from Sweet water mixed with Suteko’s well hidden gift and the herbs brought color back to Hana’s pale face. How a once friend could have done that to tiny Hana, Suteko did not know but if she ran into Pain she would make sure that it didn’t happen again.


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