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When Shadows Rise

Page 15

by Lisa Williamson

  She was lucky so far during this storm but decided roof tops slick with rain were not the best path. She dropped down just as a bolt hit the lightening rod on the next house.

  She started to jog, her feet hitting the wet pavement lightly. She kept her senses open for anything around her and hid her surprise well when a soft voice called from the roof she just left. She spun and looked up, carefully hiding a glow in her hand. The figure slid down the building to pool on the ground before slowly forming into a female form made of water.

  The An-eonma, or rain spirit stayed close to the wall, being as non-threatening as possible. “Please Light bearer, please do no harm to me.”

  Suteko let the light flicker out. “If you come in peace then I will not harm you little one.”

  The figured quivered all over. She was half of Suteko’s size but was a slender full grown woman in image. The An-eonma darted looks about then glided a little closer. “Light Bearer we are begging your help. The Shadow lord is taking spirits and forcing them into new molds. Turning them into shadow beasts. Help us Light Bearer.”

  Suteko felt the spirit’s fear and hope. “The time is not yet right but I can promise that Kaneda will be stopped. If not by me then by the Guardian.”

  The an-eonma shook her head. “It has to be you Light Bearer. The Guardian can only fight to keep the Shadow gate closed. You, you are our only hope Light Bearer!” It quivered more losing some of it’s woman form. “Only you can see and hear us. Please save us!”

  Suteko shushed the spirit, trying her best to sooth with a calming hum. To her surprise the spirit firmed back up and even spun about at her music. “I will protect those of you I can little one. I know light hurts some of you but tell your brethren to come to me if they need help. I will do my best.”

  The rain spirit spun and then leapt up and swirled about the lone Knight, her voice softly thanked Suteko as it removed the water from her braid, untying it in the process. Suteko gasped as her hair tumbled about her face and shoulders, cascading down her back. Shaking her head she swiftly braided it back up, chuckling. The spirit might be frightened but she could not fight her nature. The trick was a simple one, only costing her a hair tie. She pulled a spare one from her pocket.

  Suteko headed back to her new apartment. It might be a one room walk up but it was hers. No more sharing space with Iriko or using Setsuna’s spare room. It was too much at times, being always watched. The others might have argued but she put her foot down. She needed her own space.

  Avoiding the front door she once more bounced up to the roof and entered her apartment from above. It was a small space compared to some. A tatumi matt on the floor, a small table and a futon couch were all that could be seen. Two photos hung on the wall and she bowed to them each before putting her jacket in her closet to dry. She settled onto the futon and sorted the contents of her pack.

  Persephone opened one eye and made a face at Suteko. “You should dry off before sitting on the bed. Remember we have to sleep here.” The cat got up and hopped down to settle in the window. The rain had stopped and she gave Suteko a long look.

  Chuckling Suteko moved to open the window. “Enjoy yourself kitty. Just try to come back before dawn.”

  It was getting late as she restocked her herbs and cleaned up. Slipping out of her wet clothing, she composed herself for sleep. Just as she dozed off the house’s Zastiki-wanashi looked around her door. The child spirit waited till she fell asleep before tiptoeing into her room. Like the An-eonma before, it was a frightened spirit. Normally a simple good fortune bringing prankster, it had followed the Light Bringer to this boarding house. The household’s other spirits didn’t mind. They were glad that the Light Bringer settled here, bringing Light to keep back the shadows. Even a Baku had come. The spirit knew the Light Bringer had been suffering from nightmares. Dreams of her friends dying under claw and fang, of her brother turning away from her. The Baku ate what dreams it could, allowing the Light Bringer to rest.

  They whispered together, shoeing away the Mokumokuren and quickly repairing the rice paper wall separating the hall from Suteko’s room. All became peaceful and even the little scrabbling of the mice drifted off.


  Aki smiled as he brought his acquisitions to the shadow realm. Three Kouhei! This made up for the loss of the earlier days. Seiya took fully to her new role. Her pink hair now held black stripes, her eyes now obsidian pools. She mumbled under her breath, threats and predications.

  Steve’s once happy face had grown cold but confused on the trip between realms. His once pristine white and blue colors were muted as if dipped in shadow. He spun about, taking in the hall they had appeared in.

  Empty for the moment, he could see flowing curtains of blood red and ink black. Anything further away than 20 feet was lost in deep shadow. Earth was still muddled, nothing seemed real to him. One moment they were fighting the Negaverse, next they were surrounded by mist, then shadows. In the shadowy place he could swear he watched as Seiya did something to make little Hana scream. Then it got dark again and they were here. Where ever it was.

  "Steve what is going on? Where are we?”

  Steve turned to the stocky Earth and shrugged. “Ask Aki bro, he is in charge of this ride.”

  “You are in your new home Samuel. A place where there are no more Negaverse creatures. Just creatures of Earth.” Aki gestured and two figures formed. One of waster and one of earth. They moved to the sides of Steve and Samuel, whispering in their ears and leading them off to side chambers, visions of dark pleasures fed into their minds. Aki himself distracted Seiya. He knew her secret desires and was more than willing to indulge her.


  In his darkened throne room, The Shadow who was once Kaneda smiled. Things were looking up. Three of Suteko’s potential allies had defected to his side. Three less beings to interfere with his plans for Unicorn. “She should have given in. Now her pain will be greater.” The new woman that Aki had yet to bring to him would be useful. Her ability to channel pain, when augmented with his shadow gift would destroy the Light power in his bride. She would still be a chi master. She would then bring their children into the light of day, destroying the guardian as she did. He settled back to plan.


  Two days later the cats held their own conference. Sitting on the roof of Suteko’s building they went over all that had happened in the past month.

  Andromeda was starting to fade away. No guardian cat dealt well with the loss of their charge. The month and more was taking a toll on her energy. “The Kouhei have returned, all but one were taken by the shadows. Can we trust the others?”

  Persephone looked up from her paw. When outside she acted like the cat she emulated. “Can we trust them? Come on, the five have all passed their tests.“ She went back to cleaning her paw but spoke between licks. “Sweet water…has proven…she is good. Between her…charge…and healing…she is an asset.”

  Artemis paced about the roof, “What about Draco? He hid his powers, letting unicorn get injured was not good.”

  Luna interrupted him before he could get started. “He was not to expose his powers. That was straight from Pluto. He had to wait till the time was right.”

  The cats continued to debate quietly. The fact that there were no Mauans assigned to the Kouhei seemed to bother the white cats. Luna was more concerned with the stepped up shadow feints. The creatures were showing up whether Suteko was present or not. They either threatened vaguely or attacked directly. It was obvious that the shadows were still testing the teams. Everyone made sure to go out in mixed groups. But the reason the cats had gathered was the Star Knight. She was willing to train the others but still wouldn’t stay with them.

  “Persephone why is she staying in this place”” Luna made a face at the boarding house. It didn’t make sense why she stayed here.

  “There is something drawing her to this
place.” Persephone was glad to be in cat form. In human from she would have never hid her smile. Out of the corner of her eyes she spotted the childlike spirit watching. It giggled silently making a silly face at the three moon cats. They acted so superior but they couldn’t see the friendly spirits that had flocked about the boarding house since Suteko offered her help.


  Chapter Nine

  Back into Hell

  Rain washes things clean but it can only do so much in a city the size of Tokyo. The puddles filling the streets that morning held more than the average city dweller could see. As Suteko headed out she found herself being trailed. Ainefurikozo would run ahead of her, the small umbrella headed child spirit feeling safer with the Light Bearer. Suteko tried to ignore the spirits as she talked to her guardian cat. “What is going on Persephone? Why are all the spirits suddenly following me?”

  The cat poked her head out of Suteko pack. “Kaneda is scooping up any spirit that doesn’t move fast enough. Changing them and using them as foot soldiers. He is trying to isolate you.”

  Springing up onto a nearby wall, Suteko avoided the puddles automatically. While no longer cursed it had become habit to avoid unintentional cold water baths. “Why would he take land spirits and use them though? He has access to all shadows.”

  Persephone slipped her head out more. “I don’t think it was his original plan but some of the shadows are pulling back.”

  They continued to talk quietly as they headed to Setsuna’s home. Suteko had chosen her apartment as centralized as she could. Setsuna had volunteered a building for the teams to practice in. She had also passed out cells to each team member. Suteko wasn’t sure about that. Cell phones while highly useful in Tokyo were also traceable. Ami had tried to explain that these were not typical Nokia or Samsung phones. The crescent moon on the case was the only difference she could see. But she was never all that technical, she just stuck it in her jacket pocket.

  “Suteko, you pocket is buzzing.” Persephone pointed out before curling back up in Suteko’s pack. She reached into her pocket and flipped the phone open. One the screen was a green coiled dragon. Suteko blinked for a moment thinking Akuma was back but then she remembered that Jaeoh’s symbol was a coiled Jade dragon. With a bit of trepidation she answered, Hello?”

  Jaeoh smiled at the tentative answer. Like many serious martial artists, Suteko hadn’t used much modern tech. He had thanks to running his own business. “Morning Suteko. Just wondering if you would like a ride to Setsuna’s?” He kept his voice quiet as he was across the intersection from the Star Knight.

  “I have all ready left Jaeoh-san.”

  “I know.” He couldn’t hide the smile in his voice. Suteko looked about. The Rainfall child giggled and skipped off the fence and into the empty intersection, pointing as he danced about. Suteko’s eyes followed till she spotted Jaeoh’s tall leather clad form across the street. She felt an unfamiliar flutter in her belly and waved weakly. “Persephone it seems we have a ride.” She put the phone back to her ear. “All right. Give me a moment Jaeoh-san. “ She closed the phone and put it back into her pocket, she mumbled to the cat. “Did you know he was there?” Persephone wisely didn’t answer, though it cold be she was just asleep.

  Hopping down from the wall, she crossed the intersection. She couldn’t understand why she was feeling nervous. Jaeoh was the same man who let her practice at his dojo. The fact that she knew his name now and knew he was Kouhei shouldn’t matter but for some reason it did.

  As she walked up she smiled. The Amerurikozo was dancing in the puddles near the sleek motorcycle, making little splashes and giggling like a true child. It waved at her again before disappearing in a splash. “You did not need to go out of your way Jaeoh-san,” Jaeoh interrupted.

  “Usagi asked that I pick you up, something about you being a water magnet?” He smiled and the simple smile transformed his face. Usually a little foreboding, the smile made him seem younger. Younger than Suteko in fact.

  She blushed for a moment, shaking her head. “Not any..” Just then a truck splashed through a big puddle, sending a sheet of water over Suteko, ”more.” She sighed and swung her pack off her shoulder.

  Jaeoh stifled his laughter as she pulled out a small towel and dried her face. Persephone popped up. “And on the bright side, your pack is defiantly water proof.” She quickly dove back into the pack as Suteko tossed the towel at her.

  Acting the gentleman, he offered to take her pack but she shook her head. He handed her a spare helmet and straddled the Kawasaki EX650R. It was a sleek bike, painted black with a stencil of Draco’s coiled Jade dragon tastefully painted on the gas tank. Slipping the helmet on she climbed behind Jaeoh. He turned his head and started to bike. "Just slip your arms around me and hold on tight.” He hid his smile as he felt Suteko’s arms slide around him tentatively at first. As he flipped the windscreen down, he slid into the street. After making sure no one was in the way, he kicked up the speed, causing Suteko to hold tight to him. Even through two leather jackets he could feel her curves pressed to his back. He kept up the speed, enjoying the feel of a woman pressed to his back and the roar of the engine. His helmet hid an uncharacteristic grin.

  Suteko ducked her head down as she held onto Jaeoh. Gloves would have been a good idea, if she had known she would be riding passenger on a bike. She was tempted to move her hands back and into Jaeoh’s pockets but that would be too forward. She barely knew this man. Though she admitted to herself that he felt good in her arms. Almost as good as the ground flying past her as he opened up the engine. She automatically leaned with him on the curves. In her pack Persephone prayed to her own gods for the ride to be over.

  Too soon for the humans the ride was over. Jaeoh slowed and pulled up in front of the fence enclosing Setsuna’s home. He hit the buzzer and sighed as he felt Suteko pull away. Hotaru’s voice came through the speaker . “Come on in. We are meeting back in the old stables.”

  Jaeoh acknowledged and drove through the opening gates to behind the palatial home. There were a number of cars and bikes parking in the old paddock yard. Jaeoh pulled up next to the big silver and grey Suzuko Hayabusa GSX1300R and shut down his engine. Without looking he knew that the other bike belonged to Gregor Matten.

  Suteko slipped off Jaeoh’s motorcycle, resting the helmet on the back of the bike. With a wince she swung her pack over and opened it up. Persephone grumbled as she crawled out and jumped to the ground. “That was just…” The cat just stalked off in a huff.

  Suteko clamped her lips shut, stifling the first real laugh she had in over a month. Jaeoh smiled, eyes twinkling as the almost dignified Mauan stalked toward the others, her tail brushed out. “I don’t think your cat enjoyed the ride.

  Suteko swung her pack back over her shoulder and looked over at the cats. She exerted some control and managed to not laugh but her new good mood was obvious in her voice. “No, I would say that Persephone would prefer we take the bus over another motorcycle ride.”

  After the intimacy of the ride, Suteko started to close back up. She was uncomfortable with most men but this one was getting past her control. She slipped ahead of him and headed into the building.

  Once a stable, the inside had been totally redone. The floor was now entirely of a fine wood finished to a high gloss. Along the left side there was a series of doors. Two were marked for men and woman. Suteko headed directly to the women’s changing room after thanking Jaeoh for the ride.

  Jaeoh smiled again and nodded. He understood that Suteko was using the excuse of her wet jeans to regroup her senses. Unzipping his jacket, he too headed toward the changing rooms, with his own pack over his shoulder. The years away had helped him deal with his own emotions. Attraction, while not common, wasn’t totally unknown. The Star Knight was skittish but from his conversations with Hana he knew why. If he was patient enough maybe the spark he felt could be more.<
br />
  Inside the changing room Suteko spotted Hana and Iriko. Relaxing, she headed over. They had both changed into simple training gis. Suteko moved to the nearest locker and grimaced at her wet things. Luckily she had planned on changing. Slipping quickly in her favorite gi, she turned and looked over Hana. The girl seemed to have recovered from her physical shock. Reaching out her empathic sense she found that her young friend was dealing well with the effects of Pain’s attack.


  Outside the converted stable things were getting gloomy. Everywhere in Tokyo but the neighborhood around the stable the morning sun was shining. The rain spirits, who had been playing in the puddles all quivered and did their best to hide. The shadows pulled in from all the surrounding buildings, pooling at first around the vehicles parked to the side. The shadows curled around them, working mischief. A shadow made from the Abuya-sumash stuck its potato shaped bead into the engines and started licking any oil it could find. Amanojukos ran about stirring up the neighborhood. People who would normally smile and nod at each other suddenly started fights. The street about erupted with shouts and scuffles as Kaneda released the demons he had converted.

  Inside the Kouhei and Senshi were being mixed together to learn each others weaknesses and strengths. Suteko made sure to pair two strong fighters with at least one weaker one. Each person had their strong points and each had powers that made them formidable but she had them working unempowered still. While some thought it was a waste of time, others realized that physical training was very helpful later. Suteko smiled as she watched the groups, making pointers from time to time.


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