Cosmic Love

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Cosmic Love Page 39

by Jan Spiller

  Personally, if someone comes into my life with this nodal position, I always listen to their ideas about money. I listen if they tell me there are valuable things about me that I haven’t recognized, and I listen if they tell me how I can develop my talents in ways that will be of value to others. Actually, they would be a good financial advisor or career coach, in terms of pinpointing your unique talents and skills that are valuable and marketable.

  As you accept—and act on—this person’s gifts by allowing them to help you develop your abilities and increase your resources, your demonstration motivates them to begin actively exploring their own individual talents. In this way, you empower each other to gain a greater self-sufficiency, and the dynamics between you will result in financial benefits to you both.

  SENSE OF SELF-WORTH—Someone with this nodal position will recognize what is important about you and how valuable you are as a person. They are automatically aware of your talents—the unique qualities that you bring to the table—and they make you aware of how special you are and how much you have to offer. Also, they have no qualms about letting others know your value. In fact, they will sing your praises right in front of you, greatly enhancing your self-image. They are so sure of your talents and abilities, they leave no room for anyone to doubt your worth—even you!

  This person is also aware of areas where you lack confidence and experience self-doubt and fear. They can help heal those issues by pointing out how adept you actually are in a way you can really hear. This naturally motivates you to take action and make positive changes in your life that further enhance your self-image. For instance, I had a client whose boyfriend’s North Node fell in her 2nd House. Soon after they got together she began getting promotions and raises at work. And with his encouragement and support, she lost twenty-five pounds and began working out to keep her body in shape. Her sense of self-worth soared as a result of his influence in her life.

  A person with this nodal position will also encourage you to fulfill your needs for physical and sensual pleasure—with a good meal, a massage, or just taking time to enjoy life’s generous bounty. They are also a positive influence in terms of helping you choose possessions that will increase in value or that you will really enjoy, so take them with you when you shop for any major purchases. In general, this person will be very helpful with your physical and material needs—if you take responsibility for voicing them. They don’t want to be your Soul Mate in every area of your life—their job is to increase your confidence and strengthen your independent sense of self-worth so that you can access your own personal power.

  Rather than allowing you to rely on them to constantly feed you validation, they bring you permanent strength within yourself. You can accept their gift by allowing your inner resources to manifest on the material plane. And since the process of supporting you in this way brings out the best in them, it becomes a win-win situation!

  SELF-RELIANCE—This person is also in your life to increase your level of self-reliance. If they are a parent, they may provide you with a good physical environment in which to grow up, but they won’t baby you. In fact, they will constantly throw you back on your own resources, requiring you to become aware of your strength as an independent entity, and it is always best to relate to them from this position.

  For instance, if you ever need financial help from your family, your best bet is to approach them with a list of specific needs. Have a dollar estimate attached to each item, and let them know how these things are precisely what you need to survive and thrive in your current situation. This way you are demonstrating an attitude of self-reliance, rather than entitlement.

  This person won’t partner with you and let you make money with them—in terms of pooling your resources. This is not a Soul Mate relationship in the sense of shared energy always working toward common goals. They may agree to do one project at a time with you but they won’t partner on everything. When they don’t want to partner with you, they have great ideas for how you can do it, and they will feed you the energy and encouragement you need to better yourself. In some way, your values and sense of what is meaningful in life resonates with what is also inherently important to them. So when you independently assert an objective that expresses your ideals, they support you instantly because it reflects their own values.

  However, you cannot rely on their support unless you ask for it. Their job is to help you become more assertive about getting your physical and material needs met. So if you expect them to notice that you need help unloading the car, they may let you down. However, if you take the initiative and say: “Hey, will you please help me unload the car?” they will be happy to oblige.

  POTENTIAL AREAS OF CONCERN—In the process of bringing more prosperity into your life and increasing your sense of self-worth, this person inadvertently drains energy from the area of interdependency. They are here to help you strengthen your ability to assert yourself—to clearly define and state your own personal boundaries and your specific needs as they arise. If you begin to lose your boundaries and seek to merge with them, they will push you away. They increase your personal resources and strength at the expense of allowing you to rely on them in a “bonded” relationship.

  So if you relate to this person by trying to get them to combine their energy with yours, you are not accepting their gift. You will find that this person doesn’t want to combine with you as a single entity—that’s not the gift they are destined to give you. This doesn’t mean that the two of you won’t be successful in a joint project. In fact, this is a great business aspect for making money, as well as for satisfying specific physical needs, and you will likely feel very comfortable with this person. However, for any financial venture to be successful and satisfying, be aware of staying within your own boundaries. Financially, this means that it is imperative that your money remains under your control. If you try to “help them out” in a joint business where your resources are combined with theirs, you will likely lose money.

  For example, I have a client whose brother-in-law’s North Node falls in her 2nd House. Against her instincts, she agreed to invest both labor and money in his family business. There were no clear boundaries or system of accountability, and she began losing money. With this nodal position, you can’t count on this person in a financially interdependent relationship. For success, both people’s money needs to remain separate. They can either give you money or—with a clear contract—make money for you, or bolster your confidence so you can make more money on your own.

  BEST APPROACH—The words we use to propose things to others are so important. They reflect where we are coming from, which always determines the outcome. Most people will support you if you come into alignment with the presentation that they can hear. When someone’s North Node is in your 2nd House, remember that they are in your life to help you learn to focus on yourself, so when you communicate with them, it works best to concentrate on your needs rather than on their behavior.

  For example, rather than spotlighting the flaws in their behavior—“I wish you would stop laughing at me when I discuss politics”—use words that put the focus on your needs: “I need you to support me in having my own political ideas.” Or, rather than “Stop rushing me—it makes me nervous,” focus on what you need to feel comfortable: “I need you to be patient and loving with me when we’re getting ready.”

  Also, this person will be better able to hear you and cooperate with you when you speak to them from a sense of your own needs, rather than being dependent on mutual energy. If you say “Let’s start a business together,” they will resist you. However, if you say “I want to start a business, and I need your help in setting up the computer” (or any concrete task), they will be right there to give you a hand. If you are struggling with something, rather than assume they will be aware that you need help, it is in your best interests to ask them directly. Don’t expect them to spontaneously “pitch in”—they need to be asked.
r />   On a deeper level, taking charge and asking for help strengthens your self-reliance and increases your sense of self-worth. When you take the initiative and express exactly what you need from them, they will carry it out brilliantly in a way that benefits you both. To bring out the best in them, stay away from their personal business and psychology and allow them to focus on your needs.

  PAST LIFE INFLUENCES—There are no specific past life influences related to this nodal position unless a person’s North Node falls in your 2nd House and their South Node conjoins one of your planets (see Part III). Then meeting them in this lifetime is truly a matter of destiny—a contract to be fulfilled—and these influences may be strongly felt.

  From a karmic point of view, this person was probably a past life Soul Mate who created a relationship where you were totally enmeshed and dependent. This excessive bonding erased your sense of self-worth as an individual. It may even be that you had a special talent or gift to offer society that they didn’t allow you to develop independently. In fact, they may have used your abilities to support their own agenda, stealing from you in terms of taking the credit and reaping the financial rewards.

  So in this lifetime, they have a subconscious need to enhance your freedom in terms of your personal and financial strength, and to make sure you know that you can survive on your own. They again see your unique talents, and now they want to help you become more aware of your value to others and to reap the rewards yourself. And since they most likely owe you a financial debt from a past life situation, in this incarnation they may leave you money or possessions upon their death.

  If they give you a financial gift, they do it in a way that strengthens your sense of personal power, rather than having strings attached that create a sense of debt or dependency. If you get the feeling that there are strings attached, your best bet is to not buy into that perception—just accept it as a gift. Then any past life debts between you can be healed.

  When their North Node is in your 3RD HOUSE, they are bringing you the gifts of:

  COMMUNICATION—If a person who plays a significant role in your life has their North Node in your 3rd House, it’s time for you to improve your communication skills. You will feel an easy, mental rapport with them. Without effort, you will “hear” what they say, and be able to respond naturally in the flow of the moment. Through your conversations with them you will learn how to more effectively establish a comfortable mental connection with others.

  This person’s influence will help you see if aspects of your communication style are actually interfering with your ability to connect with others. For instance, a friend with this nodal position was the first person to “instant message” me online, and we communicated for an hour that evening. Later, when I reread our conversation, I noticed that I was answering him too quickly. I wasn’t taking time to really hear—and take into account—his responses to my previous message before I answered him.

  As if a light came on in my brain, I suddenly realized that when I begin feeling a romantic attraction, I start responding to the other person before I really take in what they are saying. This is an example of how this person can improve your communication skills—sometimes without even being aware of it. However, they may also do this by not being able—or willing—to cooperate with what you are saying when you interact in your accustomed manner, thus forcing you to grow to a new level where your communication more accurately expresses what you actually mean.

  For instance, I have a client whose son has his North Node in her 3rd House. He makes fun of his mother when she doesn’t communicate clearly. “Mom, you never finish a sentence”…“Mom, you never say what ‘the thing’ is…you just tell me about ‘that thing,’ or ask me to bring you ‘that thing’…you never tell me what it actually is!” In this way, he is helping her learn to communicate more clearly.

  Another gift this person is bringing you is to help you develop a more concrete way of thinking and communicating. Rather than “assume” they know what you mean, they are likely to ask you questions so they can gain more information. If something doesn’t make sense to them, they ask for more facts, and if you can’t provide them, you will likely be inspired to go and find out. In this way your thinking can gain a more logical foundation. For these reasons, someone with this nodal position would make a good speech coach, writing teacher, language instructor, or computer coach for you.

  As you receive this person’s gift by allowing them to help you improve your communication skills and your capacity for connecting with others, your example motivates them to begin actively expanding their own skills in this area. In this way, you empower each other to develop these abilities.

  CONNECTING WITH OTHERS—Life seems to bring people across our paths who supply the energy for helping us with that part of ourselves we next need to develop in order for our lives to progress. For instance, the “instant messaging” friend I mentioned earlier also introduced me to using e-mail. This was something I had been resisting, and it was time for me to learn a whole new way of connecting with others. We are still friends, and sometimes talk on the phone for hours. We both enjoy the satisfying feeling of talking about our daily lives and the acceptance that flows between us with this nodal position.

  The connection develops because this person inspires you to communicate with them. This doesn’t necessarily mean there is a deep affinity between you, but because of the ease of interaction you tend to talk with them a lot and learn the value of everyday activities—going to the movies, playing cards, and getting to know each other by just hanging out. In fact, one aspect of their gift to you is bringing you experience in establishing rapport and mutual understanding with others. They can also be an influence that connects you to something that is important to you, such as the arts, technology, or another area of interest.

  Another facet of their gift is to teach you how to relate successfully with those people with whom you have brief daily interactions of a helpful or cooperative nature. If you have been having difficulties with a neighbor or a sibling, this person can give you good advice about how to view the other person and help you heal the situation in a logical, practical way.

  You will also feel a “brother/sister” type of affinity with this person, even in a romantic relationship. Knowing this can help you see how to handle any disagreements or uncomfortable situations that might arise. For instance, if this is someone with whom you have some discomfort—a new romantic attraction or a boss—simply pretend that they are your brother or sister, and your interactions with them will automatically become easier. With this technique they will be very receptive to engaging in “small talk,” and soon an easy rapport will begin to unfold. This is also the correct way to address any larger issues in your close relationships with these people. And in terms of handling any problems with your actual siblings, they will likely give you particularly good advice.

  DAILY INTERACTIONS/LASTING RELATIONSHIPS—This person is always interested in hearing about what’s happening in your life. They feed you the energy that makes you want to communicate with them, and you pick up the phone even if normally you would avoid such frequent contact because it’s too much work. You sense their receptivity to hearing your point of view. When they ask you how your day went, you feel inspired to ask them about their day. This simple process increases your ability to respond readily to the everyday circumstances of life.

  This easy rapport and flow of communication between two people on a daily basis is one of the most frequent indicators of a lasting relationship, and I often find this nodal connection among my married clients. The fact that this person motivates you to communicate with them creates closeness and safety. Normally, if you have a misunderstanding with someone, you may not feel comfortable letting them know how you feel. However, with this person, something about their energy field gives you the confidence to get past your fear and openly share your thoughts and feelings.

  In fact, t
his person won’t let you get away with being manipulative by not communicating what is really true for you. If you withhold information in an attempt to avoid connecting with them regarding a difficult issue, the communication between you may break down altogether. They definitely inspire you to say what’s real on a concrete level, and to slow down your mental process so you can share your ideas more effectively. So despite any differences in “style” of communication, a connection is established between you in which you understand each other’s point of view without judgment. Even though you may not necessarily be on the “same page” spiritually or philosophically, you can be supportive of each other’s personal growth.

  TALENTS AND ABILITIES—This person will definitely support you in developing your talents and abilities, especially in terms of continuing your formal education. They are good “school karma” for you, and would be very helpful in the role of a teacher or tutor. Someone with this nodal position understands and values your ways of viewing life, and knows that further developing your mind will empower you to become even more effective in using your innate mental abilities. If you have difficulty with any of your classes, they are likely to provide insights that can help you overcome any challenges. They are also willing to bolster your efforts by assisting you with homework or in memorizing specific material.


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