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Cosmic Love

Page 44

by Jan Spiller

  Someone with this nodal position is also bringing you the gift of a deeper perception of the “shadow side” of life. Their presence inspires you to investigate different realms of energy, such as psychology, the occult, metaphysics, or physics. One of the reasons Life brought this person across your path at this time is because you need to incorporate increased awareness of your own psychology into your personality. In graciously accepting their gift, you simultaneously bring out the best in them.

  POTENTIAL AREAS OF CONCERN—In the process of encouraging you to bond with them and participate in joint ventures, this person inadvertently draws energy away from your ability to do things on your own and any plans you had for your own life. They want to be your Soul Mate in every area of life and do everything with you. In fact, they may not see your value apart from how you join with them—and together you do make a formidable combination. However, before linking with them too closely, make sure that your values are compatible and that their potential is something you are willing to support wholeheartedly. If so, you both will win. But if their values are not truly compatible with yours, it is better for you to not get involved.

  Someone with this nodal position inspires such a “let’s do it together” feeling that you may forget about the things you want to accomplish as an individual. So if you have projects of your own, it will be up to you to ensure that you have the time, space, and energy you need to pursue them. And when you do try to achieve results in your own way, don’t expect this person to give you any support, praise, or validation. They won’t tend to feed you energy unless you are using your talents to advance one of your joint projects, nor are they likely to carry out your requests. However, if you choose to share your ideas and incorporate their input, together you can achieve striking results that are greater than either of you could have achieved on your own.

  Also, any time you want to make a major change in your life and need support, you can call on this person. If they can see that by making the change and dealing with the resulting crisis you will experience transformation and renewal, they will help in any way they can. For instance, if you are leaving an unhealthy marriage, they will even come and help you move. They totally support you living on the edge, but will never support you in maintaining a situation that, while it may be comfortable, has become stagnant (in their opinion). Nor will they be particularly supportive of you acquiring new possessions—and they are definitely not able to give you good advice about your own money.

  Another thing to be aware of is that this person may give you their gift in a backhanded way—i.e., they may teach you how to bond by withholding the bond you seek. For example, I had a client whose father’s North Node was in her 8th House, and he was absent during most of her childhood and adult life. Her deep loneliness in missing that connection with him eventually led her to marry an older man, much like her father, who did give her the experience of bonding and deep love. These lessons in bonding can be quite complex and involve many different factors. For instance, if you have had problems with enmeshment and co-dependency in a past life, this person may help you learn to bond correctly by refusing to bond with you in any way that would reinforce these unhealthy experiences—a gift that releases you from the karmic pattern of not having appropriate boundaries.

  BEST APPROACH—The words we use to propose things to others are so important. They reflect where we are coming from, which always determines the outcome. In dealing with someone with this nodal position, it will help to remember that their purpose is to be a Soul Mate with you—in sexual bonding, in a project, in business, or in terms of money—and to teach you how to do Soul Mate relationships correctly. So your best approach is to put everything in the context of “we” rather than “me.”

  For example, instead of saying, “I need you to stop offering me snacks in the evening because I’m gaining weight,” a better approach would be: “For us to keep our chemistry going, we need to help me maintain my proper weight by not having snacks after 6 P.M.” Whenever you put things in terms of “I need,” this person won’t be able to hear you. But when you begin with “I think it would be good for us to…” or “We need…” you will trigger the best in them and they are likely to be receptive.

  As you discover that there are things that are important to you that your partner doesn’t value, their influence teaches you to take care of those needs on your own. In fact, part of having a healthy Soul Mate relationship has to do with getting your own needs fulfilled rather than expecting your partner to meet all of your needs all of the time. In terms of effective communication that will evoke support for your actions, again you will need to keep the focus on “us” rather than “me.” For instance, if you say, “I need to go to the movies alone tonight,” they will probably resist you or interpret it as a personal slight. However, if you say, “I think it would be good for our relationship if I take some time alone and go to the movies tonight,” they are more likely to support you. If you want them to go with you, try saying: “I think it would be just what our relationship needs if we take some time off and go to the movies tonight.”

  PAST LIFE INFLUENCES—There are no particular past life influences relative to this nodal position unless a person’s North Node falls in your 8th House and their South Node conjoins one of your planets (see Part III). Then meeting them in this lifetime is truly a matter of destiny—a contract to be fulfilled—and these influences may be strongly felt.

  In a past life, it is likely that this Soul withheld their resources from you in some way, creating a situation where you had to develop your talents and moneymaking abilities on your own. It could have been that they kept you from prospering in a business relationship with them; they may have been a parent who abandoned you as a child; or they may have been a mate who withheld the joys of intimacy from you. Regardless of the specific scenario, they were responsible for forcing you to become self-reliant in a way that was not healthy for you, and deprived you of the experience of being in a bonded, mutually empowering relationship. This resulted in a psychic injury that you may have brought into this lifetime, creating an exaggeration of self-sufficiency due to your fear of trusting a bond with another.

  So this is a payback lifetime for this person and they are uniquely equipped to heal that past wound by bringing you the gift of themselves—their energy, ideas, resources, talents, and values—all for you to use by combining with them. When this person enters your life, you will immediately see what is special and worthwhile about them in a way that inspires you to link closely with them and help them manifest their goals. Then they can give you back your power from that past life, and you will rediscover how potent you actually are in terms of manifesting things in the material world.

  The first time you meet this person (in this lifetime), you may feel tremendous desire combined with deep mistrust. But when you see their willingness to share everything with you so freely, you could become overly excited, blindly accept the bond that had been denied you for so long, and just begin living your life with them. The challenge is to slow down and determine how their values and goals actually fit with what is important to you. Then you can make good decisions that can help you build successful results that are mutually satisfying.

  Once you have received their gift and reclaimed your ability to merge with another in ways that revitalize and empower you, you can continue building with them—if your values are indeed compatible—or go out on your own. Either way, you will have gained an awareness of your ability to do what you truly value in the world and have a whole new level of energy, self-confidence, and determination.

  When their North Node is in your 9TH HOUSE, they are bringing you the gifts of:

  ETHICS AND LEGAL MATTERS—When someone’s North Node falls in your 9th House, this person has come across your path because you need to refine your understanding of how ethics work in order for your life to become stronger. Often we are completely unconscious of our unethical be
havior. Sometimes tendencies from past lives emerge, and we repeat old patterns of unethical behavior without even realizing it. Naturally, this attracts defeat in the area of our life where it’s occurring. Then we wonder why we have such a difficult time manifesting those things that are most important to us, when we actually may be pushing good fortune away with our unconscious “lies.” Another way this can happen is if you continue to ignore your conscience, eventually it becomes silent relative to that particular act. For example, the first time someone steals, their conscience clearly tells them that they are “off path.” However, if they continue to steal, their conscience becomes dimmer with each repeated offense, and by about the fourth time, they don’t “hear” it at all.

  Either way, this person is good karma for you in terms of helping you straighten out your ethics. For example, in this lifetime I have experienced a lot of emotional pain in romance. I truly didn’t understand what I was doing “wrong” until life sent me a boyfriend with this nodal position. As the relationship progressed I realized that I wasn’t really in love with him. But with this person, rather than hide that fact—from myself and from him—I was honest about it. He didn’t like it, but for the first time I was not guilty of the unethical behavior of feigning emotion in romance. Through the influence of his energy I saw where I was “off path” and began correcting my unethical behavior—and my “luck” in this area changed dramatically.

  This person is also good legal karma for you, and will teach you how to interact with the law in a way that will be successful over time. Their presence can help you straighten out any legal matters that may be pending, possibly even bringing an old legal matter to light so that it can be permanently resolved. So having a qualified attorney whose North Node is in your 9th House would be ideal. In terms of Universal Law, ethical congruency builds power. When you give your word and keep it, the integrity of that action eliminates the disabling shadow of discrepancy between word and deed. The Universe notices the integrity of an absolute commitment to ethical behavior, and by consistently keeping your word, your word continues to become stronger over time. Eventually, when you say you’re going to do something, your word becomes “law,” and Life itself supports you by bringing opportunities for your word to manifest.

  This person is bringing you the gift of Love by opening the way for you to expand your power through increasing your commitment to ethical behavior. As you accept their gift and allow them to help you become more honest and direct with others, your example also motivates them to begin speaking more honestly. You have the potential to build a relationship with this person based on communicating your deepest feelings and inner Truth—one that can reach new depths of mutual understanding.

  FREEDOM AND ADVENTURE—In astrology, the 9th House is freedom. On the physical level, this is the freedom to take long trips. Socially, it’s the freedom to disagree with social mores and be an adventurer. Mentally, it can open an awareness of higher truths, bringing the freedom to see that there is a bigger picture than what we normally observe in our daily lives. With their North Node in your 9th House, one of this person’s purposes is to help you expand your experience of freedom. They will prompt you to grow by exploring unfamiliar places—either physically, through travel to foreign countries, or mentally, through exploring new concepts, philosophies, and religions.

  Someone with this nodal position is fabulous travel karma for you. If you were thinking of taking a long trip, they would be a great travel companion or travel agent. They would definitely connect you with exciting places that fit both your taste and your pocketbook. In fact, this person will be very receptive to any kind of adventure you have in mind. For example, if you present a work project as a joyous adventure, they will be excited for you and support you all the way, possibly even wanting to be part of it.

  They are in your life to keep you from getting stuck and to nurture you in expanding your horizons. One way they may do this is by offering financial or moral support to help you pursue a degree through higher education. They will also enlarge your viewpoint by encouraging you to attend cultural or religious events, and go to museums, plays, etc. Or through their own background they may introduce you to a whole new cultural experience. You are ready to learn and grow by seeing life as an adventure from a wider point of view, and this person was drawn to you to help you realize your potential in this way. As you accept their gift by allowing them to open your life in unexpected ways, you also bring out the best in them. Your example motivates them to begin expressing more freedom in their own life, and you empower each other to experience more expansiveness and joy beyond your everyday circumstances.

  PURPOSEFUL ACTION—Another important influence this person has in your life is to help you focus on using your time to pursue meaningful activities. One way they may do this is by helping you become more aware of time. For instance, I had a client whose girlfriend had this nodal position. She would say things like: “Since you have to leave by 5:00, we won’t have time for our walk this evening.” In this way she increased his consciousness in terms of whether he was using his time in a way that allowed for activities that were important to him.

  Their presence prompts you to channel energy into purposeful action instead of just “passing time” in less meaningful ways. This can happen through their direct encouragement and positive example, or in reverse. For instance, their enjoyment of mundane activities (reading the newspaper, watching television, spending time on the Internet, etc.) can rouse you to engage in some type of purposeful activity on your own.

  This person is also good karma for you in terms of publishing and public speaking, encouraging you to grow by taking the risk of bringing your ideas to a wider audience. They have the ability to accurately discern which of your ideas could be successfully promoted to the public, and are likely to use their talents to help you with distribution. In fact, someone with this nodal position would be a great agent for helping you promote your ideas to a more extensive market—perhaps even internationally. And as you accept their gift and allow them to support you in using your time more consciously and sharing your ideas with the public, you simultaneously bring out the best in them. Your victory becomes their victory.

  SPIRITUAL GROWTH—If someone with a significant role in your life has their North Node in your 9th House, it’s time for you to grow spiritually and integrate a greater attunement to a Higher Truth into your personality. This person can be a guru for you in the sense that their energy puts you directly in touch with your own inner knowing of Truth and helps you transition onto a spiritual path. This may happen in a variety of ways. You may be inspired by their example, or they might introduce you to a particular teaching that has meaning to you. Even if they are not on a spiritual path, or if you disagree with their belief system, their presence in your life will in some way increase your awareness of your own beliefs and strengthen and validate your philosophies. They may also bring you opportunities to demonstrate your spirituality—not only “talking the talk,” but “walking the walk.” Through their influence you will become more aware of spiritual help you can link with in your daily life.

  They will always support your freedom, so even if you accept their teaching, they will not allow you to become dependent on them. They will encourage you to listen to your own conscience and intuition to direct your life, and through their influence you will become more reliant and trusting of your own intuitive knowing. In fact, they will prompt you to turn away from too much thinking and have more faith in positive outcomes. Their optimism will definitely have a soothing effect on you emotionally and help to restore your basic trust in life.

  Someone with this nodal position can also help you in your search for meaning and answers. If there is a moral issue you have been pondering, this person can add insights that will help you better understand the higher ethics involved. In any confusing situation with others, they are often able to help you see “the forest for the trees.” For insta
nce, maybe you are having a problem at work with someone who is gossiping about you or undermining you in some way. If you consult someone with this nodal position, they can put you in touch with a path to a more enlightened resolution. They may say: “Simply tell the Truth, be direct, and stay in the Light.” Their influence will take you beyond intellectual or logical understanding to a direct feeling/knowing experience of higher spiritual answers to the problems that arise in your daily life.

  They are also bringing you the gift of encouraging you to be more direct and honest in your communication than you may have been in other relationships. Direct, spontaneous communication works best with this person, and exhibiting this trait with them creates a channel for greater Love to flow between you. In the process of accepting their gifts by growing spiritually and becoming more open to your intuition, your example motivates them to begin actively pursuing their own spiritual growth. In this way you empower each other to attain greater heights.

  POTENTIAL AREAS OF CONCERN—When you turn on a lamp that is plugged into an electrical outlet, you are drawing power from one place (the power lines coming into the home) and rerouting it to another place (the lamp). In the same way, someone with this nodal position draws energy out of the normal day-to-day process and the easy flow of conversation about daily life and focuses it on connecting you with your own integrity and Higher Truth. As a result, factual conversations about the realities of daily life aren’t easy or natural with this person. They are not really interested in exploring what you are thinking about or your logical conclusions; their job is about expanding your mind to a point of view that is larger than just “you and them.” When conversation happens, it is more likely to be around looking for higher answers or spiritual and ethical solutions to life’s problems.


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