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Cosmic Love

Page 49

by Jan Spiller

  PAST LIFE INFLUENCES—It is possible that in a past incarnation, you pushed this person into independent activity at the expense of the joys of relationship. Whatever the past life circumstances, in this lifetime they carry the fear that they will be denied a happy marriage—a fear that you are in a unique position to help them heal. And in the process of supporting them in having fulfilling relationships, any psychic scars you may carry from past incarnations with this Soul will also be healed. If your South Node also conjoins a planet in their 1st House, your connection is truly a matter of destiny—a contract to be fulfilled—and these influences will be felt much more strongly (see Part III).

  When your North Node is in their 8TH HOUSE, you are bringing them the gifts of:

  SOUL MATE RELATIONSHIPS/BONDING—You are in this person’s life to give them the gift of a Soul Mate relationship that will allow you both to experience the joy and safety of a mutually empowering, interdependent bond. If this is a sexual relationship, it will satisfy personal needs yet transcend them to create its own energetic field. In a business relationship, your synergy will allow you to produce a result far greater than either of you could have created independently.

  MERGING RESOURCES—It is time for this person to recognize that they don’t have to do everything on their own. You can show them how to combine their resources with you in a way that is healthy and healing, as well as profitable. Actively validate their value in your life and their ability to combine with you in a way that allows you both to be successful. You are also able to teach them how to graciously receive the resources of others—their talents, dreams, and money.

  PSYCHOLOGICAL AWARENESS—Another reason you are in this person’s life is to help them develop their capacity to tune in to the psychology of others—their motives and desires. If they are having difficulty with someone, encourage them to see the other person from a psychological perspective—their perceived needs in the situation and why they might be exhibiting those particular behaviors. By helping them gain insight into another’s psychology, you empower them to draw closer to that person.

  INSIGHT, EMPOWERMENT, AND TRANSFORMATION—To bring this person the gift of transformation, have confidence that your influence can help open them to core emotional, psychic, and sexual energies. Also, encouraging their powers of investigation may lead to insights that can further transform and empower them. Your influence can help them explore the realms of psychology and metaphysics in a healthy way that brings them a sense of increased potency.

  POTENTIAL AREAS OF CONCERN—You are likely to feel somewhat “distant” from this person’s individual interests and values that exist outside of the “team’s” interests. Be careful that you don’t invalidate the things that are important to them. Ask them to let you know if they start feeling unsupported as an individual, or need more time for themselves, apart from the “team.”

  BEST APPROACH—You have come into this person’s life because on a deep level they have asked for an emotional healing through experiencing a healthy, synergistic bond with another. You can help them create this by getting more deeply in touch with the workings of their own psychology, and that of others. Ask questions such as: “What was your underlying motive in taking that action?” Or: “What do you think the other person wants to create in the situation?” Being more in touch with others’ needs will enable them to have more healthy, mutually supportive relationships.

  PAST LIFE INFLUENCES—It is possible that in a past incarnation, you played a role in exaggerating this person’s need for self-sufficiency at the expense of their experiencing the support and benefits of a bonded relationship. So in this life, they subconsciously fear relationships that involve bonding and shared energy. You are uniquely equipped to help them resolve this issue, and in the process, any psychic scars you may carry from past lifetimes with this Soul can also be healed. If your South Node also conjoins a planet in their 2nd House, your connection is truly a matter of destiny—a contract to be fulfilled—and these influences will be felt much more strongly (see Part III).

  When your North Node is in their 9TH HOUSE, you are bringing them the gifts of:

  CLARITY IN ETHICAL AND LEGAL MATTERS—You have an innate ability to see where this person may be out of alignment in terms of ethics and/or Universal Law, and how this is causing problems for them in their daily life. You can assist them in activating their conscience by encouraging them to take “right action” in every area of life. This includes choosing to not “get away with something” even if they can, and not violating another’s trust. By probing the motives behind any incongruent behaviors, you can help them correct any mistaken beliefs that may be contributing to their problems with integrity. You are also good legal karma for them.

  PURPOSEFUL ACTION, FREEDOM, AND ADVENTURE—You add a sense of freedom and adventure to their lives that they haven’t previously experienced. Your example of taking risks in your own life can inspire them to take more chances themselves—especially those that have the potential for character development and spiritual growth. You are in their life to encourage their spontaneity, broaden their horizons, and encourage them to live their life with a greater sense of purpose and adventure. You are also good foreign travel karma for them.

  SPIRITUAL GROWTH—You can help them reconnect with higher truth, philosophy, spirituality, and intuition, so that they can experience greater peace of mind. You have entered their life because they are searching for deeper meaning, so don’t hesitate to urge them to pursue a spiritual path.

  POTENTIAL AREAS OF CONCERN—In the process of influencing this person in developing their ethics and spirituality, you may drain energy away from the comfort they experience from more mundane activities. It is likely that your tastes are different in this area, and if they desire to spend time watching television or doing something else you don’t enjoy, support them even if you don’t always participate. Also, be aware that you may inadvertently give them bad advice in terms of sales, schoolwork and classes, teaching, or any issues involving their siblings or neighbors.

  BEST APPROACH—You have come into this person’s life because on a deep level they have called for help in coming into greater alignment with right action and the Truth of their own being. Assist them by asking questions that help them gain awareness in this area. For instance: “What do you feel intuitively about this situation?” “What does your conscience tell you is the most ethical thing to do?” Also, encourage them to pursue activities that explore these issues, such as studying philosophy, becoming more involved with a spiritual path, prayer, or meditation.

  PAST LIFE INFLUENCES—It may be that in a past incarnation, you gave this person misinformation or encouraged them in some breach of ethics that compromised their integrity. Whatever the specific scenario, you were likely involved in creating confusion for them regarding ethics, which is causing difficulty for them in this lifetime. Now you are in a unique position to help them realign with their integrity. As you support them in developing optimism and faith in positive outcomes as a result of following a path of integrity, any scars you may be carrying from past incarnations with this Soul can also be healed. If your South Node also conjoins a planet in their 3rd House, your connection is truly a matter of destiny—a contract to be fulfilled—and these influences will be felt much more strongly (see Part III).

  When your North Node is in their 10TH HOUSE, you are bringing them the gifts of:

  SUCCESS WITH GOALS AND AMBITIONS—You have been called into their life to help this person gain clarity about their goals and the steps that will lead to successful accomplishment. You can influence them to keep going until their dreams become reality and they increase their worldly success.

  THE ABILITY TO TAKE CHARGE—Validate their ability to take charge in every area of their life, especially in successfully reaching their professional or material aims. You are innately aware of their “CEO talents”—even if they are not—and will give them good advice that can help motivate them to g
et out in the world and take responsibility for creating success. You can also help them deal with situations where their talents aren’t being appreciated or where they are being taken advantage of in their profession.

  GREATER EASE WITH AUTHORITY FIGURES—You are naturally aware of this person’s self-sabotaging tendencies with authority figures, and are in a unique position to help them heal any childhood limitations they may have experienced with a parent. You can give them the right guidance to help them overcome their fears of taking charge. Validate their abilities, and don’t hesitate to encourage them to live up to their full potential. Because your assistance is in alignment with their own wants and needs, they won’t resist your efforts.

  ENHANCING THEIR PLACE IN SOCIETY—Your influence will increase this person’s credibility, reputation, and prestige in some way. You are aware of their public image and can naturally see how it can be enhanced. In fact, you could be an excellent PR person for them, and may feel drawn to directly participate in helping them create professional success.

  POTENTIAL AREAS OF CONCERN—In the process of helping this person take charge and successfully reach their goals, you tend to invalidate their feelings. It is to your advantage to go out of your way to be aware of—and acknowledge—their feelings, even if you can’t identify with them. For instance, if they are upset: “I am really sorry you are feeling upset. Is there anything I can do to support you?”

  BEST APPROACH—You have come into this person’s life because, on some level, their emotions are standing in the way of successful accomplishment, and you have the innate ability to help them take control of their own destiny. One way is to ask questions that help put them in touch with their own strength and authority. For example: “What can you do to gain a greater sense of self-respect in this situation?” “What would you like to see happen next?” “What is the next goal you would like to accomplish in this area?”

  PAST LIFE INFLUENCES—It may be that in a past incarnation, you were involved in a family relationship with this person that in some way deprived them of having an opportunity to go out into the world and establish their reputation in their own right. As a result, in this life their subconscious is telling them that they are not competent enough to shine in the public arena. Now you are in a unique position to help them develop confidence in their ability to take care of themselves. And as you encourage their success, any psychic scars you may carry with this person can also be healed. If your South Node also conjoins a planet in their 4th House, your connection is truly a matter of destiny—a contract to be fulfilled—and these influences will be felt much more strongly (see Part III).

  When your North Node is in their 11TH HOUSE, you are bringing them the gifts of:

  FRIENDSHIP—One reason you are in this person’s life is to be their best friend and teach them how friendship works. Through your influence they are learning the value of total acceptance, genuine curiosity, and loving concern for others. Even if they are a lover, you are good friendship karma for them, and consciously activating the friendship component will help balance the relationship.

  OBJECTIVITY/SEEING THE BIGGER PICTURE—You can help them become more objective about situations that are troubling them. Don’t hesitate to nudge them in the direction of seeing a difficult situation from a wider perspective that includes the needs and wishes of the others involved, rather than just their own desires. Approach them as a friend with helpful information, prompting them to consider circumstances more objectively, especially in terms of how they express themselves. Help them to tune in to higher insights that give them a bigger picture of what’s going on as a way of gaining clarity and peace of mind.

  SUPPORT FOR THEIR DREAMS AND ASPIRATIONS—If this person has a desire to reform society, and their contribution can make a positive difference, on a deep level they may have called you to help them to realize that goal. You are in their life to validate their altruistic and humanitarian instincts and help them succeed. You will naturally recognize their talents and ideas they have that can benefit society and will encourage and support them in actualizing these gifts in the world.

  POTENTIAL AREAS OF CONCERN—In bringing this person new insights and helping them to see the bigger picture, you tend to diminish their ability to simply enjoy life and to get in touch with their creative impulses. It is in both of your best interests to go out of your way to plan some time for relaxation, and to verbally support them in any creative ventures. Also, be aware that you will inadvertently give this person bad advice about their biological children, romances, or creative projects—except in the context of helping them to see the bigger picture so they can make better decisions for themselves.

  BEST APPROACH—You have come into this person’s life because on a deep level they have called for help in seeing the bigger picture and gaining objectivity so they can navigate their life more successfully. So if misunderstandings arise, your best bet is to resist any tendency to take their actions personally, and to help them—as a friend—become more objectively aware of their behavior. As you encourage them to view unfolding events within the larger scheme of things, they will be able to live their life with more awareness. One way to assist them is to ask questions, such as: “What is the bigger picture here?” “What would you like to have happen in this situation, and do you think the other person has the same goal?” In this process, you may trigger an insight that allows them to clarify what is really important and resolve any emotional drama in the situation.

  PAST LIFE INFLUENCES—It may be that in a past incarnation, you in some way locked this person into a specific role, draining them of the power to be themselves and to follow their own dreams. In this lifetime, your job is to help free them of any rigid role that may be preventing them from being themselves. You are uniquely equipped to be an instrument of their healing, and in the process, any psychic scars you may have from past lifetimes with this Soul can also be healed. If your South Node also conjoins a planet in their 5th House, then your connection is truly a matter of destiny—a contract to be fulfilled—and these influences will be felt much more strongly (see Part III).

  When your North Node is in their 12TH HOUSE, you are bringing them the gifts of:

  SOLITUDE AND SERENITY—The Universe has brought you across this person’s path because they are ready to be open to a more metaphysical, mystical level of awareness. Your purpose is to support and empower their ability to tap into a connection with invisible forces—and their own wellspring of inspiration. Encourage them to relax, spend time by themselves, and reestablish the importance and strength of their own inner life.

  INCREASED SELF-AWARENESS—We all have unconscious reflexes resulting from our history that undermine our effectiveness in the world and prevent us from getting what we want. We may approach something we desire with a sense of fear that causes erratic behavior or excessive inhibition, or we encounter a block that defeats us. One of your gifts to this person is to help them become aware of how they have been sabotaging themselves and to heal and release some of these disturbances from their psyche.

  SPIRITUAL TRUST AND SURRENDER—You have come across this person’s path because they need to build their trust that everything is working out according to Divine Order. Your influence will help them develop their connection with the Spiritual Power that supports their life. Be interested in their ideas about trust and their viewpoint regarding reliance on a positive Higher Power. Your energy will help them become stronger in their faith and have a positive effect on their psychological health.

  COMPASSION—Your influence helps them take more downtime for reflection, which deepens their capacity for compassion—toward themselves and others. If they remain too focused on the mundane details of life, they tend to become perfectionistic and critical. When they sense your deep understanding and acceptance, it helps them relax and feel more confident in the natural flow of life. You are also aware of any desires they may have to be of service to those in need.

ENTIAL AREAS OF CONCERN—In the process of bringing this person the gift of supporting their solitude so they can develop a greater reliance on a Higher Power, you can drain energy from their ability to work and organize their time in a way that allows them to be productive in the world. In fact, you will inadvertently give them bad advice in terms of their work, getting organized, and their physical health. It is best to support them in getting input from others regarding these issues.

  BEST APPROACH—You have come into this person’s life because on a deep level they have called for help in recognizing and releasing their self-sabotaging behaviors. However, it works best if you refrain from approaching them with suggestions for making specific corrections. Just keep boosting their confidence in their own spiritual connection with Divine Order: “All is well.” “Everything is unfolding as it should.” From that place of calm and trust, the practical answers they need will come to them.


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