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Friends of the Younger Variety

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by Matt Tims

  Friends of the Younger Variety

  Copyright © 2019 Matt Tims



  Chapter 1 – Porn with Breakfast

  Chapter 2 – Eavesdropping

  Chapter 3 – A Good Guy

  Chapter 4 – A Last-Ditch Effort

  Chapter 5 – Chuck Norris Shots

  Chapter 6 – Game Night

  Chapter 7 – The Game

  Chapter 8 – The Morning After

  Chapter 9 – Game Time

  Chapter 10 – A Hail Mary

  Other Works & Contact Info:

  Chapter 1 – Porn with Breakfast

  “Put some clothes on.”

  Jen stopped in her tracks, turning to look back at her husband. “Excuse me?”

  “Put something on that’s more appropriate for a woman your age,” Mike huffed before going back to reading his newspaper.

  A thousand different thoughts rifled through her head as she glared at him. His negative comments no longer caught her off guard, so this really wasn’t different from any other day. Daily insults and criticisms from Mike had become the norm. No matter what she did or how much she changed in herself, nothing seemed to make him happy.

  She couldn’t have asked for a better marriage three years ago. They were the parents of a beautiful fifteen-year-old son who was a bright boy and a promising athlete. She had a great job and a family she cared about, but something changed in Mike: he became cold. Their deep conversations were replaced by short one and two word answers. The amazing sex they enjoyed several times a week changed into a mediocre lay once a month at the most. Her husband barely even acknowledged that she was alive at this point unless it was to criticize her.

  She could still remember the exact moment everything took a turn for the worse. Over a thousand days had passed since that fateful interaction, but those handful of words were permanently tattooed on her brain. They’d planned on going out to grab a bite to eat on a Wednesday night. She was applying her makeup in the bathroom when Mike came in to use the toilet, and he attempted to squeeze between her butt and the wall instead of waiting for her to finish.

  “I can barely get by this giant ass,” he commented as he pushed his way through.

  It wasn’t a playful, fun comment. Nor was it a sexy way of telling her how much he loved her big butt. It was a remark which was intended to hurt, and that’s exactly what it did.

  She played nice when they went out to eat that night; but after arriving home, she scurried down into the basement and cried. She couldn’t comprehend why the man she loved had turned into a different person. Why did he suddenly want to hurt her? Why had he lost all interest in her? It had to be something she was doing.

  She knew that she’d let herself go a bit over the past few years. She didn’t have the tight, toned body she possessed when they first started dating, but how could she? She worked forty hours a week, ran a household pretty much by herself, and drove her son to all his sporting events and activities. But she knew that she was responsible for her weight gain as well. No one forced her to eat fast food or prevented her from going to the gym; and at that moment while crying alone in the basement, Jen decided to change her life.

  She was going to win her husband back.

  That night, she sat in front of her computer and jotted down five pages of notes on what to eat. Her morning bowl of cereal would be replaced by a smoothie consisting of kale, carrots, celery, and a variety of fruits; her afternoon fast food would be swapped out for a fresh salad without the ranch dressing she loved to drench it in; and she would enjoy baked chicken and mixed vegetables for dinner while her son and husband indulged in their beloved pizza, tacos, or Chinese food.

  She also joined her son’s gym the following morning. Page after page of lower body and butt toning exercises were printed out and studied. Her jiggly backside would be a thing of the past. Her body would become irresistible to Mike. He would be getting into trouble at work for showing up late because he just couldn’t keep his hands off of her in the mornings. Their son would yell at them to keep it down at night because they’d be having the wild sex they once enjoyed. It would all change.

  But nothing did change. Three years passed and Mike never came around. She went through his phone, computer, and even followed him around for a short period of time to catch him having an affair. Cheating was the only possible explanation for his complete change in behavior, but he was clean, and she was officially out of ideas. This was the man who she was married to now—a man who seemingly hated her guts.

  She glanced down at her outfit and asked, “How’s this inappropriate?”

  The tight black yoga pants and gray tank top with spaghetti straps she was wearing reminded her just how much she liked her body. Her arms and shoulders were toned and lean, her stomach was flat with a hint of abs beginning to show, and her legs and butt were muscular and strong from the countless hours she put in at the gym every week. Three consecutive years of healthy eating and working out had transformed her physique, and she took pride in showing it off.

  “Honestly?” Mike questioned, peering over his paper once again to address his wife. “You’re dressing like an eighteen-year-old, but you’re forty-two.”

  She rolled her eyes. “So?”

  “So, leave those outfits to the younger girls who can pull them off,” he told her before walking over to the counter with his empty cereal bowl, placing it in the sink.

  It’d been years since he worked out or ate anything healthy. Who the hell was he to tell her what she could wear? She would bet anything that she was stronger than her pudgy husband any day of the week.

  “I can’t pull this off?” she asked.

  “Let’s not go there,” Mike snickered. He collected his briefcase and strolled toward the front door dressed in his usual business attire. “I’ll be home late!” he yelled before closing the door behind him.

  The sounds of her attempts at taking deep breaths were being drowned out by her fingernails rapidly tapping on the marble kitchen counter. “Relax…” she quietly said to herself, trying her best to push her anger deep down.

  Everywhere she went she saw out of shape women—women who resembled herself of three years ago. When she really thought about it, she didn’t know any other ladies in their forties who looked as good as she did. The most amazing part of it all was her big butt hadn’t gone away despite her new lean body. She’d originally thought that perhaps her backside was the culprit as to why Mike was so harsh with her, but after doing a little research on the internet, she discovered that her booty was the number one turn on for most men. When she was growing up, girls did everything they could to get rid of their big backsides; now, women were trying their hardest to have one like hers; yet for some reason, Mike still didn’t appreciate her body. And he seemed worse since she’d lost all the weight. It was almost as if he resented her now.

  Her long list of errands wasn’t helping her to relax either. She had the day off from work; but per usual, it was up to her to take care of all the shopping and household chores. Her fingers tapping on the counter grew louder as her anger slowly began to burn inside her again.

  “Hey, Mom,” Brett smiled as he made his way into the kitchen. He grabbed a cereal bowl from the cabinet, and gave his mother a quick peck on the cheek.

  “Hey, sweetheart,” she smiled back, watching him pour himself breakfast with a gleam in her eye.

  Brett was the saving grace of the household for her. He was everything she’d ever wanted in a son; and despite it being years at this point, she still couldn’t get over how much he’d changed. He didn’t even resemble the boy from only a few years ago. His once lanky body was now filled out an
d full of muscles, and his former baby face had been replaced by a rough scruff. The scrawny, somewhat awkward-looking teen had flourished into quite the stud over the past few years, but he was going off to college soon—having been accepted on a scholarship to a university several hours away just like his friends—so it would just be her and Mike all alone in less than a year.

  “Aren’t you gonna be late for work?” he inquired, wondering why she wasn’t getting ready like she usually did at this time.

  She held up a piece of paper which contained her list of errands. “Off today, honey. As you can see, I’m going to have a fun day…” she sarcastically added.

  He continued to devour his morning cereal. “That sucks. By the way, Coach Perlando gave us the weekend off, so is it cool if the guys come over after school?”

  The high school football team had a rare Thursday game yesterday instead of their usual Friday night affair, and with a bye week looming, their coach decided to give them a few days off as a reward for last night’s stellar effort.

  At this point, she probably saw more of her son’s friends than she did of her own husband; and if Jen was being completely honest, a bunch of shirtless eighteen-year-old football players always using their pool wasn’t the worst thing in the world to look at. She could’ve been doing a lot worse.

  “You know your friends are always welcome in this house,” she told him.

  “And we might be going to a party tonight too. That’s cool, right?”

  “Sure, baby,” she nodded. “As long as you follow the rule.”

  “I know, Mom…” he rolled his eyes while finishing the last of his cereal. “No drinking and driving.”

  She smirked while he lifted the bowl to his mouth and downed the remaining milk. “Maybe I’ll come along with you. It’s been a long time since I’ve had some fun.”

  It was an obvious joke, but part of her really meant it. She didn’t do anything with Mike. They never went out to eat, he refused to go to concerts, and he definitely never tagged along to any of her friends’ parties. In fact, attending their son’s sporting events was the only thing they ever did together anymore.

  “Don’t tell my friends that,” Brett laughed. He stood up and headed over to the dishwasher to place his bowl inside. “They might just take you up on it.”

  “Huh?” she asked.

  “They might invite you if you ask,” he clarified himself, rummaging through the pantry in an effort to satisfy his insatiable eighteen-year-old hunger.

  “There are protein bars in the back,” she said while observing him rifling through bags of cereal and boxes of oatmeal. “And I’m sure your friends would love for some old lady to hang out with them.”

  He re-emerged from the pantry with a protein bar in hand. “First off, you’re not an old lady. That’s ridiculous. And secondly, if you only knew the shit I have to hear because of the way you look…”

  She wasn’t following. “The way I look?”

  “Um, yeah, the way you look,” he responded.

  An unmistakably look of curiosity was written all over her face. “What’s wrong with the way I look?”

  The teen bit into his breakfast and leaned back against the counter. “There’s nothing wrong with the way you look. It just isn’t exactly like the other moms.”

  He took a deep gaze at his mother, shaking his head at the sight he was observing. Even without makeup she was gorgeous. Her long, wavy blonde hair that ran down past her shoulders was similar to the hairstyles of his eighteen-year-old classmates, her piercing blue eyes only accentuated her youthful-looking face, and her body was unlike any of the women her own age. Actually, it was unlike any of the women his age. Her flat stomach only helped to bring out her sizable breasts, and her legs and butt were something his buddies were constantly reminding him about. He couldn’t necessarily blame them though. He would be saying the same exact things if she was one of his friends’ moms instead of his own.

  Jen curiously stared at her son, still wondering what the problem was with her appearance.

  His eyes moved down to the floor. He clearly wasn’t comfortable with revealing this information. “It’s just…they uh…they like to bust my balls about it. It’s not a big deal.”

  “Bust your balls?” she questioned. Her always cool, confident son now had a bashful redness to his face. “Like, how?”

  “Well…I-I-I um…constantly have to hear about how hot you are…”

  She was doing her best to hide her smile. On the outside she remained calm and collected, but on the inside she was jumping up and down. An entire school of teenagers were fantasizing about her? She knew that her husband was the crazy one!

  “…and sometimes they like to go into graphic detail…” he finished.

  There was no way that she was burrowing her overwhelming excitement like a responsible mother in her position should be. Her jittery fingers were quite the giveaway for what this revelation had done to her.

  “What do they say?” she asked, glancing down at the table with a slight smile.

  “I’ll spare you the details,” he groaned as he picked up his backpack and checked to make sure that he hadn’t forgotten any of his books. “Let’s just say I always have to hear about how you’re the school MILF.”

  Confusion swept across her face. “MILF? What’s a MILF?”

  “Are you serious?” he laughed. “You don’t know what a MILF is? What year is it?”

  “Um…is it something I should know?” she inquired.

  “Not really,” he answered. “Well, I guess you are kind of one so maybe…but none of this really matters anyway…so, no.”

  “Well, what does it mean then?” she asked.

  He approached his mother and softly placed his hand on her shoulder. “Listen, Mom, I’m gonna be late and never in a million years did I think I’d be having this conversation with you, so I’ll let you figure it out on your own.”

  Jen followed him to the front door and watched him walk out to his car which was parked in the driveway.

  “Have a good day, Mom!” he yelled while opening the driver side door and waving back to the house.

  “You too, baby!” she shouted back. She made sure that he was safely backed out of the driveway before locking the front door.

  “MILF…MILF…MILF…” she muttered to herself on her hike back into the kitchen. “What the hell is a MILF?” She picked up her phone and opened the browser. “M…I…L…F,” she said aloud while typing the word into the search engine.

  MILF is an acronym that stands for Mother/Mom/Mama I’d Like to Fuck. The phrase’s usage has gone from relatively obscure, to mainstream in the media and entertainment.

  “Mother I’d Like to Fuck…” she grinned, scrolling down the page to see numerous X-rated links. One of them caught her attention. It was titled “Hottest MILF Videos,” and led to a porn website.

  She knew there was something wrong with Mike! Her son would always tell her how beautiful she was. That was what a good son did, after all. But an entire school of boys giving him crap over how hot she was? That wasn’t something to scoff at.

  She’d found herself exploring the world of porn more and more over the past few years. She had to since her husband didn’t want anything to do with her physically, but this entire genre of older women and younger men had never come across her radar until now. Let’s just say this was the first time she’d watched anything titled “MILF gets her cougar ass pounded by a big, young cock.”

  The video opened in the backyard of a very expensive-looking house. A beautiful in-ground pool led to a barbecue where a handsome young man appeared to be grilling something.

  She smiled to herself before walking to the kitchen table to retrieve her earbuds. Hey, why not? She couldn’t hurt anyone by watching a little porn, but she still didn’t feel comfortable with the sound on in the empty house for some reason.

  She trekked back to the kitchen counter and popped the headphones into her phone before slipping them in
her ears. Her eyes found their way to the screen as she settled in. Porn before coffee? Was she back in college?

  The video resumed with an older blonde woman who had a body similar to her own, dressed in a skimpy bikini with her big butt and flawless physique acting as the primary focus of the shot. The only difference between the actress and herself was that Jen didn’t possess the over-the-top breast implants this female performer was putting on display. The blonde swiftly strutted out of the house, and made her way to the grilling area.

  “Thanks so much for manning the grill,” she said to the actor in a sultry tone. “It turns out that both my son and husband won’t be back for a few more hours.”

  She couldn’t help but roll her eyes at the horrific porn acting and bad dialogue. Who wrote this stuff? But her disgust was short-lived, and that was all thanks to the young stud who was working the grill after the camera panned in his direction.

  The early-twenties hunk was completely ripped, and his shaved head matched his hairless body to a tee. He was now standing in front of the grill in just his swimming trunks, despite the fact that he’d been wearing a grill apron in the opening shot, but she was more than willing to let that editing error slide as she took in the sight of his bulging muscles and chiseled abs. Why couldn’t the world be full of studs who looked this good? Hell, why couldn’t she be married to one?

  “No problem, Mrs. Fox,” the actor responded before closing the grill. “These are probably thirty minutes or so from being done. Do you have any idea what we can do to pass the time?”

  The awful setup resulted in her checking to see how long the scene was. Thirty-one minutes to go, so why not advance to the eight minute mark to see if things had picked up? It certainly couldn’t be any worse than listening to these two attempt to act.

  Now, this was a scenario that she could definitely jump on board with. The blonde was down on her knees, sliding her tongue along the thick shaft of the extremely hung young man. That was all it took to send Jen’s hand sliding under her tank top, and drifting in the direction of one of her rapidly hardening nipples.


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